Disclaimer: I don't own the Nightmare Before Christmas, Scooby-Doo, or Looney Tones. Confused yet?
A/N: I find it somewhat hilarious that soon after I write about Syx getting sick that I come down with the flu. Beware of karma my dear readers! It gets you when you least expect it! XD
It's freaking hilarious in the last chapter how I mention something related to Dumbo and the reviews are all "OMG PINK ELEPAHNTS YAY!"
I absolutely loved it. I kept reading the reviews and giggling at them.
So this is the Christmas special of sorts. I know, I know Christmas was four weeks ago or so. But my Christmas spirit was pretty much dead during the actual season. Listening to Christmas music nonstop for 5-8 hours a day for a month will do that to you. *twitch*
However my Christmas spirit randomly revived itself and seems to have infected my muse. So you guys get this. XD
Well that is enough babbling for now. Enjoy this really late Christmas chapter!
"Sir, I don't mean to pry…but why on Earth do you have cookies, milk, a box, and a stick?"
Syx paused to rearrange his supplies in his arms and grinned at the confused fish. "Oh, there you are Minion! Come, I have to show you!" the child gushed and ran off without any more explanation.
Minion hurriedly rushed after Syx and soon caught up to him just around the corner. The boy had paused in an empty corridor and was quietly arranging the box so that it the front end was propped up by the stick. Syx then placed the box of cookies and the carton of milk under the raised lid of the box.
Syx nodded at his creation and turned around and spotted his perplexed friend. He beamed, "Don't you like my trap Minion? Tonight, I am going to catch the Sandy Claws! I have so many questions that I want to ask him about!"
It was on the tip on Minion's tongue to tell Syx that it was actually pronounced as Santa Claus but he never got the chance. For Syx pulled out a large candy wrapper from his pocket, stepped back a few feet, and casually tossed towards the stick propping up the box.
Though the wrapper was not heavy enough to completely dislodge the stick, it did jostle it a bit. This small tremor caused a sensor on the box to start chirping softly.
"Um, Sir, what is that?"
Syx simply grinned like a madman and raised his finger in a plea for Minion to wait.
A large whooshing noise suddenly echoed throughout the hallway. Minion looked around in confusion but couldn't find the noise of the disturbance.
He was just about to ask Syx when two rockets, each duck taped to a roller skate, shot by in a spray of flying sparks Just before the rockets reached them Syx tossed yet another candy wrapper in the air before him.
The wrapper floated in the air for a brief second before it suddenly disappeared. The cause of the disappearance of the wrapper was the thing directly following the rockets.
It was what looked like a large bag from the laundry room.
The odd contraption hurtled toward the box and narrowly avoided collision with it. With the crisis narrowly avoided the rockets continued their crazy course.
Within moments the rockets had reached the end of the hallway. Before them the hallway split off in opposite directions, forming something reminiscent of a giant T. A row of currently unused cells graced the wall that formed the upper part of the T.
Upon reaching the intersection the roller-skates abruptly split apart. One rocket sped off in the right direction while other raced left. The bag, unable to follow both rockets at the same time, stiffened before it ripped apart.
The force caused the wrapper to jettison out of the bag and into an open cell that was directly before it. Despite the force from which it was thrown the wrapper landed safety on a large pile of mattresses that had been piled against the back wall of the cell. A smaller rocket then the first two activated after a moment and shut the cell door via a rope attached to the cell door, closing it. The rocket, after straining for a few minutes against the rope, ran out of power and fell to the ground smoking.
Syx smiled at his work and turned and gazed at his companion. "Well, what do you think of my trap?"
Minion blinked once and replied, "Err…it's a very nice trap Sir. Though it seems a tad over elaborate if you don't mind me saying. Do you really need all the extra materials?
Syx nodded sagely, "It might look a bit over the top to you. But this trap was created in honor of the greatest trap master of them all: Fred! I'm just doing the trap as he would have."
"So you planned for where those rockets were going then Sir?" Minion asked hopefully.
Syx made great plans, of that there was no doubt, but sometimes the little details escaped him. Usually Minion's job was to help Syx fine tune these plans but since Syx had acted solo on this…Oh dear.
Minion watched with increasing unease as Syx threw him a baffled look. "The rockets? Oh! Well…you see….oh fudge. I completely overlooked that detail didn't I?"
Syx and Minion traded a look of pure panic and in unison they both raced of in the direction of the chaos.
