What if Sakura never lived in Japan and Syaoran became Card Captor and Tomoyo had magical abilities. Oh yes and Syaoran's symbol the moon and Sakura is still ruled under the stars.

Syaoran had already caught back the Clow Cards and defeated Yue and he was now walking to school.

"Hey Syaoran wait for me." Tomoyo shouted out to him.

"Hey Tomoyo." Syaoran said.

"So, how are you handling your magic?" Tomoyo asked.

"Fine, and you?" Syaoran asked.

"I'm doing fine as well." Tomoyo sighed.

Tomoyo nodded her head and they stopped at the school gates.

They both entered the classroom to be greeted by their usual friends.

"Did you know that gargoyles were sacred…" Yamazaki started to say something about gargoyles until Chiharu started dragging him away.

"So what are you all talking about?" Tomoyo asked.

"We were talking about the new assignments were about to get that Rika told us about. Were studying about gargoyles this week, isn't that great?" Naoko said happily.

"Uh, yeah." Syaoran said.

Terada Sensei walked in and said, "Students could you please take your seats?" The students all sat down and he sorted out some papers then said. "We have two new students today, please welcome Eriol Hiiragizawa and Sakura Kinomoto. They are transferred here from England."

A girl with light brown hair and emerald eyes and a boy with glasses and blue eyes and hair entered the room and stood in front of the class.

Sakura spoke first, "my name is Sakura Kinomoto, please to meet you." She did a very sweet smile and all of the boys started drooling. Two of them fell out of their seats and three of them fainted.

"Could someone please take those boys to the nurses office?" Mr Terada asked.

Six of the students got out of their seats and picked the boys up and carried them out of the room.

"My name is Eriol Hiiragizawa, please to meet you all." Eriol smiled and all of the girls sighed at the way his voice sounded. And a couple of them fainted.

Mr Terada sighed but he was glad that Rika didn't pay the slightest bit of attention to Eriol.

"Well Sakura, why don't you sit behind Syaoran and Eriol, you can sit beside her. Syaoran, could you please raise your hand?" He said.

Syaoran gently raised his hand then put it back down again.

Eriol was the first to move and he stopped in front of Syaoran and smiled at him. "Nice to meet you." He said simply. Then as Sakura walked past she stopped in front of him and said, "be careful what happens to you this year." Then she sat in her seat behind him.

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At lunchtime.

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Syaoran was looking for Sakura wanting to ask her what she meant when she said be careful. He finally spotted her with Eriol gently laying her head on his shoulder while he read a book to her.

"They are such a sweet couple." Tomoyo said.

"Mm." Syaoran said nodding his head in approval.

Eriol suddenly stopped reading and looked straight in their direction. Sakura also lifted her head up and looked at them. Then Eriol stood up and walked towards them slowly.

"Hello." He said simply.

"Hello." Syaoran said.

"Did you want something?" Eriol asked.

"Well I was just wondering…" Syaoran started.

"Why Sakura told you to be careful ne?" Eriol asked.

Syaoran nodded his head.

"She's a very caring girl, she's concerned about everyone, even people she doesn't know." Eriol said looking back at Sakura like he didn't want her to be all by herself even for a second.

Syaoran nodded his head and he and Tomoyo walked away.

Eriol then walked back to where Sakura was waiting for him.

"Why do I have to be nice to him again?" She asked.

"Because he's my other half's son." Eriol said.

"If only Spinel was here, then I wouldn't be so bored." Sakura said.

Eriol smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back then he continued to read the book to her.

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After School.

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Syaoran and Tomoyo walked down the street.

"Hey Tomoyo do you want some ice-cream?" He asked.

"Sure." She said.

"Hold on I'll go and get us some." He said and he walked over to an ice cream stand and got two and then he walked back to Tomoyo and handed her one. "This is for you." He said.

"Thanks." Tomoyo smiled. Then the ice cream was taken out of Syaorans hands and he looked up to see Touya stuffing it in his mouth.

"Touya." Syaoran said angrily.

"What?" Touya asked sounding as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"Touya why do you always do that?" Yukito asked.

"What do you mean?" Touya asked looking around the area.

"Who are you looking for?" Syaoran asked.

"We had a new student come in from England today." Touya explained.

"Oh, we had two come in from England as well." Syaoran said.

"TOUYA!" A female voice shouted out.

"Oh great." Touya sighed as a girl with brown hair ran up to him and jumped on his back. "Nakuru get off me." He complained.

"Why?" She asked. Then Touya turned around so that Nakuru saw Syaoran and she let go of him and walked up to Syaoran.

"So you're Touya's little brother." She said and he nodded his head then Nakuru wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and hugged him, "you're so kawaii." She exclaimed.

Touya took the ice cream out of his mouth and said, "leave him alone."

Nakuru took the ice cream from his hands and said, "well I've got to go." Then she walked down the street and said back to them, "Thanks for the ice cream Touya."

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When Syaoran Got Home.

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Kero was playing Tetris when Syaoran opened the door to his room.

"So what happened today?" He asked.

"We had two new students in class." Syaoran said.

"So what are their names?" Kero asked.

"Sakura and Eriol." Syaoran said.

"Huh, Sakoora and Erol. How come their name's seem so weird?" Kero asked.

"They're from England and their names are Sakura and Eriol." Syaoran said.

"AH!" Kero shouted as he lost. "How come their names seem so weird." He repeated as he turned the television to the weather channel.

"I'm not listening to you anymore, sometimes you're so baka." Syaoran said looking out the window, when all of a sudden it started raining.

"Huh, that's strange, it was just sunny just a minute ago." Kero said.

"In Japan it's going to be sunny all week." The weather person announced on the television.

"That's weird." Syaoran said.

"This isn't good, we'd better check it out." Kero said and Syaoran quickly called Tomoyo and then rushed out the door.

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Meanwhile At Eriols House.

