WARNING: This is not for immature readers. It's very explicit, and it's enough to make the few people I had read over it go "woah." This is just a short, there will be no more. Everything else will be updated later. Reviews will make me update them faster. Love, Rei.

Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine. The plot is mine, completely and wholly.

Prospects – A Dark Sketch.

I've never seen anyone quite as beautiful as he was in that moment. His head was slammed back in ecstasy, dark hair hanging in his face. His swollen lips, bruised from our passion, were slack, his breath coming out in ragged pants as broken whispers urged that we continue. His hands alternated between bracing himself and pulling my body against him, his fingers tangling in my hair or massaging my breasts. His bare chest rose and fell rhythmically with each harsh breath and powerful thrust. I knew there would be no promise of commitment nor any soft words of endearment - after all, there was nothing soft about him, his body was all hard angles and firm muscle - but still, that was the moment I found myself in love with Severus Snape.