Thirty minutes prior
Warden Blackwell eyed Senior Guard Anderson with suspicion. The man had shown up unannounced in his office and had proceeded to drag him along behind him. Something along of the lines of he had to "see" something.
The suspicion, well any sane person would have it were they in his position. Ever since this cursed season had begun he watched his personnel and the prisoners carefully. They didn't even need a reason normally to come up with a reason for him to spend some…ugh… quality time with the little monster.
But this time of year, with it's motto of goodwill towards all men and peace on Earth, he practically feel the sappiness in his men increase tenfold. So if he got a little…twitchy during this time, who could blame him?
But he swore to God that if they brought out a Santa suit then reputation be hanged, he was going to run as fast as he could back to his office and lock the door.
So it was with extreme caution that Blackwell followed Anderson down the hall.
Eventually they reached a room that the Warden didn't remember seeing before.
At the Warden's confused look Anderson laughed and said, "Yeah this used to be an abandoned storage room. We renovated it and it's going to be Syx's new room! It will be his big Christmas gift from all of us!"
"All of us?" Blackwell replied with a raised brow. What the hell did Anderson mean by that?
"From the prisoners and the guards, like a combined gift. The inmates are going to decorate it by painting the walls and we guards are furnishing it. We already bought a TV, some pillows, a blanket, and we just need the new bed to arrive. Because you know the prison beds aren't exactly known to be really comfort-."
"He doesn't like beds." Blackwell interrupted.
"…What?" Anderson asked in confusion.
Blackwell gave an inward sigh. He really thought the brat's hatred of beds was common knowledge. Apparently not. And just because the fact he noticed it when apparently no one else had would just cement the notion into everyone's heads that he cared. Oh goodie.
"I said he doesn't like beds. He sleeps on the floor in various places in his cell, hell I've even caught him sleeping under the bed once." Blackwell remarked as he looked anywhere but Anderson's face. The fool would probably get all mushy here in a second.
"Well, I'm glad you told us before we put the bed in. Think how embarrassing it would be to put in something that the little guy didn't even like. But he needs something to sleep on. Maybe we could get him a reclining chair or something. What do you think Boss?" Anderson replied in a somewhat strained tone. The man was struggling not to gush and for that Blackwell was grateful.
"I already got him a chair to sleep in. It leans back so the brat could easily sleep in it. We can just put it in the room because it already came in about a week ago," Blackwell remarked cautiously. Anderson hadn't started spazzing over the "adorableness' of it all and the Warden could tell the man was reaching his limit.
Anderson's face broke out in an enormous grin, "I knew we could count on you Boss! Now, does the chair spin?"
Well that threw the Warden for a loop. He glanced at Anderson's face to check if the man was joking but his face was uncommonly serious. "I think it does. Why?"
Anderson barked out a laugh and clapped Blackwell on the back, almost causing him to stagger into the door. "Syx may be an alien from outer space but he's still a little boy. Trust me; a chair's ability to spin is the most important factor when you are a kid. Now come see the room we worked so hard on!" he said as he opened up the door.
It looked like one of those nauseatingly adorable children's books had vomited all over the walls. Grassy hills were covered in fluffy animals and there was even a rainbow over the far wall. They did remember that the brat was a boy right?
The culprits of this act were various prisoners, who were working on painting the walls. One particularly large inmate, 12-58-66, happened to look up at that moment and spotted the two men standing in the doorway.
He waved at the men, "Oh good to see you come by Warden! Look I'm painting a little bunny rabbit! Ain't he cute?"
Blackwell felt his right eye start twitching so he just turned and walked away. Meanwhile, Anderson smiled at the crestfallen bruiser, "Oh it's just adorable as can be. Don't mind the Warden, he just can't find the right words to compliment your work. He's speechless!"
Warden Blackwell was still trying to wrap his mind around whatever the hell he just witnessed when he dimly heard shouts in the distance. By then it was far too late to do anything about what happened next.
Two blurs, made up of a dizzying combination of a sparkling light and high pitched noise, rushed straight at him. One whizzed past while the other crashed into his legs, almost knocking him over.
What he could now tell was a rocket sputtered as it tried to continue forward to no avail. Instinctively Blackwell swatted at it with his hand and it sailed away to crash into the wall of the hallway. But the damage had been done.
While the rocket had been entangled with his legs the sparks had ignited a small fire which was eating his pants. But before he could do anything to put it out there was a large hissing noise from his left and suddenly he was virtually covered in white foam from head to toe.
