Okay! So I decided to write another Hetalia fanfic, this time it's not focused in OCs but in my OTP: DenNor! this time is fem!Norway ^^

This fic is crack and involves gender bend and incest as well as some OC's with minor roles. Inspired in fairytales, just that I'll try to not make it so Mary Sue-ish

Rated "T" for future mentions of sexual themes.

Title: Act #1: Introduction

Akt #1: Einführung

One upon a Time…

Scratch that.

In a very far, far away place…

No, scratch that.

A long time ago…

Forget it.

Norway was the princess of a big and powerful empire. Her defects were hidden under unusual physical beauty which was present in her fair ivory skin, in her long and shiny gold hair, in her delicate petite silhouette, and in her ocean-blue eyes which hid so many mysteries kept untold. She possessed this singular charm of the northern people; a very quiet girl.

Denmark was a handsome and strong-looking man. He had a darker blonde hair and it was combed in a rather messy way (if it deserves to be classified as "combed"). He was tall, his body was nicely sculpted due to his constant exercising and he had a big sense of humor; a very noisy person.

They were obviously mismatched.

Norway was the third child of Germania. Her family (or the most relevant members for Norway) were: The Crown Prince, which was her older brother Sweden, her older sister Ukraine, her younger brother Latvia, her deceased younger sister Iceland, her cousins: Finland, Belgium, Estonia, France, Scotland, England, Russia and Belarus; the Emperor Germania and the also deceased Empress Scandinavia.

Even though Germania already had his older son to inherit the crown, Germania wanted his daughter to get well married to a good husband. This term, translated to literal and modern language would be "marry a very rich man with the biggest fortune you can find and with a high social status, even if it means getting married with a mommy's boy bastard". And Norway wasn't lucky since her mommy's boy bastard, a.k.a. fiancé, turned out to be Prussia.

Norway, as expected, hated him but she couldn't bring herself to disobey, or go against her father's desires.

Now let us talk a bit about Prussia: Prussia was an energetic man with a huge alter-ego, he was really annoying and noisy, probably even more than Denmark, but the difference was that Denmark was noisy when telling jokes or being silly or something like that while Prussia was noisy when going all about his all-mighty greatness and awesomeness and whatnot. With Prussia it was almost impossible to know what he loved more: his fortune or himself. Anyhow, one thing is for sure: Norway was definitely not in his list, she was just another of his many trophies and his pass to the royalty.

Norway wasn't pretty much the energetic freedom-lover like most princesses are. She would be happy just by reading a good book, having a calmed chat or be able to take a calmed and pacific walk in the gardens, but after so many years doing the same routines; Norway had already grown tired of being in the palace all the time. No matter how calmed and quiet you are, there is always a limit and an age when curiosity gets the best out of you (it took 17 years for her to reach it). She wanted to know what was in the outside of the stony walls of the palace and she also knew her father wouldn't allow it, at least not without the whole royal guard around her, and if that was the case then she wouldn't be able to do a thing. No, she had to find a way to get out, something to disguise herself with. Luckily, she had her best friend and confident by her side: Belarus.

Belarus was young and a really beautiful girl. She was the younger sister of Russia and Belgium, elder sister of Estonia and Finland, cousin of Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Latvia, France and well, you know. Even though she didn't have the best of reputations for the simple fact she wasn't as kind and lovable as her youngest sister, she was very sharp; craftier than a fox and the smartest of all the royal daughters, she had quite a reputation for that.

Norway and Belarus had been friends since childhood. Belarus was her greatest confident, she knew she would get killed first before telling any secret Norway had told her (but it's not like anyone had the guts to even insist with her). After all those years Norway learned that Belarus could be kind and supporting when you actually got to know her… if you were still alive by then, that's it. Proof of their mutual friendship and understanding is that she hated Prussia and the idea of that bastard marrying Norway just as much or even more than Norway herself.