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Eriol sat in his favourite chair while Sakura sat on his lap with her head leaning on his chest and her eyes closed.

"Are you tired Sakura?" He asked.

Sakura nodded her head a bit.

"I'll take you to bed." He said and he lifted her up in his arms and took her out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Nakuru asked following the two.

"Sakura's tired." Eriol said.

"Well don't sleep for too long Sakura because dinner's almost ready." Nakuru said.

"I won't." Sakura said tiredly.

Nakuru smiled and walked back down the hall.

"I hope she doesn't make me taste her cooking again." Spinel said floating off one of the lamps.

"Don't worry." Eriol said, "if she does Sakura will stop her for you."

Sakura giggled.

"What are you laughing about?" Eriol asked.

"That's so sweet of you to mention me." She said.

"Well you do like to spoil Spinel don't you?" Eriol asked.

"Of course I do." Sakura smiled.

"I thought so." Eriol said as he stopped in front of Sakuras' room and gently let her down on the ground. "Now go to bed and Nakuru will call you at dinner time."

"Goodnight Eriol." Sakura said as she slipped through the door.

"Goodnight Sakura." Eriol said.

"I'm going to watch her." Spinel said as he slipped through the door after her.

"You care for your Sakura don't you?" Eriol asked.

"Of course I care for her." Spinel said as he poked his head out the door, "she feeds me."

Eriol laughed and Spinel floated back into the room and landed on the end of Sakuras' bed and fell asleep.

"Sometimes don't you think he likes her more then he likes you?" Nakuru asked as she popped out of nowhere.

"He does, but at least he doesn't hate her." Eriol said.

"Too bad that all the boy's in your class like her." Nakuru laughed.

"Actually they won't for long." Eriol said.

"Sometimes you're so confusing." Nakuru sighed.

"I know." Eriol smiled as he closed Sakuras' door.

"Anyway I need to finish cooking dinner." Nakuru said.

Eriol nodded his head and watched as she cheerfully bounded down the hall.

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In The Park.

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Syaoran had his green key out, which had light green wings out the side.

"Oh key of Clow.

Power of magic.

Power of light.

Surrender the wand the force ignite.


He said as a big whirlpool appeared above them.

"Huh it didn't work." He said.

"What." Tomoyo said.

"It's not working." Syaoran said.

"Syaoran look out." Kero shouted and he turned into his true form and grabbed Syaoran before a blast of water was aimed at him.

"That was close." Tomoyo sighed.

"Are you ok Syaoran?" Kero asked.

"Yeah." Syaoran said.

"Syaoran, ask Yukito to come over for dinner tomorrow." Kero said.

"Why, what are you going to ask him about?" Syaoran asked.

"It's not Yukito I want to talk to, it's Yue." Kero said.

"Oh. Well then I'll ask Touya about it." Syaoran said.

"What are you going to talk to him about?" Tomoyo asked.

"I want to ask him, about the key and why we can feel Clow Reeds aura around here." Kero said.

Syoran and Tomoyo nodded and they walked back home.

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That Night.

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Syaoran, Yukito and Touya were eating dinner when Touya and Syaoran went to do the dishes.

Then Kero floated into the room and all of a sudden Yukito fainted but before he hit the ground wings enveloped him and Yue took his place.

"What do you want?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Don't you notice that there's something going on with this rain?" Kero asked.

"Hai." Yue said.

"Didn't you notice Clow Reeds power?" Kero asked.

"Hai." Yue said.

"And this morning Syaoran couldn't open his key." Kero said.

Yue thought for a moment then said, "I'm not quite sure what it is but he'll need to figure it out by himself."

'Well that was a big help.' Kero thought then he flew back upstairs and Yue changed back into Yukito.

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In Eriols House.

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"Eriol, dinner's ready." Nakuru called from the kitchen.

"Could you please get Sakura out of bed?" Eriol asked.

"Sure." Nakuru said and she walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway to Sakuras' room. She slowly opened the door to see Sakura sitting up in bed with Spinel in his true form lying down in front of her. She was gently scratching behind his ear and he was purring. "Sakura, dinner's ready." Nakuru said.

Sakura put her finger to her lips, "shh, he's sleeping." She said.

"Well then just wake him up." Nakuru said getting annoyed, "you're just like Eriol."

Sakura smiled and Eriol walked in, "still sleeping is he?" He asked. Sakura nodded her head and got out of bed.

"We'll save something for him to eat later." Sakura said and she pushed everyone out the door and got dressed. When she was done she walked out and into the dining room where the table was set out. She took her place beside Eriol, opposite Nakuru.

"What will you be doing to Syaoran and Tomoyo tomorrow?" Nakuru asked.

"Probably play around with the rain again." Sakura said.

"Maybe." Eriol smiled.

"Eriol, why didn't you wake me up?" Spinel asked floating into the room.

"You looked tired Spinel so I decided to let you sleep for a while longer." Sakura said.

Spinel stood beside Sakura and rubbed his head against her leg and she scratched behind his ear and he purred contentedly.

"Sakura you like to spoil Suppi don't you?" Nakuru asked.

"Who are you calling Suppi?" Spinel asked.

"You, Suppi." Nakuru said pointing to Spinel.

"My name is not Suppi." Spinel said.

Sakura and Eriol laughed.

"Spinel and Nakuru, you're always like this at dinner time." Sakura said.

"No we're not." Nakuru complained.

"No, I'm not but you are." Spinel said.

"What did you say?" Nakuru asked.

Sakura sighed and picked up her plate, "I've finished." She said, "I'm going to go to sleep now."

"I'll go with you." Eriol said and they made their way back to the kitchen.

"Why do they always do that?" Spinel asked.

"What, you mean that when ever we start fighting they walk out of the room?" Nakuru asked. Spinel nodded his head, "maybe because you always open your big mouth." She laughed.

"What did you say?" Spinel asked angrily.

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In Sakuras' Room.

