A/N: Hey there! It's been quite a while hasn't it? Well, I'm pleased to announce that the wait is over! Exciting, right? Well, I'm going to save my big AN for the bottom so people actually read it. Enjoy and R&R!
Disclaimer: I own Harry Potter just as surely as I own the world. So in other words, not at all.
Chapter 1: Black
I had never really liked the color black. It was always so dark and dreary and depressing. Who cares if it's slimming? Corsets are slimming too, but you never see people wearing those anymore. Another thing about black: it was the last name of this one bloke who made me want to rip his head off and stick it to a post so I could throw darts at it and laugh. Doesn't that just sound so fun?
So obviously I was not too pleased when both of those things invaded my perfectly perfect summer vacation. It all started when I decided to take my shiny red bike out for a little joyride...
The bright summer light filtered through my blinds and flooded my bedroom, creating a little firework show on the inside of my eyelids. I smiled absently to myself. Then came the heavenly aroma of my dad's homemade pancakes. But these were not just any regular pancakes. These ones were dotted with fresh, handpicked huckleberries. It sounds like some sort of disease, I know.
I bolted out of bed, stuffed my toes into some cute fluffy bunny slippers I got for Christmas when I was seven, and ran downstairs. My dad was just shoveling a few pancakes from the pan to my "Lily plate". It was a plate with my name on it that I had made at a pottery shop in downtown London when I was little. I only ate huckleberry pancakes on it. It was a sacred dish.
"Morning, Daddy!" I greeted him cheerily. He kissed my head and went back into the kitchen.
Petunia made a sour "I-just-ate-a-bad-lemon" face when I sat down in the chair across from her, and stabbed a tiny piece of pancake with her fork and popped it into her mouth. I could barely hear myself think over the annoying smacking of her lips.
"You should really try to chew with your mouth closed. You sound like a horse," I pointed out kindly to her. Well, it was kinder than it could have been. I've been known for much worse insults.
"At least I don't look like one," she sneered at me. I nearly choked on my pancake. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Even her whale-like fiancée had compared her to a horse the first time he came to the house for dinner—the fairest horse in the land, of course. That was the only intelligent thing I'd ever heard him say.
I washed down the last of my four over-sized huckleberry pancakes with a swig of orange juice, and then set my plate and glass in the sink. Petunia could wash them later. Then I went up stairs to take a shower and get ready for the day. I made sure to take an extra long, extra hot shower just for Petunia. She usually preferred the cold water. Well, not really, but I always got a kick out of her shivering and sopping wet form coming into my room to scream bloody murder at me.
I wrapped a towel around me and walked down the hall to my bedroom. In my room, I grabbed a maroon marker from the top drawer of my nightstand. I wandered over to the Gryffindor calendar on my wall and crossed off another day. There was just over two weeks left of summer vacation. Exactly one week from today was the day we got our supply list, and the day I found out if that shiny Head Girl badge would be mine. Nothing could possibly ruin this week. Nothing.
After that little task was done, I picked out a bright yellow blouse and white shorts to reflect my sunny mood, and bounced back downstairs. Petunia was still at the dining table, eating that first pancake like she was some sort of queen, taking dainty little bites only after she had cut the pancake into dozens of one-square-inch pieces.
I passed through the sitting room on my way to the garage, and paused for a second to kiss my mum good morning. She looked up, surprised.
"Well, good morning! Aren't you in a fantastic mood," she laughed. "Dad just left for work, and I'll be leaving shortly. Are you good for the day?"
"I sure am! I'm going to go take my bike out for a spin, okay? Bye! Have a brilliant day!" I called over my shoulder, but I was already out the door.
Parked in the middle of the garage was not a car, but my new shiny red bike. I beamed at it like a proud parent. I would probably coo to it like a baby if the garage door weren't open. My neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate that too much. We've got a reputation to uphold, you know. Everyone already thinks that I'm a delinquent, and they've seen Vernon, so we've got to work extra hard to make sure we aren't kicked off the island.
I swung my leg over the bike and placed my feet on the pedals. I felt so powerful. Like I could just hop onto my bike and go anywhere in the world, and do anything I had ever wanted to. I felt like I could be the queen. It was, perhaps, the only thing I truly missed while I was away at Hogwarts.
Of course, I missed my parents, and maybe I even missed Petunia a small bit, only for lack of a punching bag. But my bike? If Dumbledore allowed any form of Muggle transportation, I would have packed the thing up in an instant. I could store it on one of the girls' bed in the dorm. I'm sure they wouldn't mind at all.
My legs pushed on the pedals, propelling the bike out of the garage and down the driveway. I was feeling especially daring today, so I decided to take a left instead of the usual right, and followed the tree-lined street for a ways, then took a right. After a while, the houses began to grow bigger and farther apart. Gone were the perfectly groomed lawns and the kids playing in the street. These houses were more like mansions and instead of lawns there were massive gardens. There were no children in sight.
