A/N: New story idea. =)

Summary: Chris has been constantly running from his brother. His brother who destroyed the world and his brother who wanted him to rule by his side. Chris just didn't realize that when Wyatt meant by his side, he meant as his lover.

Warnings: Incest/Swearing/Violence/Gore/Sex/and other naughty naughty things

Disclaimer: Don't own Charmed cause it's much much too awesome for me to have.


"Honestly, this is starting to get old," Wyatt sighed in irritation. He turned his icy blue eyes towards the angry hazel ones that stood a mere six feet away from him. It might as well been the other side of the world since those six feet contained their barriers of separate ideas. Ideas that were too opinioned they may as well have been their own political parties.

"Yeah, it is," Chris replied his stiffness never leaving him. His senses were stuck on hyperawareness even though he absolutely hated when they were. But I guess survival comes before discomfort. He could feel the rising pressure and magic in the air, as well as their own individual tension. Chris knew Wyatt didn't bring any demons with him; he had no need for them when he dealt with matters personally. Wyatt always followed Chris; he never sent demons after him. That was the only remaining constant in their relationship.

"Chris," Wyatt whispered taking Chris back a bit at the tone of his voice but the brunette kept his same angry facial expression as before, "Why don't we just stop this, just… just come back to me."

Laughter rumbled in his chest as he tried to hold it back but unfortunately it broke free. It was hollow and harsh and it hurt Chris with each one sound that escaped his lips. Nothing was funny, nothing ever was anymore. Chris noticed Wyatt's eyes narrow into slits at Chris' reaction and before he knew it Wyatt had shoved him back against the brick wall of the alley they stood in. His head and back slamming against the wall cut off his oxygen supply for a second and ceased his laughing. Holding back the groan that threatened to escape his lips, he turned amusedly towards his seething brother.

"What is so fucking funny," Wyatt spat, his eyes beginning to turn black. Chris' amusement left his face at the sight of it. It reminded him just how lost his brother was and just made him more determined to save him. He never wanted to see those eyes again.

"You trying to be genuine, it's absolutely hilarious," Chris deadpanned, all laughter gone from before. His answer seemed out of place with the amusement from before lost but Wyatt understood that expression perfectly and smirked despite himself.

He loosened his grip on his younger brother, "Just because I'm the source of all evil doesn't mean I can't be genuine."

"No, it just came in the handbook of being the world's biggest fucker," Chris retorted, gaining back some of his playfulness.

Chris was slightly shock at his brother's response. Wyatt chuckled… chuckled.

He didn't strangle Chris, he didn't throw him across the alleyway, he didn't break any of his bones and he didn't threaten to kill Chris as per usual. This wasn't the Wyatt Chris had come to know in the past 2 years, this was the old Wyatt. The Wyatt that used to teach him how to make a double play for baseball, the Wyatt that orbed him all over the world at a moment's notice and the Wyatt that he was so desperately trying to bring back. It hurt, it hurt to think about those times. Chris preferred the Wyatt that tortured him till the world of darkness became his only world. The source pretending to be his Wyatt just filled him with pain, the kind of pain he hadn't felt for a long time.

"Well I guess the previous world's biggest fucker forgot to hand it down to me," Wyatt retorted, his eyes returning to his normal icy blues.

Wyatt released Chris completely and took a step back. Chris stared hard at his brother. There was something different about him.

"What do you want Wyatt," Chris finally asked, tensing up again.

Wyatt smiled softly and took a step closer to Chris. Taken aback, Chris backed up against the wall in alarm but Wyatt merely moved closer so that their chests were pressed against one another's. Chris's eyes widened in shock and before he could question Wyatt's actions Wyatt closed the gap between them by pressing his lips to Chris's. The brunette's body stiffened as Wyatt wrapped his hands around Chris's waist and pulled him right up against him to deepen the kiss. Wyatt cuffed Chris's ass and that knocked the brunette out of his stupor as he violently shoved the blond away from him.

Chris wiped frantically at his mouth whilst puffing for air. Wyatt stood smirking as his eyes roamed over Chris's disheveled state.

"I want you," Wyatt stated and Chris noticed that the different thing about Wyatt was that his eyes looked hungry. Hungry for him.

Chris hid his shock at the sentiment and replied with the only thing that he could think of, "Fuck you."

Wyatt grinned, "Oh… we'll see."


A/N: Hope you enjoyed my prolog. Next chapter will be up whenever. =)