Author Note: Too many ideas, too little time! I have at least six chapters started for this story and another ten for my other one-shot series, but since I keep bouncing back and forth, I haven't finished any of them. X_X I have the house to myself for the next week and, since there are no classes for the next couple of days, I should be able to get a few done (cross your fingers!). I wasn't sure what to do with the ending of this story, so I hope I didn't disappoint. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Yu Yu Hakusho. If I did, Kagome would have a harem of totally smokin guys from both series. ^_^

Warnings: A little violence

Kagome had watched her friends in the feudal era fight time and time again, but it had never been this nerve wracking. Of course, while she was in the feudal era, Kagome was always a part of the action since she was the only person in the group who could trace the shards of the jewel. It was different now. Kagome was one of the few priestesses left alive in the modern era and she was responsible for closing any of the gaps in the barrier between the worlds. She was considered too precious to risk in battle. So, of course, when the Dark Tournament rolled around, Kagome was left completely uninformed.

It was ridiculous. Kagome was one of the most powerful women in the world. She was capable of completely obliterating anywhere from 95 to 97 percent of all of the demons in the arena, and yet she hadn't even been told about the tournament. It was galling that Kurama had hidden this from her. It was typical of Koenma, considering he always hid things from her, but from Kurama it was just downright insulting. He was her mate and the most precious person in the world to her. She should have been here for him in the beginning, cheering him on and healing him when he was injured.

Kagome made her way through the hooting and hollering masses of yokai outside of the arena.

"Hey, honey!" One demon catcalled. "You lost? I could help you find your way home, for a price of course."

"Look at that." A cat demon purred grabbing Kagome's arm and pulling her toward him. "The entertainment has arrived."

"You know it's not very nice to grab a lady." Kagome growled. "Let me go."

"Aw, come on babe." The cat grinned. "We could have some fun together."

"One last warning let me go." The cat ignored her and slid his arm across her back, pulling her closer.

"The first round of the finals is about to begin in ten minutes. Everyone who has tickets should make their way to their seats in an orderly fashion." The announcer's voice blared over the speakers while the screens around the arena began a slow countdown to the first round.

Kagome sighed. "I tried to be nice, but I really can't waste any more time with you. My mate is going to be fighting soon and I need to be there to watch him." Kagome released a sharp burst of power that blew the demon into the arena wall taking a horde of lesser demons with him. The blast wouldn't kill him, but he would be stunned for a little while. The rest of the demons stumbled back murmuring in discontent. Kagome casually strolled through the demons up to the shocked looking bouncer.

"Hi. I need to buy a ticket for the finals."

"The… the tickets have been sold out for months." The large bouncer told her. "Are you a m… miko?"

"Yes." Kagome told him using her authoritative tone. Ironically, it was one she had stolen from Kurama and it was one she would soon be using on said avatar. "I'm also a mate of one of the fighters. I'm sure you'll be letting me through."

"Of course I'll let you through, Lady Miko!" The demon said laughing nervously as he inched out of her way. "I would never dream of keeping a fine lady like you away from her mate."

Kagome smiled at him and walked through the entrance. "Thank you!"

Kagome knew that, since the division of the worlds Mikos had become a sort of boogeyman to the apparitions, but she hadn't realized how effective the threat of a miko was, until just now. Blasting those demons had gained far more fear in this era than it would have in the past. In fact, if she had tried that stunt five hundred years ago, she would have been attacked by every demon in the area immediately. Instead, they had cowered and let her through. Well, it was certainly very convenient if nothing else.

Kagome got strange looks as she walked the halls of the arena, but none of the demons inside were stupid enough to say anything. It took her a while to find her way through the complicated maze of hallways that led to the actual battleground. The halls were filled with demons of all sorts and even a few obviously rich humans. Kagome knew she couldn't ask anyone for directions. Asking one of the demons would lead to trouble and the rich humans would more likely than not simply ignore her. When Kagome found the arena, the demons in the stands were hooting and hollering. Their racket was so loud that Kagome couldn't even hear the announcer over the noise. She had a bad feeling though. Demons wouldn't cheer that loudly for a team made mostly from humans. Kagome walked to the railing and looked down at the fighting ring.

It was Kurama and he didn't look good. He was surrounded by glowing orbs and he was bloody and weaving on his feet. His blond opponent was smirking and laughing at him. Kagome could feel ice moving in her veins. Kurama's spiritual energy was low, very low and his opponent still had at least half of his power. A loud bang filled the arena and an orb by Kurama's arm blew, taking out a chunk of his flesh and spewing blood everywhere. Kagome screamed as one bomb after another bomb connected with her mate. He was being blown apart bit by bit and the other male was laughing maniacally the whole time.

"Kurama," Kagome whimpered. She hadn't even gotten a proper goodbye from her mate. Kagome knew that he was a fighter at heart and she knew what that entailed. She had been in the feudal era for three years and in that time she had seen friend and foe alike torn apart by the war for the shikon no tama. She knew that it was likely Kurama would die in battle and she knew that they would never have enough time together before that happened, but she had wanted at least a few more years. They had only just been mated a couple of months ago. Kurama had denied a relationship with Kagome while his mother was ill. He did not feel that he deserved to have such happiness while she suffered. He still felt tremendous guilt. Not only taking away Shiori's normal son, but also for being a difficult child. After saving Shiori, Kurama had finally admitted his feelings for Kagome. They had dated for only a few months, but they knew they were meant to be together. Kagome wanted a life with him. She wanted for them to be together for as long as they could in life.

