You Need To Trust Me

Chapter One "New Friends"

Summary: After Breaking Dawn...The Cullens lost a family member in the "fight" against the Volturi. Rosalie. It's been ten years since her death and everyone is just finally going back to normal. They move to Midnight Creek, Montana, where it's rarely sunny, and start attending the local high school. Emmett finds himself just trying to get through the days and nights when he mights Delilah Roberts. A pretty cowgirl who's goal in life is to never trust anyone again after what happened to her. Delilah is a girl from Texas, who's attending the local high school. Delilah also finds a friend in a certain someone.

Delilah Pov-September 7th, 12pm

I sighed in relief as the bell rang, ending my French class. I was so ready to get to lunch, which meant, I was only two hours away from being out of school and back to the ranch. I walked alone since I hadn't made many friends since I started living in Midnight Creek, but then again, it was more of my fault then anyone else's. I talked to a couple people but I couldn't let myself get close to anyone not after—stop! I yelled at myself, stopping my thoughts immediately as I entered the cafeteria.

I wondered randomly, if I would see the new kids everyone had been talking about in classes today. The Cullens, The Hales and The Blacks. The new hospital's doctor's family, all siblings, though apparently they were all adopted. From what people were saying they all had very good looks and expensive clothes. Good luck fitting in around here with that. I laughed to myself.

Around here, people were about John Deere, wrangler jeans and cowboy boots. The highlight of life was the Rodeo season. Not much exciting things to do around here—well if you weren't like everyone else here, including me, and loved horses and country life—but if you did, then you would love it here.

I hadn't been paying attention to the real world, so when I ran into someone, it caught me way by surprise. I gasped as I felt cold water splash on my shirt and when I slipped and someone fell on top of me.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." A musical voice apologized. I looked up to see a girl who looked to be my age with curly bronze colored hair and chocolate brown eyes that were apologetic.

"It's okay." I stammered out. She must be one of the Cullens, I thought. The girl held out her hand and helped me up.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, thanks for helping me up." I smiled.

"I'm really sorry." The girl apologized again.

I shook my head. "It's my fault. Really. I should have been paying attention to where I was going and then I wouldn't of ran into you."

"Your shirt is all wet." The girl stated.

I shrugged. "It's no big deal. I'll just grab a shirt out of my truck. Honestly, it's all okay."

The girl smiled at me. "My name's Renesmee Cullen. Known better as Nessie."

I stuck my hand out for her to shake. "Delilah Roberts. Nice to meet you Nessie."

We shook hands and she grimaced. "This is so not the way I wanted my first day to go in school."

I laughed. "It's fine. Really. On my first day here, I tripped over my shoes and fell flat on my face in front of the whole school. People still talk about it."

Nessie giggled. "Well okay, that does sound more embarrassing than what just happened. Thanks."

"No problem." I said, the girl looked back at a table where her family, I assumed, was sitting.

"I'd better get back to my family." I nodded and she walked away.

I sat down at my usual table by the windows, alone. I didn't bother to grab my lunch that was in my backpack, instead I let myself drift off into my thoughts.


Emmett Pov(Lunch time)

I sighed as we sat in the lunch room of the new school we were attending. Another town, another school. The same things over and over again. Nothing lately had made me feel anything besides sadness and emptiness, well for the past ten years actually. Ever since that stupid fight with the Volturi. I cringed at the memory.

I saw Jasper eye me and I wonder what he was feeling from me. I felt a wave of calmness towards me and I let Jasper do it, because Jasper had kept me halfway sane since Rose died ten years ago. I felt intense grief when I thought of my dead wife, I thought of how we were sure everything was gonna be okay in the end, that we weren't going to lose any of our family. We were wrong.

A few seconds was all it took for Rose to die. To be killed. Why my family held me back, I'll never know why. Why couldn't I just die along with Rose that day? I sighed, it did no good thinking about it. I looked around the table at my siblings and Jacob Black. All of them still had their true love, their partner with them, even Jacob who was with my niece, Nessie.