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Eriol gently tucked Sakura into her bed.

"I'm not a child you know." Sakura said.

"I know." Eriol said. "But there are some things that I like to do for you some times."

Sakura smiled, "I know you do." She said.

"So how's my little Star doing anyway?" Eriol asked.

"I'm fine, just a little tired from watching that child and his friend." Sakura said.

"Don't worry, it'll be over in a few days." Eriol said.

Sakura sighed, "that's too long for me." She smiled.

"It will be over faster then you think." Eriol smiled.

"Eriol, could you turn off the light when you leave?" Sakura asked.

"Sure Sakura." Eriol said and he kissed her gently on the forehead and Sakura closed her eyes and he stayed beside her until she fell asleep.

"Eriol, what were you doing in there?" Nakuru asked.

"What do I always do in there Nakuru?" Eriol asked.

"Watch Sakura until she falls asleep." Nakuru sighed, "can't you ever do something interesting?"

"It's not my job to entertain you, that's Spinels job." Eriol said.

"It's no fun around here, I'm going to go find Touya." Nakuru said.

"Nakuru it's late, go to sleep." Eriol said.

"I told you, you were no fun." Nakuru said and she went back into her room.

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The Next Day.

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Sakura woke up to find it was still raining and Spinel was once again at the end of her bed sleeping.

"Spinel Sun, wake up." She whispered and Spinel stirred and woke up.

"Yes mistress." Spinel said.

"Spinel, I'm not your mistress." Sakura said.

Spinel yawned and stood up on the bed. "Why did you wake me up for?"

"I'm going to school now, I just thought that you would've liked to know." Sakura said.

"Thanks' for telling me mistress." Spinel said and he fell back asleep.

Sakura whispered in his ear again, "Spinel I'm not your mistress."

He nodded, then dozed off again.

"Sakura are you up yet?" Eriol asked as he knocked on the door.

"Yes Eriol." Sakura said and Eriol opened the door and walked up to the side of her bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Spinel was calling me mistress again." Sakura smiled.

"He's getting attached to you." Eriol smiled.

"What time is it?" Sakura asked.

"It's six." Eriol said.

Sakura stretched her arms and then moved her blanket over Spinel.

"Well then I think that it's about time I got changed." She said getting off her bed.

"Well Sakura breakfast is almost ready." Eriol said as he walked back out the room.

"Thanks Eriol." Sakura said as he closed the door. Sakura quickly got changed and walked down the hall to the dining room.

"Good morning Sakura." Nakuru said.

"Good morning Nakuru." Sakura said.

"Hurry up and eat so we can get to school." Eriol said. Sakura and Nakuru nodded and quickly ate their breakfast and they left.

"Don't you think that Spinel will be lonely when he wakes up?" Sakura asked.

"No, remember he's use to it Sakura." Eriol said.

Sakura sighed, "I should take him to school more often." She said.

Eriol smiled at her and they continued to walk to school.

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When They Got To School.

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Syaoran sat in his desk beside Tomoyo.

"You're early today Syaoran." Tomoyo said.

"Kero woke me up and dropped the alarm clock on my head again." Syaoran said.

Tomoyo giggled.

"Good morning." Eriol said as he sat in his seat behind Tomoyo and Sakura sat in her seat behind Syaoran. The sudden sound of his voice startled them both.

"Good morning Hiiragizawa." Syaoran and Tomoyo said.

"Just call me Eriol." Eriol said, "that's what Sakura calls me."

"Ok Eriol." Tomoyo said.

"So what are you two doing today?" Syaoran asked.

Eriol took a look at Sakura and she shook her head.

"Well I'm not doing anything but Sakura needs to go home to look after someone." Eriol said.

"Eriol, how many people live in your house?" Tomoyo asked.

"Well three, no four people." Eriol said.

"Oh." Syaoran said.

"Who are they?" Tomoyo asked.

"Me, Sakura and two other people that you wouldn't really know." Eriol said.

"Oh." Tomoyo said. "So Eriol do you want to go shopping with us after school?"

Eriol looked at Sakura and she gave him a, 'only if you don't do anything like kiss one of them,' look.

"Sure, I'll come." Eriol said.

"Great." Tomoyo said.

Terada Sensei walked into the classroom and all of the other students sat in their seats.

"Class I have some good news," Terada sensei said, "we're going to be sorting out all of the plans for the skiing trip today so we won't have any work."

The whole class cheered.

"But we needed to do something for the drama teacher to test you on so the boys need to partner up with a girl." Terada said.

All of the boys smiled and looked straight in Sakuras' direction but Eriol put his hand protectively over hers and they all sighed.

"Well then now that at least two people can agree the rest of you are picking names out of a hat but there aren't really that many boys so one of the girls have to be assigned with me."

Rika put up her hand, "I will." She said.

Terada sensei nodded his head and put out all of the boys' names in except for Eriols and each of the girls went up to pick a name.

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At Lunchtime.

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Sakura and Eriol were nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder where they are." Tomoyo said.

"They're probably busy doing something else." Syaoran said.

"Syaoran, Tomoyo, come and have lunch with us." Chiharu said.

"Coming." Tomoyo said and they walked over to where their friends were.

In the cherry blossom tree Sakura and Eriol were sitting in the tree eating their lunch.

"Eriol, why do you have to be so nice?" Sakura asked.

"Well I have to do something to make them think that it's not me playing around with their lives." Eriol said.

"Well I still think that you shouldn't go." Sakura said.

"But you said I could." Eriol said.

"You can go as long as you don't flirt with any of them. You know I worry about you Eriol." Sakura said.

"You know that I won't." Eriol said.

Sakura smiled as him then said. "I'm going to be at home if you need me after school. I'm going to play around with Spinel."

"Just don't get him drunk Sakura." Eriol said.

"I wouldn't even dream about doing that to my little Spinel Sun." Sakura said smiling devilishly.

"I know that you won't Sakura." Eriol smiled.

