Just tonight I will stay

And we'll throw it all away

When the light hits yours eyes

It's telling me I'm right

And if I, I am through

It's all because of you

Just tonight

Just Tonight by The Pretty Reckless

Plot: She didn't want to feel anymore. She wanted something to take away the pain, if only for a few hours. She was tired of thinking and worrying. She wanted to escape. And he was there, he was her escape.

A/N: I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. I definitely shouldn't be doing this. But, I'm doing it anyway :P I should not be starting another story, I don't need to…but I am anyway ;] I blame my brain and my iPod. And I HAD to get this idea out of my head, it's been bugging me for the past few days and keeping me from writing my other stories! So, here it is in written form and I hope you enjoy it! And I haven't really decided what I wanted to do with this story yet, so I gave it an M rating just it case, at least until I know what I'm doing with this story ;) xoxo, Avril

P.S. You'll probably notice that this chapter was heavily influenced by the song, Just Tonight by The Pretty Reckless, so, if you want, I recommend listening to it while reading this chapter :]

Chapter One: Just Tonight

She had everything she wanted. She had the man she loved, her friends and family were safe, everything was perfect. And then Katherine came and stole everything from her, she forced Elena to give up Stefan, and she was the cause of her family and friends no longer feeling safe at night when they went to sleep. Katherine won. And Elena had never felt more alone and scared in her life. Jenna and Jeremy weren't safe; Caroline was constantly being used by Katherine; and Bonnie barely spoke to her; she didn't even want to think about Stefan or what he was doing now. She had lost track of what time it was, or how long she had been up in her room in the dark just thinking about everything. She tried crying, but she couldn't, she was drained of every last tear in her body, all she could do was sit there and be left with her thoughts. She grabbed her cell phone and saw that it was 11:30 at night. At 11:30 at night last year, if she felt like this, she could have gone to Bonnie or Caroline, now she didn't know who to go to. She just grabbed her phone and her keys and walked downstairs. She noticed Alaric and Jenna watching a movie in the living room, they didn't notice her leave out the front door, or if they did, they were just glad to see her going out for the first time in three days after moping around the house.

Elena got into her car and she just sat there. She didn't even start the car. She didn't know where she would be going anyway. Caroline was still there for her, but she wanted to give Caroline a break; Bonnie was trying to be a friend again, but again, Elena didn't want to bother her; Jeremy was out of the question, and so was Jenna and Stefan; There was only one person she could think of, and she knew where he usually was, so she started the car and hoped that he would be there tonight.

But as she walked into the Mystic Grill, she didn't see him here and her heart sank a little. But she figured while she was here, she might as well try to drown everything she was worrying about in alcohol, plus, the bartender that had a crush on her was working tonight, so she might as well take advantage of that.

Jeremy walked down to the front door and opened it up to see Damon standing there.

"What's up?' Jeremy asked and stepped aside to let Damon in

"Is Elena here?" Damon asked

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure she took off a half hour ago, she didn't say anything to anybody, just took off" Jeremy said

"And you just let her go?" Damon hissed

"Damon, you haven't seen her the past few days" Jeremy sighed "I think she just needs to be alone right now"

"The last thing she needs right now is to be alone Jeremy!" Damon hissed and was close to snapping Jeremy's neck again for letting her just take off like that "I'm gonna go find her"


"You can't stop me Jeremy" Damon warned him

"I was gonna say, bring her back safely" Jeremy sighed

Damon didn't say anything and just nodded as he walked out the front door and took off towards every place he knew Elena could possibly be.

Elena lost track of time and how many drinks she had so far, there was no way she was driving home, she was thinking of calling Jeremy to come and get her, he would understand more than anyone else. Just as she was reaching for her cell phone, someone grabbed her hand and stopped her. She looked up and through her hazed vision, she saw those piercing blue eyes that she was looking for earlier.

"Damon, there you are" Elena said

"And I thought I was the only one that got trashed when I felt bad for myself" Damon sighed "How many drinks have you had Elena?"

"I don't know" Elena shrugged

"That many, huh?" Damon said "Come on, lets get you back home"

"No" Elena said "I don't wanna go back there. I think too much back there. I don't wanna think anymore"

"Well you have to go back home Elena; Jeremy and Jenna are worried about you" Damon said

"I'm not going back there tonight" Elena huffed

"…Fine" Damon grumbled "I'll just sit with you until you get so drunk, you pass out anywhere" Damon said and started calling Jeremy to let him know he found Elena, but it was going to be a while before he could get her home

Damon shouldn't have done all of those shots with Elena. He should have just let her get drunk, but he was having a hell of a week anyway. Not to mention all the times he had poured his heart and soul out to Elena and she shunned him every single time for Stefan. Now here she was, drunk and torn up about ending things with Stefan, she didn't need to say anything for him to know that her drinking was from everything going to hell lately, all over again.