Who wasn't at the table with us, I saw Bella and Jacob looked around, panicked for a moment but Edward looked calm. Nessie must be talking to him mentally. I caught sight of Nessie and her curly bronze colored hair that matched Edward's, walking out of the lunch line.

It seemed she was really paying attention to us and not where she was going, for a second later a blonde haired girl ran into her and I saw Nessie's water pour all over the girl's shirt and I heard the girl's gasp as she slipped and Nessie fell on top of her. Only then did I feel something different. I was halfway between amused and scared. Amused because, sometimes, Nessie was as clumsy as Bella had been, scared because I didn't know how this girl would act towards Nessie and we were all a bit protective of her since it was her first year of real high school.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." I heard Nessie apologize to the girl. I watched Bella grab Jacob's arm to keep him from going to Nessie. Nessie could handle herself.

"It's okay." The girl stammered out. Nessie held out her hand and helped the girl up.

"Are you alright?" Nessie asked.

"I'm fine, thanks for helping me up." The girl smiled at Nessie.

"I'm really sorry." Nessie apologized again and I shook my head. She was so Bella's daughter. I hear Edward chuckle, probably at my thoughts.

The girl shook her head. "It's my fault. Really. I should have been paying attention to where I was going and then I wouldn't of ran into you."

"Your shirt is all wet." Nessie stated and the girl's shirt was really wet from the water.

The girl shrugged. "It's no big deal. I'll just grab a shirt out of my truck. Honestly, it's all okay."

Nessie smiled at her. "My name's Renesmee Cullen. Known better as Nessie."

The girl stuck her hand out for Nessie to shake and I was glad Nessie didn't have the cold touch we did. "Delilah Roberts. Nice to meet you Nessie."

They shook hands and Nessie grimaced. "This is so not the way I wanted my first day to go in school."

Delilah laughed. "It's fine. Really. On my first day here, I tripped over my shoes and fell flat on my face in front of the whole school. People still talk about it."

Nessie giggled. "Well okay, that does sound more embarrassing than what just happened. Thanks."

"No problem." Delilah said, Nessie looked over at us. We were all watching her and the girl.

"I'd better get back to my family." Nessie said and Delilah nodded. Nessie then started walking to our table. I switched my eyes over to Delilah Roberts, who sat down by herself by the windows. I watched her as she just sat there looking to be another world away. Something seemed familiar about her...but of course I didn't know her so she couldn't be familiar.

"Rose would used to curl her hair that way." Edward spoke quietly to me, knowing I was thinking of Rose and hearing my last thought.

I sucked in a breath. Edward was right, her curls reminded me of Rose's. It hurt to think about it and I could feel my other siblings eyes on Edward and I, wondering what I had been thinking about. I watched as they followed Edward's gaze to Delilah Roberts and back to me.

Jasper was probably testing the air around me, seeing how I felt. Bella was looking at my with sympathy and I had to look away. I couldn't take it when they did that to me, I know they all care about me but I don't want to be pitied. I looked again over at Delilah and then quickly looked away, how was I supposed to keep Rose off my mind with her here?


Delilah Pov(still lunch time)

I was pulled out of my thoughts by feeling someone's eyes on me. I looked up and saw one of the Cullens staring at me, it was the bigger guy, with the brown curly hair that looked like a body builder, kind of. I noticed the pained look on his face before he looked away from me, back to his family. I wondered, what could he possibly be upset about?

I looked away and got up, leaving the cafeteria. I still had to grab a shirt out of my truck anyways. I found my 1995 blue ford f-150 in the parking lot and opened the passenger side door. I grabbed a shirt off the seat and shut the door, as I was heading back I saw three of the Cullens outside, walking. Two of the were the older Cullen boys, one of them being the one who had stared at me and the other one had semi long honey blonde hair and had his arm around a short girl with spiky black hair.

I was only two feet away from them when the girl turned to me and smiled. "Hi!"

"Hi." I said shyly back with a smile. The boy with the honey blonde hair gave me a warm smile as he passed me and the boy with the curly brown hair didn't even look at me.

A little while later, as I sat in History, I thought of the boy with the curly brown hair. He was scary in a way, but he was definitely cute. Well more than cute, he was amazingly handsome.

