Thanks for the reviews! Sorry I haven't been updating as much. I've been really stressed with school and fighting depression.

Reid chased after Hotch, fear in his eyes.


Hotch kept walking.


Finally Hotch turned and Reid was stunned to see the heated anger in his eyes.

"Please...DON'T say anything!"

"There has to be justice for what happened to you!" Growled Hotch. Reid shook his head.

"No one would be able to do anything...Too much time has past...they'd say it was just bullying-"

"It was MORE than just bullying!"

"I know Hotch!" Reid's eyes flashed anger briefly. "It...wouldn't do anyone any good bringing it up again."

Hotch shook his head.

"It would do you some good."

Reid had tears in his eyes.

"Please...don't...say anything. Besides we need the school's cooperation and placing blame on them won't help the case."

Hotch closed his eyes.

"This shouldn't have happened to you." His voice was soft.

Reid swallowed.

"Lots of things shouldn't happen to people."

As he left he was secretly glad of one thing. That it wasn't revealed with what had happened to him and a certian math teacher that used to work at the school.

His throat closed as he thought in terror of what would happen if the others found out.

He had thought the teacher was his friend.

The only person that ever talked with him...listened to him.

It turned out he wanted more than just conversation with Reid.

Reid shut that scene out of his head, the scene that happened after school in the classroom. Though when he remembered he also remembered a camera...the bastard liked filming...worry sank in...what if, it wasn't on the school videos so she'd have no reason to find it...still...a video of that...incident was out there...

Reid felt sick

Morgan came after him.

"Reid...Are you okay?" Reid looked up and Morgan was stunned to see how pale Reid was. "Reid, you should have let Hotch do something!" Morgan said with anger in his voice.

Reid licked his lips.

"It's in the past."

"Reid, that doesn't make it okay and you know it. Why do you want to let it go?"

"Because I've moved on!" Reid finally shouted. "I've moved on okay Morgan? And reliving those times are just...too painful. I don't want to do it again."

Morgan's eyes closed.

"Okay Reid, I understand that...but what about other kids who are still going through that stuff? What if the coach knows about that too? They don't have a voice...YOU can be that voice. Their voice."

Reid shook his head.

"It wouldn't solve anything."

"Oh yes it would, Reid. It would tell those kids they aren't alone. That there are would make a great deal of difference if someone actually stood up for them."

Morgan's voice was pained.

"At the very least you should do it for them...try and get some justice...and if not for them for yourself...or even for your past self that was on that screen."

Reid's swallowed.

"Since when did you get so preachy?"

Morgan gave a weak smile.

"Just...promise me at least you'll think about it?"

Slowly Reid nodded.

"Okay," he whispered.

Morgan knew he couldn't ask too much right away. He hated sitting back and doing nothing. The coach should be fired for letting his team get away with it...anger was seething inside of him.

"Come on," he murmured. "Let's get some coffee. I'm buying."

Reid blinked back tears and nodded.


Garcia shuffled through he old school videos when something that looked different caught her eye, it was really the labeling of it. All the others had the school titles to it, this one just had the title J.N. She frowned and looked at it. It looked like it didn't belong with the school footage...that someone accidently left it there or something.

She was still reeling from the footage she saw of Reid as she slowly put this one one.

"Oh my God, no" shie cried out and started to sob.

But then anger rose inside of Garcia...anger like she never felt before.

She was determined to find this sonofabitch who did this to Reid and make him pay...for good.

Sorry for it being so short and such and odd ending and I know her finding the tape of it also is pretty unrealistic but I decided to do it anyway. I hope you liked it!