Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, any other Gundam Series or any of the songs that are used in this story. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post

Gundam Wing

Gundam Pirates


Chapter 1:

The Preventer Report


Preventer Report:

Name: Lucreziea Noin

Code Name: Preventer Water

Date: May 29, AC 198

Report: Over the past few weeks, large quantities of goods have been reported missing. These goods would be transported from one colony to another. But at some point in between the shipment would be stolen.

The pilots of these caravans all report the same thing.

The sensors would detect several objects then the pilot would say it was like being under attack. Some of the pilots' reported seeing mobile suits that do not register with any known mobile suit. While others appear to be that of the Taurus and Leo mobile suits.

The pilot would then report being back on track but their cargo would be gone. So the pilot would be spared but the cargo would be stolen.

This is top priority for the office of Preventer, this little flame must e put out before it spreads.


Preventer Ship Peace Million: The Gundam Mobile suits and their pilots were in the mobile suit garage doing little maintenance checks like performing a tune-up on a car. All of them were there, The Tallgeese III, Wing Zero, DeathScythe Hell, Heavyarms, Sandrock, Nataku and Ryu.

Duo was working on his "old buddy" the DeathScythe Hell when Johan came up behind Actually it was more like floated up to him because of the lesser gravity. But Johan came up to Duo and wanted to tell him something.

"Hey Duo." Johan called

Duo turned and smiled at his old friend, "Hey." He said, "What's up Johan?"
Johan began to giggle, he tried to calm himself down, "You've got to hear this, Duo."

"I was listening to one of the technicians and she said that we, The Gundam Pilots, reminded her of an old Earth boy band called Nsync."
"A boy band?" Duo asked and he began to laugh hysterically, "We don't..." Duo was still laughing but eventually he calmed down, "We don't sing and dance Johan. We fly and fight, plus we have a great job here."
"That's right Duo." Johan agreed, "The money's good, the scenery changes, we keep our Gundams, and they let us use explosives."

"Damn right!" Duo shouted

It's true, this was a great life for all the Gundams, as well as the ones they loved.

Relena Peacecraft Dorlin was still keeping her title as the Vice Foreign Minister, she served as the intermediary between Earth and the Colonies.

Hilde was also working within the office of Preventer, although she didn't work closely with Duo. Because they both felt it would interfere with there own work. The same could be said with Johan and Haruka. Although it was a little different than what Duo and Hilde worked out, Johan would pilot his Gundam while Haruka who served as Chief Engineer onboard Peace Million would repair the Gundam.

Trowa on the other hand did stay at Preventer but Catherine didn't, she told Trowa that her place was in the circus. Trowa wanted to go back with her but he couldn't' leave his comrades at Preventer, they needed as well as Heavyarms.

Quatre as well stayed, his justification was that his sisters would already take care of the family estate as well as the company. Plus he didn't want to see his Sandrock destroyed. So he felt that he could have steady work as well as keep his Sandrock Gundam.

Wufei already decided to join Preventer when an old friend named Sally Po asked him. When she did ask him he simply said, "Why not?"

Johan simply wanted to make himself useful in these times along with Heero. Although Heero felt that, "The best way to lead a good life is to act on your emotions." And it's this philosophy that brought him to Preventer.

Now that they were all together there is a storm on the horizon and it's coming, who knows what it might bring them.

"Duo." Johan said, "I just got another idea for my Gundam that I'm going to do with it."

"What's that?" Duo asked as he went back to work on DeathScythe Hell

Johan began to giggle a little bit; "I'm going to leave that as a surprise."

Duo smiled, "You always were one for surprises."


Preventer Briefing Room: This room on Peace Million as anyone would guess and as the Gundam Pilots know from their experience is the place where they are briefed on a situation. While they were waiting for Sally Po and Miss Noin to show up they were reminiscing about a few of their previous missions. Actually it was Quatre, Duo and Johan who were reminiscing about the mission with the Sailor Senshi.

"They were an…" Quatre was trying to figure out the word, "Interesting group."

"Yeah." Duo agreed, "It's not often that you get to see women fighting in Fuku uniforms."

There was a pause.

"It was a bit quick." Quatre added, "Being asked to choose swords by a 13-year-old girl in a pink night gown. Fighting Treize Kushrinada who is possessed by a demon from another universe. As well as fighting along side six fighting girls in fuku uniforms from another universe as well."

