The Fangirl War (2010-2012)

A/N: Hey everyone! Icey-chan and I had this weird idea…We were wondering what anime we'd pick if we could bring any anime to life. Guess which one we picked?

Oh, and by the way, it's not the one that's not Hetalia.

Okay, pick your best friend who loves Hetalia as much as you do! The main character is you, a major obsessive fangirl, Tenna. You give "my way or the highway" a new definition with your scary I'm-gonna-kill-everything attitude, and you like super-sexy guys, of course, yet have a soft spot for lolitas. And your best friend is Nera, who wants everything for herself! Nera is a hyper superwomen who is into funnier and less serious guys, with the exception of the lovely Japan, who is first prize in this war. Would you sacrifice the gorgeous Japan to her? Or would you fight back? Let's find out!

Also, since this is a show about stereotypes, no one be offended by anything. ^_^

~The Fangirl War (2010-2012)~

Day xx Time xx Year 2010 - Diary Entry: Tenna

I settled at lunch as I usually would have with Nera and our other friends, discussing things such as animes we've seen recently and anime guys. I had recently gotten a Hetalia DVD for my birthday, so I was being a bit obsessive at the time. We both agree that Japan is definitely the best, with his silent, sincere attitude. We also both agreed to not claim dibs over any of the guys in that anime, which is odd, because usually we don't want the other dreaming about the ones we like as well. We both know what we like, to say the least.

I'm pretty simple. I always seem to fall for the fan-favorite. That would be Japan, of course. Since all non-Japanese who watch anime are what we classify as "otakus," they all are watching Japan eagerly. And who can blame them? The guy's hot, and repeatedly nervous and lonely. But anyway, I like all the sexy guys, and lolitas depending on how they're drawn. I also totally worship guys with British accents. So, um…England fangirl much? But we can all agree England is adorable. I don't care much about if a guy can cook much, anyway. But my favorite by far has to be Canada. I know, he doesn't fit in much with my standards, but…I don't know, something about him just makes him the ultimate in all the Hetalia guys. I don't hate any type of guy…except for the stupid ones. And Turkey. I hate Turkey, he's a jerk. I'm most like Romano, except just a bit smarter.

Then there's Nera. In my mind, her sights are pretty screwed. She's a video game fanatic, so I figured she'd like guys like America…but no, she loves guys who score a perfect zero on the Serious Scale. So, she likes comic relief, basically? I dunno. She does have one sensible crush, not counting Japan. Germany, good old Germany. She can have him, personally. I mean, he's hot, but not something I'd run for. Her taste is pretty much all over the place besides that, so she doesn't hate anyone. She, herself, is a bit of a lolita, yet she doesn't care for them as much as you'd think. I think she is thinking too much about what countries they are, not just loving the guys for who they are. She's most like France, because she overreacts about every little thing and is a show-off.

"Hey, Juu-chan…if we could bring any anime to life, what would it be?" she asked me that day.

"Don't call me Juu-chan."

"Never mind! Just decide!"

I thought about it. "Um…That's difficult…There are so many great ones…"

She laughed. "Probably Ouran, right?"

I mulled it over. "Too overrated."

"Lucky Star?"

"Too Shounen."

"Something original, like Pokemon?"

"Too failed."

"Um…Um…Junjou Romantica?"

"Too scary."

"Vampire Knight?"

"Do you wanna die?"

"I see your point. Um…Hetalia?"

A light bulb went off in my head as soon as I heard her say that. "Wow, I didn't even think about it…"

As obvious as it may seem to choose Hetalia, it did involve some thinking. There were a lot of good points, yet a lot of bad points as well. Racism will pretty much be eliminated, we'll be surrounded by super-hot guys, and world peace will be established because their fighting isn't serious at all. At the same time…won't places like America fall because their countries are so…non-serious? America never could've came up with a Constitution…And England and America will probably make up and join together if they were left to resolve their problems. That would be pretty bad…

"…Let's do it."

She giggled. "Yay! So it's decided, if we ever get a wish granted, that will be it!"

"Yeah," I agreed. "I wanna be British…"


"…Huh? Oh! Nothing, just daydreaming…!"

She smiled at me. "Poor Juu-chan, you look like you really want this."

