Something that just came to mind while I was waiting for my dad to take me to my classes, that's all I have to say, well, that and I've been wanting to write a longer story of Alfred and Louise being together for a while now.

Summery: Alfred gets into a bet where if he dates and gets into the bed of one Louise Beilschmidt, the smartest, strongest, and most quiet girl in his class, he will win a cash prize. Can he go through with it or will he give it up not to hurt her?

Pairings: Alfred/ Louise, Gilbert/ Arthur, Ludwig/ Feliciano, other pairings to be told later

Warning: high school AU, cussing, possible lime scene, other stuff, OOC moments for characters but this is normal for stories on this site.

I own nothing but the plot and any OC characters

NOTE! Yes, both Ludwig and Louise (the female version of Germany) are in this story together. They are twins and Gilbert is still there older brother. Louise is almost identical to Ludwig in personality, except for emotional. Ludwig is paralyzed in this story, due to a car accident that he got into that ended up damaging part of his spine, making him lose feeling in one of his legs so he's in a wheel chair. Why did I do this? It's because I felt that it would be nice if Louise was always trying to help her brother, focusing on him and her studies rather than on boys and social events.

Also, I just like the idea of one character in a story I write to be handicapped in some way because I like handicapped people. Plus, the other day when I was leaving my classes, I saw this guy in a wheelchair and he was moving around in it in really cool ways.

NOTE II! Maria Gomez is an OC character for Mexico; she is Alfred's former girlfriend. This story takes place in the school Hetalia universe, so they're wearing the uniforms, but they leave off campus in New York City. (That's actually where the school is according to the game)

On with the fic!

You Can't Bet Your Heart

Chapter One

"Cheer up Alfred, there are other fish in the sea, amigo!"

"Oui, listen to Big Brother Alfred, you'll find another."

"Why do you guys keep acting like she's the one who broke up with me or that I'm depressed about this?"

Alfred F. Jones, sophomore at the prestigious World W Academy in NYC and quarterback for the American football team, glared at two of his older friends. Two days ago, Alfred had decided to break up with Maria Gomez, a student from Mexico. He told her that he liked her and that she was sweet and all, but she didn't seem to make their dating experience fun, plus she cost him money.

Apparently Maria wasn't too happy about this and told the school that she was the one who broke up with one of the most popular students in school because he was a selfish jerk. The rumor seemed to have caught the attention of Francis Bonnefoy and Antonio Carriedo, two friends of Alfred and his cousin Arthur.

"Look guys," Alfred started as he worked on his burger as they sat in the cafeteria. "It's not a big deal, she just wasn't what I was looking for it a girlfriend."

Francis sighed and rolled his eyes. "You say that about every girl you've dated since middle school Alfred. You're too picky."

"Oh leave the little bugger alone and go pester Gilbert or something." A new voice spoke up, catching everyone's attention. Sitting down next to Alfred was Arthur Kirkland, student body president. "Just because he didn't want her doesn't mean that he's picky."

"Which explains why you jumped right on Gilbert, non?" Francis chuckled before getting a roll from Arthur's lunch tray thrown at him, luckily the Frenchman dodged it.

Antonio snickered at the failed attempt to hurt Francis before turning to Alfred. "Look amigo, you need to find a girl that's able to keep you from being bored every time you're together, a girl that looks good and is always fun."

"Don't you think I've tried that already?" Alfred sighed before drinking from his soda. "I just want a girl that will be able to give me a challenge, I don't want so boring yes-girl or some chick who only likes me cause I'm popular."

Suddenly a huge grin came to Francis' face. "I got it! I know who the perfect girl is!" Two sets of green eyes and a set of blue looked at the blond.

"Who?" Alfred blinked and was twisted around in his seat by the senior, forced to look ahead a few tables to where one person sat alone.

"Louise Beilschmidt, you're going to ask her out." Francis smirked and Alfred could only stare.

Louise was the younger sister of the infamous Gilbert Beilschmidt, the student who made every teacher's life a living hell. She was the twin sister to Ludwig who use to be captain of the football team until he got into a car accident one night three months ago and lost the ability to use one of his legs. Louise is the smartest girl in school, always studying for something, she was also very quiet, at least until she was playing girl's football, running track, or yelling at Feliciano, her best friend and one of very few.

Due to her closed nature, she wasn't usually one to speak to people nor did she enjoy social events since she claimed she had better things to do.

According to gossip, she was still a virgin in all forms and has never dated anyone. Louise spends most of her time studying, speaking with Feliciano or Kiku, or helping her now-handicapped twin around the school. When she wasn't with them or reading, she was playing sports or training, making her able to kick the ass of every guy in school.

In other words, according to every girl in school, she was not dating material and is, apparently, a weirdo.

Alfred turned t Francis and just looked at him with a 'you can't be fucking serious' face. "Francis, even I know that trying to date Gil's sister is impossible. Hell, it took Feliciano two years to finally get Ludwig to date him; to get Louise to go on a date will take a lifetime and then some."

"How about this, if you can go on a date, I'll give you fifty dollars and for every date you go on I'll add another fifty. If you get in bed with her, I'll give you a hundred dollars." Francis smirked, and Alfred turned a shade of pale. When Francis set someone up on a bet, especially on with money since Francis' was one of the richest students, he was being serious.

The glasses wearing blond looked at the other and bit his lip, he did say he wanted to date a girl who could give him a challenge, and if the other two Beilschmidt siblings can date, then Louise could be persuaded into being Alfred's girlfriend, besides, heroes never back down from challenges.