"Hey again!" A musical voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see Nessie Cullen sitting in the chair in front of me. I blushed as I remembered I had just been thinking about how cute her brother was. How embarrassing.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Do you want to be partners?" Nessie asked and my eyebrows came together in confusion.

"Wait—what was the assignment? What are we supposed to be doing?" I said, half-panicking. I really hadn't been paying attention.

Nessie chuckled. "I thought you weren't paying attention. So I thought I should ask you to be partners with me so you would know what's happening and because you're the only nice person I've met today."

I laughed with her. "Thanks, Nessie." I paused. "Wait, I'm the first nice person you've met all day?"

Nessie hesitated. "Well you're the first person I've really met today. I'm actually really shy most of the time."

I smiled at her. "Me too, no worries. So now what are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"We're supposed to research a topic of choice and then next week we're supposed to present it in front of the class." Nessie grimaced and I figured it was because she was shy.

"I can present it in front of the class if you want to." I offered.

Nessie's face lit up. "Oh that would be great! Thank you!"

"No problem. Now what's gonna be our topic?"

"Hmm, I've always wanted to research about the settlers out West and everything. Like how they lived, how it was coming out and I think it would be awesome since we're living out West." Nessie said thoughtfully.

I smiled. "It's always been fascinating to me too. Well I mean since I live on a cattle ranch and have always loved ranch life, I love it."

Nessie smiled. "You live on a ranch?"

I giggled. "Most of us do. I live on D.K&K. Ranch with my Godparents Kathryn and Kyle."

"That's so awesome! I've always wanted to see an actual ranch. Well I mean when we moved here we saw all the ranches but I want to see one up close." Nessie sounded excited.

"You should come over to my ranch! Kathryn and Kyle won't mind at all and we could even go riding if you'd like." I said, feeling shocked but I had a feeling Nessie and I would become best friends.

"Really? That would be so cool! And since we have this project to study for, I'm sure we'll be at each others houses a lot." Nessie said. "Do you want to start at my house or yours first?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Well tonight might not be a good night for a studying session at my house, it's gonna be busy because we're just bringing our cattle off the mountain. So maybe yours if it's alright with your parents?" I said, hesitantly.

"I'm sure it'd be fine with them!" Nessie answered. We spent the rest of History planning out our project and the teacher handed us a poster board where we would post pictures, put on some of our facts about our topic and other information. Mrs. Foster smiled at Nessie and I when she saw we were partnered together. Mrs. Foster was my favorite teacher so far and she always told me how much she loved everything I handed in and how much she loved watching my compete in the rodeo.

"It's nice to see you paired with Miss Cullen, Delilah. I know you'll help her out, if she needs it and I can't wait to see your project. What topic did you two decide on?"Mrs. Foster asked.

"Life in the old West." Nessie and I answered her.

"I'm looking forward to it." Mrs. Foster said before moving on to the next group. The bell rang and Nessie grabbed her stuff while I grabbed mine.

"What do you have next?" I asked Nessie.

"Gym." Nessie said smiling.

"Me too!" I smiled back. "I can show you where it is."

"Thanks, I just have to stop at my locker to put away my books first."

We stopped at Nessie's locker, which was only two down from mine so I dropped my books off too. As we walked into the gym, I saw all of Nessie's siblings. One of her siblings, the one with the black hair and tan skin walked up to us. "Hey Ness." He said, kissing Nessie's forehead.

I smiled as I watched them. I had also heard all the Cullens and Blacks were together. Unlike everyone else, I didn't think it was that terrible. I mean they weren't honestly related, well except for a couple of them, but the related ones weren't dating, so honestly, it wasn't incest. "Jake, this is Delilah, Delilah, this is my Jacob." Nessie said with a smile.

"Hi Jacob." I shook his hand.

"Please call me Jake." Jake smiled at me.

"Okay." I laughed. The girl with the spiky black hair danced over to where we were standing with the boy with the honey blonde hair.

"You won't introduce us, Nessie?" The girl pouted. "I'm so hurt."

Nessie rolled her eyes. "Delilah, this is my sister Alice and my brother Jasper. Alice, Jasper is Delilah."

