A/N: Sorry this took me so long I wrote it awhile ago just never got the chance to finish it! I've been so busy with High School stuff :)

Mitchie and Caitlyn walked out of the bathroom, talking and laughing. They were talking about their encounter last night. Currently waiting for Shane to wake up, Mitchie began making breakfast. "How do you like your eggs?" Mitchie asked Caitlyn. "scrambled!" She said excitedly, like a little kid. Mitchie laughed, putting 6 eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a fork. Since her mom was a cook, she knew how to cook, also. Caitlyn got up to help out, not knowing what to do. Mitchie put a knife in Caitlyn's right hand and a big red pepper in her other. "Get a'choppin'!" She said cheerily. Caitlyn begins to chop the red pepper as Mitchie pours the whipped yellow eggs into the heated pan. "So Mitchie...tell me about you." Caitlyn questioned.

"I help my mom in her restaurant on weekends but during the week I have a job at a producing company. It's not that exciting, actually. I just file paperwork for the clients. That's how Shane and I met. He was a client. Still is." Mitchie replied, focusing on not letting the eggs burn. Caitlyn nodded. "So...you guys were dating?" She needed to know. "Yea, we were. We were so in love. We protected each other. He was so great to me." Mitchie stated, starting to get choked up. "Oh, Mitchie I'm so sorry!" Caitlyn comforted, going over to Mitchie, who had put the eggs on the plates and turned off the stove, and wrapping her arms around her waist from behind. "I had no idea. He never told me he had a girlfriend! If he did I would have never...you know. But on the plus side, we would have never met." Caitlyn said, smirking and leaving a trail of butterfly kisses along her neck. Shane happened to walk shirtless out of the bedroom at this moment, watching them from the doorway. "You girls may need to help me out here." He says as he looks down to the rising tent in his boxers.

"Last night was a one time thing." Mitchie said as she looked at Shane. Looking back at Caitlyn, she quickly added so Shane could hear her, "For him at least." The girls giggled while Caitlyn's hands roamed Mitchie's body. "Shane what do you want for breakfast?" Mitchie asked, slowly scrambling the eggs to make them perfect for her new lover. "I'll pass. Not hungry. For food, anyway." He said, then smirked. Caitlyn passed him a smile that said she knows what he means. Caitlyn, still hugging Mitchie from behind, put her hand on Mitchie's back under her shirt and rubbed in small circles. Mitchie moaned, leaning her head back against Caitlyn's shoulder. "mmm...don't stop." Mitchie groaned her ecstacy. Shane watched intently as his two ex's were touching each other sensually. His hand absent-mindlessly went to his boxers. He cupped his balls in his hand and began to squeeze, moaning in the process. Mitchie, too intent on what Caitlyn was doing to her, didn't notice this but Caitlyn did. She gave him a look that said "cut it out" and continued moving her ministrations on Mitchie frontwards. Her hand dipped inside Mitchie's pants and she began quickly patting Mitchie's hood. Mitchie became even more aroused that her panties were practically dripping from the wetness of her pussy. Mitchie moaned loudly in response as Caitlyn started to rub in big circles on her hardened clit. Now Shane's hands were in his boxers, rubbing his shaft up and down, smothering the precum from the tip all around the body, all over his balls.

A/N: Hey sorry to end it so soon but I have to go to sleeeppp! xD I thought you guys needed another chapter sooner than later so I stopped it right at the good part just for you hahaha jk jk I'm just reallllyyyyy tired :P