Author's Note (Standard Disclaimer)

I don't really YA anymore, but randomly picked up this book and pretty much fell in love with the characters Roland and Arriane, and am convinced they have a thing. I mean, come on!
The things is, I have ideas. And so I will put them here. The drabbles have various ratings and are not chronologically in any order. Some will take place in the books, some won't.

Enjoy, and PLEASE review! That way I'll know 1. if it is any good, and 2. if people actually like this pairing, as I have seen NOTHING about them together anywhere else.

So, yeah. Enjoy.

Oh, and I own NO rights for any of the following chapters.



Name: A Good Day in Heaven
Rating: T
Number: I

Arriane smiled, her thin, white, flowy dress brushed against her calves as she walked down the halls. Unusually blissful, she relished the feeling of the warm sun beaming against her forever alabaster shoulders, as her freshly washed hair hung softly against her skin.

It was a good day in Heaven.

And it got even better when she pressed her palms against the door, knowing who was on the other side.

He pulled her in, shut the door soundlessly, and then pressed her against it- his speed making all the movements seem instantaneous. He was pushing against her, his strong chest pressed to hers, hands holding her neck, muscled thigh in between her legs, against her groin.

He looked into her dark eyes, tempted to kiss her before she could speak. He didn't.

Instead, he watched her thin lips as they opened, forming words. She chose one of the hundreds of human tongues already spoken.

"Don't act so desperate, Ro. You might actually make me think you enjoy this." Her voice was coy, teasing: spiteful.

He smiled slightly, close lipped, leg in between hers lifting her small body up so they could be eye to eye. "That would be a shame." He whispered.

And then he kissed her, lips moving over lips, hands in hair, pulling, moving closer, tongues lacing together, wet, hot, teeth bumping, clothing being torn- it all mixed into one, and together, Roland and Arriane fell into their new routine.

Yes, it was a good day in Heaven.