DISCLAIMER: I've written this purely for my own and my readers' entertainment. I make no money whatsoever and I don't own anything (apart from the plot and my student debts, and you're more than welcome to take the latter if you so wish).

A/N: Once again, I'm gratefully indebted to gaia caecilia for all her help, both with ideas and being my beta reader!

A/N 2: Although this is nominally a sequel to my story 'Tangled Webs', it isn't necessary to have read that first. But, then again, it is only five chapters long, so won't take you very long to read...

I'm not hinting.


A/N 3: I will be trying to publish this along with another fic called 'Forbidden Fruit' whilst also doing my Uni work, so the updates may not be all that regular, but I will do my best and I can promise that both will be completed, as I hate reading incomplete fics – you may just have to wait awhile.



Eldarion tried to hold in his giggles as his father strode up to him, Anduríl swinging from his hip, inside its sheath. Fortunately, Aragorn took his son's tense pose, sparkling eyes, and near beaming expression for anticipation of his training session – although he had had several so far, their novelty to Eldarion had yet to subside.

"Well, my son, ready for more sword work?" Although he was immensely busy with ruling his kingdom, Aragorn always took time off to be with his son. Elrond had always done so when he was growing up in Rivendell.

Eldarion nodded excitedly and took his father's outstretched hand. They made their way to the training grounds, where a small host of other boys was already gathered. Eldarion took his hand away from his father's as though he was red-hot. Aragorn merely chuckled and ruffled his son's curly hair. He then stepped forward, only to stumble against Eldarion, who was standing, stock-still, gazing out across the courtyard. King Eomer, Queen Lothiriel, their son Elfwine, and their (large) Rohirric escort had just arrived.

"Eomer!" Aragorn called and went striding forward to greet his old friend. The two Kings hugged each other, before turning to greet the other's wife, Arwen having just emerged. Eldarion came up behind his mother.

"So, this is Eldarion?" said Eomer as he bent down to Eldarion's level. "Greetings, little one." Eldarion smiled nervously – maybe it was going to be OK after all, maybe his father would want to talk more with King Eomer and leave him to his training session. It's not that he didn't want his father to be with him, it's just... Eldarion's eyes slid to his father's sword.

Aragorn looked at his son – surely Eldarion wasn't shy? Usually his son could talk the hind leg off a horse. But then, to be fair, this was the first time that Eldarion had met Eomer, unless you counted when he was a baby and Aragorn doubted his son could remember that.

Eomer then held out his hand to the small, pale-haired boy still nestled in his mother's arms. The boy jumped down and plodded over.

"This is Elfwine, my own son."

The two boys just looked at each other. All was silent. The two Kings exchanged meaningful glances – it probably wasn't fair on either Elfwine or Eldarion if they were expected to talk outright in front of all these people. To cover the awkward moment, Eomer indicated Anduríl.

"About to do some sword practice?"

"Yes, we were. Care to join us?"

Eldarion froze – did his father just say what he thought he did?

"Wouldn't mind if I do. All my opponents in Rohan seem to hold back when I'm fighting them; can't think why." Eomer raised his voice at the last and looked significantly towards his men – all of whom seemed to have become very interested in Gondorian architecture. Aragorn chuckled.

"I know the feeling, my friend."

Eldarion stared in disbelief as King Eomer went to retrieve his sword – this could not be happening. He again eyed his father's sword. It would have been OK if it had just been a normal training session with only him and the rest of the group to see, but now... Eldarion groaned inwardly; what was he to do? He looked up and then tugged at his mother's skirts.

"Mamma!" he hissed. "Papa can't use his sword."

"What do you mean, my sweet? Of course he can."

"No, no, I mean he can't; he won't be able to... to..."

But it was too late, for the Kings had already lined up in front of each other. Eomer drew his sword and waited for Aragorn to do the same, which he did.

Well, he tried to, anyway.

Inspired by his mother's stories of her childhood, Eldarion had sneaked into where his father kept his sword and smeared the blade with glue before putting it back into its sheath. Now he watched as his father tried with all his might to extract Anduríl – it was made worse by the fact that Aragorn was trying to do it surreptitiously and both father and son were becoming all too aware of the attention beginning to be heaped upon the former.