I had to smile back at her, though I thought she was gonna get my hopes up if I humored her. "You idiot. Of course I want it. It would be…" I sighed wistfully. "…Heaven. Heaven because the lovers are Italian."

After a small pause, she giggled. "I get it!"

~The Fangirl War (2010-2012)~

Day xx Time xx Year 2010 - Diary Entry: Tenna

"You idiot."


"You stupid idiot."


"I'll beat the stupid right out of you."


"Stop hitting me!" Nera shouted, clutching her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…!"

"Didn't mean to end my life as it is?" I shouted back at her. "We'll be the laughingstock of the world! Every anime fangirl will see us as the two girls who ruined everything for bragging rights!"

"But I didn't!" she sobbed. "I just wanted to make you happy, Juu-chan!"

"What's going on?" our friend Tomei said, walking up to us. Tomei was a boy with brown hair and huge brown eyes. Even though it was hot outside, he still wore a thick black jacket. I worried about him some times, because he's always sweating after PE yet refuses to take his jacket off. He was the closest male friend we had, with the exception of Nera's…erm…never mind.

"You'll never guess what Nera-chan did!" I shouted. "We'll go bankrupt and disappoint all of Japan! My life as an otaku is ruined! My life altogether is ruined!"

"What? What, what happened?"

Nera let out a shaky sob. "Juu-chan is disappointed in me because I…I…"

"You what?"

"She bought Hetalia!" I practically screamed. "Now we're in charge of animating it and everything, which we can't do!"

Nera continued to weep, and Tomei patted her shoulder. "I just w-wanted to make you happy…"

"Bought Hetalia!" I said in disbelief. "How much did it cost you?"

"Maybe this isn't a bad thing," Tomei offered. "After all, you've always wanted to own it, right? You talk about it all the time!"

"I didn't mean actually being in charge of everything! I meant owning the guys, not the series!"

"But they still work for us…" Nera wept. "But now we own the characters, that's all…"

I paused. "Wait…What does that mean?"

"I thought you'd be excited, because now they exist for us!"

I was, needless to say, just a bit confused. "So…we won't go bankrupt?" I said at last. "And Japan won't hate us?"

"The character or the country?"

"The country," I said angrily. "The country!"

"No, they'll probably all be jealous."

"Okay…" I said slowly. "…So what do we do?"

"We flirt," Nera said simply, still sniffling. "Um…Let's pick countries to be, then."

I was still confused. "Someone…will explain this to us later, right?"

"Yes, the creator of Hetalia will."

My heart soared for a second. "Okay, so we'll pick countries. I'll be Ko…"


"Oh no you don't!"

"Oh, come on," she sneered. "If anyone gets to be Korea, it's me!"

"I was gonna be Korea!"

"Let's agree to disagree," Tomei piped up. "I'll be Korea!"

"What?" we chorused.

"No offense," I put in. "But…this is a Shojo. You'll feel a little…not fitting in."

"You said there'd be flirting," he said plainly. "I'm in."

I scratched my neck. "But, all of them will be guys…Never mind. I guess I'm Malaysia…Err, I'm sorry," I grinned. "I meant Kickassia."

They both glared at me. I felt satisfied.

"I'm quoting."

"I'll be Australia!" Nera decided. "The bigger, the better!"

"Oh great," I said, rolling my eyes. "You picked a country near me. I didn't expect this."

"This way, it will easy to manage you when I take you over!" she said, bubbly with excitement.

"Australia never captured Malaysia!"

"Well, this is the present. We can do whatever we want! It doesn't have to have happened in the past!"

"Great," I said, smiling. "Then I'm gunning for Japan. No, China, then he'll help me with Japan."

"No!" Nera shouted. "You can't! Leave poor Japan alone!"

"How about this?" I offered. "We'll leave countries alone so we don't start any wars. Then we'll divide who gets to stay with what country for what amount of time."

She gasped. "I want Germany! How often do I get Germany?"

"Since you want Germany and I want…Canada, we'll keep those every day of the year. But if we decide we want to switch for a day, we can do that. But let's keep a week to stay with our regular plans and not do any switching."