Alice kissed my cheek. "It's so nice to meet you!" Alice squealed and I smiled slightly. Jasper put a hand on her shoulder and chuckled.

"Darling, you might want to save your hyper-ness for when you get to know her. Don't scare her away." Jasper said with a southern accent.

"Where are you from?" I asked in curiosity.

"I was born down in Texas and lived there until I was adopted by Carlisle and Esme." Jasper said with a smile. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I could hear the southern accent in your voice and I knew you were probably from the South. I'm actually from Texas too." I smiled. I didn't have much as an accent as he did but it was there sometimes in my voice.

"What part?" Jasper replied back.

"Near the New Mexico border. I was actually born in New Mexico but my family lived in Texas. What about you?" I asked Jasper.

"I lived down in Southern Texas, near the Mexico border."

"That's really cool. I really miss Texas sometimes." I said wistfully. Sure, I missed Texas, not necessarily the people in it...

Jasper smiled. "I kind of do, because that's where my parents are buried. But I love it with Carlisle and Esme, and all my siblings." Jasper paused, smiling at Alice. "And of course, Alice."

I smiled at them, it was cute the way he smiled adoringly at her. I wish someone would look at me like that. I was thinking about that, so when Coach James clapped his hands to start class, I jumped. I hear Nessie and Jacob chuckling and I mock glared at them both but ended up smiling.

"Today we're going to be in pairs! We're gonna start out with some testing so you'll need your partner to write down your scores, time, etc." Coach James said loudly. "Everybody go change and then take a seat in the bleachers and pick your partner."

I looked at Nessie but I knew she would pair with Jacob, as we sat down after changing I looked around for who I could pair with. Jasper and Alice would surely pair together too. It seemed as if everyone else had a partner but me. Damn.

I looked at Nessie's family, of course Nessie and Jacob were paired, Alice and Jasper, the girl with the mahogany brown hair and the boy with the bronze colored hair seemed paired, leaving the boy with the curly brown hair alone. Could I actually get the courage up to ask him?

Alice giggled and I looked at her but she quickly shifted her expression into a calm one. "Hey Emmett, would you mind pairing up with Delilah? It looks like she's all alone." Alice said to the brown haired boy.

Emmett, looked at me with an almost pained expression, but nodded his head slowly. "Okay is everyone paired now?" Coach James called and we all nodded. "Okay, the people on the first row bleacher, get to do chin ups first. Second row, push ups, Third row, crunches. Fourth row, laps around the gym. Once I blow the whistle you go to the next station."

We all got up, luckily the Cullens and Blacks were on the first row bench with me so we all went over to the chin ups station. "Emmett, Delilah and you go first." Alice chirped.

Emmett, who had a bit of amusement in his eyes now, bowed. "Ladies first, partner." I just rolled my eyes and jumped up, grabbing the pole and started my chin ups. 25 chin ups later, I stopped and dropped down, grinning at Emmett.

"Your turn, partner." I laughed, a bit breathless. Nessie gave me a high five as Emmett grabbed the pole and started his chin ups. I watched in amazement as he did the chin ups, effortlessly. He really did have some muscles to, I couldn't help but notice and he was definitely in shape, very good shape.

I was so absorbed in watching him, I didn't even notice Jasper and Edward were both laughing. Emmett ended up doing 35 chin ups and when he dropped down I held my hand up for a high five and he slapped my hand and grinned. I couldn't help but grin back. I watched as the other Cullens and the Blacks—all except Nessie-effortlessly did chin ups. Damn, they all were really athletic apparently.

Coach James blew his whistle and we moved to push ups. I did 56, Nessie did 54, Jacob did 68, Bella(who I had learned was the girl with mahogany brown hair) did 65, Edward(the bronze haired boy) did 70, Alice did 57, Jasper 75 and Emmett, 98(the damn show off!). I went to grab a drink before Coach James blew his whistle and when I came back, Emmett grinned at me. "Tired yet, partner?"

I bit my lip to keep from smiling and then grinned right back. "Nope, you?"

Emmett chuckled. "Never."