Letting out a soft sigh, Alfred stuck out his hand. "Deal." Francis chuckled and shook Alfred's hand, sealing the deal. Alfred watched as they shook hands, his insides twisting a little and giving him a bad feeling about this.

Arthur could only stare at his cousin before hitting him on the back of the head. "Alfred! What are you doing? You can't date someone for money!"

"Oww!" Alfred exclaimed, rubbing his head. "Jeez Arthur, don't do that! Look, I want to see if I can do this, and besides, I really need the money. Maria put a hole in my bank account and I really need the money, plus I'm up for the challenge."

This didn't convince Arthur at all, and it didn't seem to convince Alfred either. "Whatever, but if you hurt her, you know that Gilbert will slaughter you." It seemed like a fake threat, but Arthur's boyfriend could very well put Alfred into the hospital, and the American didn't even want to know what Ludwig could do to him if he were to find out…

"I'll be careful, just don't mention this to anyone, just ask as if I really am asking her on a date." Alfred told them all and the older students nodded while Arthur gave him a weary look, but nodded as well, doing this for Alfred's safety.

Hopefully things will go smoothly for Alfred in all of this.

Louise walked into her history class, going straight to her desk and sitting right down. Once situated, she took out her book and notebook for notes, along with her homework and her pencil case, placing everything in its proper place. She looked at the seat next to her, empty as always and as it should be, sitting next to someone could easily distract her from her studies and that would be bad.

The rest of the students soon entered, Feliciano laughing loudly as he followed Ludwig into the class, the blond giving him a look that made him settle down, though a few giggles escaped which made Ludwig smile a bit and shake his head. Louise smiled slightly at this; it was nice that her brother was doing well, especially since Feliciano was always there to help him. Suddenly she paused and shuddered slightly, why did it feel like someone was looking at her?

Turning, she looked to see Alfred Jones looking at her before he blushed a little and turned away, getting into his normal seat which happened to be behind hers. Why was he looking at her, it was weird?

Not that she wasn't use to being looked at, her breast were larger than the other girls in her grade, hell, they were even bigger than the literature teacher's breasts and she hated the unwanted attention they brought her.

That was probably what that dimwitted American was looking at, so she turned away with a small huff and waited for Mr. Adnan to start his lesson, after his daily argument with student Heracles Karpusi. After the verbal war between the two, Mr. Adnan got to work and started to discuss about some war, which half the class started to sleep through or they were doing something else, except for the rare few who were taking notes.

The blonde started to write down everything that Mr. Adnan was saying and writing on the board (when he wasn't throwing chalk at sleeping kids heads), but kept stopping when she heard someone making annoying hissing sounds.

Probably some idiot was trying to get the attention of another student, Louise thought to herself as she continued to write in her notes. But the hissing got louder and soon she heard her name, coming from behind her.

Becoming annoyed after trying to ignore this for about ten minutes, she whipped around and glared at Alfred who had his hand cupped by his mouth and looked ready to catch her attention by whispering loudly. "Was?" She hissed at him, stressing the word and he gave her a confused look. Louise rolled her eyes, forgetting that she spoke German to someone who barely spoke anything other than English.

"What?" She repeated in English.

"I've got a question for you." Alfred replied.

"Make it quick, you're interrupting my note taking."

A small blush appeared on Alfred's face and he seemed to be trying to either come up with a good way to put his question into words or he was trying to avoid it. "Well?" She asked, giving him an annoyed look to show that he was wasting her time.

Finally Alfred decided to speak. "Want to go out with me?" This caught her off guard, usually when Alfred asked her for something; it was paper, a pencil, or some question about or help on the assignment.

"Y-you want… no, no I won't go out with you." She replied and turned back to her notebook.

Alfred blinked and frowned, well, that was a first; a girl actually turned him down. But he should have known better, Louise always turned down anyone who asked her out, but he didn't blame her. Most of the guys who ask her out either want to use her smarts or want to have a chance to touch her chest.

"Why won't you?" He asked her, tapping her shoulder with his pencil.

Louise shuddered at the unexpected touch and turned to glare at him. "Because I'm busy with school and my home life, I have no time for dates, especially with an annoying boy like you Herr Jones."

Alfred rolled his eyes, why did she always call him that and why did she have to see so formal and smart when she spoke? "Come on, just one date and if you don't like it then I won't trouble you again."

"No means no Herr Jones."

"Oh stop being so resistant, your brothers are dating and besides, a bunch of people think you're gonna end up being some lonely, crazy cat lady or a dyke. With the way you keep to yourself and reject everyone, there's a reason for those rumors, not that I believe them of… Louise?"

Did Alfred take it a step too far? Because Louise was currently wide-eyed and the pencil in her hand looked ready to break in the shaky grasp. She bit her lips before closing her eyes, placing the pencil on the desk, pinched her nose and sighed.

"Fine, one date and that's it." Louise growled out before going right back to her note taking. Alfred grinned a bit and went to drawing in his notebook rather than taking notes, not noticing that Louise was biting her lip, thinking about what Alfred said.


How is this for a first chapter? I know I have a lot of stories to work on but currently Wings of Wax's next chapter is in the works and Found You is currently being worked on but I'm having some difficulty coming up with the ending for the chapter. This is just to satisfy my current obsession of female Germany and America being together.

Next chapter: Louise and Alfred go on their date, with a few people stalking after them to see if it's real or not.

Btw, I've never been to New York so… forgive me on the date next chapter, I know only as much as someone who has never been there knows.

Also, American football is football and football is soccer, going with the European names here!

Please review.