
"… and that's what to do if a hobo tries to steal your ham." Sam smiled at the camera as the video ended.

"I still can't believe you stuffed him in Freddie's locker," said her co-host in disbelief.

"Me neither," added the tech producer, shaking his head.

"Shut up Fredwierd. Just hold the camera and stay quiet or you'll be in the locker also."

He stuck his tongue out at her as the show continued.

Carly spoke, "Now we'll like to introduce a new segment…"

"Videos with Gibby," the girls said together. Sam pressed the button on her remote to start the applause as Gibby strolled unto the screen with a green bowtie and black cargos. Nothing else.

"Welcome to my new segment. Please send me interesting videos to my blog and I may show it. First off we have one of a dog in a ballerina tutu…" Freddie punched in the command for the videos to start running consecutively.

While he was focusing the camera on Gibby he felt a wet finger suddenly enter his ear. He temporarily lost concentration and almost dropped the camera. He whisked his head around to face a giggling Sam. Freddie glared at the menace and scowled. She raised her eyebrows and smirked, daring him to chase her. He put the camera on the tripod so that he could chase after the demon. Gibby was oblivious to the happenings of his cameraman and the blonde, Carly was not. Freddie had managed to corner Sam at the elevator door trying to stick a wet finger in her ear. Carly ran to the elevator door trying to pull Freddie off Sam. Surprisingly, all the commotion took place with little noise. Gibby still rambled on; now there was a cat playing Violin Hero.

Carly checked her watch. One minute for Gibby to complete his segment. She ran for her squirt bottle while her friends continued their battle.

Just as Carly returned, armed with an icy cold squirter, Gibby was closing off, "And that concludes Videos with Gibby." Only now realizing that there was no one behind the camera or at the side of him, Gibby looked at the audience dumbfounded. However, the videos continued to play. He had apparently forgotten one.

The screen showed Freddie sitting in the classroom with some of his buddies from the AV club. "So Freddie, truth or dare," one member asked.

"Truth," Video Freddie answered.

The iCarly gang froze in their melee at the sound of the tech producer's voice. Apparently this video was not approved during rehearsals. Carly looked at Gibby who was looking very nervous and sweating profusely. Freddie sat in shock at the video, wondering how it ended up on the DVD. Sam started giggling at Freddie's predicament.

"Who are you in love with?"

Freddie's eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets. He quickly remembered this AV club meeting but not that anyone was filming it. More importantly he remembered his answer to the question. He scrambled to standup to get to the laptop to stop the video but fell. He glanced back at the elevator door to see a snickering Sam who had just tripped him.

The Freddie on the video hung his head down and mumbled his answer, but it was still audible. "One of the co-host of iCarly."