Sakura sighed happily and leaned her head against Eriols chest.

"So what do you think that we should do about this rain?" Eriol asked.

"I think that we should leave it like this until Syaoran gets rid of it." Sakura giggled.

"If you say so my little star." Eriol said.

Sakura smiled again and closed her eyes and Eriol wrapped her arms around her to ensure that she didn't fall.

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After School.

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Eriol waited until Sakura had finished her class.

"Hello Eriol." She smiled.

"Hello star." Eriol said.

"I thought that you were going out with them." Sakura said.

"I am, I'm just making sure that my little star is alright before she goes back home without me." Eriol said handing Sakura an umbrella.

"Don't worry Eriol, I'll be ok. You're not the only one with magical abilities you know." Sakura giggled.

"I know." Eriol said and Syaoran and Tomoyo walked out of the school.

"Bye Eriol." Sakura said, "call if you're going to stay at Syaorans' house or Tomoyos' house for dinner."

"I will." Eriol said and Sakura walked down the street to Eriols' house.

"Hey Eriol." Syaoran said.

"Hello Li, Daidouji." Eriol said.

"Please Eriol, call us by our first names." Tomoyo said.

"Ok Tomoyo." Eriol said.

"So where are we going first?" Syaoran asked.

"Where going to the shops first." Tomoyo said.

"Oh yeah." Syaoran said.

"Well then shall we go then?" Eriol asked.

Syaoran and Tomoyo nodded and they made their way to the shops.

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At Eriols' House.

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Sakura opened the door and said, "Spinel Sun, I'm home."

"Sakura, did you bring me anything while you were coming back?" Spinel asked.

Sakura shook her head. "I had to hurry back because it was raining so I didn't have anytime to buy you anything."

"Oh." Spinel sighed.

"I know that I promised Eriol not to get you drunk but I'll give you some sweets ok." Sakura said.

"Yay." Spinel cheered which made Sakura smile. Then she walked into her room and came out with a small bag.

"Here. But when you've finished I want you to come back to me so you can calm down a bit." Sakura said.

"Ok Sakura." Spinel said and he floated into the lounge where he sat on the couch and happily ate them.

A few minutes later Sakura heard a loud crash in the lounge and she sighed and walked out of her room then down the hall to the lounge. When she opened the door she saw Spinel flying around in circles and a lamp on the floor in pieces.

"Spinel come down here." Sakura said gently and Spinel floated down and landed in Sakuras' arms. Then Sakura fixed the broken lamp and went into her room. "Now Spinel go to sleep, you'll feel better in a couple of hours."

Spinel settled his head in Sakuras' chest and fell asleep. At that minute the phone rang and Sakura answered it.

"Hello Hiiragizawa residence Sakura speaking." Sakura said.

"Sakura it's Eriol." The voice said on the other line.

"What?" Sakura said.

"Sakura, I'm going to be having dinner at Tomoyos' house." Eriol said.

"Ok." Sakura said.

"Well how is everything?" He asked.

"Eriol, Nakuru hasn't come back yet." Sakura said.

"Check Syaorans' house, if she's not there call me ok." Eriol said.

"Ok." Sakura said and they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Sakura picked up the phone again and dialled Syaorans number. Touya picked up the phone.

"Hello Li residence Touya speaking." He said.

"Hello Touya, I was wondering if Nakuru was there." Sakura said.

Touya called out to Nakuru, "Nakuru it's for you."

"Who is it?" Nakuru asked.

"May I ask who's speaking?" Touya asked.

"Sakura Kinomoto." Sakura said.

"It's a girl named Sakura." Touya said.

"Give it to me." Nakuru said as she grabbed the phone from Touya. "Hello Sakura, is something wrong?" She asked.

"No, I was just worried about you since you didn't come home today." Sakura said.

"I'm ok Sakura." Nakuru said happily.

"Well Nakuru are you going to come back home?" Sakura asked.

"Yes." Nakuru said sadly.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"It's boring at home." Nakuru said.

"Well do you want to know something that would probably make you happy?" Sakura asked.

"Yes." Nakuru said.

"Well then you'll have to come here and I'll tell you." Sakura said and she hung up.

"Oh." Nakuru said and she hung the phone up and quickly grabbed her jacket and said goodbye to Touya and Yukito and then rushed out the door to Eriol's house.

When she got there she rushed into Sakura's room and found her with a half purring and half sleeping Spinel.

"What happened?" Nakuru asked.

"I got Spinel a bit drunk." Sakura smiled.

"Probably that I did a bad thing but he'll forgive me." Sakura said.

"He always forgives you." Nakuru said.

"I know." Sakura smiled and set Spinel back down on the bed and put a blanket over him.

"So how did you get Spinel drunk?" Nakuru asked.

"I don't think that you want to know." Sakura said.

"Please tell me." Nakuru pleaded, "I promise that if you tell me I won't get him drunk."

"No Nakuru." Sakura said.

"Oh." Nakuru sighed.

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That Night.

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Eriol came back home early.

"Eriol you're early, I thought that you were having dinner at Tomoyos' house." Sakura said.

"But Sakura, you got Spinel Sun drunk." Eriol smiled.

"I know I did but I forgot to buy him something from the shops." Sakura said.

"I know that you did so I forgive you." Eriol said.

"I told you that he always forgives you for everything." Nakuru said.

"And Nakuru what were you doing at Touya's house without telling us?" Eriol asked.

"He, well Yukito invited me to his house and I just couldn't resist." Nakuru said.

"Typical Nakuru." Spinel said as he flew over to greet Eriol.

"I thought that you were drunk." Nakuru said.

"Have you ever heard of a fast recovery?" Spinel asked, "or didn't you ever listen in class?"

"Suppy." Nakuru said mockingly.

"What did you just call me?" Spinel asked about to make an attack on her.