"Juuna-chama, you're too organized. Just go with the flow," Tomei said, smiling. "Okay, who gets me?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but it won't be any fun if we don't get more than one guy at once. Reverse harems are awesome. So, let's have a meeting between the three of our countries and the creator of Hetalia to see who gets who and when!"

"Sounds good!" Nera agreed. "Let's do our best, Juu-chan!"

If we ever started a war, she'd go down first.

~The Fangirl War (2010-2012)~

Day xx Time xx Year 2010 - Diary Entry: Tenna

I got to meet Himaruya-san today! He's so nice, and…Well, to be honest, he's just how I pictured him to be. A hyperactive videogame fanatic. I actually got a headache as soon as he shook hands with Nera.

"It's so nice to meet you! Huge fan of your series, huge fan!"

"Just hurry up and make the third season already," I said with vague awkwardness.

"All three of us love your artwork and the way you portray your characters!"

"How do you make the characters so charming when you yourself are male?"

"This is Juu-chan, she's a huge fan of Canada, and she loves guys with British accents as well…"

"I'd rather we continue this conversation at some other time."

"Aww, c'mon, there's so much time for all that business stuff!" he said. "Let's meet each other first, okay, downer?"

"And my name is Tenna, thank you very much. Err…love your work."

I guess I came off as kind of a jerk, but what else are you supposed to say to a guy who's about to send you off on a magical adventure you know nothing about? Anyway, I needed to get this information through Nera's head before it was too late: They're not all yours. Especially not Japan.

"So, who's your favorite character? Mine's Estonia!"

Tomei stood there quietly, as he had no favorite character. Or any knowledge of the series, for that matter.

"Germany, he's so hot!"

"That's what we need to talk about…" I tried to speak up.

"Juu-chan likes Canada. No, really, she's crazy for him! And Austria too…Come to think of it, Juu-chan had really weird tastes."

"Eheheh, so funny! So, err…Nera, let's start already."

"You should see the look on her face when Austria plays piano, anyway!"


"No, I like hearing this," Himaruya laughed. "I'm interested in how much people love my work, after all!"

"She's just so obsessed with Canada," Nera continued. "She draws maple leaves in class, I'm totally serious!"

"Prussia, if you're hiding somewhere here, please kill me."

"Speaking of Prussia, Juu-chan had no idea where Prussia was before she watched this show! She actually asked her history teacher, in front of everyone…"

"Speak one more word and Japan in mine!" I shouted, unable to take any more.

"Eek! I-I'll be good…"

He looked at me. "You're Malaysia, correct?"

I looked up to him. "Um…Yes, actually. How did you know?"

"I can just tell. You're the most obvious. Like a piece of paper."

"That's it," I said out loud, blushing like crazy. "Can we just start?"

I stepped up to the blackboard. "Okay, first things first. Why the hell are we here? Himaruya-san, please explain to me what this is."

Himaruya crossed his arms, looking slightly business-like. "Of course."

He stepped up and walked to the front of the room, next to me, and started to draw on the blackboard. It took me a second to realize what he was drawing.

Chibis. He was drawing chibi Hetalia heads. I should probably be excited that Himaruya-san was drawing in front of me, but…at the same time, I was so impatient I wanted to scream. When he was done, he turned back to facing the chairs that Nera and Tomei were sitting in, ignoring me completely.

"You three have been chosen to take on a Hetalia-based virtual reality adventure to experiment different scenarios for the show. It will give the writers a good idea on how the characters would react to a fangirl's pushy nature."

"I'm not pushy," I muttered.

"What you do in this virtual reality world is completely up to you, but be careful. If you were to do something like fall off a cliff or starve yourself in prison, you will actually die."

"Wow!" Nera whispered. "So hi-tech! How do you do that with virtual reality?"

Himaruya smiled at her. "When I say virtual world, I really mean virtual world. The places you can go in this game are limitless, far beyond the Earth and stars, so long as you're smart enough to get there. The characters are as reasonable as humans and do, in fact, carry guns. We will do anything in our power to keep you safe, but we don't have much in our power. Make your country grow and prosper, and…" His grin got bigger. "…interact with the original characters of Hetalia."

I've never actually thought my heart would stop, but I swear it did.