Emmett and I had a little competition when we got to laps around the gym. After 16 laps, I couldn't see him tiring at all, so I kept going. Thirty laps more and he still wasn't tiring but I could feel the cramps in my sides coming on, I was athletic but I don't run like this all the time. Apparently we were interesting too, because everyone had stopped their activities to watch us.

I even got some cheers. Every time I was ready to quit, Emmett would grin at me and say "Had enough, partner?" and then I would grit my teeth and shake my head, continuing to run. Finally Coach James stopped us when in ten minutes the bell would ring. We had run sixty five laps, altogether. I fell the ground by the wall to catch my breath, but still Emmett looked fine and energized.

Nessie smiled at me and held her hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and we walked towards the changing room, I was in serious need of a shower. Thank goodness this school had shower stalls instead of one big shower area.

After I had showered and gotten back into my clothes, I shut my gym locker, holding my gym clothes. Nessie came over to me with Bella and Alice. "Esme, my mom, said it was fine for you to come over today...Do you need to check with yours?" Nessie said.

"I'll call them on the drive over. They won't have a problem with it probably because it's a school project." I told her and she nodded.

The bell rang and we all walked out the changing room, meeting up with Jasper, Jake, Edward and Emmett. "Why don't I ride with you so you know where to go?" Nessie suggested.

"That's fine as long as it's fine with everyone." I answered. I would have to clean off my seats...and throw my saddle in the back on the truck...

"It's fine with us." Bella spoke up and I smiled. They were really nice and I really hoped that everyone would see that.

Once we walked out of school, Nessie and I headed towards my truck while her siblings headed to their cars. "I like your truck." Nessie commented as I stopped at my truck and opened the passenger side door.

"Thanks, I worked very hard to save my money and buy it. Kathryn and Kyle helped a bit too, but I saved every bit of money I had to buy this truck." I said, patting the side of my truck. "Plus the guy who was selling it was a family friend and may have lowered the price for me." I smiled. I grabbed my saddle and thew it in the bed of my truck and put my bookbag and and clothes on the middle seat.

"Thanks." Nessie said after I cleared everything off. I went around and got in my truck and headed to the Cullens.


I took a deep breath as I pulled up to the Cullens house, it was a beautiful white three story house(I'll post a picture), with green shutters and a small stone wall around it. It had a big driveway past the small iron gates, where two cars were parked, a silver Volvo and a black Jeep. I pulled up beside the Jeep and turned off my truck. I looked at Nessie. "You have a beautiful house." I managed to choke out.

Nessie giggled. "Thanks, I know it might look a little out of place in a small town of ranches and farm houses but Esme loves it."

I nodded and got out of the truck, following Nessie up to the door. She opened the door and immediately I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies. Mmm, I didn't have much lunch and that smelled delicious. A moment later we were greeted by a woman with caramel colored hair. Nessie turned to me with a smile. "This is Esme, our mother." Nessie introduced her. "Esme, this is my new friend, Delilah Roberts."

Esme smiled at me and gently grabbed my hand. "It's so nice to meet you, Delilah."

I couldn't help but smile back at Nessie's mother, who was so nice. "It's so nice to meet you too, Mrs. Cullen."

Esme let out a small laugh. "Please, call me Esme."

"Okay, Esme." I smiled again.

"Would you two like some chocolate chips cookies? They were just done, I thought you two might want a snack while you were researching." Esme said.

"We would love some." Nessie paused. "You do like chocolate chip cookies right?" Nessie asked.

"Of course I do! And they smell wonderful." Esme beamed at my words.

"Well come on and get yourself some!" Esme led Nessie and I to the kitchen where a plate sat, full of chocolate chip cookies, on the kitchen counter. Nessie sat on one of the stools by the counter and I followed her.

The cookies were absolutely amazing and I told Esme so. "Thank you Dear, it's nice to hear it from someone other than my family." Esme had smiled.

Now Nessie had offered me a tour of the house and I agreed. "This is the living room," Nessie started, the living room had all white furniture, with a dark coffee colored coffee table, a flat screen TV(with all the game consoles you could think of. PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox360..etc) and it also had a piano in the left corner. "That's Edward's Piano." Nessie answered when I asked. "He's the musician of the family and he absolutely loves that piano."

