Trek Wars Episode I: Galaxies Collide.
Chapter One: Nightmares.
Captain Picard stared out at the stars as they whizzed by. It had been one year and one hell of a journey. the Borg threat was annihilated and The Enterprise barely saved themselves, Zefram Cochrane and their future in the tough battle with the Borg. But on a good note, The Borg were finally eliminated and it was great that Worf had been reassigned to the Enterprise. Picard thought as he scratched his bald head and stood up. Pacing along the tiny ready room, he paused in front of the fish tank to the left side of the ready room. It mirrored his sapphire blue eyes as he stared at the tropical fish and thought to himself 'sometimes I wish my life was as simple as yours my little friends.'
Picard went back to his desk, sat down and prepared to read the Mission that Starfleet Command had ordered him to complete. The order was quite simple, Pick up Ambassador Spock near the neutral zone, but relations with the Romulans were never "simple." 'But why?' Picard thought. A few years back, the Vulcan had made a commitment to stay on Romulus to renew reunification efforts between Romulus and their cousins on Vulcan. Picard then started to work on excuses he could give any Romulan military commander that hailed him as to why he was just half a light year away from the border which cut off the Romulan Star Empire from the Federation. Picard let out a sigh and continued his skimming of the rest of the mission overview. Just then the door chimed. "Come" Picard said as he closed his miniature laptop. To his horror, he saw three Borg soldiers and One of them was his first officer Commander Riker.
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the star ship Enterprise. Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, To seek out new life and new civilizations...To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Picard jumped out of his chair, over his desk and drop kicked one of the drones in an attempt to escape the Borg to no avail. Riker's drone shot out its assimilation wires and entered them into Picard's neck, just as he was about to reach the door. Picard screamed but no scream came as the wires entered his neck and released the Borg's DNA code into his own.
He shot up wiping the cold sweat off of his face. He had been having nightmares lately for unknown reasons and they were becoming more severe. "Maybe I should talk with Deanna." He muttered to himself after getting up out of bed. He decided not to sleep nor talk to the consular, he would just re awake anyway and the consular was most definitely fast asleep by now. "Tea, earl grey, hot." He commanded the replicator. Soon enough his tea materialized in front of him and he picked it up and began to sip away. He walked away from the replicator, sat down on the side of his bed and began to look around his quarters nervously. "Everything is fine" Picard though out loud to himself as he took his tea and continued to nurse it. He checked the time and noticed it was only 0:001 hours. He then picked up one of his books titled "King Arthur and his round table" and read for what seemed a few minutes but in fact a lot more longer than he had originally planned. He put the book down after reading a few chapters and saw that it was already forty five minutes past 0:001 Hours. "Damn it" he cursed under his breath. He sighed and began to pace around the room. Moving to his table filled with archeological artifacts and began to examine them and repeated the thought he had in his dream to himself 'If times were only simpler' and sighed at the thought.
Lieutenant Commander Data was sitting at the Captains chair in the bridge of the Enterprise showing no sign of any emotion or fatigue while staring at the spacial anomaly that they had just found. "What do you make of this sir, do you have anything like this on file?" Ensign Singh asked from tactical. Data searched his data banks attempting to view any record(s) of an event like this before but he came up with nothing.
"No ensign I am afraid I have no record on file for this type of phenomena." Data replied as he studied the behemoth. The anomaly was huge, at least seven light years tall and thirty light years wide and it had appeared out of nowhere. It was purple in the center and the rest of it almost looked like a rainbow. It was circular in shape but had arms like it was some sort of round toad like creature. Data looked on studying it carefully as he began calculating what exactly this anomaly may be. "Send in a type one probe and let us see what we find." Data ordered from the captains chair.
"Aye sir launching probe" Singh announced. The probe launcher made the all to familiar sound of launching a probe and fired it deep into the heart of the anomaly. The view screen showed the probe edging closer and closer to the giant anomaly until it finally made contact with the behemoth.
"The outer structure consists of mostly Methane and this is odd, Oxygen sir and the...sir I have lost contact with the probe." Singh said with an uneasy voice.
Data quickly got up from the captains seat and stared at the screen with an intense concentrated look on his face, "Cause of the severed contact with the probe?"
"I have no idea sir, wait something is coming out of the anomaly!" Lighting struck from within the anomaly and a weird circular shaped ship appeared. Everyone on the bridge was silent and all eyes fell to Data. Data went straight to tactical and began to look over the vessels hull.