Another fifteen minutes passed, and it seemed like I had only passed one house. How far had I gone? I'd never even been down to this part of town before...if you could really call it that. It was more like a gated community of the rich and famous. I must have been at least ten miles from my comforting little neighborhood. And, man, I was getting so hungry.
I considered stopping at the next house and asking for a cold glass of water, but decided against it. There could be creepers living in the house. Besides, Mummy always told me not to knock on random strangers' doors. I would just turn around and head straight home. Petunia was probably worrying by now. Scratch that. She was probably cleaning out my closet of all my possessions and filling it with her own.
I was just about to make a very wide U-turn in the street when something caught my eye. From where I was, it looked like a well-stocked fruit stand along the side of the road. Very carefully, I propped my bike on the curb—wouldn't want to scratch it, or anything—and meandered over to the stand.
The thing looked brand new. The paint wasn't faded or peeling, and the wood of the stand didn't seem to be splintered or rotted at all. Curious. Then my eyes fell on the fruit, and my mouth immediately started watering. Apples, peaches, nectarines, oranges, and bananas littered the little stand. Not one of them had a bruise or blemish on it. The apples looked especially delicious: big, red, and juicy, just the way I liked them.
I fished through my pockets for some money. All I had was a couple of galleons. I looked at the little locked box that was labeled "money", and shrugged. What the heck? No one was here. No one would know that it was me who put gold coins in a box. I'm sure they'd be grateful. I dropped the money into the box, grabbed an apple, and went back to my bike.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of black among the trees behind the stand. I froze for a second, my eyes locked on the spot where I'd seen the movement. Normally one's first instinct would be to get on the bike and get the hell out of there, but not me. I stood there and waited until I saw something—someone—emerge from the trees. He was a boy (obviously) about my age with longish black hair, and carrying an enormous black bag. I felt my whole body relax as he got closer, and his face became clearer.
"Sirius!" I exclaimed, excited to see that it was him and not some serial rapist. "What are you doing here? Do you live down this direction?"
Sirius looked uncomfortable for some reason. He ruffled his hair nervously—a habit he had picked up from his best mate, James Potter. Barf. "Er, yeah. Just down that road..." He pointed in the opposite direction of where I had come from.
"Really? I had no idea!" Why was I acting so happy? I hate the stupid bloke! "So how has your summer been?"
"Er, pretty fair. I've been staying with James, so we're never really bored." He cracked a little smile. Then he gestured to the apple in my hand. "Are you going to eat that, or are you just holding it for effect?"
I smiled sheepishly, and nodded. "Right." I opened my mouth, and then decided that I was being terribly rude by not offering him one. "Do you want one?" He shook his head. I raised the apple. "Are you sure?" He gave me a look. "Oh, alright."
Slowly, I bit into the apple.
Now we all know the story of Snow White and how she accepted a delicious-looking apple from an old lady who just happened to be traveling in the woods. Well, in my defense, I had not accepted this apple from a suspicious old lady; I'd gotten it from a healthy-looking fruit stand in the middle of nowhere. That was perfectly acceptable in common society!
As soon as my teeth broke the skin of the unusually juicy apple, I knew something was very wrong. Sirius was watching me intently, and nervously, like he was waiting for something, and my vision suddenly became very foggy. My head spun. I felt like I was on one of those sickening spinning apple rides at the fair. How ironic.
Only then did a few things start to register in the back of my mind. First, Sirius lived with James, so if Sirius was here James was also here. The thought alone made my stomach queasy with dread or...something. Second thing: why would Sirius be carrying a human-sized black bag with him through the woods? Normally, a 17-year-old boy wouldn't lug around something like that unless he was going on a bear hunt, and if that were the case, he sure would be disappointed. There are no bears around here. But then again, Sirius wasn't exactly normal. The third issue: why was there a brand new fruit stand in the middle of nowhere? Talk about a bad business decision. These people were obviously not looking for a major moneymaker. And finally, my parents were going to think I died.
The last thing I remember was Sirius saying, "It's for your own good, Evans. Trust me." Those were words that you didn't want to hear from Sirius Black.
He hefted the gigantic bag, and then everything went, unfortunately, black.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of 'Napped! I know most of you were expecting a different story (the one that won the poll) but this idea hit me a little while after I posted the last chapter of Joined at the Hip, and I decided to run with it.
This fic is not going to be as long as Joined at the Hip was. The estimated length is 10 to 12 chapters. That being said, I somehow always manage to drag it out as long as possible. But I can assure you it's going to be fantastic. With that in mind, I want to set a goal of 150 reviews. I'm hoping we can bring it up to 200, but I'll take whatever I can get.
So tell me what you think! Do you guys have any ideas, predictions, suggestions...? I'm open to anything! Like it? Hate it? Want to frame it? Let me know! REVIEW!
Haha thanks so much for reading!