I smiled slightly and followed Nessie as she showed me the house. When we got to her room, she opened the door and immediately I was met by the color, deep blue. The walls were a deep, midnight blue, her furniture was a dark black, her bedspread was a pretty Indigo blue. I saw posters of some bands I recognized, some surprised and some I didn't know. I saw pictures of Nessie as a little girl, of her and Jacob recently and pictures of a beautiful house with a small meadow around it.

"That was our old house back in Washington. I was basically raised in that house." Nessie said fondly, touching the picture gently.

I sympathized. I knew how it was to grow up in one place and then have to leave it for a place unknown. "Did you like it there?"

Nessie nodded. "But it was rainy a lot and I know it's not sunny here a lot but it doesn't seem to rain constantly."

I smiled. "It's cloudy a lot, but no it doesn't rain constantly."

"That's nice. Rain after awhile gets very boring, because you can't really do anything in the rain." I nodded my agreement as she spoke.

After awhile of looking at her books and CDs, Nessie motioned for me to follow her. "Jasper, my brother, loves History. So I'm thinking he might be some help or he might have some books that could help with our project."

I followed Nessie into a room filled with books and I saw Jasper sitting in a chair in the corner by a window. He looked up when we entered. "Hey Nessie, Delilah."

"Hi." I replied.

"Hey Jasper, we have a project in history and I was thinking maybe you could help us or maybe you had some books that could help?" Nessie said to him.

Jasper smiled. "What's your project on?"

"The old west." We both said in unison. We both smiled at each other.

Jasper stood up. "Ah, the old west." Jasper went to a book shelf and grabbed a couple books. "These might help you." Jasper handed them to me. "Feel free to stay in here and read. That way if you need more books you can just get some more." So Nessie and I sat down on one of Jasper's couches he had in his room, we broke the quietness by reading certain things out to each other and soon enough Jasper joined in reading with us and telling us stories he heard about the old west.

Soon, Jasper and I were having a conversation about the old west and the civil war. Jasper moved his chair over and we were talking while Nessie just watched, smirking.

I heard a door close somewhere in the house and Nessie said "Carlisle's home!" Nessie jumped up and walked out the door. Jasper and I looked at each other and decided to have our conversation next time. Jasper and I followed Nessie down the steps and I saw everyone had come down. The only person I didn't recognize was a older man with golden blonde hair that was smiling and hugging Esme.

He looked up as Jasper and I came down the stairs. "Well, who's this?" He asked with a surprised smile.

"This is Delilah Roberts." Nessie said. "She's my partner in History and she came over to research for our project."

When I got close enough, he gently shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Delilah."

"It's nice to meet you too, Dr. Cullen." I said politely.

Dr. Cullen laughed. "Please, call me Carlisle."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Well why don't we all take a seat and we can have a talk about school today?"

I sat down with Nessie and Jacob on the couch while everyone else took their seats. Carlisle asked everyone about their day—even me—and we all told him about their day. I learned that Nessie was switching over to my French class and smiled, one more class to have a person I knew in.

After awhile, it was silent except for sounds in the kitchen—my assumption was that Esme had dinner on the stove or in the oven—and I decided to ask a question I had been thinking of, all day. "So are you all adopted or?" I asked, hesitantly. I didn't want to pry or anything.

Alice laughed. "Pretty much."

"Are any of you related...if you don't mind me asking of course." I added at the end.

Alice smiled at me. "It's fine to ask. Bella, Jasper and Emmett are brothers and sister. Jacob and I are siblings and Edward and Nessie are siblings too."

"Bella and Emmett are my cousins." Jasper added. "Our parents go into a bad accident one night, unfortunately." Jasper grimaced and I couldn't help but feel sympathetic. What happened to not getting close to no one? My inner voice screamed at me. I sighed, I couldn't help it. I liked the Cullens and the Blacks. I didn't even notice when Edward threw me a grateful glance.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

Jasper smiled sadly at me. "It's okay. We've all pretty much accepted it by now."