"Malaysia," he said, looking towards me. "Any questions?"

"Err…What if-"

"Good. Now, what countries are you two gonna be?"

"I'm gonna be Kore- Ow! Okay, I'm gonna be Australia…"

"I'm Korea."

Himaruya still had that evil, business smile plastered onto his face. "You'll communicate with me by using these." He handed us each a headset, which we figured we had to put on. They had our country names written in kanji on them. "Press the button here to contact us, and press it again to hang up. Now, come with me…"

He led us into a room with giant pods we've seen in movies before. My heart would have been pounding, if it hadn't already lost its life to excitement. But no, my poor heart will never be the same again.

"These are just like in Bokura No, when…" I started.

"No. We're not making a reference as stupid as that."


"If you're ready," Himaruya said. "You'll find your belongings are already in the virtual world, and these pods will send you straight to your home. Have a wonderful time, and don't be afraid to ask me questions using your headset at any time. And do not lose your headset."

"Yes sir!" all three of us said.

He smiled. "After you, Malaysia?"

"I just…get in the pod, and…?"

"It's very simple."

I was horrified, but I managed to get into the pod, despite my shaking knees. He gave me a final smile. "Adieu, Malaysia."

"Wait, what about my plan-"

From there

~The Fangirl War (2010-2012)~

Day xx Time xx Year 2010 - Diary Entry: Tenna

This world doesn't look much different from mine, except…I think I'm in Malaysia. Just a guess. Anyway, I can walk and speak to people, and it all feels the same. Except for the small talking bear I found. That was a little different.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ten-Err, Malaysia."

"Am I at your house?"

"…Yes. Are you a bear…?"


"Wait, you wouldn't be…Kumajiro?"

"Kumajiro is my name."

"You're Kumajiro!" I said, giddy with excitement. "You must be lost. You strayed away from your owner!"

"I'm lost."

"Your bluntness is so amazing! Okay, um…"

I thought about what I should do for a second. The inevitable result was staring me right in the face: Contact Canada. Contact Canada. Just do it, Malaysia! Come on, just call him…Call stupid Canada, Malaysia!

"Kyaah, what do I do?" I said out loud, blushing. "I can't do it, I can't! I've never even met him!"


"Canada," I said, feeling honored to be in the presence of such bluntness.


"…Never mind. I can call him."

I must have spent half an hour pacing around by the phone. I came up with a variety of excuses: I don't have his phone number. But there's a phone book with his number in it! I'm not sure if it's his bear. It's the only talking bear named Kumajiro in the world! I've never even met him. Then you never will! Nera will laugh at you for it. But it's goddamn Canada!

After telling myself that, I whirled around, grabbed the old-fashioned telephone, and punched in the numbers, waiting. The voice that answered me was tiny and weak:


I burst into instantaneous Fangirl Mode: "Oh my god! You're Canada, right? My name's Tenne, I mean Tenna, well, I guess it's technically Malaysia because my name used to be Tenna but now it's Malaysia, because I'm a new country and if you're a country you have to take the name of your country, right? Anyway, your voice is so much quieter in person, I can barely hear you, but I guess it's normal I can't hear you because you never speak! I mean, of course you're not speaking right now because I'm speaking and that would just be plain rude if you were speaking while I was speaking! Not calling you rude, I'm just saying it would be rude in general if that happened to be the case, but it's not rude because it's not the case, and you're not rude at all because you're one of the most polite guys ever and please marry me!"

I took a few slow, heaving breaths before I heard a small voice:

"…I'm not in right now, please leave a message after the beep…"



~The Fangirl War (2010 - 2012)~

A/N: Since I just started this out and just barely have a vague idea where it's going, help me out here! I totally want your ideas, because I have a lot of empty plot holes, and it was meant to please you guys, anyway. No, the story doesn't revolve around Malaysia and Canada. That was just a start so we could find Malaysia's kind side. It has all the guys in it. So don't worry, we just don't get to meet them until later. ^_^ And yes, you'll get a lot of Japan. Just be patient. We didn't get to meet any of the guys in this chapter, but the next chapter will have a lot of them. So don't worry! Give me a chance, here! I love you guys, review please! ~Furyfur