Shepard woke slowly, leisurely, and stretched. It came as absolutely no surprise to her that she was alone in the hotel room. A smile curved her lips as she considered last nights events. It had been a mutually satisfying experience, of that at least she could be sure. She still didn't know what exactly, if anything, it meant for the both of them. For herself, well, if it had been simple curiosity, she should have gotten this out of her system by now; since she was still intrigued by him, even more than before, it was probably a bit more complicated.
What he thought about the matter, hell alone knew, but he had seemed content enough to her. She didn't believe she had lost his respect or even made a mistake in accepting his offer of company. It would probably be quite a while until they ran into each other again, it was a big galaxy. This wasn't necessary a bad thing, though; he'd called the two of them equals, but to her own mind they weren't, not yet. She needed some time and experience to earn that label for herself. Once she had found her feet and they met again, it'd really be on equal footing.

Regardless of any of that, she had a job to do, so she reluctantly rolled out of bed.
She showered and dressed efficiently but without haste, then fired up the terminal to download new personal messages and news to her omnitool.
Nothing in there was in the least unusual, but she frowned slightly when she noted a new file that hadn't come in with the normal feed.
It was encrypted. She considered the puzzle for a moment, then chuckled and ran the same decryption on it that she'd used on Saren's case files at the beginning of her training. The result was a short note, containing addresses and access codes for a number of extranet maildrops, some anonymous, some with names she neither recognised nor expected to. No further instruction, but that as well came as no surprise.

So, they had a way to keep in touch, unofficially and unobserved. They could make sure their paths crossed accidentally, or call on each other if one of them came across something that was big enough to justify the attentions of two of their kind.
They'd probably snipe and throw insult at each other as ever in public, just to keep up appearances. About what happened when it was just the two of them...well, that remained to be seen.
She smiled again. In a way, it was perfect.