Scully burst into Mulder's office, looking worried. "Mulder, I'm sure there's a rational explanation for all this but some aliens got me and now I'm pregnant and/or have some kind of disease."

"Dammit!" said Mulder, betraying his usually cool exterior. "That does it," he continued in his normal monotone. "As soon as you're OK, I'm giving up with this whole X-Files thing. Its just not worth it."

"Thanks, Mulder," smiled Scully. "Maybe you're not so spooky after all."

Later, when Scully was better, Mulder said "Right, that's it. No more X-Files."

Just then the phone rang. Its was Skinner. "Mulder, I just heard that there's some aliens in the Himalayas and something about your sister."

"Get your bags packed Scully, we're off to Asia!" said Mulder, running excitedly from the room.

Scully rolled her beautiful green eyes. "Same old Spooky."