Why Silent Hill? Why Yugioh? I'm crazy, certifiably insane, and you can quote me on it too. I don't know why I was hit by this particular bit of inspiration...and I don't care. The finicky plot bunnies of mine have bitten me, and they've come up with a hell of a doozy. Those few of you who actually stumble upon my half cooked stories (and some of my not so half cooked as...easily tosses aside) may have noticed my rapt fascination with emotion...I try my best to capture the inner workings of my characters because I'm obsessed with it. So much so, that often I loose the overall setting of the story, and am lost as to where the heck my characters physically are.

I'm going to try and break out of that at least, bring in a bit more action and less...thought process. And what better way to do that then to bring in Silent Hill? That epitome of hell that serves to bring the inner working of the character's base fears and habits INTO the physical? ….Or so it seems.

And WHO do I have in mind to bring into that nightmarish world? Seto freakin' Kaiba. My fav. Character. And I'm sure he'll love me for it. Oh, this could be fun...

Disclaimer; I don't own Yu-gi-oh, and I don't own Silent Hill. If I did, they would never finish a season. (hah...hah)

He really should have known better then to let his brother, his precious baby brother, test the latest prototype for the virtual reality simulators. However, as with all things in hindsight, what he should have done really didn't matter right at that moment.

"Kaiba-sama! The pod is malfunctioning! If we don't get him out soon he could-"

"I know perfectly well that it's malfunctioning you brainless dolt! Quit telling me what could happen if we don't get him out and start figuring out a way to get him out!"

Needless to say, it was the worst day for Seto Kaiba, CEO of the famous Gaming company Kaibacorp, to be reminded that it was so hard to find good help these days.

Especially when all they could seem to do in a crises was panic. He had hired them to be able to handle these sorts of situations, damn it. Why even bother if it always fell to him to fix the problems in the first place?

Of course, the fact that the current situation was far more serious then a simple glitch or virus in the programming, something that would only erase the code at worst, wasn't helping his mood any. His brother was in that pod, if anything happened to him...

"Fuck it. I'm going in after him."

That certainly caused him a good few looks from his...rather incompetent staff. They all looked like owls, or monkeys, the way they just starred blankly at him like they were doing.

One idiotic soul even attempted to open his mouth and question him, the moron. Didn't he understand that this was Seto's brother on the line here?

"But Mr. Kaiba-"

"Don't 'but' me you ingrate! There's a fail-safe in the game that he can access if something goes wrong. I put it in there for just such an occasion. The fact that he hasn't used it means one of two things; either he hasn't noticed anything's wrong, or something happened to him in-game."

The man who'd dared to question him was looking like a fish now, and all the other likely-soon-to-be-x-employers-if-he-didn't-get-some-help-soon were silent beside him.

"All that means is one thing, someone has to go in there after him. And I don't trust any of you idiots to do it. The system's not so damaged that we can't add in another player into the system at this point, I just need to find him quickly, activate my fail safe and get us both out. Simple process, simple solution"

Fish man was acting up again. Mokuba would likely enjoy that analogy, Seto made a note to tell him about it when he got the both of them out of the game, right after he did some 'weeding' of his engineering staff.

"But Mr. Kaiba, if you spend too much time in there and the system shuts down, the both of you might wind up with serious repercussions-"

"I know perfectly well what might happen if I should fail. I don't need any of you saying what I already know. It doesn't matter. What matters is that my brother needs me and I'm going to go in there. Is that understood?"

He had to admit that he always enjoyed how easy it was to make people jump, simply by 'barking' a command at them. He would've been a bit more amused, if it weren't for the fact that his brother's mental health, and quite possibly life, were on the line at that moment.

"Of course, Kaiba-sama. We understand. We'll get started right away."

It was also satisfying how snapping at his workers tended to cause instant efficiency in them. Of course, Seto would've preferred it if they had been this quick to respond before he had snapped at them. Seemed wishful thinking however.

He quickly jumped into the pod, a far sleeker, and a bit more comfortable version from the first ones that had been designed. Seto had noticed a few cramps had developed when he had first woken up from that sham of an attempt of a takeover the Big 5 had tried, and he had decided to at least work on that flaw, not mentioning all the flaws he worked on with the actual virtual world itself.

He settled himself inside, directing his laser cobalt gaze towards his engineers, signaling that he was ready to start the game.

"Remember, keep the program running for as long as you can. I'm going to find Mokuba, and get him out. As soon as we're both awake and only on my word you are to shut the program down. Is this understood?"

Fish man, who apparently was appointed spokesperson, or at least the target of his glare, nodded and answered for the rest of the incompetent bunch.

"Y-yes sir. We'll keep it going."

Seto nodded, once. Then he gave the command, and felt his consciousness slipping, readying himself to fall into the game world RPG that he had been working on for the past few months. A game world where knights and monsters were alive, and characters nearly as three dimensional as real people could be found.

This was the world Seto had expected to end up in.

When he opened his eyes, however, a world of medieval knights and monsters was not what greeted him.

Instead, all he saw was a worn, double lane street, jutting out from a mountain, with a green sign standing in front of him.


Oh, and the fog. Can't forget the fog, so thick he could barely see ten feet in front of him, only reason he could see the sign was that he was practically standing right in front of it.

The sign was in English The game was programmed to be written in Japanese, and obviously streets and road signs were not common in a fantasy, medieval rpg world.

Guard rails weren't common in a medieval setting either.

Fog was though. At least the fog was natural.

Not that Seto cared about that miniscule detail at that moment.

"What. The. Fuck. Is going on?"

Seto Kaiba was not having a good day. Not in the slightest.

Oookay, that wraps up chapter one...let's see if I can actually make a chapter two, neh? I know, it's short, but this could be interesting.

I read that there was at least...two silent hill and yugioh crossovers on . One of them had Kaiba in it. Not surprising, with his back story? Yeah, man has SO many problems, Silent Hill would tear him to pieces and spit him out.

If it seems I'm switching a lot between Mr. kaiba and Kaiba-sama...it's because I really don't know which I want to use more...I'm putting the setting into Japan, and mixing the universe between the Japanese anime (with some dub elements thrown in if I feel like it) and the manga back story...because D-t is a MUST for this story. It's only half cooked in my brain right now, and the finicky plot bunnies have been known to not really partake in half cooked meals, but I"m going to try.

So, in essence, setting is in Japan, Silent Hill has invaded Seto's video game, and Mokuba is taking on Allessa's role for the moment. Oh, and I'm not bringing in the characters from the video games in here...maybe...it's not planned out or anything. Geek squad's coming in though, definitely, but not in the way you would think. (that was foreshadowing kiddies)

Seto seems ooc here, but it's hard to get him completely in character. And I think it's only slightly ooc...he's not acting dub-by at all though, I hate his attitude in the dubbed version. In the Japanese version, he's quite rude, but not so blatantly stubborn and arrogant (he even seems to cave a bit at the 'hocus pocus nonsense' in the DOMA arc from what I've seen of the Japanese stuff) At least it seems that way to me. And I can only characterize him based on my own observations. I do admit he doesn't CURSE nearly as often in the dub version...and he wouldn't since the dub is for kids. In the original, with the way he talks, he seems the cursing type. Very much so. Once again, my own observations.

Hmm..I think that's everything. I need an editor. One with a whip, then maybe I'll actually finish one of these things for once. Let's see if I can get a second chapter out, neh? :D