Lunny: Guess what people…ITS TIME FOR THE MOCK AWARDS! *echo* Well, I went through the final run-down and basically took out a few awards. Sorry folks, kind of had a few of them were really kind of out there and I was being lazy! (XD) Well, each award is going to be presented by either one of the two muses you guys meet or one of my OC's…which means you guys may see Oliver and Subaru! (XD) All right first award! Most Hits and to present this award we have Ichirou!
Ichirou: *nods* Readers…Lunny.
Lunny: Hey! So which Chapter got the Most Hits?
Ichirou: Isn't that obvious…the Prologue with…4,257.
Lunny: Why didn't I see that number with the others?
Ichirou: OC?
Lunny: (XP)….All right, see ya! Next we have Least Hits with Yvonne!
Yvonne: Hey kitty cats! Well, Lunny asked me and others to give out these awards…and I get to give this award to the Chapter with the Least Hits…and with 235 hits we have The Epilogue: What the Future Holds!
Lunny: Thank you Yvonne.
Yvonne: Anytime honey!
Lunny: Now to award the Chapter with the Most Reviews we have Amora.
Amora: Should be obvious: The Epilogue with 23 Reviews!
Lunny: The most ever…thank you Amora, now go back to you little hellions!
Amora: My pleasure Lunny!
Lunny: All right and to announce our Chapter with the Least Reviews we have Lavi Sr.
Sr.: Hey everyone!
Lunny: Hey yourself! So, where's my least reviews?
Sr.: Well, at 4 reviews we have Chapter 9: Shadows Stir and Trouble Brews.
Lunny: 4? That's kind of…ouch…
Sr.: At least it's not 2…
Lunny: Thanks…see ya and have fun with the school!
Sr.: If you do a sequel in the future DO NOT TURN ME GAY!
Lunny: *evil grin* All right now we're getting into lists! For those who have Read Both DGM Fics, Oliver will say your names.
Oliver: Readers…and Lunny, that should be Reviewed…as that's how you could tell.
Lunny: Shut up and just give us names.
Oliver: Okay, well here they are: Famelia Ly, Panda-Hiroko, Watashi…yeah some of you got nicknames now because your username is so long, Australian Gypsy, dgm-mega fan, The Puppeteer Master, BlueStar. Thank you guys for reviewing both DGM fics and showing your local fanfic writer support.
Lunny: Thank you Olly!
Oliver: Don't call me Olly…
Lunny: *rolls eyes* Now to say who Favorite Both DGM Fics, you know him and love him, Rascal!
Rascal: Kittens! Well, those who showed they're love by clicking "Favorite" are: Kuro, LadyDrago88, bethanierocks123, Kanero16, LadyFayte, Watashi, Utopian and Crazy-yaoi fangirl28. You kittens are so lovely and sweet.
Lunny: You're trying to butter them up to review on my other fics aren't you?
Rascal: Yes, because your hit count on your YGO Fic is sorely lacking…
Lunny: If I never get above 1,000 hits on a single chapter I'm fine with that…I'm finishing that thing before I start any new projects!
Rascal: Your devotion is something else…
Lunny: Thanks, now scram cat! Now for those who have Alert Both DGM Fics, Subaru would like to say hi…
Subaru: Lunny, I love the fact that your letting us do this.
Lunny: I do too, now…names?
Subaru: Ah…let's see. Oh thanks to: Australian Gypsy, bethanierocks123, IrukaAsato, Kanero16, Kohikari, Kyurengo, Watashi and yumise-lunar. You all are such loyal followers…
Lunny: No using vampire skills on my readers or else I will make sure that you somehow are able to produce children…
Subaru: Bye Lunny.
Lunny: See you later, Suzu! Now for those who have Alerted this fic, Lavi!
Lavi: Hey guys! I tell you this was a very fun story to be apart of!
Lunny: Lavi…I still have my paper fan for idiots…
Lavi: So, those who Alerted, and Lunny recounted the alerts to find that she screwed up, but those who were credited with it still are going to be mentioned! Anyways: 15th= Terra1298, 30th=Esuneo and 45th (because there is no 60th)= bethanierocks123.
