Title: The Kisses Aqua and Terra Shared

Challenge One

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts

Author: Karma's Slave

Theme: Look Over Here

"And That is all for today, Dismissed" Master Eraqus told his two young apprentices.

"Yes, Master Eraqus," the two fourteen years old, spoke at the same time as they gave a bow of respect to their teacher. Eraqus gave a bow to them before he headed off back into the castle; leaving his young pupils to their own devices.

"So Terra, what to do you want to do now" the bluenette girl asked him as she was not ready to head inside and do her normal routine of studying for endless hours and then reading fictional books out of entertainment; that Aqua would get from her visits to her home world.

"I'm not sure yet" Terra told Aqua as he shrugged his shoulders. Terra would look away from Aqua every time she looked right back at him which was a bad habit that had been noticed by the young girl.

It wasn't like they were still kids where each thought or action of theirs was carefree but as they were now rapidly growing up something had started to change within Terra and Aqua.

For example, Terra wouldn't look aqua in the eyes anymore unless they were training, another thing was Master Eraqus was now having them to spar as not as close to each other as they used to; Aqua figured it was because they were growing they're arms and legs were getting longer. Although Aqua noticed Terra would be blushing madly as if he was a bashful child but Aqua knew that wasn't like Terra.

Aqua recalling the other day, which was the last time they'd had a private sparring session with wooden keyblades they both made as kids, the master had interrupted their personal spar; the master then dragging Terra off, claiming Terra was too sick to for an activity.

Nevertheless Aqua had to wonder here, Terra kind of was acting like this tough but shy character from a book she was currently reading; she noted it was no different than how Terra would normally act but this time it was more so then usual and this was when the young bluenette got her idea.

"Hey, Terra, can you look over here for a moment" Aqua asked him.

Terra turned his face towards his friend, Aqua acting fast as she could as lightly pecked Terra's lips with her own.

And it felt, nice for both them; Terra blushing red as he pulled away from Aqua, turning his head away to hide his not so secret red head face. Aqua simply let out a giggle as she took one of Terra's hands into her own and said, "I like you too, Terra