"S-U-P-P-Y." Nakuru said again and Spinel immediately changed into his true form and so did Nakuru and he shot a red beam at her and she shot a few sapphire shards at him.

"If you're going to fight, fight outside." Eriol said and he waved his hand and in a second the two were in the backyard sending beams and everything else at each other.

"All of this is making me bored." Sakura yawned.

"Do you want to see something more interesting?" Eriol asked.

"Is there anything else that's not this boring?" Sakura asked.

Eriol held out his hand to her and said, "come with me." And he led her outside and to Penguin Park and behind some bushes where he called on his staff.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"Just wait and watch." Eriol said and in a few seconds Syaoran, Tomoyo, Kero and Yue were in the park.

Then Clow Reeds symbol appeared under Eriol and his staff glowed and then he sent water flying at Syaoran, then he was saved by Kero then he made all of them trapped into a small whirlpool.

"Now this is interesting." Sakura smiled.

Then Syaoran said.

"Key which conceals the power of the moon, reveal your true self before me. I Syaoran command you under contract, release." Then Syaoran's wand appeared and Eriol let down the whirlpool holding Syaoran and then Syaoran chanted something else that made the Fiery Card turn light green and then he made all of the rain stop.

"Oh, why did you do that for?" Sakura asked.

"I had to be fair Sakura." Eriol said.

"Oh." Sakura sighed.

"Come on lets go home." He said and he led Sakura back to the house.

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When They Got Home.

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Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon walked back inside and Ruby asked.

"Hey, why did the rain stop?"

"Syaoran made the rain stop with his magic." Sakura sighed.

"Oh and we didn't get to see it, that was no fun." Ruby Moon said.

"Don't worry it wasn't that good anyway." Sakura said.

"To bad they were to busy fighting." Eriol said.

"Eriol, don't be mean." Sakura hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"Gomenasai Sakura." Eriol apologised.

Sakura smiled then gave him a quick hug and made her way down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Ruby Moon asked.

"To do read some books. I want to find out some more about Eriol's past life." Sakura said.

"She's really interested about how you think isn't she?" Spinel asked.

"Spinel you're just like Sakura, you've lived with each other for your whole life and before life and you're still asking questions about each other." Ruby Moon said.

"I was just curious." Spinel said.

"Precisely, you're to curious." Ruby Moon said.

"Do you want to fight about my curiosity?" Spinel asked.

"If it makes you happy." Ruby Moon said getting into a fighting stance.

"Go and fight outside." Eriol said and once again he waved his hand and Ruby Moon and Spinel Sun were once again in the back yard.

Sakura looked through the bookshelf until she found a book and then she pulled it out and started reading it.

"What are you reading?" Eriol asked as he walked through the door.

"I found a book about the Clow Cards." Sakura said.

"Let me see that." Eriol said snatching the book off her.

"What?" Sakura asked.

"Oh this is about what Clow Reed actually did with the cards, I remember writing this." Eriol said.

"What does it say?" Sakura asked.

"Here, Flower was used in the garden, Bubble was used to give Kero a bath, Sweet was used in the kitchen, Glow was used around the house with Light." Eriol said.

"And does it keep on going on like that?" Sakura asked.

Eriol looked through a few pages, "yes it does."

Sakura took the book out of Eriol's hands and flipped through the pages and she stopped at the last page and said, "there's a page ripped out of here."

"Let's see." Eriol said and Sakura gave the book to him and he put his finger to the page.


Clow Reed was in his workroom writing in his book. He was writing in a page, which said. 'Void Card.'

'This Card will make things disappear, even humans it is a very dangerous Card but it needs to be made to balance the nature of the other Cards. The only way to catch this card is to give up Love.'

Beside his the book he was writing in there was a stack of Cards and on the top was a card that had a girl with wings on top of her head and in her hands she was holding a black heart.

End of flashback

Eriol smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing, I just remembered something. Goodnight star." Eriol said then he handed the book back to her and left the room.

Spinel floated into the room in his false form and said, "are you going to sleep yet?"

"No, not yet Spinel. Why don't you read this and try to find as many embarrassing things about Keroberos as you can." Sakura said handing the book to Spinel and walking out the door. Before she closed the door she turned back to Spinel and said. "And Spinel, don't wait for me tonight, I might not go back to my room, maybe you can go and sleep with Nakuru."

"Why, what are you doing?" Spinel asked, "You're not going to… Are you?"

Sakura giggled. "Of course not Spinel. I might just sleep over." She said.

"Oh." Spinel said.

"Now put those thoughts out of your head. I don't want you to turn out like Nakuru." Sakura said and she closed the door. She walked down the hall until she stopped at two large doors and she opened one of them and it made a creaking noise. There she saw Eriol looking out the window.

"Eriol what are you doing?" She asked walking into Eriols room.

"Nothing star, just thinking." Eriol said.

"Are you sure that there's nothing wrong?" Sakura asked.

"Don't worry Sakura there's nothing wrong, I was just thinking about something." Eriol said.

"Oh." Sakura said.

"Was there something else you wanted to know star?" Eriol asked.

"Do you mind if I stayed with you in your room tonight?" Sakura asked. "I need to be away from my little Spinel Sun for a little while."

Eriol smiled, "of course I wouldn't mind." He said and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her gently in the lips. Sakura smiled a bit then he let go of her.

"Is that it?" He asked.

"Just one more thing." Sakura said. "Why is it that you call me star?"

"Because that is what your symbol is, and to me you'll always be my star." Eriol said.

Sakura smiled at him then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips and he slowly slipped his tongue into her mouth and touched hers gently. Then she started to do the same then when air became an issue they slowly broke apart.

"Let's go to sleep now." Eriol said putting his arm around her waist.

Sakura nodded her head and they went to sleep.

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In The Morning.

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Eriol woke up to find Sakura still sleeping. He smiled and stroked her hair gently until she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning star. Do we not have school today?" Eriol asked.

"Could I stay at home today, I'm really tired." Sakura said.