"So are you Cullens or...?" I trailed off.

Edward answered this time. "Nessie and I are Carlisle's and Esme's niece and nephew so we're Cullens. Jasper, Bella and Emmett are the Hales. Alice and Jacob are Alice and Jacob Black."

I nodded. It made sense. I stayed with Cullens for a bit more and then I stood up. "Unfortunately, it's getting late. Kathryn and Kyle will be wondering where I am."

Nessie stood up with me, as did Jacob. "We'll walk you out to your truck." Jacob said.

"Thanks." I said. Esme got up and hugged me. I was surprised but managed to hug her back.

"It was great having you over Delilah. Feel free to come over anytime, you're welcome here anytime." Esme said and I had to swallow the lump in my throat. Esme reminded me so much of my mother that it made me want to cry.

"Thank you Esme, it was great being here." I gently pulled out of the hug. Carlisle shook my hand again.

"Again, nice meeting you, Delilah."

"You too, Carlisle." I said and Alice gave me a hug. After a minute so did Bella. I smiled.

"See you tomorrow!" Everyone said to me as I walked out the door with Nessie and Jacob.

"Thanks again, Nessie. For letting me come over, it was so much fun meeting your whole family and being over here." I said sincerely.

Nessie grinned. "It was fun having you over! We totally have to do it again, soon."

"Well remember to ask your parents about you coming over sometime. As I said, Kathryn and Kyle won't mind and you're welcome anytime."

Nessie gave me a hug and I got in my truck, waving to them as I drove away.

I smiled as I started driving up the driveway of D.K&K. Ranch. I always loved the new sign Kathryn and Kyle had made when I came to Montana. It used to be just K&K Ranch, but when I came to live with them, they decided to change it to D.K&K ranch, as long as it was fine with me. Which of course, it was. It stood for Delilah, Kathryn and Kyle.

I pulled up by the mares barn first, knowing Kathryn and Kyle were still down here even though it was close to seven thirty. I turned off my truck and got out, the horses all greeted me with a nicker and I took in the smell of hay, leather, sawdust shavings and horses. It had become my favorite smell in the world since I had moved here.

I saw Kathryn and Kyle down at the end of the barn, hold buckets. Probably just got done feeding. Kathryn smiled at me as I walked up. "There's our girl!" Kathryn hugged me.

"Sorry I'm late. I meant to call, I went over to the Cullens today, you know the new Doctor? Dr. Cullen?" Kathryn and Kyle nodded. "One of their daughters is my partner in history and she asked if I wanted to start on our project today so I did. I hope that's okay."

"It's fine but next time remember to call. We're not paying that cell phone bill for nothing. Kids these spoiled." Kyle said, but I knew he was teasing about the last part. I was not spoiled.

I smiled at him and he handed me a bucket. "Dream is still waiting patiently for his feed. I think you might want to go feed him." Kyle said, talking about the three year old, I was currently training. I smiled as I walked out of the mares barn and went to the barn where the younger horses were stabled. Dream was waiting for me when I entered and he nickered at me as I came closer.

Dream's registered name was Chocolate Dream and he was a three year old APHA Brown Overo Paint(Picture will be on profile too). One of the things that had happened when I got here last year was, I was assigned a two year old colt to start caring for and training. It was Dream, he had some okay bloodlines, nothing extraordinary but still I thought he was the most amazing horse ever. When we went to put him under saddle, he didn't buck, didn't rear, didn't bolt. He just walked along like he had been doing it all along and he still acts like that even when we take him up in the mountains and when we move our cattle he acts like a old ranch horse.

Of course he had his bad days too. I remembered as I poured his feed for him. He was still a stallion(planning on keeping him that way too, if it's up to me, I would hope he would pass his attitude down to his babies) and he was still young. I've only been bucked off once though and he's never taken off on me. I patted his neck and gave him a goodnight kiss.

"See you in the morning, lovely boy." I said softly and then I left the barn. I took the bucket back to the mares barn and asked Kathryn and Kyle if they wanted a ride up in my truck. They did.

