Chapter 1 The house on haunted hill

Haunted Hill sat on the outskirts of the small town of Tucurra. It was one of those gloomy streets that never seemed to get light, it was morbid and scary all the time. Along the cracked pavement sat old knarled leaveless trees. Even in the summer the leaves refused to grow. People refused to settle down on Haunted Hill anymore, the dark grim street prooved too much for one's sanity. The houses used to be proud objects of desire until the dark day, everyone just seemed to move and the houses became like the street, dark. Every now and then thick planks would show across the windows and doors, There was only one house that still had an occupant, the house on Haunted Hill.

This house was like a God to the other houses, it was right on top of the hill looking down at the world. The giant two story house was not just a house, it was a torture palace. The dirty black windows hadn't been washed in years and the big black door had claw marks on it. No one ever got out alive from Haunted Hill. The inside was just as bad as the outside, dust and cobwebs covered almost every inch of space. Sheets of dirty white covered the furnature because the owner hardly ever used it. Most of the house was shut down these days, the kitchen had been unused for almost two decades. The only room in this house that was used was the basement. The basement had been designed specially, one half was a bedroom with a small toilet and kitchenette. The other half was a torture room. It was all white like a hospital complete with clean smell. All over the walls were instruments of killing, knives, blades and almost every other sharp device known to man. Right in the centre of the small room was a cold steel table, thick leather straps moulded to the sides. Right at that point in time, a young man by the name of Dolph Ziggler was strapped to it, barely concious and struggling to stay alive.

The Butcher looked him over with growing delight, she had been waiting several hours for this moment and now it was here. In her tiny hand she gripped a schapel, it was one of her favourite tools to murder. Like her it was small but it could do alot of damage. Her long black and silver hair was tied back into a bun trapped under a paper hat, it was the same sort of material used in kitchens. Gently she trailed the sharp blade over his face, she was overly annoyed at his squashed face, it was like there wasn't enough room for all his features and everything was just plastered on. Almost every inch of her tattooed skin was covered by a green disposable gown. This would catch the blood and knowing the Butcher, there would be blood. Dolph's eyes slowly fluttered open, the drugs in his system slowly wearing off. Butcher didn't mind this too much, she wanted him to feel the pain. The remaining colour in his face instantly drained when he saw who had him.


"Me!" She called triuamphantly, her silver eyes laced with crazed enthuisam. "I bet you didn't see this coming"


"Do I really need a reason?" Her usually sweet face had transformed into a mask of evil. "Here's a reason, I don't like you"

"Please don't do this" He tried to plead with her. Deep down he knew it wouldn't work but he still had to try.

"Aww but I want too" She pouted playfully like she was going to listen to him. Before she could any further her cellphone started to ring. Dolph breathed a sigh of relief, he was alive for a little bit longer.

"Hey Storm" She answered nicely, that sadistic smile back on her face. "Is she there?"

"Yeah she wants to know where her food is"

Butcher gave a laugh "Soon, would she like some veges with that?"

"Yeah she would" The caller known as Storm gave a laugh "Who have you got this time?"

"Dolph Ziggler" She looked at the table. Desperately he clawed at the leather straps trying to get free. "Look he's trying to escape"

Storm laughed again "Are you gonna let him run?"

"Nah, it would just make him tough and stringy and the bitch will complain"

"You are such a tease, leaving the strap halfway undone knowing that his drugged filled body would be too weak to escape properly" Butcher held out her phone so Dolph could hear the last part. The disappointment screeched into his blue eyes. She closed her phone and looked at him. "You didn't think I'd let you escape that easily would you?" She glanced at him again as she twirled her schapel "Just so there are no surprises Dolph I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to cut out your eyes and give them to my sister Harmoni for her birthday. Your flesh and blood will be collected and given to my cousin Storm, she will cook it and feed it to my twin sister Raven and lastly your bones will be made into art. Anything else will be burnt in acid and tipped down the drain. Are there any questions?"

Dolph began to sob uncontrollably as the sick reality settled in. "I'll take that as a no" Cackling like a mad-woman she cut into his face until his eyeballs popped out onto the floor. All through out the 'operation' Butcher laughed like she was insane. She wasn't insane, she was in perfect control of what she was doing.

After he was silenced forever she headed back upstairs to the unused living area. She only had a few moments of peace before the door rattled with life.

"It's open!" She yelled out, her hands still red with Dolph's blood. Until it was dried she only touched herself.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Shawn Michales kissed his daughters forehead lovingly. Eyeing the blood he looked at her "Who did you knock off this time?"

"Dolph Ziggler" She shrugged "I cut out his eyes and gift wrapped them for Harmoni's birthday"
Shawn laughed "Thats my Iziah, a present with a grotesque twist"

"Your the one that introduced me to a killing feild Dad" Iziah laughed hugging him greatfully. Iziah Michales had been a member of the WWE for over six months now and in that six months her killing spree had errupted into a blood bath. No one would ever suspect the womans champion of being the infamous Butcher, the serial killer that killed for pure fun.