A/N: To Ms. Geometry's helpful friends: I'm sorry if I offended you or any of your colleagues. I did not mean for any of this to be offensive. This is not reflected on a day in my math class; our teacher is a nice lady with good intentions. I modeled 'Ms. Geometry' off a typical teacher you would see in Percy Jackson's schools. Also in Leo's.

Welcome to Leo Valdez's 100 Things to do When You're Bored in Math Class: Fan Addition!

I will post the suggestion and who suggested it. It's not too late to suggest something!

•"Pretend the kid in front of you is a leprechaun and say "after his lucky charms!" Do this even if the kid in front of you is female."~Sent in by: Dildog The Penguin Rapist

•"Draw different versions of Kenny from South Park getting killed. Be as graphic as possible."~Sent in by: Dildog The Penguin Rapist

•"Lick all of your partner's pencils"~Sent in by:Dildog The Penguin Rapist

•"Do an Irish tap dance and sing off every known curse word in Gaelic."~Sent in by: Dildog The Penguin Rapist

•"bring your dog and pet it"~Sent in by: The Gummy Bear OverLord

•"Ask your teacher why math won't grow up and solve it's own problems."~Sent in by: xXxWiseGirlxXx

•"Although I do have one, which my friend does on a daily basis. It's try to blind other students (and/or the teacher) with a handheld mirror."~Sent in by: FlitterCherub

•"open bag and whisper reallii loudly "got enough air in there?" and when you get funny looks shout reallii loud "what it has air, it's not animal neglect!" and sit down dramatically"~Sent in by: RyderKillgallon

•"I like to annoy my desk partner by making this really high pitch sound from a small gap between my teeth."~Sent in by: Taylor Swift luvr

•"dropping your pencil somewhere to far for you to reach and continually ask your seat neighbor to get it for you until they get mad..."~Sent in by: eMMeD

•"Get up and use the electric pencil sharpener while the teacher is trying to teach. keep doing it until it breaks... wait two seconds (thus giving the other students a false sense of security) and then restart."~Sent in by: eMMeD

•"I remember for one calculus class we did a mirror trick, everyone sat in their mirror image seat."~Sent in by: Prodigious Discourse

•"every other word out of our mouths was 'meow' and have a class wide paper ball fight during class is another good one."~Sent in by: Prodigious Discourse

•"Annoy your teacher by asking the most questions you can squeeze out of the lesson."~Sent in by: Sillybookworm

•"Ask how it can be realistically applied in real life."~Sent in by: Sillybookworm ((Someone in our class did that today and our teacher got so mad. She said, "You'll use it on your test to graduate from High School," and when the girl (Katie) asked again she said, "Well, if I gave you more resons you would just say that you're not going to ever do thouse things." Then she kept us five minutes into our lunch.))

•"Distract your teacher by leaning in your chair and falling over."~Sent in by: kissoftheblackrose

•"distract your teacher by tipping over your neighbor who is leaning in their chair."~Sent in by:kissoftheblackrose

•"Try to figure out how to flip your pen around your thumb. If you know how to flip your pen around your thumb, show off to the people who can't. If you can flip your pen around your thumb, figure out how to do it more than once and start working on a world record."~Sent in by:kissoftheblackrose

•"sing/hum random Disney tunes during class."~Sent in by: kissoftheblackrose

•"write notes to your neighbor including the words "What's up" and start naming all of the things that are 'up' including the ridiculous ones."~Sent in by:kissoftheblackrose

•"if you have your phone, text Cha Cha the math questions for the answers or just random stupid questions."~Sent in by: kissoftheblackrose

•"throw skittles at random people and shot 'Taste the rainbow'"~Sent in by: kissoftheblackrose

•"Directions:Get some friends to do this with you. must be an even amout of boys and : Jason,Leo Piper and Annabeth.

your friends to say the name of another person(in your group) of the same .Piper and Annabeth, Leo and Jason.

the sub calls ur partners name you say "here" Ex. Jason says here when Leo's name is called Piper says here when Annabeth's name is called

the teacher calls on you in class after attendence you say im not *ur parters name* Im *ur real name*: 'I'm not Annabeth I'm Piper'"~Sent in by: Percabeth and Thalico 4eva

That's it! Remember, it's not too late to send in an idea! (Oh and I forgot at the beginning, I do not own Leo Valdez or ny of the relating charactors.) Thanks!

... Oh! And one last thing. Go on YouTube and listen to Don't Stop Belevin' Glee Cast Version. It sounds like the background singers are saying "Taco."

"Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco..." :D