"I'm tired," growled Batman, his words sending tiny steam clouds into the freezing night sky over Gotham City. "I need some coffee."

"Sure thing, Batman!" shouted Robin enthusiastically. "Let's go!"

"Could you keep it down? I've got a headache."

"Sorry, Sir." Robin scratched the back of his head nervously as he grinned widely.

"And stop calling me sir, already. God knows I've known you long enough..."

They climbed down the fire escape (they were up a skyscraper) and headed for the nearest Starbucks. By the time they reached it Batman, who wasn't as young as he used to be, was a little out of breath.

"Coffee. Black. Strong," breathed Batman.

"Yes, Mr. Batman, right away Sir," said the spotty student behind the counter. "I've got all your comic books and -"

"Just get me the coffee, kid."

"And anything for the Boy Wonder?" asked the employee.

"Ooh," said Robin, "get me something with marshmallows in!"

Batman rolled his eyes. It was going to be one of those days.