"You do realise, Aragorn, that the sword is supposed to be out of its sheath?" Eomer chuckled.

Looking from her son to her husband, Arwen read the situation immediately. Shielding her son (literally), Arwen stepped forward and spoke,

"Surely, you don't want to have a duel now, meleth-nin? For the day is hot and Eomer has had a very hard ride; I'm sure Lothiriel must be gasping for a drink and the escort must be very sticky in all their armour. Perhaps, when everyone is rested and things are sorted out, you could have a duel then. Later." Arwen then indicated the steps leading up to the palace. "Come, Lothiriel, I shall show you to your rooms and then we can have a good gossip over a nice cool drink. And why don't we leave our sons here, where they can get better acquainted."

The Kings, one red-faced, the other chuckling, followed their wives inside and everyone else dispersed, leaving the two Princes alone together.


All in all, Eldarion concluded, the day wasn't so bad after all. He'd made a new friend and the sword incident hadn't been mentioned since the morning, although his mother did wink at him when the man that dealt with all the armour and things sidled up to Aragorn and whispered in his ear.

Yes, Eldarion thought as he watched the Prince of Rohan arrange his cavalry, I do rather like Elfwine, even if he is a bit quiet for my liking.

Eldarion was suddenly roused from his musings when the other boy piped up.

"Was it you that glued your father's sword inside its sheath?" Eldarion's mouth fell open and he quickly glanced towards his bedroom door, which was, fortunately, shut tight.


Elfwine shrugged and then he crossed his arms and grinned.

"I know one or two things about pranking one's father, although, I must admit, I prefer 'seeing to' his horse."

Eldarion was intrigued, this certainly wasn't the boy who he'd been playing with up 'til now – the previous Elfwine had been quiet, shy, but this Elfwine was mischievous and very, very daring. The Prince's eyes widened as Elfwine described his plan.

Uncle Legolas was right – being 'innocent' really does have its advantages.


The two Princes giggled as they watched from their hiding place. Really, this was all too good, for both Kings were going out riding and Elfwine hadn't been able to resist... err... extending his prank.

Both Princes watched with baited breath as the two horses were led out to stand beside their masters. The Kings mounted and they and their retinue began to move off at a sedate pace. Eldarion frowned – why wasn't anything happening? But Elfwine smiled.

"'All good things come to those who wait.' Is there any way of getting quickly down to the city?"

So Eldarion led Elfwine through a couple of secret passages he'd discovered while trying to avoid his mother during bath time. Like his father, Eldarion wasn't overly keen on keeping clean. Besides, what was the point? He spent so much time exploring that he always seemed to get dirty, despite doing his utmost not to, for getting dirty equalled getting bathed or at the very least, a thorough face-washing.

Anyway, Eldarion led the way down to the crowded streets and both boys huddled behind a corner – being able to see without being seen.

The royal party appeared and the crowd made way for them, many bowing or curtseying. All the horses passed without anything happening, but then things did start to happen and all in tantalizing slow-motion...

First, King Eomer himself sort of leant to the side... without stopping... and soon found himself staring between the legs rather than the ears of his horse, before he – rather ungracefully – collided with the stone path.

"Ow." Eomer's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Everyone stared – even Eomer's horse looked rather astonished. Aragorn jumped down and looked amusedly at his friend, the merest hint of a smile gracing his face.

"You do realise, Eomer, that you're supposed to ride upon a horse's back, not under its belly? Need a hand?" He helped Eomer to his feet, whereupon the Rohirric King started to look all about him. Elfwine had idea as to who his father was looking for – him.

"Who do you seek, my friend?" Eomer scowled at Aragorn.

"I have a pretty good idea as to who is responsible for this because he is the only one who would dare to do such a thing."

As if reading his friend's mind, Aragorn put a hand on to his shoulder.

"I think we have both been the victim of our respective sons, but there is no harm done. Surely you acted in a similar manner when a boy? I know I did."

Eomer thought for a while before nodding and moving to rearrange his tack – making doubly sure the girth was tight enough this time. Both Kings mounted and the party moved off again, only to stop when Aragorn began to slip sideways. As opposed to surprise, his face now held traces of resignation. Eomer dismounted and strode over – was he bouncing slightly?

"Need a hand?"