Hello everyone! I'm Yassui, Yasu for short (internet penname). This is my very first fanfic so I hope I do well in it. (My cousin somehow opened my account and posted a fanfic about SA but I deleted it cause…. Er… nevermind, kinda nasty anyway). By the way, please review my first chapter, I'll also upload the next chapter really soon. I just need to type it on my computer. LALALA enjoy!

"Papa!" Haruka ran across the Takishima mansion colonnade with a piece of paper on her hand that seemed to be scrawled with tons of different colors of crayon. Then she popped on her father's office.

"Hmm?" Kei held his work in abeyance, pushed himself from the desk for about an inch and gazed at his daughter.

"Lookie here Papa! I'm good at drawing now! Look!" the young girl flashed her work on her papa's credence and mounted on his lap, expecting for his congratulation.

"Oya, Haruka" he giggled "I bet I can do better"

Haruka pouted her lips and ambushed his chest with her tiny fist.

"Na-ah! My drawing is way better" she boasted with glee all written on her face. "I'm the best there is!"

"Sure you are. Nobody is better than my sweet little Haru-chan" He snuggled his cheek against Haruka's slightly pink, marshmallow ones and grappled her like there's no tomorrow.

"I thought you love me more than anyone else" a voice came from behind them which caught the father and the daddy's girl's attention.

"Mama!" Haruka quickly got off from her papa's lap and run to give her mama a childish bear hug on the leg.

"Logically speaking, that is a fatherly love, got it?" He got up and walked towards his black haired beauty. Hikari.

"And this is something else" He pressed his lips to hers and felt a rush of warm pleasure race within their body and soul.

"I know" She replied sweetly. Then she felt something pulling her skirt. More like someone wants to get some attention. "Oh, sorry sweetie, so tell me, are you all set?" She bent down to align Haruka's height. The 6 year old kid smiled and nodded.

"Eh? All set for what?" Kei chopped-off with an eyebrow raised saying he wants explanation.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." A sweatdrop assailed on Hikari's head. "Me and Haruka are going to attend the camp on their school this whole weekend" She stood up and a grin circulated her lips.

Kei got jealous because Hikari's gonna have Haruka all to herself for the whole weekend and he DID NOT like it :(

"But—" He was silenced by Hikari's finger and got a "shh" from her.

"Mother and daughter camp to be exact"

"Yup, yup and there's gonna be a marshmallow eating contest" The child smiled and gestured at her mother.

"AND WE'LL BE BRINGING HOME THE TROPHY!" they yelled in unison as they both swung their fist into the air.

Haruka reminded so much of her mother apart from her dark blonde hair and her golden brown eyes she got from Kei. More like seeing Hikari from the past again. She loved nothing more (well, disregard her family) than drawing, coloring and playing with her pet kitten, Mimi, a petite furry white cat with black fur at the end of its ears and front legs. She often spend time with Mimi whenever her parents are busy with the company, however this event rarely occurs because Kei doesn't want her to experience a life like him when he was a toddler. (You know, always lonely? Well, until Hikari existed in his life that is)

When the family got vacant time, they would usually amble along the park or take a 2 day trip to the Oasis. Midori would go gaga over her grandchild. Yes, it has been one of her dreams to have a tiny Hikari around. She would literally kidnap Haruka and take her to a private "Grandmother- granddaughter outing" , which would make Kei summon millions of forbidden, dark, evil, atrocious, etc. (anything similar to the word nasty) aura out of his whole being.

Everything was like a fairytale….

A dream….