Ok so, this is the day after when the hosts work up from their dreams XD

Dream's are better left unsaid

Surprise for Haruhi

The next day, after the dreams mayhem! All of the six boys could not stop thinking about the certain brown haired girl who pretended to be a guy for the host. The girl Haruhi was walking to the music room, where the host club is. She was early like always. They all phoned her up this morning telling her to get there early. Meaning all of them! First was Tamaki, He screaming saying to her. Then it was Kyoya, he tried to act cool but was shuttering. Next was Hunny, saying there will be lots of cake. Afterward was Mori, just said get to the host clubroom early and he hung up before Haruhi could say a word. Kaoru was next; saying happily and sort of sang it and the last member was Hikaru who on the other side was grinning widely asking her to. Maybe they both rang her but they did not know either of them did, she did not even know but oh well.

Haruhi sighed as she spotted the room, and walked in. She saw that they was not there yet, "Why ask me when they are not here yet!" She mumbled while scowling and walking towards the seat. "May as well just sit down."

Without her knowing, outside there was exactly five limo's pulling in to the school. Of course, Kaoru and Hikaru shared a limo. Hunny and Mori did not which was strange. They all walked proudly to the school not noticing each other. With some gifts in their hands, Kaoru and Hikaru only said it was for a girl but did not state whom. They then noticed each other and grinned while waving. "Hey guys!" Hikaru stated.

They turned and smiled, "Hika-chan! What you got there?" Hunny grinned pointing to the gift.

Hikaru mumbled, "For a girl..." Then he noticed everyone with gifts, "and what about you all?" He said raising an eyebrow. They all muttered that it was for a girl. He laughed, "I guess we all got someone right?" He grinned.

They walked in together and headed for the music room. They all were waiting outside slightly as they all gulped at the same time. Then was brave, opening the doors they looked around frantically and then spotted a brown haired girl sat on the sofa waiting and sighing. All of the grinned at the same time and ran straight to her. Apart from Mori and Kyoya who was walking slowly and blushing.

"Haruhi!" They all yelled in unison but then stopped and turned to each other. "Wait you..." in Unison again. Haruhi turned and noticed them all, while smiling at them but they ignored and she shrugged. "She is not yours!" in unison again. Haruhi sweat dropped at the sight.

"Ok, let's see whose gift she likes better!" Hikaru yelled and grinned. Haruhi was like uh oh... and sat there not saying a word, and could not protest.

Suddenly the first one came up to her, it was Tamaki. "Haruhi princess, this gift reminds me of you. Please take it." He said as he gave her the gift while blushing.

Haruhi sweat dropped again as she reached for the gift, once she opened it. It was instant coffee. "Erm, Tamaki-sempai?" She mumbled... Everyone else in the host club just did a face palm at his stupidity.

"No need to say thanks..." He yelled in his princely mode. "Your beautiful features is thanks enough."

'Features?' she thought and then scowled, "But erm..." She was cut off again.

"You are but a mere commoner and this coffee was the thing that made us closer! You are as beautiful then you were in my dreams..." He kept mumbling on but Haruhi just sighed and walked to another seat, while leaving the coffee with the prince himself.

Hunny ran to Haruhi and grinned, "Guess he is out!" He said childish and handed a present to her. "Mine next!" He yelled.

Haruhi just looked at him but took the gift opening the box. Inside was a strawberry cake. "Oh erm thanks Hunny-sempai..." She mumbled.

"Your welcome!" He yelled as he ran off to eat cake. She just sweat dropped and put the cake on the table while leaning on the chair.

Next, who came was Mori; she looked up at him and smiled but did not notice the blush on his cheek. "Hey Mori-sempai." She said. He handed her a gift while he was being silent not saying a world. She looked at it and smiled while taking it. "Thanks." She mumbled as Haruhi started to open it. Inside was a bracelet with a charm that looked like what people use for Kendo. She smiled and looked up, "Thanks." She said again. While putting it on. Mori smiled and ruffled her hair as he walked to Hunny.

After that, Kyoya walked to her and smirked while he wrote in his book. She looked up and saw whom it was. "Hello Haruhi." he said, in his cool tone. "Sorry I did not get a gift, but I have decided to reduce you debt by half, Ok?"

Haruhi sweat dropped but mumbled, "Erm thanks... Kyoya-sempai..." While laughing nervously as he walked away. "That was weird..." She mumbled.

"Haruhi!" Yelled the twins running to her, she had her eyes wide. They ran to her and hugged her tight, that it squished her. "We have a gift too!" they said in unison.

"Mine first!" Yelled Kaoru as he passed the gift to her. She sighed and grabbed it. While Kaoru was grinning, "Hope you like." He said.

Haruhi started to unwrap, and then noticed it was a gold necklace, with a sort of fish on it. "Erm..." She mumbled.

Kaoru patted her on the head, "It will remind you of sushi, and I know your love for food!" He grinned.

Haruhi giggled and looked at him, "Thanks I guess, it is pretty." She mumbled. Kaoru just grinned wider.

