Disclaimer; I know… I know… another one started…. And it's another unique crossover. Let me know what you think!

I don't own them; I just like to play with them a bit.






Chapter 1

After everything that has happened I can hardly believe that I'm getting to go on an extended vacation, I can hardly believe that right now that I'm on a private jet headed for America! I can barely believe that Sess agreed to let me go with everything that is going on over there. I mean now that vampires have out of the coffin so to speak, it amazed me that he let me go and visit some of my Dads relatives who live in Louisiana, which is one of the states that vampires seem to be thriving in. I know from Sess that I will have to report to the sheriff of the area within a week of arriving that I'm visiting, mainly due to my affiliation with Sesshoumaru, and that I'm a miko. This means that I will be under close scrutiny while I'm there because from everything that I know about vampires they don't trust mikos because they fear holy powers. Which who can really blame them, a miko can purify them with a touch like we can demons. We also can't be glamoured by them, so they can't control us either.

Sess said that the sheriff of the area that I will be staying in is going by the name of Eric Northman. Sess said that he was a Viking before he was turned into a vampire and that by vampire terms he's extremely old and powerful. He also said that there is only a handful older than the sheriff is, and one of those is his maker Godric, whom we both know from the feudal era. He is the one who convinced Sess to join the council in the first place.

I mean he is the demon lord of the west, and he is one of the few beings that have been around as long or longer than vampires have been. I know that he is one of the ruling members of the council of supes. I actually have gone to several of the council meetings with him. I'm actually starting to get the feeling that my vacation isn't going to be much of a vacation, I have a feeling that Sess may have sent me over here with ulterior motives. Damnit! Just wait until I get a hold of him, I know that if I ask him he will tell me the truth, he's never lied to me. I just wonder why he didn't tell me before the trip that he wanted me to check everything out over here. I guess that I'm getting ahead of myself here, I don't know for a fact that is the reason why that he agreed to let me come and visit family here, and I guess that I shouldn't assume that is the reason that he agreed even though he is sneaky enough to do it.

It makes me wonder how long I will be over here before Sess shows up, probly not very long.

I hear the stewardess come from the galley and head towards me.

"Miss Marusan we will be landing shortly you should start gathering your things together and fastening your seatbelt for landing."

"Thank you, how long until we are on the ground?"

"We should be on the ground within the next 40 minutes."

"Thank you again for the wonderful trip."

I watch as she heads back to the galley and start to gather my things together. After I check twice to make sure that I have everything back in my carryall I fasten my seat belt just as the overhead sign comes on telling me to. I quickly brace myself for the landing that is fast approaching. I turn and look out the window to see the landing take place.

After another 15 minutes the plane is on the ground and has finally come to a complete stop, one of the first things that I notice is the airport in Shreveport is tiny compared to the one in Tokyo. The stewardess quickly comes down the aisle to make sure that I'm ready to go.

"We want to thank you for flying with us at Anubis Airlines; we appreciate your patronage Miss Marusan."

"I appreciate the great service and smooth flying that this airline provides. Thank you again; I hope that my trip back home goes as well as the trip here did."

I make sure that my laptop bag and my carry on are both secure before I start down the steps to the tarmac, I head for the terminal and start to go through the process of dealing with all if the paper work of traveling internationally. I quickly pull out all of my paperwork and start dealing with the local law enforcement about my visa to be in this country. I'm just glad that Sess had his people to make sure that everything was ready for me when I arrived here. The whole process didn't last very long at all thanks to that, I quickly sign everything that needed it and head over to the waiting car that will take me to the hotel that I will be staying in tonight, that way I can call my cousin in the morning for her to come and pick me up and take me to the car rental place. That way I will have transportation while I'm here, even though Sess told me that he would take care of that and have one delivered to the hotel in the morning. Knowing him it will be a flashy fast car, one that Americans would call a muscle car.

The car pulls into the hotel parking lot and comes to stop and I wait until the driver gets out and opens my door, I quickly climb out of the car and head toward the door knowing that the driver will bring in my luggage after me. I walk over to the check in desk and smile at the young man who is standing at the counter.

"Welcome to Shreveport's finest vampire hotel, The Dracula's Bride. We hope that you enjoy your stay here. Do you have reservations or are you here to visit with a guest?" He asks politely.

"My reservations we're made by the Taisho Corporation out of Tokyo Japan. My name is Kagome Marusan; I take it that there is no problem with my reservations?" I say to him in a quiet monotone.

"No problems with your room Miss Marusan, it shouldn't take long to get you checked in. According to our information you will be having a car delivered here in the morning, would you like us to ring your room when it arrives?"