"Star are you feeling ok today?" Eriol asked putting his hand on her head then his face darkened.

"What's wrong Eriol?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura, you've got a high temperature, you must've got it from the rain, I'll get Spinel Sun to look after you today." Eriol said and he got out of bed and over to the phone.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"I'm calling the school." Eriol said.

"Mm." Sakura said and she fell back asleep.

Spinel floated in and went over to Eriol.

"Eriol, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Sakura's got a bit of a temperature Spinel, I'm calling the school." Eriol said.

"Oh." Spinel said and he floated over to where Sakura was sleeping and put his paw on her head. "She's sick." He said.

"Hello this is Eriol Hiiragizawa. It's about Sakura Kinomoto. She has a bit of a high temperature and she'll need to stay at home for today. Yes there is someone to look after her. Ok, bye." Eriol put down the phone.

"What's happening?" Spinel asked.

"I want you to look after Sakura Spinel." Eriol said.

"But, I don't know how to." Spinel said.

"Look Spinel I know that she's never been sick before but just make sure that if she needs something just do it for her." Eriol said.

"Ok." Spinel said and he floated beside Sakuras' head and laid his head down beside her and fell asleep.

Eriol smiled and left the room.

"Eriol." Nakuru said.

"Yes Nakuru." Eriol said.

"Where's Sakura?" She asked.

"She's sleeping in my room." Eriol said.

"Doesn't she have to go to school?"

"Nakuru she's sick."

"So, is she going to be sleeping with you from now on?"

"Maybe, if she wants to. But Spinel might disapprove of it."


"Because then Spinel can't sleep on the end of her bed."

"You know it's been a long time since something interesting has happened."

Eriol smiled and then walked into the dinning room.

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At Syaorans House.

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"Hey Syaoran wake up." Kero said as he dropped the alarm clock on his head.

"Ouch, that hurt." Syaoran said as he got up, "what do you want."

"Well if you looked at your clock then you would see that you're late for school again." Kero said.

"Huh, what?" Syaoran looked at his clock and his eyes widened. "Ah I'm late again."

He rushed around his room getting his uniform on.

"Well that's what you get from getting to sleep late." Kero said.

"Well I'm going now downstairs now, remember the rules Kero." Syaoran said and he rushed out the door in a second.

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At School.

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Syaoran finally got to school and sat down beside Tomoyo.

"Hey you look tired, what's wrong?" Tomoyo asked.

"Nothing Tomoyo, I'm ok." Syaoran said.

"Oh." Tomoyo said.

Eriol walked in and sat in his seat and sighed.

"Is there something wrong Eriol?" Tomoyo asked.

"Sakura's sick." Eriol said.

"Is she alright?" Syaoran asked concerned.

'Is he going for my star as well?' Eriol thought, "she's doing ok."

"Oh, well that's good." Tomoyo said.

"So is anyone looking after her?" Syaoran asked.

"Hai." Eriol said.

"So who's looking after her?" Tomoyo asked.

"One of the other people living on our house." Eriol said.

"What's their name?" Tomoyo asked.

"Spinel, but we like to call him Suppi." Eriol said.

"Suppi, that's such a kawaii name." Tomoyo giggled.

"He doesn't really like that name though." Eriol added.

Terada Sensei walked in.

"Students please take your seats." He said and everyone sat down in their seats.

'This teacher is so boring.' Eriol thought to himself, 'Anyway back to Syaoran, what am I going to do about this boy, if he goes for my star he's going to have to go.'

Tomoyo had a little glance at Syaoran.

'Hmm, it seems that this girl likes Syaoran Li, I might be able to do something about that.' Eriol said to himself.

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At Lunchtime.

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"Hey Tomoyo, Syaoran, are you going to come with us today?" Chiharu asked.

"Where?" Tomoyo asked.

"Were going to go to the shops to have a look at the teddy bears." Rika said.

"Did you know that when you and the one you love exchange a teddy bear your love for them will be eternal…" Yamazaki started.

"Are you telling one of your lies again?" Chiharu asked.

"No." Yamazaki said sounding hurt. "You know what I mean don't you Eriol?"

"Hai," Eriol said. 'I know that this is stupid but I deserve some fun for once.'

"Huh." Rika and Chiharu said shocked.

"Actually he's right, but only of you name the bear after the person that gave it to you and if they give it to you on their birthday will you stay in love with them forever." Eriol said.

Yamazaki smiled and held his hand out to Eriol then Eriol took his hand and shook it.

"I can see that this is the beginning of a great friendship." Yamazaki said.

Eriol smiled and nodded his head and Chiharu looked like she was about to strangle Yamazaki.

"Oh, I need to go now, I was going to help Terada Sensei with some papers." Rika said and she rushed out of the room.

"So what do you guys think about the Ski trip coming up next week?" Chiharu asked.

"I think that it's going to be so cool to go skiing." Naoko said.

"So Eriol, have you ever gone skiing?" Yamazaki asked.

"Hai." Eriol said.

"Are you any good at it?" Chiharu asked.

"Well sort of." Eriol said.

"What about Sakura?" Naoko asked.

"She's better then me." Eriol said.

"Wow she must be really great at it since Eriol, you're good at everything." Tomoyo said.

"I wouldn't say that I was good at everything." Eriol smiled.

"Does it snow much in England?" Chiharu asked.

"Sometimes." Eriol said.

"Hey Tomoyo you're pretty good at skiing aren't you." Naoko said.

"Well you could say that but I've had a lot of practise with my mum." Tomoyo said.

"What about you Syaoran?" Chiharu asked.

"I've only really gone once so I'm not really that good at it." Syaoran said.

'Well then this might be a good trip after all.' Eriol thought.

"Hey Eriol, I was just wondering, how did you and Sakura meet?" Naoko asked.

"Well we were only six and her parents came to live with mine, and we've never been separated ever since." Eriol said. 'But that's not the true story.' He thought to himself.