Utter silence reigned for a brief couple of minutes. Then Blackwell slowly raised a foam covered hand to mop the stuff away from his eyes. He looked left and saw a guard standing with a petrified look on his face and a fire extinguisher in his hands.
From the corner of the Warden's eyes he spotted Syx duck behind a corner with the fish. Figures this would be his doing.
So (to retain some level of dignity more than anything else) Blackwell didn't say anything to the man. He picked up his pace and hurried toward his office. If he could just reach it in time before the shock wore off then he would be safe. There he could get a spare set of clothes and wash up. Just a bit farther now…
"Hey Warden what the hell happened to you? You look like Frosty!"
Nononnononono. He had been so close!
The prisoner who had just spoken in the cell beside took a gleam of mischief in his eyes. He took a huge breath and then began to sing "Frosty the Snowman" as loud as he could.
There was a smattering of laughter and soon the rest of the inmates had taken up the song as well.
Well his dignity was shot all to hell now so anything he did was irrelevant by this point. Blackwell shot the original prisoner a hand motion that was universal in its meaning and sprinted toward his office. Upon reaching it he dove in and slammed the door behind him.
Blackwell sighed in relief as he came out the bathroom connected to his office. He also had a futon in a closet just in case there was a lockdown or the weather was bad.
Now he just needed to grab the extra suit that he had in the closet…where was his suit?
The Warden blinked at the abomination that had taken the place of his spare suit. Turning back to his desk Blackwell picked up the phone and dialed Anderson's number.
"Hey Boss what do you need? Did you get cleaned up yet?"
Blackwell eyes narrowed and he gripped the phone tightly, "Don't give me that innocent tone Anderson. Where are my clothes and why is there a Santa suit in its place?"
A gulp and some nervous laughter echoed from Anderson's end, "Well…err…you see it's really a funny story…"
"Do tell. I just love to hear it," Blackwell said menacingly.
"Oh ummm….oh screw it," Anderson blew out a sigh and gave up on the innocent act. "C'mon Warden it's Christmas! Can't you do this for Syx?"
Oh how the Warden hated that line! They brought up 'But it's Christmas!' and no logical arguing could persuade them!
"Fine. But you owe me big time," the Warden ground out through clenched teeth.
"Really? Oh that's wonderful news Sir! The little guy will be so surprised!"
"Don't make me regret this Anderson."
"Shutting up Boss."
Later that night
The Warden grumbled as he tugged at the ill-fitting suit. He knew that most Santa's were usually big men, but did they have to make every suit a XXL? Wasn't that a tad stereotypical?
Irregardless Blackwell more or less looked the part. He had needed a wig because his own brown locks hadn't passed muster with his guards. Where they had gotten a wig on short notice he wasn't asking. He still had no idea how they smuggled the Santa suit in.
As he turned the corner the Warden caught sight of the milk and cookies up ahead? The hell? It looked like something right out of a Wiley E. Coyote cartoon for God's sake!
In a move that he would later classify as one of the dumbest moves he had ever done, Blackwell walked over to stand directly in front of the box to get a closer look.
Then he heard that same noise that had set his pants on fire and cursed himself for being an idiot. The last thing that he saw was a large laundry bag hurling straight for him.
Bit and pieces came slowly to the dazed Warden's mind. The most persistent thing was a voice that simply would not stop. He really wished it would because he had a really bad headache.
Unfourntatly for him the voice only seemed to grow louder and more insistent the more he tried to ignore it.
So he opened his eyes and was planning to tell the voice to leave him the hell alone. But he caught sight of a worried blue face before him things started trickling back in rapid succession.
A Santa suit…milk and cookies…a laundry bag…Syx! This had his grubby little hands all over it!
"Oh Sandy Claws, you're awake! I thought you were seriously hurt so I sent Minion to get somebody! I'm so glad you're ok!" the brat chirped as he helped the Warden to sit up.
Blackwell groaned and rubbed his aching skull. "What hit me? A truck?"
Syx schrunched his shoulders and tried to look as small as possible. In a very quiet voice he said, "That was me. I set up a trap to catch you."
"Why on Earth did you do that for?" Blackwell snapped, harsher then he really meant to.
Syx flinched, "I wanted to talk to you. I didn't know if you would even come."
Blackwell's heart twisted at the child's words and he tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, "Why would you believe that?"