"Yes please do, and can you have my luggage delivered to my room?"

"Yes Miss Marusan, here is room key and I'll have one of the bell hops bring up your luggage. Is there anything else we can do to make your stay here more pleasant?" He asks me with a smile.

"Not that I can think of, but if I think of anything I will be sure to let you know. Thank you I'm sure that my stay here will be enjoyable." I look at him hoping that he gets the hint that I was ready to go to my room for the night.

"You have one of the penthouse suites and the bell boy has already started up with your luggage. We hope that you have a pleasant stay here Ms. Marusan."

I smile at him before I turn away and head to the elevator, after I step in I hit the button for the top floor and lean back to start thinking about what I need to do once I get to the room. First I'm going to put up wards in my rooms so that no supernatural beings can enter it, after all this is a vampire hotel. I know that Sess booked it here because they have much better security that a human hotel. Second on my to do list is to call Sess to let him know that I've arrived safely, & third is to call the cousin that I will be staying with so we can make plans to meet here sometime tomorrow.

I guess with my cousin dating a vampire she will know where I can find the sheriff at tomorrow night so I can check in with him before I go to her house in Bon Temps.

Once the elevator stops and the door opens I step out into the hallway and take a look at my key to see that my room number is 801 and head for the door with the number on it, I quickly slide my keycard into the door and once it opens up I glance around the room as I enter it. It is very typical of an upscale penthouse; I notice quickly that the room is decorated in reds, blacks, and grays. I guess that way they don't have to completely replace everything in the room if one of their clients gets blood on something, very practical of them.

I reach into my purse and pull out some sutras and quickly cast the charms on them, I place the first one on the door and I place the second one on the window pane. I look around the room to see the pinkish glow cover over the entire suite.

I sit my carryon and laptop case down on the end of the sofa and start digging through my purse for my cell phone to start my calls, Sess first. I open it up and quickly find Sesshoumaru's number on it and hit the send button.

*Hello Kagome, I take it that your trip was pleasant enough.*

*It was a very pleasant journey here Sess, at least until I had a disturbing thought on the trip.*

*And that thought would be?*

*That you let me come here with an ulterior motive behind it other than for me to connect with some of my family, so is it true Sess?*

*Yes Kagome, it is true that I did see the possibility of you noticing some things while there that would answer some questions that the council have about the area.*

*Why didn't you just ask me to look into it Sess? You should know by now that I would have done it for you.*

*Yes femina I do know that you would do it with me asking you, but I didn't want to ask you to do it. I knew that if anything wasn't like it should be you would have told me about it. I honestly want you to enjoy visiting with your family. You needed a long break from dealing with everything here for a while.*

*So what in particular is the council wanting to know? You must believe that I will be around whatever it is if you want me to notice things about it.*

*You know me too well femina, I in particular want to know why the Queen sent Compton to Bon Temps, and why is it only in her kingdom is the sell of V on the rise where in others it is slowly declining.*

*Would that be a Bill Compton that she sent to Bon Temps?*

*Yes it is, what do you know about him? You just arrived there.*

*True, but he is my cousins boyfriend Sess, remember I told you that she was dating a mainstreaming vampire.*

*Yes I remember you telling me, I don't believe that I remember hearing you say his name though. So, I believe that it would be safe to assume that whatever reason he was sent there has to do with your cousin.*

*Why would it be safe to assume that Sess?*

*Because from everything that I could find out about him, he doesn't like humans at all. He believes that they are beneath him, inferior to vampires in all ways. And he has almost always lived in large towns since he was turned. He's spent the last 70 years in Seattle, and since he left there he's been in New Orleans in the Queens palace. So for him to move to a very small community like Bon Temps would make me curious as to why he did. It doesn't make sense Kagome.*

*Your right it doesn't make sense, but what does my cousin have to do with it? What is so important about her that would cause a vampire Queen to send someone to where she lives?*

*I really have no clue about that, for all we know she could have sent him there for an entirely different reason. Even if that would be too hard to believe with what we know about Compton. So keep your eyes open, and report anything out of the ordinary.*

*I will Sess, and if it gets too hot here I'll call Godric and Isobel and ask them to help me figure it out. I might just do that anyway, his mind has always seen the world differently than most people ever would.*
*Very true, and if I remember right you had a huge crush on him when you were younger.*

*Just shut up while your ahead Sess, I guess I should get off of here so I can call Sookie before it gets any later its after 10 pm here now as it is. I just have one more question before I get off of here.*

*And that would be?*

*Should I ask Sookie where I can find the Sheriff?*


Well I think that is great place to stop this chapter;)

Thanks for reading this and please review and let me know what you think of it so far.