Six year old Sakura and her parents were at Six year old Eriol's house.

"And this is our daughter Sakura." They said.

"This is our son Eriol." Eriol's parents said.

When Eriol first saw Sakura his first word was. "Star."

And Sakura's first word was. "Clow."

"Why don't you two go and play?" Their parents said.

The two nodded their heads and headed for Eriol's room.

"Clow, you, you came back." Sakura said.

Eriol shook his head, "I am no longer Clow Reed, in this life I am Eriol Hiiragizawa, Sakura."

"Yes, I know, and my name and figure still hasn't changed from before. I am still known as Sakura in this life. But the full reincarnation." Sakura said.

"And you are still my star." Eriol said.

End of flashback

'But then again we hadn't been separated ever since, that part of the story is true.' He thought to himself.

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After School.

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"Hey Eriol, do you want to come with us to the shops?" Tomoyo asked.

"Sure." Eriol said.

Syaoran, Eriol and Tomoyo walked down to the shops and Tomoyo bought a teddy bear and so did Syaoran.

"Hey Eriol what did you buy?" Tomoyo asked eyeing his bag.

Eriol opened his bag to reveal string.

"String." She said.

"Yes well string can have many other uses other then sewing." Eriol said.

"Like used for cooking?" Syaoran asked.

"Yes." Eriol said.

"Well are you going now?" Tomoyo asked.

"Yes I need to go and see if Sakura's alright." Eriol said.

"Well we'll see you tomorrow then Eriol." Tomoyo said and they waved goodbye.

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At Eriols House.

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When Eriol got home he found Sakura sitting up in bed reading a something to Spinel.

"What are you reading star?" Eriol asked.

"I'm reading about what Kero did to Yue every day." Sakura said.

"And what was that?" Eriol asked.

"Well when ever it was raining he would send blasts of water at him and when it was snowing he would throw snowballs at him and when it was sunny he would send fireballs at him." Sakura said. "So how was your day?"

"It was ok, so are you feeling better star?" Eriol asked.

"Hai." Sakura said.

Eriol sat down on the bed beside her and put his hand to her forehead. "Well you seem better." He said.

"She is." Spinel said.

"Well then do you want to come and play with me?" Eriol asked.

"Ok." Sakura said.

Eriol held his hand out to her and she took it and they walked into the lounge where Eriol's sign appeared on the floor.

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At Syaorans' House.

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"So what happened at school today?" Kero asked.

"Sakura wasn't at school today." Syaoran said.

"So what's so important about this girl anyway?" Kero asked.

"I don't know." Syaoran said.

"Ah ha, you like her don't you?" Kero asked.

"No I don't." Syaoran said turning bright red.

"See look you're blushing." Kero said.

"I do not like her, anyway she has a boyfriend." Syaoran said.

"But you wish that she didn't have a boyfriend don't you?" Kero asked.

"No I don't." Syaoran said.

"Come on Syaoran I know that you like her." Kero said. "And you just meet her as well."

"Kero do you still want your pudding?" Syaoran asked.

"Ok I'll shut up then." Kero said crossing his arms.

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That Night.

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Syaoran's attention snapped and he got up from his seat.

"Do you sense that Kero?" He asked.

"Yeah." Kero said.

"Let's go, it's coming from the park." Syaoran said and they ran to the park.

When they got there Tomoyo was already there with her sword out (yes she does have a sword.)

"Tomoyo do you sense that?" Syaoran asked.

"Yes but where is it coming from?" Tomoyo asked.

"I don't…" Syaoran was cut off by Tomoyo swinging her sword at him. "Hey Tomoyo what are you doing?"

"It's not me, something's controlling me." Tomoyo said.

"Quick Syaoran do something." Kero said.

"I don't know what to do." Syaoran said.

Tomoyo chanted something and Syaoran saw that there were strings connected to Tomoyo like she was a puppet.

"Syaoran cut the strings with the Sword Card." Kero said and Syaoran Chanted something and the Card changed into a green colour and then he cut all of the strings and Tomoyo fell to the ground.

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At Eriols' House.

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"That was interesting." Sakura said.

"To bad it only took them a short time to figure out how to get rid of the strings though." Nakuru said.

"I'm only being fair Nakuru." Eriol said.

"But Eriol you could have made it a bit harder." Sakura said.

"Like I said star, I'm only being fair." Eriol said.

"I know Eriol, well I'm going to sleep now, it's getting late." Sakura said.

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The Next Day.

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Syaoran was raking the garden but he was still tired from changing the Sword Card.

"Hey Syaoran." A familiar female voice said.

Syaoran turned around to see Sakura.

"Hi Sakura." He said.

"How are you?" Sakura asked.

"I'm fine." Syaoran said. "So were you doing some shopping?"

"Um, yeah Nakuru needed some ingredients and I agreed to help her get them." Sakura said. "So you're cleaning up the garden ne?"

"Well it was my turn to clean out the house and this was a part of the job." Syaoran said.

"You look tired, do you want some help?" Sakura asked.

"Well I don't really want to bother you." Syaoran said.

"I don't mind." Sakura said.

"Well then, thank you Sakura." Syaoran said.

A few minutes later they were finished and all there was left was a small part of the garden where Touya's bike was parked.

"I'll go and move the bike." Sakura said.

"Uh, ok then." Syaoran said.

Sakura put her hands on the rails and made sure that Syaoran wasn't watching and moved her hand slightly and the bike glowed pink for a second then it stopped.

'Eriol's going to thank me for this.' She thought.

"Is something wrong?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura looked back at Syaoran and shook her head, "no, nothing's wrong."

"Ok, well then you can move the bike to that corner there." He said and Sakura moved the bike out of the way.

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When Sakura Got Home.

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Eriol was reading a book and Spinel was sitting on the couch reading another book.

"Where's Nakuru?" She asked.

"She's in the kitchen star." Eriol said.

