Thanks for the reviews guys! They make my dayyy! And AvanJogiaLuver I never really thought about that. I read the book a while ago. I don't really know. xD I guess this fan fic can be like anything you want it to be. Yup. So, here's the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride, it belongs to James Patterson. What a boring disclaimer.

~Max's POV~

I watched his shirt pool around his legs on the floor, my mind processing and filtering through the billions of questions running through it. Why was he taking his shirt of? Was he going to DO SOMETHING? What the hell? Then I saw, feathers. Black feathers. Peering from his back.. and.. .WHOA!

"Are those? Wings?" I asked, grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around. Sure enough, there were two gorgeous wings, neatly tucked in against his back. He peered over his shoulder to nod at me. I couldn't resist, they were beautiful. I ran my fingers through the feathers and he extended them to full length.

"They're amazing..." I breathed, he snapped around and tucked his wings back in. Growling.

"You can't think that.. You don't know what they.. what they would do to you.." He said, reaching for his shirt back on the floor. I just stared at him, finally noticing the scars criss-crossing over his entire back and his chest.

"Did they do that to you?" I asked, tracing scars on his back. He sighed and nodded.

"Look, I've told you too much. They don't.. they didn't want you to know... They're going to.. hurt Iggy." He sounded so broken, like a lost little boy. I knew I shouldn't have but I pulled him into my arms and I felt him stiffen there for a second before relaxing.

"What's gonna happen to me?" I asked, he was like me... kidnapped... I shouldn't have to be afraid of him? Should I?

"I've heard them talk, they say they're going to 'help you'... It might be a good thing, but then again... they said the same thing to me.." He said, I was scared. Hell, I was freaking out inside.

"Why haven't you gotten out? Why can't you HELP ME!" I demanded, yup. This is the outcome of my freaking out...

"It's not easy! They've got top security, lasers and dogs and cameras that are completely maxed out. Believe me... I've tried." He said, his head hung low. Against my better judgement, I pressed myself closer to him, so close, I could feel his heart beat against me. He stood, rigid as a rock. Other's would probably have taken a hint and moved away by now, he obviously wasn't enjoying this, but as much as I wanted to stop, to un-wrap my arms from his waist, I couldn't. I needed it. I needed a hug, god damnit!

Just then, the massive door creaked open and Fang pushed me hard, but gently, back onto the floor. I shut my eyes and evened out my breathing, trying to look asleep. Hey! He fell for it, idiots. The massive guard picked me up bridal-style and I watched under my eyelids as the bright white lights of the outside rooms shot through. And then the brightest of white lights and I felt him stop, lifting me onto a higher, ice-cold surface. My back felt numb, lying on it. I heard him walk away and I poked an eye open to find myself in a white room, the smell of metal and blood swirling around. There was a large glass window, something like the one's in the interrogation rooms in the Crime TV shows we used to watch... CSI...

"Morning, sleeping beauty.." The man said in a gruff voice, appearing beside me and strapping my wrists and ankles down onto the cold surface, I panicked, he was strapping me down...

"This'll hurt, a lot." The man said and turned around, walking back out the door and I saw him appear in the window, that's when I realized Fang and Iggy were there...

He had shoved a needle swiftly into my arm, I watched as the silver liquid emptied out into my body. Curious beyond belief. Then the pain kicked in. First it was bearable, like a slap or a pinch, then it started to get worse, a gash, a punch. Then worse, a bullet shot, breaking all your bones. I remained still the whole time, afraid that moving would bring more pain. But then it happened. The worst pain you could ever imagine.

White hot liquid coursed through my veins, pushing against them and seeping into my bones, I screamed, thrashing around on the table. Moving as far as the restrains would let me. I felt the liquid enter my heart, making it beat faster than ever. My body lifted up, arching, and I screamed louder, feeling my eyes roll back into my head. Thrashing around more as the restrains cut through my arms.

And then just as quickly as it came, the scorching pain left, leaving me in the dark.

~Fang's POV~

She was in pain, little did she know, this was just the beginning. But watching her scream and cry out for help and thrash around, shaking. It broke me. This was the worst torture. Watching the girl I love hurt like that. Yes, I love her. I can't. But as I looked over at Iggy who was staring intently at her, his face set into a disgusted frown and his eyes showing nothing but worry. I loved her more. Knowing I'd have to fight for her.

"Fang, Iggy. Bring my daughter into the white cells, she shouldn't be imprisoned in one of those filthy cages." He said, shooing us into test room where Max was lying, her body glistening with sweat. I looked at Iggy and he looked just as eager as me to get her off the table and we yanked the restrains off, just as I was about to pull her into my arms, Iggy picked her up, bridal-style again, using one of his hands to gently brush her hair out of her eyes. Instant jealousy stabbed through me, but I controlled it, we were still within sight of the white-coats and Jeb, most importantly.

Iggy carried her into one of the white cells, basically, it was a room with blinding white walls and a single bed and toilet. Completely bare and empty in the large room. I watched as he set her down on the bed, and sit on the edge of the bed with her. I watched as she unconciously pulled him by his shirt next to her. I watched as he grinned and wrapped his arms around her. I watched as she smiled in her sleep.

And like that, my heart broke into uncountable pieces. Shattered on the spot. The love of my life and my best friend. I wanted to move, to cry and run away. But my feet stayed glued to the spot and I watched as Iggy ran his hand up and down her side. After a while, he stood up from beside her, sighing, and walked to me, patting me on the shoulder before slipping out the door. The only thing I felt was anger. No, jealousy. She wanted him, not me. Not me. Never me.

I turned around to leave when I heard a whisper, soft as a little girl's. "Fang, come back, I need you." She groaned in her sleep. And just like that, she glued my shattered heart back into one.

Just like that, I fell hard for her. My wings couldn't save me now.

~Jeb's POV~

It has started, she's turning. A few tests, and she'll be invincible.