Well, I'd originally meant for this to be a one-shot, but I guess now it's a two-shot. I just couldn't help myself. I was inspired during class, so I wrote this instead of taking notes in government. This should be the end of the story, though, don't expect anything more. :)

To Be Okay: Part Two

Sitting up and pulling the bed sheets off of her, Sara ran a hand through her hair, shaking out the tangles that Michael had created earlier. He was asleep next to her, curled up in the warm comfortable bed, and Sara smiled at the thought. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, and she was grateful. Sleep was not, however, coming as easily to her. Nightmares had been plaguing her for the past several weeks, and unfortunately, her first night with Michael was no different.

Sara extracted herself from his arms, careful not to wake him, and exited the room. She headed towards the kitchen, trying to smooth her still-messy hair with the palm of her hand. She opened the kitchen door, the idea of making a cup of tea in mind, but was surprised to find the room was already occupied.

"Hey, doc," Lincoln's gruff voice startled her.

"Hi, Lincoln." She grabbed the tea pot and started making herself some tea. "What are you doing up?"

Lincoln shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. It's hardly the first time. You?"

"Same," Sara said quietly. "Couldn't sleep."

"How's Michael?" his brother asked.

"He's good." She settled into the chair beside him. "Sound asleep."

Lincoln cracked a smile. "You wear him out?"

Color flooded Sara's cheeks. She chuckled under her breath. "Probably."

"That's my brother," Lincoln muttered.

Minutes passed, and Sara fixed herself a cup of tea. She gestured to the pot. "Want some?"

Lincoln shook his head. "No, thanks. I'm not much of a tea drinker."

"Your loss," Sara replied easily. "Tea relaxes me."

"Well, we could all certainly do with some relaxing."

Sara nodded. "We could."

"I hope this will all be over soon."

"Me too."

Sara sipped her tea quietly.

After several minutes of comfortable silence, Lincoln spoke up. "I'm really glad you're okay, Sara. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. When they left me that box…" Lincoln let out a shuddering breath. "Well…I'm glad you're okay."

Sara took another gulp of her tea. "Me too. You did what you could. I'm okay. There's no need to apologize for anything. And LJ seems to be doing fine. In fact, he and I have forged quite the friendship after what we went through – all that time in close quarters. He's a good kid, Lincoln. He'll be okay."

"Will you? Will Michael?"

Sara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sure we will. We're all together now, aren't we?"

Lincoln nodded. "So you and Michael…it's serious, right?"

Sara laughed. "After everything we've endured, you really have to ask?"

Lincoln smirked. "I guess not. He gave you an origami crane, right?"

"A few, yes. With messages on them. Why?"

"Those cranes…they represent familial obligation. So I guess you're stuck with us now."

Sara grinned. "I guess so."

"Welcome to the family, Sara."

To Lincoln's great surprise, Sara reached over and gave him a giant hug.

"Thanks, Linc."

Still smiling, Sara finished her last gulp of tea, put her empty teacup in the sink, and headed back to bed. Snuggling back into the warmth of Michael's bare chest, she sighed contentedly. Shifting slightly in his sleep, Michael tightened his arms around her.

Yeah, they were going to be okay.