Johan smiled and said to Duo and Quatre, "Yeah, but what a hell of a ride."

There was a bit of laughter from all six of the Gundams since all of them knew that it really was one hell of a ride. But who knows what this next mission would be like, perhaps in the future they would also reminisce about this mission as well and it's outcomes.

The door to the briefing room opened and in stepped Lady Une, Miss Noin and Sally Po.

"Lady Une?" Johan asked, "This situation really is serious isn't it?"

"Why do you say that?" Quatre asked

"Usually Lady Une doesn't appear for simple briefings unless it's extremely serious. Right Lady Une?"

Lady Une smiled with that same kindness that she had when her two personalities (the Lady Une of OZ and the Lady Une who served under Treize Kushrinada) became one.

"That's right, Mr. Rodriguez." She reached for a small button on the screen behind her and up came a line chart on the far-left end the line started at a high point but as it progressed to the right it made a decline like a bad year in the stock market.

"I'm sure that most of you have read the report made by Miss Noin." Lady Une began while the Gundams nodded. They certainly did read the report but most of them didn't think it was that important until Lady Une just now brought it up.

"As the report states," Lady Une Continued, "over the past few weeks certain shipments have been stolen. Most of these shipments contained small storage's of food, clothing and what has been made for mass use, Gundanium."

In recent months the people realized how strong Gundanium is so they decided to use it for other purposes, excluding making mobile suits (Since making a mobile suit requires more then just having Gundanium).

"If the Gundanium has been stolen by an unknown power," Heero speculated out-loud, "Then it would be safe to assume that whoever is behind this are making mobile suits."

"That's correct." Miss Noin said, "That's why this little flame has to be put out before it becomes out of control."

"What's the plan?" Wufei asked from the back

"This is the plan." Sally Po instructed as the screen changed from the line chart to a schematic of a cargo ship that looked like a cargo train with the cars placed horizontally, "Using this cargo ship we will travel from Colony L-3 to Colony L-7. Inside this cargo ship the Gundams will be stored in each cargo car. We've made a press release saying that this cargo ship contains about 80 tons of Gundanium. This will surely draw the enemy out into the open."

"Wouldn't the enemy figure out that this would be a trap?" Trowa asked leaning forward

"That may be, Trowa." Johan crossed his arms, "But we have to attempt something otherwise these pirates will continue to steal from us. So instinctually we should find them and stop their activities."

"I agree with that." Miss Noin said

The graphic on the screen changed so that it showed the horizontal cars from a top view and that also changed. It changed to show what was inside each of the car, in each of the cars they saw each of the Gundam Mobile suits.

"Here's how it will happen." Miss Noin instructed the attack plan; "Once the enemy has been spotted the main car of this cargo ship will jettison while you the Gundams will stay behind and break out of the cargo cars and attack the enemy. Once you've found out who they are relay the information to Preventer headquarters. If it gets beyond your handling then relay the SOS signal and we'll send our reinforcements. Understood?"

"Understood." The Gundams said in unison

Heero and Johan looked at each other for the signature phrase

"Mission accepted." The two of them said


Meanwhile in another part of space outside the colonies a large ship was floating in space waiting for it's crew to command it. The ship was massive (Over 500 feet long) almost the same size as the Preventer Ship Peace Million, but this one was made to look like a wide submarine except with it's hull was a gray color. The name of this ship was The Eldridge and this space sub belonged to a group of mercenary pirates called "Desbats". It was this group that was responsible for the disappearances of the cargo over the past few weeks. One special feature about this Eldridge is that it has a device called Active Cloak, which is the same device equipped into Duo's DeathScythe Hell.

Inside the Eldridge's conference room the main staff was gathering to discuss this latest transport that they heard about. The conference room was like any other; a square room with a rectangular table and the higher officers were sitting around the table.

At the head of this table was the leader of the Desbats named Kazuki, he was a tall young man of 17 years with fair skin, blonde-silver hair, and one blue eye while his right eye had a black patch over it. He sat at the head of the table looking seriously at the other Desbats pirates around the table.

"What's the latest transport we've heard about?" He asked

Kazuki's Second in command Gandor stood up, "The latest that we've heard is that there's a transport of Gundanium being shipped from Colony L-3 to L-7."

Gandor was a man of 28 years with a crew cut hair like a true solider, which did fit his stern looks or look from one eye since he had a patch over his left eye.