"Damon, I want to go" Elena finally said

"Finally, let's get you home" Damon sighed and started to stand up and get his balance back

"I'm not going home" Elena said firmly

"Then where do you plan on going?" Damon asked, curious to hear her answer to this

"I plan on going with you" Elena said with a smile

"Oh no, I don't think so" Damon said "You're very drunk and don't realize a damn thing you are saying"

"So what, I'm drunk, I don't care" Elena said "Not anymore. Why won't you let me just be a drunken idiot for one night? Let me be a stupid drunk teenager? Let me make bad decisions." Elena said and stood up right in front of Damon and wrapped her arms around his neck "Let me be fun Elena again." Elena smiled "Just tonight"

Damon didn't have time to process what was going on through his hazy mind and before he could say a thing, Elena was on her tip toes and giving Damon a kiss and waiting for him to kiss back. He didn't and instead he pulled away. He wanted to say no, he desperately wanted to say no and force Elena to go home and sleep this off. He wanted to be good; but he couldn't. The woman he was completely head over heels in love with was currently drunk out of her mind and right there willingly wanting to give herself up to him. Just for tonight. For one night he could play out whatever sick fantasy he had of being with Elena forever, just to let everything out and hopefully move on with his life. She wouldn't love him beyond this; she'd always love Stefan, so who's to say that for one night she couldn't at least pretend to love Damon?

"Just tonight" Damon repeated back to her and kissed her back finally

Damon knew Stefan wasn't at the Boarding House tonight, he was out of town somewhere, which was perfect for Elena and her not wanting to go home. Damon had Elena up in his room and it was a blur filled with drunken kissing and tugging at each other's clothes, wondering who was going to start losing their clothes first. But as Damon gently laid Elena down on his bed, Elena got Damon's shirt unbuttoned and started trying to push it off of him, and he helped her out with that. And once that was done he got Elena's shirt off in seconds.

"You sure about this?" Damon asked her as he pulled away form her and looked her directly in the eyes

"I won't tell anybody about tonight if you don't" Elena said, offering to keep everything that happens tonight a secret

"I won't tell" Damon said

"Then maybe…it doesn't have to be just tonight" Elena said and smiled

Damon wanted to ask her what she meant by that, but she was already back to kissing him everywhere she possibly could and he was doing the same to her. It was just tonight. Their secret. No one would know but them. Usually Damon would like the sound of that, he would have liked the sound of that so many months ago, a one night stand with Elena, but now, he wasn't sure he really wanted this, he was convinced that it was the liquor controlling him right now. Telling him to keep his arms on Elena's hips and kiss her with such a fiery passion as if it was his last night on earth; he was sure that it was also telling him to let her kiss him back with that same passion; that it was telling him to take off her pants and notice how beautiful she was and to let Elena remove his pants too. He knew if he was thinking clearly, he might have let a kiss happen, but he wasn't thinking clearly anymore. He was lost, just like Elena, at least just for tonight.

Elena woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Her eyes fluttered open and she was in her room, the curtains still shut and everything. She looked and saw that it was 11 in the morning already. She slowly sat up and let her head pound for a few minutes to try to remember last night. She remembered the bar, getting drunk, kissing Damon, and going back to his house and doing things she never even imagined doing before, but she didn't remember how she got back here. She looked over at the pillow next to her and saw a perfect blood red rose lying there. She picked it up and was pricked by one of the thorns, but she didn't care at that moment. The rose was perfect and beautiful, just like last night. She wasn't usually that girl. The one who had a bunch of one night stands; or the one that used sex to forget about everything else and feel better; especially the one that used her ex-boyfriends brother for sex. But after last night, and remembering it, she felt…better. Not thinking about everyone else for once and just thinking of being with Damon. She didn't want it to be just one night anymore. She wanted it to be whenever they needed each other, and she wanted it to be secret. No one needed to know about this, it wasn't their business anyway. And before giving anything a second thought, she reached for her phone and called Damon.

"Hello?" Damon answered half asleep, he was probably hung-over too

"Damon…about last night-" Elena said

"Elena, I'm sorry-" Damon started

"No, don't be" Elena cut him off "…I was wondering if we could…see each other again later…like last night"

"…I guess so" Damon said, not expecting that at all "But Stefan's coming back here later"

"Jenna's going out with Alaric and I can get rid of Jeremy easily for tonight" Elena said

"Then I'll see you later" Damon said

"Okay" Elena said "Bye" She said and hung up

Elena wanted to convince herself that everything she was doing and was about to do again was wrong. But she couldn't, it felt too right to her. She wondered if that's how Jeremy felt, when he used to do drugs. She knew it was his way of coping and escaping reality, it was dangerous, but it was his way or escaping, of making the pain go away. She compared what she was doing with Damon now to doing drugs. Damon was going to be her drug; Damon already was her drug. But she wasn't going to abuse her drug, she was going to use him when needed. And even though it sounded wrong to just use someone when she needed too, she knew Damon would probably just do the same thing, use her when he needed to. She knew it was a dangerous game they were about to play, using each other and keeping secrets, but if it made them feel better, if it made them forget all the pain, she didn't care how it would all end. She just wanted the pain to go away, she wanted it to stop for a few hours, she didn't want to care anymore, she wanted it to be more than just one night.