A/N: I felt like writing this, so here it is. It's a side project and it I probably won't be updated as often as my other fic, The Avengers. So please review! ^~^


Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"I told you that you weren't to make another mistake again, and what did you do?" Hyuuga Hiashi lectured his daughter from his seat in the drivers spot in the car. They were driving towards the downtown area of Tokyo and he wasn't happy. Not at all.

"I-I messed up…" Hinata held her head down in shame. Her eyes were stinging and her vision kept blurring. Her otou-san may be yelling at her now, but if he caught her crying her would throw a fit! She couldn't understand why he was so angry. It was just an accident yet he acted as if the whole world was crashing down.

"You didn't 'mess up'. YOU SCREWED UP!"

Even Neji flinched from his spot in the passenger's seat in the front, and Hiashi's rage wasn't even directed at him! Hanabi was holding on to Hinata's hand in the back, frowning at the back of their father's head.

"You're just so useless Hinata, and you haven't one skill that can make up for it."

"That's not true!" Hanabi cut in, "Hinata-neesan cooks really well, and she-."

"This doesn't concern you Hanabi. Shut your mouth." His ivory hues flicked to the road, then to his eldest daughter. "I think that it's about time that you grow up and understand what kind of world you really live in." He pulled over to the side of the road and unlocked the doors. "Get out."

The heiress' eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Fear clutched at her chest as she stared at their father with disbelief.

"You think I'm kidding?" He roared. "Get out of my car now!"

Neji glanced over to his uncle with his brows drawn down. "Uncle, I do not think that this is the-." He was cut off immediately by a fierce glare.

Hinata's lower lip trembled as she reached for the handle and opened the door. She reached for the handle and opened the door. She calmly stepped out and slammed it behind herself, walking away from the curve. She didn't bother to turn around when she heard the car speed off; she knew that her family was long gone.

Well… She thought, looking around herself, now what?


"Stop the car! We have to go back! I'm sure that this is illegal!" Hanabi screeched, hitting her father's shoulder as hard as she could. "Do you see what kind of area you left her? There's nothing but crack whores and drunkards! She'll get raped in a matter of seconds!"

The older man didn't even flinch. "It's not illegal Hanabi. I am no fool. I'm just going to circle the block and pick her up. She'll be shaken up enough that she won't mess up. She'll be shaken up enough that she won't mess up ever again."

"Uncle… If that is all you were doing to do, then why did you not take her and leave her somewhere at least a little safer?"

"Because then she wouldn't think that I was serious."

"Tou-san, I thought you were serious! And Hinata-neesan is the more gullible one! She's probably scared out of her wits!"

They rounded the corner and stopped where they dropped off the teen minutes before. "She's alright Hanabi. See? She's-."


"What is it Neji?"

"Hinata-sama isn't there."


She was hiding in the bathrooms. She had seen the area… Drunken men everywhere, prostitutes, drug addicts… She wouldn't survive there very long if she stayed dressed the way she was and looked as she did there was no doubt in her mind that she would be raped.

She searched the bathroom frantically form something-anything that would change her appearance. Her lavender orbs landed on a woman who was passed out in the corner.

She had incredibly greasy gray hair, not from age, but it was her natural color. She had a bag lying next to her and a knife was clutched in her grubby hand.

"E-excuse me…" She called out.

Nothing. Not even a little twitch.

So she tried again. "E-excuse m-me."

The woman released a snore.

"Excuse me." She turned to the faucets and cupped some water into the palm of her hands. She then turned to the woman and sprinkled it on her face. "Excuse me?"

The woman hacked a couple of times before her eyes cracked open. "What do ya want?" she asked as she glared at the shy heiress.

"I-its just that I need t-to make myself l-look different before I s-step out of this bathroom… I-I was wondering if you would h-help me?"

The woman eyed her silently for several moments, her eyes shining greedily. "What's in it for me?" She demanded, licking her lips as her beady little eyes landed on Hinata's rings.

"I'll g-give you all of my j-jewelry and my c-clothes if you give me the clothes you have in your bag and your knife." She held her head high as confidence filled her.

The older woman examined the heiress for several moments. "Done." She tossed Hinata her plastic bag and handed over her knife.

Perfect. "Here you are." She took off all of her jewelry she had on her and passed it over before moving over to a stall and pulled off her clothes. She tossed them over and then turned to her new bag.

She searched its contents and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. They weren't as dirty as she would've thought, but there were several holes littered here and there.

