A/N: I decided to switch into my more comfortable first person POV. I still don't understand how some people struggle with first person. It comes so naturally to me. But hey, everyone's different I suppose.

Thirty-four days, seven hours, twelve minutes. That's how long it had been since Jigsaw pulled my lifeless corpse from where it was chained to be put on a new, metaphorical leash. I was now his to control, his new pet dog. But I wasn't an attack dog like Amanda or a guard dog like Hoffman. I was a hound, sniffing out new people for Amanda to chew on. Jigsaw (actually his name is John so I should probably start calling him that) wanted me to do what I had always done but with a more sinister purpose. I had to track down his future victims, photograph them...in their wrongful acts if I could...and when I was all done I had to bring them back for John and Hoffman to do what they wanted with them. But before I get into all that...I should probably explain it from the beginning. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

I knew deep in my heart I was going to die in that bathroom when the door slammed shut, smothering me in darkness. I knew but I didn't want to accept it. I screamed for hours, cried longer. It was pathetic, really. I begged and pleaded to be allowed one more chance...Please, I had said, Let me live. As time dragged on I began calling for Lawrence, the man who abandoned me to find help. I was beyond reason then, not thinking that Lawrence was long gone and never coming back. I called for him. I asked him to come back, to save me. I didn't sleep at all in those long three days. My body ached for food, water, and nicotine and I was in constant pain from the hole in my shoulder. I finally fainted from it all and that's when Amanda came for me. I was delusional by that point. When she woke me up I thought it was my mother telling me I was late for school. I tried to tell her that it was Saturday and to let me sleep but my mouth didn't work right. All that came out was a sort of groan. I was so tired...And then the bag was over my face. I didn't make the connection that it was a bag at the time. All I knew was I was tired, my mother was bothering me to go to school on a weekend, and I suddenly couldn't breathe. My instincts took over, causing my limbs to flail and scratch at whatever was stealing my air, the only thing I had left in that hellhole, but I was too weak. I was dying...and then I could breathe again. I could hear someone talking...was that my father? Yes, it had to have been. He was telling Mom that it was Saturday and I didn't have to go to school. So I went back to sleep. I died.

I awoke a different person, the person I am now. I had my reason back, sacrificing my proverbial fire. I was alive but dead. Nothing mattered anymore but everything made sense. I had become a zombie with a brain. A shell of a man. In order for me to be aware of everything I had to lose all of who I used to be, all of my emotion, my motivation, my will to live. I had become the perfect murderer's apprentice. No one had reported me missing yet either so I could have gone back to my apartment if I wanted. But that was the old me, the part of me that had died in that bathroom. Once I'd healed I returned only to get my camera and dark room light. Everything else was expendable, worthless. I would live in the darkness surrounded by death...where I belonged.

The other apprentices were quite different than me...They still had life in them. Amanda was actually pleasant to me while I was healing. Well, pleasant compared to how I remembered her from only one night earlier when she tried to murder me. I had been mildly surprised when she first arrived to help me recover, recognizing her as the girl in the stairwell I had met the day I was kidnapped. As soon as I saw her it all made sense. Of course she would have been aloof and evasive if she was to be my abductor. The old me would have yelled at her, demanded to know why she was involved in this. The old me was smitten with the short-haired cute girl. But now I simply felt a sense of finality. Amanda was not who I thought she was and so I accepted it. I think my trap broke the block on my brain that made me an idiot.

Hoffman was another story. For some reason he despised me though I had done nothing to wrong him. Whenever he passed by me he made sure to 'accidentally' knock his shoulder into mine, throwing me off balance. It was almost always my bad shoulder. In short, we didn't get along. For some reason I felt he was vying for the favor of our "landlord", which would be ridiculous because that's stupid. Well, stupid to me because I don't feel anything anymore. Hoffman still felt. I knew about him. I knew about how he came to be an apprentice...about his sister...He was doing things right but for the wrong reasons while Amanda was doing things for the right reasons but doing them wrong. It's not like I would trade places with them because honestly, the only opinion I really have anymore is that all of this is just fucked up. Nothing makes sense but everything makes sense. My life is in bloody limbo. I died and now I'm in Purgatory. Day to day...doing the devil's work.


A/N: Welly well well well...I obviously had no ideas for this. So DRAMA! Yeah! Okay, for serious. This is a pointless BS bridge chapter. REVIEWS HELP ME!