Lunny: We were one away from 60! But, that's fine…I got 71 favorites…(XD). Bye Lavi, go back to your lover and your kid…
Lavi: See you guys!
Lunny: Now for those to click Favorite, Direito would like to extend his thanks.
Direito: I still can't believe that you did all that.
Lunny: The whole…WalkerXKanda pairings?
Direito: Yeah, I won the bet that Sr. and I had going about that too…
Lunny: Just…list names…
Direito: Okay, well: 15th= Terra1298, 30th= Me and Gaara 4 ever, 45th= The Hungry Hybrid and 60th= Kitsune Demon Girl.
Lunny: Thanks! All right, we're rolling now! For those who I have seen that you Reviewed Since Start, Ryuusei would-
Ryuusei: Like to say that the reviews were always something she looked forward to.
Lunny: Bastard…so, who reviewed since start?
Ryuusei: From what we saw…two people…
Lunny: They are?
Ryuusei: Panda-Hiroko and BlueStar…if anyone else has reviewed since she started, and we mean the first week she came out with the prologue and every update after…send us a pm or leave a review saying so.
Lunny: All right, go back to your shinigami…NEXT! We have the Longest Chapter, Morte would you please?
Morte: With pleasure. The Longest Chapter Word Count Wise is Chapter 17: Heartfelt.
Lunny: Ah…the first lemon…Yullen…(XD) thanks Morte! Shortest Chapter! Hex get in here and tell us the shortest chapter!
Hex: Well, Lunny…it was your Ramble…
Lunny: Oh. Well then…bye Hex…can you send in Lucas?
Hex: But…Ryuu…
Lunny: Tell Ryuusei Authoress demands it…
Ryuusei: *from a hall* TELL HER TO GO-
Lucas: *slides in* HERE!
Ryuusei: LUCAS!
Lunny: Kindly list off those who I say gave the Best Review for each chapter Lucas.
Lucas: Well…from 1-24…Bluu Inkblot, Panda, , Bluu, Yueli-chan, LadyAliceWalker, The Puppeteer Master, BlueStar, honey-nam, Kuro, vampire-chamer-101, Akana, Watashi, Kuro, yaoifanvane, Panda, there were four for Chapter 16: Doomed Unicorn, Kuro, Watashi and Panda, Everyone who reviewed Chapter 17, Everyone who reviewed Chapter 18 (except entercoolnamehere), Australian Gypsy, Kuro, Watashi, Flyer-2100 and everyone who reviewed the Ramble.
Lunny: Ok, now go back to your vampire before he kills me…
Lunny: *mutters* And he's not even breathing hard… I believe there was ONE person who remarks that they Read RT & NS, so Solarius.
Solarius: Thanks to YJ…anyone else and leave a review. Now If you excuse me…there are four lemons that need to be written for RT (Renewed Time).
Lunny: I hate him sometimes…well Cold come over here and let's here the Honoarable Mentions.
Cold: Well, thanks to: Oreo13, LadyFayte, Jade36963, mosimellow.
Lunny: Ok…well we're at my last award…the Review Counter…Allen, Kanda…would you?
Allen: All right, 25th= Ao-mido
Kanda: 50th= BluuInkblot
Allen: 75th= vampire-charmer-101
Kanda: 100th= Watashi
Allen: 125th= BlueStar
Kanda: 150th= Kuro
Lavi: *slides in* 175th= Fall in Snow! *gets hit by Mugen and a paper fan*
Kanda/Lunny: BAKA USAGI!
Allen= *ahem* 200th= Rin28
Kanda: *glare to Lavi* 225th= dgm-mega fan.
Lunny: And a special award goes to my three 1st: Reviewer= BlueStar, and to Alert/Fav= Brown Cornelia. I would like to say to the three reviewers who half the time I was close to claiming 'lover' rights to: Panda, Kuro and Watashi. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO'SE READ OR WILL READ THIS BABY!