"Hmm." Kazuki hummed he looked at Gandor, "What do you think about this one?"

Gandor looked at Kazuki right into his good eye; "Personally I have a feeling that this is a trap. It's pretty suspicious that they're just showing this to us even though they have noticed that a lot of their stuff is gone."

This is typical of Gandor's attitude since he is one who doesn't like anything that he doesn't fully understand.

The next one to submit an opinion on the situation was Slayzer, Kazuki's First in Command of the Desbats, "But we shouldn't let a good opportunity just slip by us." Slayzer was a man of 24 years with shoulder length brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was always one to look at how good some situations are but he was a little bit of what some people might call a "hippie" since he is dedicated to the preservation of the natural order of things and doesn't believe humans should meddle in the matters of nature.

Sitting next to Slayzer was his sister Laramee; her temperament was the opposite to Kazuki's meaning that she had more of a sense of humor than Kazuki. Although she is prone to loosing her head in some situations but she does have a kind heart behind her fiery exterior, she did agree with her brother on this point.

"Slayzer is right," she said, "With Gundanium on our side we can strengthen our mobile suits."

Sitting at the opposite end of Kazuki was Valos, a close friend of Gandor and he is also the weapons expert on the Eldridge. He is an older man of 34 years with a dirty shade of blonde hair that was carefully combed. Even though he didn't look like someone who was skilled with mobile suits he had an extraordinary talent to fix, modify and upgrade mobile suits to whatever the pilot might need. He too noticed the opportunity of the situation.

"That is right Kazuki." He said, "Once we have that Gundanium we can make our mobile suits just as strong and perhaps even more than the Gundams themselves. Although we have to realize that this might be a trap."

Kazuki took in all of this and he realized that there won't be an opportunity like this but they needed the Gundanium. They already had a great abundance of supplies and luxuries from the previous caravans that they stole from. But the decision that Kazuki made was final.

"We're going to raid the transport." He said, "But since this might be a trap let's go with extra mobile suits. We'll go with 50 mobile suits this time."

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" Slayzer asked, "That is about four times as much as we normally go with."

Normally Desbats go with only 10 or 12 mobile suits to raid a transport ship.

"That's the final decision, Slayzer." Kazuki said standing up with his fist down on the table, "Set a course of that transport and prepare for the raid."


Gundanium Transport Ship:

The Gundams were in each of their own cars, since there was no hallway to connect the cars together the only way for each of them to communicate with each other was through their COM system. But they didn't speak to each other since they had the suspicion that someone might be listening.

All that the Gundams were doing was waiting for their orders to come through. The way that this would work is that once the pilots (Haruka Tenou and Miss Noin) found the Pirates they would signal the Gundams and they would jettison while they would break out of their cars.

Each of the Gundams sat in their mobile suit cockpits, strapped in tightly waiting for the moment like a praying mantis waiting for the right moment. Heero and Johan were sitting in their pilot seats while thinking the same idea.

"Maybe fighting is inevitable for us." Heero thought, "Even if we changed our way of life we would still be drawn back to fighting."

"If fighting is the only thing we could do," Johan reasoned, "Then so be it. I can't wait to break out of this cargo car, I'm gonna open up some of my own whoop ass. But I'm going to show them what else Ryu can do."

Johan looked above him to find that great push handle, now instead of having a push forward and back, this time it had three positions. Now the push handle was at the farthest end of its track. Johan knew that the farthest position was for the mobile suit form and to pull back to the middle was for bird mode. And the position closest to him, that is what his surprise would be.

Johan smiled thinking about the looks on the faces of his fellow Gundam pilots when they see what happens when he pulls that lever back. But Johan remembered the virtue that was taught to him by Master Long. He suddenly felt his whole body become stiff that was the same feeling that one would have after coming out of a long nap. Yet his mind remained as focused as a sharp lens as he sat there in the cockpit he waited for the signal.

Then it came,

"Deploy the Gundams!" Miss Noin's voice shouted out through the COM systems.

"Let's rock." Johan smiled as he pressed play on his CD player within the cockpit, he started up the Gundam as the fighting music played its first track (Rage against the Machine's Wake up). This is a tradition of Johan's to play this kind of music in order to fight as if the music would activate some kind of primal instinct to fight within the tiny links of his mind.