Why did he have to hide this fight from her? Why couldn't he have confided in her what he was planning? Kagome loved him for who he was and she knew fighting was a part of him and she respected him for it. But they should have had a better goodbye; it was obvious Kurama was going to die in this fight. Kagome had known Kurama for a long time, first as Shuichi and then as Yoko and finally as he truly was, a combination of the two. She knew that look on his face, the way he was holding his body, the way he moved. He knew he had no option, but to resort to a last ditch effort and he knew it was going to take his life.

Tears gathered in Kagome's eyes and she dashed from the balcony, desperate to find a way down to the ring. He did not get to leave her, not yet. It took her a short time to find the lower entrance; by the time she got there Kurama was on the ground the ringside announcer was counting. Kagome dashed forward, tears nearly blinding her. Arms caught her before she made it to the ring, pulling her back.

"You can't go up there, Miko." It was Hiei. "He is dying. You know it and he knows it. Do not demean what he is doing by causing your own death."

"He can't die!" Kagome cried struggling against the apparition. She didn't want to hurt him, but Kurama was everything to her and he was suffering. Kagome gently shocked Hiei, pushing him away from her and she struggled out of his arms, only to be caught in another pair of arms, these belonging to a human.

"Why Kurama," Karasu mocked. "I believe your woman is here to watch you die. Maybe we should give her a show?"

Kurama turned and made eye contact with Kagome. She shouldn't be here. He had tried so hard to keep her away from all of this. He loved her and he would miss her. He had known her for such a short period of time compared to his three hundred years of life, but his time with her had been the most precious. She fit with him. They were happy together. Now that happiness was all over. Kurama didn't want Kagome to come to the tournament for this exact reason. He didn't want her to watch him die. Kagome had been so brave her entire life. She had faced opponents she had no chance of beating, she had accepted her duty as guardian of the shikon no tama and had dedicated her life to protecting the gem from corruption. She had risked everything to protect her loved ones, now, for once in her life; she deserved to be protected in turn. But he had failed and here she was, in a nightmare of his making, watching her own mate die.

"Or maybe," Karasu continued. "Maybe I should kill her in front of you? I would love to see the look of misery on your face when you see her fall into a pool of her own blood. Maybe I should blow her apart piece by piece like I just did you?

Rage overwhelmed Kurama. Now was the time to strike against Karasu, now was the time to give his life to defeat that bastard because he could never touch Kagome.

"You will not touch her." Kurama growled as he awakened the plant that would kill Karasu. He could feel the plant sucking his life force from him, taking everything that Kurama had left to offer. Kurama's last thought before he lost consciousness was of Kagome's face as she cried for him. It was so sad.

Kagome watched Kurama fall to the ground for the last time, she watched as his plant shot from his body to impale his enemy, and for the first time in her entire life, she was glad that someone had received a mortal injury. This was the man who took her mate from her, he deserved to die. Kagome felt herself sag against the red-headed human, her vision turned black She felt like her whole world had just collapsed. Kurama was lying in the ring, soaked in his own blood, and Kagome wished it was her instead of him.

Pain was all that filtered into Kurama's awareness. He blinked and then opened his eyes completely. He was alive. He had survived. Kurama struggled to his knees. How? He had given everything that was left inside of him. Unless… The potion's effects had been weakening, but Kurama himself was stronger. Of course! Every time he transformed Kurama was absorbing some of Yoko's powers. It was the only way he could have survived that last ditch effort on his part.

"Kagome," Kurama looked over at the woman. She had fainted. She was unconscious in Kuwabara's arms with tears streaked down her face. "I'm sorry, Kagome."

Kagome awoke in what appeared to be a locker room. She was lying on a bench and directly across from her was an unconscious Hiei. At first, she couldn't remember why she was here, but then it came back to her. Kurama was dead, blown to bits by his blond opponent. He had killed the man with the last of his energy. The realization was crushing and for a moment Kagome thought she was going to pass out again. Sobs ripped themselves from her throat and Kagome curled in on herself.

Seconds later, arms wrapped themselves around her body and Kagome was enveloped in what smelled like… roses?

"Kurama?" Kagome gasped. The arms tightened around her and red hair fell over her shoulder. "You're alive."

"I'm sorry that I scared you." His voice was hoarse, but it sounded so good to Kagome's ears. Kagome spun around in his arms and launched herself against him, forgetting about his injuries. Kurama grunted in pain and Kagome hurriedly pulled back.

"I'm sorry," she told him, fighting back tears. "Let me heal you." Kurama smiled at her and gently pulled her into his arms, tangling his fingers into her dark hair. The brunt of his injuries had already been healed by Yukina. He would be fine for now. Healing the rest could come later, Kagome needed him now. At this moment, holding Kagome was the only important thing.

"I would have missed you greatly." He whispered into her hair. "I never want to leave you."

Kagome struggled out of his arms suddenly angry. "Why didn't you tell me? Didn't you think I would want to know that you were putting your life in danger? Didn't you think I could help you, as a healer? Kurama, I'm not some naïve girl. I know about your life and what you've done. I know what it is to be a demon and a fighter. I've lived through that before, remember?"

"I know you have, Kagome." Kurama looked at her sadly. "And look how badly it hurt you. I never want to hurt you that way. I cannot stand knowing that I put you in danger."

"Kurama," Kagome said softly. She pulled him into her arms again. "My place is wherever you are. I don't want you to have to face danger on your own in order to protect me. I love you and nothing is more important to me than being with you and making sure that you are alright. I want to be with you, no matter what. If you should die on one of these missions, I don't lies and regrets between us."

"You are right." Kurama rested his chin on Kagome's head. "There should be nothing between us. I love you, and you have the right to know when I may not come home. You have my promise that next time I am needed, I will tell you."

"That's all I want." Kagome murmured into Kurama's neck.

Author Note: Remember to review if you liked it or (hiss!) if you didn't. Have a happy Thanksgiving my pretties!

-Love, Librianangel