"Mine now!" Hikaru yelled as he handed a gift to Haruhi. She took it, and sighing about finally the last gift. "Oh and it is not the last... me and Kaoru have one last thing." He winked while Haruhi sweat dropped.

She opened it and saw a charm for the necklace that Kaoru gave her; it was a charm of a dog, which looked adorable. "It's pretty thanks..." She mumbled. Haruhi put it on the necklace as she put it on herself. "Thanks guys..."

"Now..." They said in unison, Haruhi gulped. "One last thing!" They yelled while grabbing her and pulling her into the curtains. "Here." They said in unison while passing her yet another wrapped gift.

She took it and unwrapped it, opening the box was a dress, and she sighed. However, it looked so pretty, yet Haruhi was not one with dresses and was not a big fan, yet this dress looked so adorable. Did not really show much cleavage to her surprise. The twins usually make sure it shows loads! Since they are perverts. She sighed and looked up smiling at them. "Thanks guys..." She mumbled.

The twins looked at each other and grinned then back to Haruhi, "Try it out!" they shouted but before she could protest they made her give in to there begging and pleading. She was left in the changing room with a dress, while they guarded the curtains to where she was currently changing.

"May as well get this over with..." She mumbled and changed into the dress. "Looks kind of nice..." She mumbled while looking in the mirror. The dress was a blue colour and had straps for her shoulders. It went down to her knee length so it was not long neither short. She could live with that! Overall, she looked stunning in it.

"You done yet?" Hikaru shouted from outside. She sighed and opened the curtain. They heard her come out then turned to face her. However, was too shocked to speak, they had their eyed wide and mouth partly open. They suddenly got back to earth and said in unison, "You look stunning!"

She sighed once again and walked by them into the main host club area. When everyone faced her, they were shocked at her sudden change and could not speak. They nearly had nosebleeds, even Kyoya but he tried holding it in. "So can you guys tell me what got all you lot weird all of a sudden?"

"Oh well erm..." They all shuttered while looking at her. Then all said in unison, "I dreamed I was married to you!" Suddenly was quiet and looked at each one of them. They started arguing all day long in the host club. Haruhi however noticed the time and quickly got changed, they did not notice. She walked out while she was back in her school uniform heading to class.

Hours later, she headed back to the host room, noticed, they all were still arguing, she looked at them, and sighed, "What the hell..." She muttered. However, she let them carry on and started to walk home. "Now at least I get a day off." She grinned, and her mind wondered as she thought, 'Great, I heard there was a special sale at the supermarket!' She was so happy that today was the day that they argue enough to not see her leave.

However, in the shadows was a certain blond haired boy, who always kept his hood up. Was chuckling in the dark as he witnessed the whole thing. "I knew I could make them dream about that, all what took was a little drop of potion in their dinner... took me all day." He mumbled as he laughed in the dark, "I am pure genies... how did I do it you ask?" He chuckled.

Flashback - Tamaki's house

The black hooded boy was outside the window and chuckled when he saw Tamaki head outside for a while to play with his dog. He secretly climbed through the window and into the kitchen, noticing the dinner that was there, thought what the heck, and spilled it on all the dishes. "They will dream about some girl or boy they like anyways." He grinned and quickly ran out when he noticed a chief coming back.

Flashback - Kyoya's house

Kyoya excused himself from his father's presence and headed upstairs to change for dinner. He wanted to be smart for dinner, but who knows why. The cloaked boy saw this and noticed his father walk to the library for a minute. He quickly headed through the window and sneaked into the kitchen, putting the potion on all the dishes as well. Chuckling to himself like a mad man and then ran away when he heard footsteps.

Flashback - Hunny's house

The cloaked boy knew that Hunny had a sweat tooth a lot, so he would eat cake for dinner or something. So he then notice that Hunny is having a nap-time and wanted to do this fast because everyone knows what happens when Hunny is disturbed. He shivered at the thought but then shook it off and quickly went to the kitchen to notice loads of cakes, He thought ah what the heck and poured on all the cakes while running away.

Flashback - Mori's house

The cloaked boy noticed that Mori was training his kendo so this should be easy. He quickly snuck in the house while watching Mori training. He did not want to get on the wrong side of him neither. So he wanted to do this fast, as sweat came down his face. He made it to the kitchen pouring it in the dishes and running out as fast as he could.

Flashback - The twins

Obviously, the twins were together, so it might be easy to do. He noticed Hikaru excuse himself to go to the bathroom but Kaoru was still there. His eyes brightened up when he saw Kaoru heading upstairs. Quickly he looked and could not see Hikaru, so he snuck into the kitchen pouring it on the plates, almost tripping in the process. Due to the fact that there was maple syrup on the floor! He groaned then heard steps coming; he dived out the window and hit his head on the floor. He now had a headache and the job was done. He headed home for a nice deserved rest. First some food. However, did not notice that he accidentally poured some in his own food.

End Flashback

He groaned, "Yes I know, I dreamed as well... and it was shocking really! But I do not want to talk about it..." Mumbling he walked away with his puppet in his hand. "That was interesting... I will do this again sometime," He started to chuckle, creepy like.

That's the end XD, yes it was just something I made up... meh lol, oh well XD