While the loud fighting music blared through Ryu's cockpit the mobile suit eyes flashed brightly as the Gundanium giant broke through the thin steel walls of the cargo car. The Buster shield ripped through the cargo car like tissue paper into open space.

At the same time Johan saw through his side screens his fellow Gundams rip out of their own cars. Wing Zero, DeathScythe Hell, Nataku, Tallgeese III as well as Sandrock sliced their way out, but Heavyarms slimily shot it's way out into open space. And within open space they saw the pirates, they saw 100 mobile suits most of them were old Alliance and OZ mobile suits; Space Leo's and Taurus suits. But there were only a small few that didn't seem familiar to the Gundams. One suit in particular caught the interest of the Gundams at first; all six of them focused in on one single mobile suit.

This suit looked just like a Gundam, humanoid in appearance with the yellow antenna V-shape on the forehead. But this one looked different, its characteristics didn't look like anything they had seen before. Although the Gundams only hope was that it didn't act like the Wing Zero or the Epyon when fighting it. One feature that stuck out the most was that this suit was mostly blue, like Trowa's Heavyarms but it was more of a sea blue and not only that but it had patches of orange on it as well as white. Since when did the scientists make a completely different Gundam? Or was this simply a mobile suit made out of standard issue alloy made to look like a Gundam?


On the other side of the battlefield the Desbats had deployed but found that this shipment was truly a trap. Not only was it a trap but they also had to face all six Gundams.

Kazuki was in the Gundam looking mobile suit named Gundam Waterproof, this mobile suit was originally designed for aquatic use but was upgraded for space use. This suit that Kazuki was piloting was a Gundam (made from Gundanium) made by the Eldridge mechanics. They felt that their leader should have a mobile suit that can be a symbol of their group and it took form of a Gundam.

"Damn it!" Kazuki cursed, "I thought that this might be a trap!" He reached for the COM system and called to his pirates, "It's a trap, everyone retreat!"

At that moment an immediate response came from Gandor, "Hell no! I'm not backing out of this fight! I'm going to fight the Gundams."

"That's suicide Gandor!" Kazuki shouted, "If it was just one, that would be alright but we're dealing with all of them!"

"Too late sir!" Gandor called, "Here they come."


Johan looked curiously at the unknown Gundam, he figured that following slight diplomacy he should try calling them. He lowered the volume of Rage against the machine.

"Everyone!" He called, "Don't attack just yet! Let me communicate with them."

"Whatever Johan." Duo responded

Johan reached for his hailing channel; "This is Johan Rodriguez of the Office of Preventer calling the Unknown Gundam. Please identify yourself."
The response was slightly delayed buy Johan saw a small screen come up in front of him and he saw a young man with silver-blonde hair and a patch over one of his eyes.

"This is Katzuki Peacecraft of the Pirate Group Desbats." He introduced, "You're about to attack us! So prepare to fight."

The small screen with the silver hair young man vanished.

"My God." Johan thought, "Another Peacecraft?"

Just then another communiqué came through from the DeathScythe, "Johan!" Duo shouted, "Watch your ass! They're coming at us hard!"

Johan regained his sense of fighting as he raised the volume of Rage against the Machine and turned on the Zero system.

"Tactics level cleared." Johan stated, "Targets confirmed, begin battle."

The first Gundam to go after the Waterproof was Heero in his Wing Zero. It's Gundanium wings flapped and it charged with its beam saber out and it attacked the Waterproof. But as it did the Waterproof Gundam reached it's left arm out and a heat rod (like the Tallgeese III) snapped right out and sliced the buster rifle that was mounted on the Wing Zero's shield in two pieces. As it did the heat rod then wrapped itself around the leg of the Wing Zero.

"You're not as tough as I thought." Kazuki thought

"Damn it." Heero cursed, "And I thought these guys would be a push-over."

As the heat rod was wrapped around the leg of the Wing Zero Kazuki reached over and pushed a small button and a great electrical surge went through the heat rod. The sparks of electricity arched and sparked all over the heat rod and soon spread to the Wing Zero like a virus. The Wing Zero itself began to shake and spasm while Heero inside as feeling the effects of the electrical shock to his Gundam. Great blue sparks were arcing through the cockpit leaving both the smell of fresh O-zone and the smell of controls, parts and screens being burnt. Heero quickly reached for the space helmet; he knew that if this continues the life support systems of the Wing Zero might fail. In a last-minute desperation he asked Zero for guidance.

