Yes, yes, I know. Very short. Why? Well, because I haven't finished it yet. I just wanted to get something up for you guys 'cause you waited patiently like good little readers (pats your head). So, here's a cookie and the unfinished version of chapter 4. (You know, I think this would be a great time for you guys to tell me what I can change in this chapter so far, don't you think? And don't worry, some action will be inserted in this story...Just not right now.:p)
Chapter 4: The Decision to Live
That night my dreams were muffled and unclear. I had still dreamed about the place where there was nothing but darkness and death but this time I didn't exactly see anyone's body. However, I did hear many sounds of gun shots and fighting plus the occasional voice that I recognized. When I awoke the next morning I did find myself hungry, but not hungry enough to finish the plate of food they gave me.
As I ate I thought about Sonic and Knuckles' words, trying to figure out if they were true or not. I didn't find my answer that day, though, or even that week. In fact, it took me a couple of thought and nightmare filled weeks to actually figure out what I was going to do.
Amy and Tails were the only frequent visitors I had left. Cream never came back because she hadn't wanted to see me in this state, Knuckles refused to visit me and Sonic only came by once in a while to check if I made up my mind about what he said. I knew that if Maria or Rouge were still alive then they'd have visited me too, but I couldn't dwell on that—it wasn't good for me, as the doctors put it.