Syx shrugged and wouldn't look at the Warden, "I thought you only knew all the human children. I didn't think you knew about me."
"Well I'm here so obviously I knew about you. What did you want to ask, uh, little boy?" the Warden turned Santa replied. Hopefully that would fool the kid. He was just lucky he hadn't called the boy a pest or brat as he usually did. That would have given up this charade for sure.
It seemed to work for Syx sent the Warden a giant grin before suddenly tuning shy again, "I heard that children sit on your lap at the place known as the Maul, which I think is a place of torture of some sort, and I wanted to know if I could do so as well. Please? I have never got this chance before!"
Why did the kid have to be so damn adorable all the time? It made it so hard to be gruff around him when he acted like this.
So he sat on the cot on the wall and proceeded to lift the child into his lap. Blackwell expected the pest to start firing off with things he wanted or start asking "Santa" questions that the Warden didn't really have answers to.
But the child was strangely silent. Curious, Blackwell snuck a glance at the child's face. Syx had his eyes shut tightly and had an expression of pure bliss stamped across his features.
To erase the tightening felling in his chest Blackwell cleared his throat, "So what did you want for Christmas kid?"
Syx snapped his eyes and looked up at the Warden in confusion, "Why would I need anything? You showed up. That's the best Creestmass present ever!" Syx then let out a yawn so big it seemed to split his face and rubbed at his eyes.
The Warden was about to suggest that the brat run off to bed when Minion ran into the cell. "I'm sorry but I couldn't find a guard! Has he woken up yet-oh hello." Minion said as he finally took in the sight of his charge in the Warden's lap. Running his eyes over Syx, who was yawning again, Minion smiled and shot a wink at Blackwell. "Let get you to bed Sir. We have an exciting day tomorrow."
Syx nodded and hopped of Blackwell's lap. "Ok Minion. Bye Sandy Claws."
"Goodnight kid."
Christmas morning
The Warden hid a small smile as he watched the pest still spazzing over his new room. Through the course of the morning the child had flipped trough all the channels of his TV, spun in his chair, and examined the drawings on the walls with great excitement.
Now he was hugging and thanking all the guards and the various inmates. The inmates were, predictably, blubbering and crying as they hugged the small child back.
From the Warden's left Anderson laughed and said, "Told you he like the room. Now, are you going to share those cookies or not?"
"Buzz off, I earned these cookies. If you want them you have to go through the trap of death the kid made."
Hal grinned as he leaned back in the chair and watched the TV in his new cell. These were some pretty sweet digs for a prison. This was supposed to be punishment?
Those wimpy prison guards were probably still afraid he was going to zap their head off or something. Wimps.
A knock on his door caused him to spin around. The Warden was standing there, flanked by two guards. "Alright, we're moving you to your new cell."
"What are you talking about dude? This is my cell. You know, the Supervillain one? Duh," Hal said as he spun the chair around to watch the TV.
His chair was abruptly stopped and he was swung back around. The Warden glared at him and leaned in very close to Hal's face. "Listen to me you piece of crap. This is not your cell, it belongs to Megamind. We just kept you in here to make sure that your powers were completely gone. And because they are we are going to give you a cell just like any normal inmate."
The Warden stepped back and signaled the guards to grab Hal. Dragging him between them they came to a cell that was already occupied. None to gently the guards tossed him in and slammed the cell door shut.
The Warden bestowed Hal with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Welcome to your new cell and meet your new roommate, 12-58-66. You two are going to be great friends."
Inmate 12-58-66, who was still just as big as he was years ago, glared at Hal and smacked his fist into an open palm, then cracked his knuckles.
Hal gulped, "Oh crud monkeys."
A/N: Yeah it wasn't until I watched the movie a second time that I noticed that Hal was in Megamind's room at the end of the movie. My reaction was pretty much "OH HELLS NO!" So I changed it this to make my self feel better. XD
I know somebody wanted to see a drabble that dealt with Megamind's room at the prison. I think it was Geek Girl and probably somebody else too. I don't know and I am too tired to look right now.
Oh, and here is and adorable pic I found on Deviantart while I was writing this chapter. http:/tripperfunster(dot)deviantart(dot)com(slash)art(slash)Naughty-or-Nice-190930602?q=favby%3AMegaMindz%2F40447853&qo=0 Go look at it!
Hope you guys liked it and sorry for the long wait (again). I swear I update so slow now.
Read and Review!