"Ok." Sakura said and she walked into the kitchen and saw Nakuru mixing something in a pot.

"Nakuru I've got your ingredients." Sakura said.

"Just put them on the table there." Nakuru said pointing to the table and Sakura placed them down and walked out the door. To find Eriol standing in front of her.

"Why were you late star?" He asked.

"I was helping Syaoran and you." Sakura smiled.

"And what did you do to him?" Eriol asked.

"I had a little fun with his brothers bike." Sakura smiled.

"Well then shall we have a little fun with him then?" Eriol asked.

"Not now Eriol, after dinner." Sakura said.

"What did you really do to the bike?" Eriol asked.

"I just made the Clow Cards attracted to it and all I need you to do is release the Dash Card." Sakura said.

"Well then shall we go and read something?" Eriol asked.

Sakura nodded her head and they walked into the lounge.

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That Night At Syaorans House.

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Syaoran walked over to his draw and opened it and took the now changed clow book out and opened it. A few light green cards came out and circled him.

"You know the Cards really love you." Kero said.

"I know." Syaoran said.

Kero looked out the window and looked at the stars until there was a shout that came from Syaoran.

"What's wrong?" Kero asked.

"The Clow Cards, their cold." Syaoran said.

"Well Syaoran that's what happens when the cards loose their source of power. They'll turn into normal cards." Kero said.

"But they're all my friends; I can't let them change into normal cards." Syaoran said.

"Well there's nothing you can do." Kero said.

But before Kero could do anything Syaoran had is wand out and said his chant and threw out seven Cards. And said. "Sweet, Lock, Libra, Sand, Voice, Change, Windy." Syaoran paused for a moment before he pointed his staff at a final Card, "Dash." He said. Then he landed on his bed.

"Syaoran what do you think that you're doing. Changing so many Cards at once could kill yourself." Kero said.

Syaoran looked at the cards that he had changed then Dash moved out of the group and changed in to it's physical form and hissed at Syaoran.

"Huh, what's wrong Dash?" Syaoran asked confused.

"You didn't have enough power to fully change Dash so now she's confused and kind of angry with you. I think that you need to catch her again." Kero said.

"Oh, oh." Syaoran said then Dash jumped out of the window and Syaoran chased after it.

"Where is it?" Kero asked.

"There it is." Syaoran said as he pointed to the bike.

"Get it Syaoran." Kero said.

But before they got to her Dash went into the bike and rode off.

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At Eriols House.

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Eriol stood up from the table and took his plate up and was about to walk out the door when Sakura asked.

"Eriol where are you going?"

"To watch something, do you three want to come?"

"What did you do?" Spinel asked.

"Come and see then." He said and the three followed him out the room.

Then Spinel and Nakuru turned into their true forms and Sakura and Eriol got on Spinels back and flew them to Syaorans' house where they saw him chasing a bike.

"What's happening?" Ruby Moon asked.

"Dash got released and now Syaorans' got a little bit of a problem." Eriol said.

The bike went down the street and Syaoran hurried after it and then it ended up on the side of a building and Tomoyo had joined the group.

"How am I going to get her back without hurting her?" Syaoran asked.

"I don't know." Kero said.

"I've got it." Syaoran said and he pulled out a Card and chanted something then the card turned light green and then he said, "Loop Card." And the streets joined together.

"He's getting pretty good at this, he used Loop to stop Dash from getting anywhere." Sakura said.

"But will he know how to deal with this Dash Card?" Eriol asked.

The bike had stopped going around in circles and had stopped in front of Syaoran and then Dash jumped out of the bike and was standing on the seat. It hissed at Syaoran one more time before trying to jump away then Syaoran called on the Windy Card and it grabbed Dash from the air.

"Don't be so rough, you're going to hurt her." Tomoyo said.

Windy gently placed Dash in Syaorans arms and then it started to struggle in his arms.

Syaoran murmured something in Dash's ear and then she calmed down and returned to her Card form.

"Well then that was fast." Ruby Moon said.

"To bad the show wasn't more interesting." Sakura said.

"I told you that you two were alike." Eriol said.

"No we're not." Ruby Moon said.

"Gomenasai but I can't take your side Ruby Moon because it's no use arguing with Eriol for me." Sakura said.

Ruby Moon sighed and they flew home.

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The Next Day.

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Sakura and Eriol were in the lounge sewing.

"What are you doing?" Nakuru asked.

"We're making our outfits." Sakura said.

"Why, what are you doing tomorrow?" Nakuru asked.

"We're having a little fair tomorrow." Sakura said.

"What do you have there?" Nakuru asked.

"It's mainly Sweets, Cookies and Drink." Sakura said.

"Can I go, please?" Nakuru asked.

"Of course you can go." Eriol said.

"How about you Suppi, are you going to go and eat any sweets?" Nakuru asked Spinel who was sitting beside Sakura reading.

"I'm going but I'm not going to eat any sweets." Spinel said.

"Why not?" Nakuru asked.

"Because I can't." Spinel said.

"It's not that he can't." Eriol said, "it's just that if he eats anything sweet he gets drunk."

"So that's how Sakura got him drunk the other day." Nakuru said with an evil smile playing across her face

"Nakuru don't get Spinel Sun drunk tomorrow. We need him for when Syaoran's nearly finished changing all of the Clow Cards." Sakura said.

"I promise I won't." Nakuru said.

"Don't worry Sakura, I'll be watching her." Eriol said.

Spinel flew over to Sakura and sat on her lap and rubbed his head against her chest.

"It's nice having you to worry about me." He said.

Sakura smiled and patted him on the head.

"You're such a sweet guardian." She said, " to bad your not mine though."

"I know." Spinel purred.

"That just make's me really sick." Nakuru said.

"Well no one told you to listen." Spinel said.

Sakura laughed and then scratched Spinel behind his ear.

"Now back to reading, I need to finish my outfit." She said.