
I don't own any ranger teams mentioned….this would have been an episode if I did!

Please R2 (Read and Review) and thanks for doing so!

AN: This is a wicked muse that came to me, so that's my explanation for this.


-The ninjas still have their powers

-Daggeron has joined the mystics, but not Leanbow

-Trent is no longer evil, Dr. O is involved

-This has nothing to do with the plot of Trust no one; none of the characters are included.

ANN: I have no idea where Blue bay, Reefside, or Briarwood is…please tell me! It would be great to know a general location…or I will assume they are all in California. Yes I know they don't actually exist, but where would they?


I hope you enjoy ;)

She was having a bad day.

Moving through the forest at top speed she thought of all the things she was going to say. Rarely did she get angry, but the few times she was peeved off…as Shane described it once as the time to head for the hills, it was like a full blown Tsunami. Water was her element, calm and collected, but still able to unleash hell.

Entering Ninja Ops, the aura of the space was like it usually was. Happy and relaxed, the people still ready for action. Cam was typing on the computer, cyber Cam and Sensei looking over his shoulder. The alpha males were arguing again, with Blake watching on the side lines. The air was light; there was no hint of her hidden rage.

Then Dustin met her gaze and boy did she glare. His eyes went wide, he knew that stare.

"Hi" The male she considered her little brother squeaked

Which in translation actually meant RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

The single word halted every action going on in the room, all eyes went to her. Shane's eyes matched the yellow ranger's as did Cam's, poor thunders she thought….they had no idea what was coming.

"Hi?" She hissed "That's all you have to say?"

"Tor…" The dark haired red stepped forward, knowing that it was time to shut down the situation or hide.

The energy swelled inside her, the wave was going to crash soon "Don't Tor me! Just tell me why you did it?"

"Um…we thought it would be funny" Hunter mumbled, knowing that he was in trouble

Her patience was snapped, the wave broke.

"YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!" The blue ranger roared taking a step forward

"Look, Tori, I'm sorry" Taking his big brother role that he had assumed since they had met, Shane sincerely looked in to her eyes and spoke the sentence. But it didn't matter, they were drowning.

"Like it matters, you don't care."

All jaws dropped, she mentally smiled. The words were worse than being yelled at, the thought that she thought they didn't cared would kill them.

"Tori…" Blake sputtered, he had no idea what had brought this upon them, but he didn't care. She thought they…which was completely false. He cared, more than she knew.

"It's a game you play to keep me around, you never cared." Although she knew this to be false, she heard their hearts break. Turning to march out, she heard their last attempts to reach her.

"Wait!" Dustin stood to prepare to rush at her

"Tori" Cam spun in his chair, ready to the same

"We didn't mean…" Hunter ran off, pure regret in his eyes

"We never meant…" Shane took from his fellow red's sentence, but it was filled with guilt instead

She said nothing, torturing them more.

"I don't know what they did…" Blake paused, to gather the right words "But can't we talk about it?"

Normally she would have turned and respected his request, but there was no turning back.

"Find your own ride home"

With the sentence she streaked away from them, far away. No footsteps were heard following; they were most likely in shock. She just couldn't take them anymore, but where to go?

"If you need anything…"

A smile came to her face, as she ran closer to the place where a female ally was.

Anger was rising in another being, she was pissed; there was no other way to explain it.

Not caring about the consequences, slamming the door open with enough force to rip it off its hinges. She glared at the customers in the music store before narrowing in on a specific target.

"XANDER!" She bellowed, making the male jump out of his skin

"V-v….w-what's u-up?" Rarely did the green ranger stutter, only when he was faced with her unmistakable anger.

"Don't ask me what's up! Tell me you didn't say it and I'll go away!" Grabbing hold of his collar, she was tempted to throw him across the room.

"I…NICK!" She turned for a moment to see another target of hers; the red ranger stood staring for a moment, when Xander kept yelling "CHIP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

And then there came Chip, bounding out of nowhere to the rescue, in a cape of course. Weighing his chances, Nick also decided to assist. The leader of their team grabbed her, while the goofy yellow grabbed her intended victim. Struggling against the fire boy, she growled like an animal. He had managed to pull her off of him, which was amazing considering she had a iron grip.

"Vida, what is going on? Nick demanded, connected eyes with her for a moment

Then she broke away to hiss at Xander "Did you or did you not?"

All three males' eyes went wide; they were in on it too. She took the moment of shock to break away from Nick to catapult herself towards the earth ranger. He saw her coming and dodged. She was about to give chase when, lucky for Xander, Toby intervened.

"Any reason you are chasing Xander?" She hissed in irritation in his direction, she wanted to kill all three of her teammates not talk to her boss

"Let's just say that some things said about how worthless women are were said in my sister's presence!" She yelled the last part; no one messed with her sister and got away with it. Mother bear syndrome also applied to siblings it seemed.

"She was there?" Chip squeaked, he knew they were screwed

"YES SHE WAS!" She didn't care that there were customers, no one made her sister cry "DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS NOW?"

"Um…no" Xander swallowed; being careful to keep his voice as non threatening as possible. From experience he knew the best way to deal wit Vida in this state was to ride it out and hope that you were still standing when it was all over.

"She is in my room crying, where she had been all day. She has been crying all day" She said in deathly cold voice, their eyes went wider

"She…" Nick ran off, he had never wanted this.

"I FOUND HER CRYING HER EYES OUT, DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT MADE ME FEEL!" Vida roared, wondering if a punch to the mouth each would fix it.

"Mad?" All three feebly suggested

She just stared, they didn't care that they had broken her sister; they just wanted to believe it never happened.

"No…" She paused "I felt horrible that I believed my friends' were better than that, that I had trusted the three of you!" With that she turned and walked away.

Her walk up the street then turned to a run…a sprint. Finding her house, she went upstairs to where she had left her sister. Stuffing clothes into a bag, she attracted her sister's attention.

"What are you doing?"

The small voice made her turn to stop her packing for the moment. Trails of tears still littered her cheeks, her eyes red. No one hurt her sister, she made her decision.

"We are leaving, going on a vacation" Madison nodded, beginning to pack what looked like an overnight bag.

She finished quickly, going to grab something; her hand brushed a picture frame. It knocked over, out of habit she picked it back up. It was the five of them, hanging all over each other with wide smiles.

They thought that she and her sister's were useless, after all that's what Maddie had heard.

You think we are useless? She thought with bitterness rising up in her

Gathering her bag, holding her sister's hand, they exited the house to climb into her car. It wasn't the best car, but it would get them to where they were going. She remembered the offer…

"If you need anything…"

Driving down the road, she knew that it was better that they were going.

You think we are useless? She gripped the steering wheel enough to make her knuckles white…

Then try living without us.

He was in shock, as were they.

The navy ranger turned to look at his teammates. He focused on his brother, who had a look of regret, like he had…wait, the other wind rangers had the same look. He felt the anger rise in him as he asked the question.

"What the hell did you guys do?"

He stared at his students.

Taking a breath he looked at their expressions of regret, guilt, and sorrow.

"Tell me again, what happened?" Daggeron asked

The three rangers had flown into Root Core, demanding to know if either of the sisters were here. He replied no, was something wrong? The answer had taken twenty minutes to get out and that was in mumbled words that he could barely heard, let alone understand.

Nick shuffled a little before meeting his gaze "Well…"

Reviews? Please!

So what did the guys do?

And where are the girls going?