"Hmm. It sure took you long to grow tired of it. If I were you, I would've done something about it a long time ago." Said Belarus calmly, then she took a sip of her tea. "Or at least after you got the news of your marriage with Prussia, should've run away and gotten married to a real man; Prussia is a complete bastard."

"Glad to see someone in this palace has the brain to see that." Norway said coldly.

"No, they know; but no one would tell you. Thank the gods you have a cousin like me, and of course, I thank the gods for a cousin like you; you have given me so many ideas for a novel that would sure become a best-seller."

"First, you completely fail at being funny. Second, I highly doubt someone would actually buy that."

"Well, if 'Twilight' won millions, I think this one would do just fine."

Norway nodded in agreement. "Anyway, do you plan to help me or not?"

Belarus stood up and walked to the window, facing outside just looking, thinking. It was as if she was trying to memorize the moment, the scene, and since then Norway felt something weird about it all.

After some moments passed, Belarus finally spoke: "Fine, I will help you… with one condition."

"Put your price."

"It's nothing big; I'm going to tell you the plan, but remember to write me every day about absolutely everything that happens without missing a single detail… There is something I haven't told you yet." Belarus's face turned sad and with a melancholic shade.

"What is it? Speak." And Norway felt a glimpse of regret as the words passed from her tongue to her lips as if the answer wasn't going to be prepossessing.

"I'm leaving next week."

"What do you mean? You're having some king of vacations or something?" Norway was suddenly anxious, she already knew what this meant, just wasn't ready for it. She didn't want her only support to leave her alone in that place.

"You know what this means. We're moving to the palace in the east and… please don't make that face. It will be okay as long as we write to each other every day, so don't cry." The last words came in as if chanting a lullaby, it was until then that Norway noticed the rise on her face's temperature as her eyes started to burn and a salted liquid escaped from them as if trying to evade the heat. Belarus walked over her and swept them off.

Norway cried. Quietly, but she did.

As Norway started to calm down she finally asked why she was leaving.

"My father will be the governor of the eastern province. The previous one was beheaded due the fact that he was stealing money of the taxes of the people, which were risen by him especially for that. Apparently, uncle will not trust captains anymore so he asked my father to go instead."

"I see." Norway said and then she sniffed. She was already having a bad time since the date of her marriage was getting close. She definitely didn't want to become that arrogant man's toy yet she knew that was bound to happen, and now her only comfort was leaving to the eastern province.

She did her best to not cry again.

But now she was fully determined. "Get me out of this place." She said firmly, all sign of crying gone from her voice. "I have no reason to stay here anymore."

Okay, so that was it for chapter 1! Note that Denmark's turn is not here yet.

I already have the story prepared, know what will happen and each character is presented with a purpose. Just don't know if I will actually finish writing it/publish it because as you can see, I am not the best writer in the world (leave aside English is not my mother language) and I don't have a Hetalia beta reader (I really need one) so... I will finish if there is spare time and actually some interest. Anyway, I'm actually am writing chapet two :)

Author's Note: The reason I exchanged Ukraine and Belgium's places (because Ukraine is Belarus's sister) Is because I have a purpose for Belgium that could not be fulfilled if she was in Ukraine's place.
For the probably "WTF?" That must have caused you readers on the part of Norway and Latvia as siblings and Norway, Poland and France as cousins... LOL! I just HAD to do it! xD In this fic I will completely break up Himaruya's canon here so don't get surprised by that. :D
Original Characters: Only Scot and Scandinavia for now.
Why are Scandinavia and Iceland dead? Because I didn't have any plot for them. I wanted to give Belarus some spot here (I love her) and therefore if Iceland was in this fic, as Norway's canon sibling must have some special part.

Genderbend: The male characters I turned into fem! are:
Norway (obviously)
Finland (It's not like he was much manry to start. And yes, she is Sve's wife ^^)
Poland (Yer dream come true!)

That's it for now.

Thanks for reading this far!