So I drove up to our two story, log cabin. I parked and got out, taking in the log cabin all over again. It had an almost all the way wrap around porch, a large stone chimney, six medium sized windows by the chimney that would show our dining room. I followed Kathryn and Kyle into the house and smiled when the scent of Kyle's beef stew hit me. Kyle was the main cook in the family since Kathryn couldn't cook much. It always made me laugh.

Our living room had a nature theme/Native American theme going on. We had a dark brown couch, a dark brown loveseat and two chairs, plus Kyle's lazy boy chair(not sure that's spelled right). We had lots of nature pictures up, like the Montana mountains surrounding us, the lake a couple of miles away on our property, one of the beach in South Carolina which I loved. Then we had pictures of our horses, pictures of wolves and Native Americans, a couple hand made dream catchers. Also things of Kathryn's, like a blanket her great grandmother had made(Kathryn was part Cherokee) and a couple other things she had from relatives.

Our kitchen was all wooden, with light oak counters and cabinets. Then we had stainless steel appliances and a couple wooden stools by the counter, then you saw the dining room which had a small darker wooden table with six chairs. The view of course was nice because of the six windows, you could look out and see horses grazing in their pastures and the big Montana mountains behind them.

Past the kitchen in the small hallway was a bathroom and the door to the basement which was Kyle's office/game room, where him and his friends would watch sports, play pool or just hang out. Then you had the stairs to the left, along the wall, leading up to all the bedrooms. We had five bedrooms up there, one for me and one for Kathryn and Kyle. Every bedroom also had it's own bathroom, Kyle and Kathryn had put a lot of money to build this house and ranch up when they bought it.

I smiled as Kyle told us to sit down at the table and he would bring the beef stew over. I poured Kathryn, Kyle and I some Iced Tea I had made last night as Kyle brought over the beef stew, Kathryn grabbed the biscuits out of the oven.

We ate, Kyle and Kathryn asking about school and the Cullens, me asking about the cattle and horses. The cattle would now go to auction for either someone who was looking for cattle to keep breeding or for...meat. I still couldn't get over the fact that we raised these cattle to sell for meat but I knew it was a way of life out here. So that's why I put myself more into the Paint breeding operation they had. Lately Kyle had been teaching me about more things like how to manage the farm and the horses, how to take care of the mares in foal and the babies that were born. Kyle said I should know all these things so that if anything happened or when I got my own farm, I would know how to do all this.

"Dixie still hasn't foaled yet and I'm getting a bit worried." Kathryn spoke up. I knew they didn't like to have any babies past August and Dixie's due date had been August 29th. "I'm thinking I might call Dr. Burnett out and see what she thinks."

Kyle nodded. "Might be a good idea, maybe she can see what's going on. Maybe we need to induce labor for Dixie."

I felt slightly uneasy when he talked about something being wrong. We had had a mare that had lost her baby this year and we all were still recovering from it. It was a hard subject.

After we ate I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. I quickly jumped in the shower, washing my hair and body then I got out. I blow dried my hair and put my fuzzy horse PJ's on that Kathryn had gotten me last Christmas, I slipped on my slippers too. I stopped by my computer desk, getting the papers I needed to give to Kathryn and Kyle out of my bookbag.

I walked down the steps and saw them watching a movie in the living room all snuggled up together. I didn't want to bother them by walking in so I sat the papers on the table. "There's papers for you on the table. I'm heading to bed, night!" I called to them.

"Night honey!" Kathryn called.

"Night D!" Kyle called too, using his nickname for me.

I went up the stairs back to my room and shut my door. Turning off the light, I found my way to the bed and got under the covers. I fell asleep after awhile and my dreams involved my pale new friends.


A/N: Hi Readers! I hope you enjoy my new story! This idea popped in my head awhile ago and I've been working on it for awhile...I'm very sorry Rosalie had to die but it goes with my plot. I hope you like my new character too. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll review and tell me what you think! I'll try to post chapter two soon and I've posted some pictures for this story at the bottom of my profile under You Need To Trust Me-Characters. Thanks again for reading and please review! Also I have some other Twilight stories if you wanna check them out!

From: QuinnandSeth'sgirl15

Have a good day!