"Scan the vessels weapons and determine if they are of any threat to the Enterprise." Data ordered.
Data stood next to the shaken ensign as he finally said in a relived tone of voice "Their weapons systems are primitive, fusion pulse lasers are their worst, sir, their propulsion system is incredible and if I read correctly it is fifty times faster than trans-warp!"
"Explain, how is that possible?", Data himself felt like he was in awe, although he knew his emotion chip was off he knew that if it was on that was exactly what he'd be feeling. Something like this would change everything for the Federation and the various species of the Alpha and Beta quadrants significantly.
"Well sir I can't explain, this is like nothing the Federation ever encountered before, I have a theory sir, this tear may lead into another galaxy or another part of our own that we have yet to explore." The Ensign said in reply.
Data walked back to his seat and continued to search for any records on a ship of this type, again he found nothing. The android kept looking over the ship from the Captains seat and turned his head back towards the ensign at tactical, "Hail them" Data ordered the ensign.
"Channel open sir, wait, the link cut off, their communications systems appear offline." The Ensign replied as he continued tapping in command codes.
Data stood up, looked back towards the Ensign once again, "I think it is time the Captain took a look at this." the android announced as he pressed his combadge.
"Data to Captain Picard." announced the familiar androids voice on the communicator. Picard tapped his communicator that was on the table to his left hand side, "Yes Data?"
"I am sorry if I am disturbing you Sir but we have stumbled upon a very unusual spacial anomaly." The androids voice announced over the comm.
'When will I ever get some sleep' Picard thought in misery. He sighed, "I'll be right up, Picard out." Picard started to get dressed into uniform and thought to himself 'I hope this has nothing to do with Q.' He started out the door, went toward the nearest turbo lift and nodded at a few crew members that acknowledged him as he passed them while walking on the deck and went into the lift. Just as he commanded the lift to take him to the bridge he heard voices, thousands of them. They all sang an all to familiar tune. "No, it can't be" he whispered to himself. Picard then stood in the lift shaking with fear and ordered the lift to halt. Pacing around the huge area the lift provided for what seemed like forever he sighed and finally said out loud to himself "Dreams take their toll, resume."
As Picard entered the bridge he was acknowledged by the night shift and went straight to his third in command who was sitting in the captains chair. Since Data required no sleep he got up very quickly, "Captain I believe we have traced this rip into another galaxy."
The Captain gave Data a shocked look and pondered for a bit and then finally asked "And what is your hypothesis based on Mr. Data?"
Data looked at an ensign and ordered "Main Viewer on ensign."
"Aye sir, main viewer on." and the screen blinked to life. There in front of them was a weird circular shape ship that had what appeared to be burns from an intense phaser fight. The ship looked like it had some sort of alien design to it, it also was very bulky with no nacelles whatsoever. And that was what peaked Picards curiosity. It had no nacelles so how was it able to achieve warp speed?
"Mr. Data have you searched the data base for any ship of this design?" Asked the captain who was clearly awestruck at the sight of the alien vessel.
"Yes sir I have searched the data base and I have found no model that resembles that ship in anyway, shape or form." The android said in reply, Picard kept staring intently at the screen. Could this ship be from a far away star system or could it be from some kind of recluse species that prided itself on isolation like the Tholians did. Or was it what Data had orignally said before, from another galaxy? The questions kept eating at Picard as he finally sat down in the captains chair and leaned his head on his hand to ponder the situation.
Picard continued thinking for a while and then turned his head back to Data and asked "How long has that ship been here and have you checked Voyagers records of their trip into the Delta Quadrant, perhaps those will enlighten us?"
"It came through the rip at approximately 02:00 hours. It has not made any attempt to contact us after the severed connection between us as we tried to hail them. Also sir, I have and I have found that they did not encounter anything like this while in the Delta Quadrant." He looked at Data and continued to ponder the situation.
"I suppose we should try to determine if they are a threat or not?" Picard asked the Android.
Data looked at him with his yellow eyes "We have scanned their weapons and shields sir, and they are primitive to our standards, except for their warp drive."
Picard stared at the android questioningly. "To what extent Mr. Data?"
"Unknown so far but we have determined that the ship would make trans-warp look rather pathetic sir." The android said in reply.
Picard sighed and slowly turned his head toward the screen, "Try hailing them again."