She quickly pulled them on, slightly annoyed that they were a little too big for her, but ignored it, moving back to the bag. The next article of clothing removed was a black wife beater. Like the pants, there were a couple of holes, though these were much smaller. She threw it on before eagerly digging through the bag. Next was a slightly dirty ebony long sleeved shirt. It practically swallowed up, it was so big. It reached a few inches above her knees and was big enough to hide her well endowed figure. To top off her homeless assemble, there was a navy blue scarf which she quickly secured around her neck. Everything was perfect. Well, almost everything…

She glanced down at her shoes, which were too nice and feminine to go with this new homeless boy look she had going. "A-ano… Are you still there?" She called quietly.


"H-How about we trade shoes as well?"

"…What size?"

"F-five and a half…"

She was met with a low cackle. "Five and a half? Heh, heh, heh! Hun, you won't find anyone out here with that size! But they're mighty fancy and I can probably fetch a pretty penny for 'em." A big pair of black combat boots was shoved under the door. "Here. They may be a bit big, but that's just something that you need to get used to out here."

Hinata knelt next to the shoes and flipped out the tongue out, examining the listed size. She nearly groaned at her bad luck. It was a size six… In men. She didn't even have to untie them. She simply slipped her feet in and voila. The heiress opened the door and passed her shoes over to the awaiting woman. "There you are."

The woman grabbed them then examined them with narrowed eyes for several moments. "You look like a guy with long hair." She noted.

"That's what the knife is for." She moved over to the mirror and grabbed one of her long strands. She felt like crying. It took her two years to grow her hair out that long! But in the end, its all for my safety. She thought. The teen took a deep breath and seared her knife through, cutting off a chunk.

Snip. Snip. Snip. Several clips later and more strands fell to the floor.

The previously passed out woman studied her. "Well hun, you won't have to worry about being on the streets for too long." She cackled. "Damn. Just lookin' at you gets me all hot and bothered, and I know what sex you really are!"

Hinata blinked owlishly. "What do you mean?" The Hyuuga heiress stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't think that she looked too spectacular… Her hair was a bit spiky and her bangs were incredibly uneven… She did look like a boy, but she wouldn't say that she looked desirable.

Hm… Oh well. She turned back to the woman and gave her a brief nod in thanks. "I'll s-see you around m-maybe…" She said in a deepened voice before turning and exited the bathroom.

The woman flushed then chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "Man, that girl's going to be giving everyone wet dreams as soon as they see her. Men or women!"


So that's how she ended up walking down the downtown streets with her loud combat boots clunking as she was searching aimlessly for something to entertain herself.

Some men paused in mid-conversation to sneer as she passed, some whispering. "Damn pretty boy," others whispering something about taking the little boy to school and teaching him a lesson or two, whatever that meant.

"…" She continued on until she came to a stop before a bench near the park, plopping down unceremoniously. Huh… What to do..?

"Why does he hate me so much?" she heard a girl cry out from the park.

"..?" she climbed to her feet and clunked over to the entrance, searching for whoever was the source of all the weeping. She came to a small clearing when she saw her.

The female had short, shoulder length pink hair and was wearing a maroon sweater and black jeans. She was hunched over, so the heiress couldn't see anything else.

Should I leave..? She knew she wouldn't. Curiosity got the better of her and she just wasn't one to leave someone alone when they were suffering. So she strode forward, filled with determination. "Excuse me, m-miss?"


She couldn't believe him! Not only had he turned her down, but he did it in front of their entire class! "Why does he hate me so much?" Haruno Sakura moaned, burying her face into her sleeves.

Uchiha Sasuke, the boy that she has loved since elementary rejected her, saying something about how it would ruin his relationship with Naruto, their friend that has loved her since… Well for as long as she's liked Sasuke!

"He broke my heart." She whispered. She couldn't really lift her head, for she knew that crying so much had exhausted her. She would pass out if she did…

"Excuse me, m-miss?"

Oh no! Someone found me! Sakura hastily wiped off all of her tears and snot before angling her body around. She still had the majority of her face covered, but she allowed her eyes to be seen. Her vision was a bit hazy from unshed tears and she quickly wiped them away with slight irritation.

Once her vision cleared and her eyes landed on the figure before her, she almost reached up to wipe at her eyes again. This man couldn't be real! Well, man was a bit strong, this was more like a teen her own age. The thing that stood out the most? He was prettier than Sasuke! Just then, she was hit with a wave of dizziness. Oh, Kami. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and then she fainted.

-Chapter 1/End-

A/N: so yeah… Tell me what you think.