Gilbert and Matthew have been hanging out for a while, and so far, have been totally mundane, as mundane as two nations lives can be. But France realizes the potential of this couple and immediately goes about as matchmaker. But nothing France does is small, and soon, just about every nation knows what is happening. With half for and half against the couple, everyone goes about bringing them together or apart. What craziness will ensue? And will Matthew and Gilbert get together, or remain completely oblivious?

All was normal at the world meeting today. America and England had had an argument at the top of their lungs, and were now jumping from glaring at each other to steaming by themselves. Poland was inching closer and closer to Lithuania, who was distracted because Germany had overlooked him and sat him across from Russia. Italy was painting his nails. If asked why, he would explain happily that Poland had told him it was the most amusing thing.

And France, was, surprisingly, not molesting a single person. He was instead watching his former colony with an amused expression on his face.

Canada was very quietly playing tic tac toe with Gilbert ie. the former colony of Prussia. Francis wasn't quite sure why Prussia was at the meeting, he hadn't been a country for a while, but it was ok, since he, recently, had stayed mostly quiet. France hadn't minded in particular, since he was quite fond of Gilbert, but, he now had an idea of why he was so well behaved.

After the meeting, France hurried over to Germany.

"Allemagne! I have a question, its about Prusse." Germany turned to face him with a confused expression.

"Gilbert? What about him? Was he causing trouble again?" The blond flipped his hair out of his face and then smiled charmingly.

"I was just wondering why Prussia has been at the meetings lately. While I do love his presence; he is most delightful to go out drinking with, I know that you had disapproved of him coming to the meetings."

Germany raised an eyebrow, and began to answer when he was tackled by a flying Italy.

"Ve~ ! Germany! Don't you just love my nails? I love them! Oh! Are you still taking me to get gelato? I love gelato! Ve~ !" All of a sudden, Italy saw France and yelled,

"France- nii! Are you coming with us to get gelato? Germany said he wold buy me gelato if I was quiet during the meeting! I was so quiet!" He was now hanging contentedly off of France, who seized this opportunity and squeezed him even closer.

"Ah, no, France, Gilbert asked if he could come to the meeting the other day, and he said that he'd behave." Germany extracted Italy, and than continued. "I haven't heard any one complain, so I let him stay. Italy, shall we g-"

"YAY!" And Italy and Germany were gone, Italy having dragged him away at a retreating speed even the Italian Army would be proud of.

"Hmm..." France walked away even more determined to discover what was happening.

"Hey Spagna?" Spain turned, his bright green eyes blinking quickly.

"France! Long time no see, eh?" France tilted his head.

"Spain, we were out drinking last night... But anyway! Has our lovely mutual friend Gilbert spoken to you recently about, ah, l'amour?"

Spain blinked twice, and stopped fidgeting. "Gilbert, and love? Not recently... Who exactly are you thinking of? Some one we know?"

"Kind of..." France stroked his chin thoughtfully. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from inside the closet behind Spain. France looked confused. "Spain, did you hear that?"

Spain shook his head quickly, his face quite pale.

"No, I didn't hear anything. But what were you saying?"

"Oh. Well, I will find out all I can, and then I'll talk you, oui?" He waved and smiled as he continued down the hallway.

As soon as France was out of sight, Spain knocked on the closet door.

A thin brunette with a very recognizable hair curl tumbled out, and then stood up, glaring.

"Damn it! I turned around and a giant mop attacked me!"

"Ah, mi tomate..."

Romano glared and pointed a finger accusingly. "I told you not to call me that."

"But Lovi~!" Spain leaned forward and purred, "Where were we before France interrupted us?"

Romano blushed, but then smiled slowly.

"I think..." One arm snaked around Spain's back, and the other slid down to below his belt line, making Spain gasp.

"We were right about... here." With this, Romano pulled him by the collar back into the closet.

This time, France went to the source.

"Papa?" Canada spoke quietly, but the question was obvious, especially for the former father country.

"Canada! May I come in?" France was standing on Canada's doorstep.

"Um, of course. But why are you at my house? You haven't come visit me in so long..."

"Exactly why I came to visit! Now, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how are-" Canada was now interrupted by a flying tackle.

"MATTIE!~" France blinked in surprise. For a tall albino had just flown through the house and was now mauling Canada.

"Prussia?" asked France, a slow smile appearing on his face. Yes, yes, he was pretty sure that his first assumption was correct.

"Hey Francis! What're you doing at Mattie's house?" He smiled brightly. "Are you here for pancakes too?" Canada shrugged helplessly as France raised an eyebrow.

"I'll go make them, eh Gil?"

"Okay!" Just as Canada left, France hurriedly said,

"Prussia! While you are here, would you like to go drinking with me later tonight? Spain is coming, which means Romano will be there... And I was thinking of inviting Angleterre, but that means America would come, and I know that Italy will be there which means Germany is coming. What do you think?"

Prussia nodded and grinned slyly.

"Hell yeah!"

"Alright Gilbert. I'll see you later! Tell Matthieu that I will speak to him soon, oui?"

Later that night, Francis was staring contentedly at a german ex- nation who was slowly slipping into a drunken state of the 'What the hell happened last night?' variety. The pub they were sitting in was full, and they had been lucky to get a booth, and the other half of the group had been put in a booth across the room, on the other side of the bar.

Consequently, Italy kept running around to see them, dragging Germany, who would be followed by Romano 'to keep the potato bastard form raping my brother' even though it was so obvious that he wanted to see Spain, who would light up every time he came around.

England was slowly getting drunker, and, surprisingly, America seemed to be getting drunker too. Those two were giggling away to each other, and, if Francis knew anything about them when they got drunk, they'd be sloppily declaring their love for each other in between attempting to swallow each others tongues, not that they'd remember in the morning. Francis sighed. While they were so much fun in this state, since they seemed much more... open to his advances now, it was a little tiring to see them finally accept their decades long crush on each other and then not accept it the morning after.

But France had to focus on this possible couple, rather than that one. But, he could always work on Alfred and Arthur later.

"So Gilbert. Why have you been hanging out so often with Canada?" Prussia turned towards him slowly.

"Francis?" France grimaced. He had obviously miscalculated when he could ask questions. He better ask fast before Gilbert totally slipped into drunkendom.

"Gilbert. Think about Canada. Why are you with him so much?"


"Yes Prusse."

"What was the question?"

France drew a deep breath, and then repeated, "Why are you hanging out so often with Matthew?"

Prussia grinned lopsidedly, and said, "Because we're friends of course! And he makes me pancakes. I love his pancakes!" Prussia leaned forward on the table and kept talking. "And I like when he blushes, because he goes so red! And then I like his ears, and I like his hair, and I like his cute face when hes all smiling! Hmm..." Gilbert then jumped up.

"Come on Spain! Come dance!" Spain, who was also no longer completely sober, jumped up and followed him, grabbing Romano's wrist as he went. This disrupted Arthur and Alfred, who then proceeded to stretch out horizontally on the now vacant booth, moaning as they did so.

But France smiled. He had discovered exactly what he wanted.

Gilbert Beilschmidt liked Matthew Williams. Now all he needed was to make sure Matthew liked Gilbert back... But until then, he had done such a good job that he could go have some real fun, specifically with that cute little red head over there and her little brunette friend.

Being France was never dull, he reflected, as he quickly made his way over to the humans.

Oh yes, some real fun.

Authour's Note: Hey everybody! Who's excited for my first Hetalia fanfic? I am! So, I just want you all to know that I may or may not stay true to the begining description. It should follow that basically, but I'm not promising anything! I hope you liked this! Reviews are extremely appreciated, as always. Have a fantastic day!

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