"Zero." He begged, "Guide me."

Past the blue arcs and sparks of electricity the Zero came on and it showed Heero a disturbing vision of the Wing Zero in ruins. Parts of the Wing Zero lay in ashes, it's wings shattered like glass, it's head rolled like a beheading victim and it's chest cracked and smashed like a bad car accident. Then Heero saw another mobile suit rise from the Wing Zero's ashes, it looked just like the Wing Zero except it had the original wings of the Wing Gundam and it looked sleeker, a new model.

"Tell me how to fight Zero!" Heero demanded

And the Zero system showed him, he reached for his controls through the sparks, he grabbed the controls feeling the slight shock through him and the Gundam itself reached for it's beam saber. It drew it out in jerks like someone who was suffering from an epileptic seizure and its green blade was as choppy as its movements. The Wing Zero reached down and sliced off the heat rod.

"You bastard!" Katzuki cursed he took the controls of the Waterproof and began firing missiles and bullets at the Wing Zero. The onslaught was just as bad as the Heavyarms going all out, but this time it was even worse. Not only was the Waterproof shooting more bullets and missiles but also it locked on another heat rod (this time from the right arm) and began to slice off the Wing Zero's arms and legs. Then it wrapped itself around the waist and sent more electricity through the insides of the Wing Zero.

On the other side of the battlefield while the other Gundams were having there own tough fight against old model suits, Johan saw what was going on with the Wing Zero. The Zero system took quick notice and took over movement controls of Ryu and flew straight at the battle going on between the Unknown Gundam and the Wing Zero.

Johan knew that the Wing Zero couldn't take this much abuse, suddenly the Wing Zero showed him that if he took the buster rifle he could shoot at the Unknown Gundam from here he took this advice and went for it. Ryu took its buster rifle and aimed it at the Unknown Gundam.

"Let's not kill him Ryu." Johan said

Ryu aimed at the legs of the Unknown Gundam and as the target locker became red Johan pulled the trigger. In a great yellow streak of light and destructive energy the Waterproof Gundams legs were gone only nubs and wires that sparked remained.

"Damn you." Katzuki cursed and tried to aim his guns at this new Gundam that decided to join the battle. But he was out of ammo, he had wasted it all on his rage with the Wing Zero. "Oh, damn." He whimpered he let go of the Wing Zero and called for back up, "Gandor!" He called, "Help!"

Suddenly Gandor came in a mobile suit that looked like the Waterproof but not truly. Gandor made a call to the Gundams.

"Calling all Gundams!" He sent out, "We have your co-workers. Lovely women I would say, continue your attack and their dead!"

"Miss Noin." Quatre gasped in his Sandrock

The attack stopped

"I've never seen such disgraceful acts." Wufei sneered

"No." Duo grunted, "This is the biggest damned Déjà vu I've ever had."

The last time that something like this happened was when Oz tried to target the colonies unless the Gundams would surrender and hand over their mobile suits.

Not only was Miss Noin in there but Haruka was there too.

"Not Haruka." Johan thought to himself, "Take me not her, please."

While the attack stopped the Desbats carried off the Gundam Waterproof while they took the car that held Haruka Tenou and Lucrezia Noin.

At the same time, the Wing Zero lay in ruins just like it showed within the Zero system. Heero simply sat in the cockpit while the blue arcs and burnt smells died down.

"I'm going to kill that man." Heero thought as he began to develop a slightly evil smile and began to laugh.

To Johan on the other hand this battle was truly a down ending to it. Plus he didn't have the opportunity to show his surprise. But now wasn't the time to be at all vain or proud of anything. Now as the time to plot and plan, Johan was doing this, he made a promise, "I'm going to get Haruka back and I'm going to kill all of them." He too smiled and laughed loudly as the music of Rage Against the Machine changed to a different song it was the song by Stabbing Westward called Save Yourself. Its lyrics blared through the cockpit while Johan laughed loudly.

I can not save you

I can't even save myself!

So just save yourself!

To be continued…

Author's Notes: In this story I had some help in getting a villain, his army as well as the mobile suits themselves. Though I wanted to do another crossover, but this one showed so much promise that I couldn't simply refuse it. So I took it up and started writing it and this was the result.

Come again for more chapters of Gundam Pirates