Clubs. They're ridiculous. They're terrible. All you could see are a bunch of drunken college students and some skanky dancers. I'm currently in one. Being a year too young to drink legally I am accompanied by Tsunami and his girlfriend Kohaku. They start drinking (I mean HE starts drinking) and leave me at the bar to go dancing. I have a glass of light beer in hand with a bored expression.

This is boring. I think to myself.

A bunch of dancers walk to me and ask if I want to dance. I say no and they leave rather pissed. I take a sip of my light beer and just hope that everything doesn't go fuzzy. Then a blond girl in a short top and a short skirt sits beside me.

"Can I have a glass of ginger ale? Put it in a champagne glass so that it would seem like I'm drinking champagne." She says.

"I'm sorry but there's no ginger ale here." The bartender replies.

"Shit. Can you just mix 7 Up or Sprite with a bit of Mountain Dew or a dash of orange soda so it can look like champagne? Or just mix Sprite and Coke to make it look like beer?"

"I'll see what I can do."

The bartender leaves and then the girl beside me sighs. I look at her and notice the confused expression on her face.

"Underage?" I ask.

She jumps up, surprised. Then she looks at me.

"You can tell?" she asks me.

"Yes, I can." I reply.

"Can you not tell anyone about this?"

"Depends. How old are you?"

"Seventeen. Why do you ask?"

I don't reply. Instead I just take out my comb and fix my hair.

"Oh my god, you're underage too!" she says.

"You can tell?" I ask her.

"Maybe." She replies.

I sip my light beer and notice her stare at me. I look at her and she turns her head away. It's silent between the two of us until she speaks.

"You're seventeen?" she asks.

"Yes." I reply. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, since you're not eighteen you might as well be seventeen."

"What's your story?"


"What's your story? Why are you here in this club?"

She appears to be pondering. I take another sip of my light beer and then she looks at me.

"A bunch of my friends invited me. I went to college early so most of my friends are in their legal drinking age. How about you?" she asks.

"It's almost the same." I reply. "I came here with a teammate in his drinking age and his girlfriend who is about our age. Despite my age I've been allowed to drink light beer."

"You really don't look seventeen at all. You look more like you're nineteen or something which is why I was surprised when I found out you were underage."

"Now I see why."

The bartender arrives with a champagne flute with clear, yellow, bubbly liquid.

"Here's your fake champagne, miss..." he says.

"Eri." She replies as she gets her drink.

She stands up from her seat and faces me.

"Wanna dance?" she asks me.

"No thanks." I reply.

"Come on. It'll be fun!"

I take one final sip of my beer and stand up.

"Okay, sure." I say to her, not feeling tipsy at all.

I bring out my comb and fix my hair once again. She giggles and I put my comb back in my pocket.

"What?" I ask.

"It's nothing." She replies. "Let's go!"

She takes me to the middle of the dance floor and dances while I just stand there watching her.

"What's your name?" she asks while dancing.

"Tobitaka Seiya." I tell her.

"Tobitaka Seiya..." she repeats. "I'll remember that. It's nice to meet you, Tobitaka-kun." She says as she smiles.

Her smile manages to make me, well, smile. I smile at her while she dances.

"By the way, my name is Eri."

"I see. It's very nice to meet you, Eri-san." I say."

"Just call me Eri. You don't need to add the –san."

"Okay. You can just call me Tobitaka. Or would you rather use Seiya?"

"Seiya is perfect."

We just met and we're calling each other by our first names. I'm glad, though. I let her call me that.

"What school do you go to?" I ask.

"I just go to a local college in the city. It's nothing big. You?"

"Just some high school around town. It's not a surprise."

A bit of silence adds up to the awkwardness of our conversation.

"Okay, I was kidding." She says. "I go to a performing arts school. Specifically in Julliard. Age doesn't really matter there that's why all my friends are older than me. We're on vacation but I live here that's why we're here in Inazuma."

"A performing arts school?" I ask.


I'm quite surprised. I just met a girl that's way out of my league. I guess bars are very unlucky.

"Tobitaka-san!" a girl calls.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Eri asks.

"No. I don't have a girlfriend." I reply.

Kohaku walks towards me while balancing a drunken Tsunami on her shoulders. He's completely wasted.

"We should get back." Kohaku says.

"Who's this girl, Tobitaka?" Tsunami asks, terribly drunk.

"Is he drunk?" Eri asks.

"Yes, he is. He drank so much that he's stumbling all over the place." Kohaku replies.

"She's too hot for you, man!" Tsunami tells me.

I know that, you dumbass. I think to myself.

"I have to go." Eri tells me. "Bye!"

Eri runs off somewhere until I don't see her anymore.

"Let's leave too."Kohaku tells me.

We walk towards Kohaku's car (with difficulty because of the drunken Tsunami) and ride to the training camp. She helps me assist Tsunami to his room. After that I go to my bedroom and start to ponder.

Eri. What's your last name? Why did you talk to me? And when the hell can we leave this damn training facility?

These thoughts cloud my mind. After the constant pondering I fall asleep.