I looked to my left. I thought I heard a kid call my name. I narrowed my eyes; I know someone is out there. The person I was talking with became worried and asked what's wrong. I answered in my cool, calm voice that there's nothing bothering me, even though there really is. I'm such a swift liar, I admit.

After I got a chance to escape the conversation, I roamed around the mansion. It's nostalgic. Have I been here before?

"Kei-kun! Over here!"

A voice echoed from afar. Without thinking twice, I immediately ran across the long hallway, decorated by old pictures and paintings from famous people. I stopped on my tracks and felt like a fool. Who was I after anyway? I sighed.


I turned around to walk back where I was when something caught my complete attention. A picture. Not just an ordinary picture but… why am I in it? As a kid?

I felt dizzy for a moment. I don't remember being in this place before. I also saw a young girl next to my picture. She had long brown hair and innocent inky eyes, similar to someone I can't put my finger on. Hikari? Perhaps. And at the girl's left, there's a boy with jet black hair that reminded me of Hikari's soft, silky hair. My hands started to shiver as if I saw a ghost.

"Let go already!" I suddenly heard a voice familiar to mine from somewhere I don't know.

Darn these kids. Stop fooling with me.

"Stop it Kei-kun!" a girl cried.

That's it. I'm going to find out what the hell this is.


I set Kei's picture on my table and left my room, gently closing the door behind because I dislike slamming doors. I walked down the hall and saw Kei staring at a picture.

"Oh no,"

I became nervous that maybe Kei's head got those lost memories back by seeing the picture. My face fell into complete shock. Suddenly, Kei's head swung to my way which I quickly responded and hid in the corners. Did he sense my appearance?

I can hear his footsteps coming closer so I slowly step back, not looking where I'm going. My back hit a doorknob. Great. I silently opened the door, careful not to alert Kei. I was about to close the door but Kei was in sight so I just left the door nearly closed. It would have caught his attention.

I let the shadows sink me in. It was a good thing the light bulbs in this room are broken and my dress was black. Just great… Kei opened the door and examined the dark room. I hesitated and prayed that Kei won't notice me.


I went to search for those voices. I walked down the hall and saw an open door. I barged inside and saw nothing but darkness. The light of the moon passed through the large, wide window and illuminated a large portion of the floor.

"Please stop it Kei-kun!"

The girl's voice cried again. Then, my visions again jammed my head. It was all blurry but I can still see.

Pieces of papers were all over the floor. It was a mess. The light of the room was off so the moon's light was the only source of brightness in the room. There's a boy with blonde hair standing behind the wide window. The wind barged in, causing the curtains to fly vigorously.

"What did you do?" A brown haired girl knelt down. She gripped the carpet and broke into tears, letting her bangs hide her terrified black orbs.

"If I can't have you then no one can," the boy murmured so soft that the girl could hardly hear. His fist curled into a fist and gritted his teeth, showing an angry expression.

I fell to my knees in the same spot where the girl in vision was. As my knees hit the ground, the images and the confusion faded like smoke. I was speechless for a moment. I know who that blonde boy is.

"It's me…" was all I could utter.

I couldn't fix the puzzles in my head but I know that those illusions and voices before were not just my imagination. It must be memories. Lost memories perhaps. I tried to assemble more pieces of the puzzle but I just can't.

"Kana-chan!" young Kei smiled.

Smiled? I smiled? What the heck was that? Since when did I smile like a real kid when I was young?

I stood up and dusted my pants. However, I'm still under a deep daze because of those shattered memories. I need to know more.

"I should head back."

I exited the room with silence in my atmosphere.


My nerves won't calm down because of Kei's presence. Many things were running around my mind. What if he'll find me? What am I gonna do? What? What?

I was surprised when his body suddenly twicthed and he just stared in space for like 2 minutes. I wonder what came over this guy?

He fell to his knees, and this caught me by surprise. He lowered his head, looking at the floor, doing absolutely nothing but staring down.

"It's me…" he whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear. Afterall, I've got ears like canine's.

He stayed like a that for more until he stood up and left the room. I sighed in relief and relieved myself from the shadows. For a moment I thought he'd find me out. The two last words that he spoke echoed in my head.

"Maybe, he still remembers," I muttered, my eyes looking at the door where I last saw Kei.

Flashback normal POV

"Happy birthday Kanae!" a gray headed old gran dad happily said as he knelt down in one knee to hug his granddaughter. Her dark brown hair tickled the old man's skin. He giggled.

"It's so sparkly! Thank you Grandpa!" The young girl tightened her hug.

It was this little girl's special day. Birthdays always become the best days of everyones' lives. It's a very special day dedicated only to you alone. Birthdays have always been Kanae's favorite day… until… today.

"Kana-chan!" a boy with blonde hair happily hurried next to young Kanae and handed her a pink box with red stripes.

"Happy birthday Kana-chan!" he shouted, his grin still plastered on his face.

The girl took the box from his hand and smiled at her friend, "Thank you Kei-kun."

Young Kei's grin faded into a shy smile and pink shades covered his cheeks.

"Y-you're welcome."

They stared at each other for seconds. Kei was about to ask her if she wanted to get something to drink when something caught Kanae's attention.

"Hiro-kun! HI!" she passed through Kei, not getting a chance to hear what Kei has to say and just ran to her black headed friend. The black haired boy smiled at his friends and said hi. He also handed her a yellow box with brown polkadots.

"Wow! Yellow, my favorite color!" she gleefully said.

"Oh, it is? I never knew hehe Must be a lucky guess on picking the right gift wrapper."

Young Kei balled a fist as he watched Kanae and Hiro talking to each other, completely ignoring his presence.

"Hmph, showoff," he marched away to cool down.

End of flashback


For the first time in his life, Kei don't know where to go. The hallway was like a huge maze. Every corner looked excatly the same. He took the hallway in his right and walked straight, still unsure where this path will lead him.

He stopped walking and excamined another photo of a young girl with dark brown hair. Her face looked very innocent. Her smile could make anyone shiver over the cuteness and her eyes could make flowers bloom in the winter. She's absolutely adorable and cute.

"She looks very familiar," Kei's eyes narrowed and stepped closer to the photo, "I just can't put my finger on this one."

"Kei-kun!" the voice from before cried once more.

Kei jumped in surprise and finally realized, "It's the girl from my vision."

Please review guys and I'll update again soon.

Tadashi: That's it? No other things to say?

Yassui: Nope

Tadashi: Yassui doesn't own SA.

Yassui: whatever…