A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I'm so so so so so sorry i've been gona for a while or haven't updated this story in like 2 weeks. But its only because i've wrote and re-wrote this story so many times to make it perfect! It took me all day today to write it and i hope you love it! :D This is also the longest chapter out of the whole story! It's over 6,000 words. This is THE FINAL CHAPTER OF UNFORGETTABLE! So after this, the story is over. No more. However i might right and epilouge if you guys want one but that wouldn't be for a longggg time. Anyways please please please leave good reviews on this one. I've worked so hard to make it the best for you guys.

Also if you like my writing please recommed this story to others or add me to your author alerts because i am going to be writing a lot more stories in my spare time :D so like i said this is the final chapter and i hope you loved this story just as much as i've loved writing it! So say goodbye to Unforgettable and hello to new stories :)


Disclaimer: I still do not own any of the characters from The Mortal Instruments however i do own the High Warlock of Manhattan, Eli :)

The breeze of the salty ocean air came in steady billows, fluttering the loose clothing that draped around Magnus. He stood on the edge of the towering cliff overlooking the emerald green sea. It had been decades since Magnus last visited a beach. He had forgotten how the crisp salty air tasted on his lips, how the smell of life infiltrated his senses, how the sounds of the animals filled the air in complete harmony. Yes, it had been a while… much too long actually.

Magnus ran a hand through his black locks of hair, smoothly gliding through it since there wasn't a trace of gel, glitter or color, just its natural state. That's how he looked right about now, just natural. There wasn't a trace of his familiar tattoos designing his body, he wore no make up, his hair wasn't fixed, and his normal tight and colorful attire was no where to be seen. All he wore was long, white, silk trousers that barley brushed against the grass beneath his feet, a white t-shirt that hung loosely across his shoulders, and his bare feet exposed to the soft earth.

Magnus inhaled a deep breath, and looked down at the crashing and rolling waves barreling, against the rocky cliff. Not knowing when he would be able to enjoy such a sight again Magnus gazed out onto the horizon and tried to savor every last moment he could. Everything here was so much different from city life. The sounds, the smells, the scenery, the warmth, the breezes, everything here was just so tranquil and full of life that Magnus couldn't imagine why he lived in New York in the first place.

"Magnus…" A soft whisper flowed into Magnus's ear. It was so light and gentle and loving that Magnus thought it couldn't have possibly have been from any person. It was almost as if the wind was calling to him.

"Magnus…" He heard again, except this time louder and with a sense of urgency.

Magnus turned around and there, several steps behind him, was the love of his life. There was something different about her but he couldn't place his finger on it, nevertheless, she was and always would be his. Her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail, with several loose strands dangling around her face. She wore a white, one shouldered, silk dress that gracefully swept against the grass and hugged all her curves. Her dress looked exactly like the material and color of his new attire, except it looked as to be made especially for her. Her feet were also bare but had small gold anklets that gleamed in the sun, dangling from ankles. Her skin was bare except for a gold, arm bracelet that wrapped around her upper arm. It was crafted to look like a snake that coiled around and around. It contrasted well with the color of her skin, and in that moment she truly looked like a goddess.

"Isabelle…" Magnus managed to say, desperately needing air. The sight of her in front of him, at this place, at this time, took his breath away.

The breeze that was tickling Magnus earlier seemed to blow over and gust Isabelle's hair behind her shoulders, exposing her neck, and sway softly in the wind. Isabelle inhaled sharply and seemed to hold her breath as she closed her eyes and extended her arms. The wind caught her dress and made it flow in the same graceful direction as her silky hair. Magnus could tell that Isabelle was savoring the moment just as he had moments ago, since neither of them knew how long this would last or when they would ever be able to see the beauty of the world like this again.

As the wind died down some, Isabelle gently fluttered her eyes open and landed them directly on Magnus.

That was when it struck Magnus. There was something different about her. The bright and radiant, ocean blue eyes he had come to know and love were gone. Instead, it looked as if a white film was covering them. They looked lost, lifeless... dead.

"Isabelle…" Magnus slurred, "What happened to you? What's going on?" Magnus took a tiny step backwards to where his heels were touching the cliff. The sight of her shocked him.

"You weren't there," Isabelle wheezed, "You weren't there to protect me Magnus." Isabelle's hands started to fist and un-fist on the sides of her dress. Small tears began to trickle down her cheeks. But the tears didn't look normal either. They were a deep, dark red…the color of blood.

"I trusted you Magnus, and you let me die. You let me slip through your fingers…" By now Isabelle was shaking and taking long strides towards Magnus.

That was when it hit him. The Hotel Dumort, Simon, Raphael, the vampires, the demons, Isabelle dying, the building coming down; everything was flooding back to him now in waves of pain and misery.

"Isabelle!" Magnus gasped as his foot met the edge of the cliff and stopped him in his tracks; not able to step back from Isabelle any longer. "Izzy please! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for anything to happen to you!" Magnus's breaths were becoming fast and rigid as Isabelle slunk her way closer and closer to him.

"It's too late Magnus… For me and for you." By now Isabelle had slunk her way up to where she was mere centimeters from him.

Magnus could feel her breath tickling against his lips. At any other moment this sensation would have caused Magnus to pull her flush against him and take her into a big embrace, but this time was totally different. Even though Isabelle was perfectly flawless he thought he could smell the coppery metallic smell of blood radiating off of her. It was unusually strong and it appeared out of no where.

"Isabelle please, stay…" Magnus half whispered and out stretched his hand towards hers, not grasping it but just keeping it there as an invitation.

Isabelle's eyes narrowed and her mouth pulled into a tight evil smirk. "No," Isabelle said, "It's your turn now."

Magnus didn't understand what Isabelle was talking about. He glanced up one more time at her lifeless eyes and saw her extend her arm backwards. In the blink of an eye, Isabelle drove the palm of her hand straight into Magnus's chest with all of the force she had in her body. Magnus felt all of his breath escape from his lungs as he was lurched off the cliff and headed straight for the rocks below.

Magnus quickly lashed out and tried to grab Isabelle or the cliff or just something, but it seemed as if time had slowed and he was falling to his death slowly. Magnus tried screaming but all the air in his lungs was gone. Throughout the flailing limbs and gravity plunging Magnus to his death, he looked up at Isabelle one last time to see the grim, evil, smirk on her face just before he hit the rocks.

Magnus braced himself for the impact, he wasn't going to try and escape death, he was going to welcome it just as it had welcomed…

Magnus felt a bright light radiating through his closed eyelids, and heard noises and frantic yells all around his body. This couldn't have been death, it's far too noisy and you weren't supposed to feel anything. Instead Magnus felt a sharp pain on the middle of his side when he tried to move even the slightest bit. Then he felt as if, what was that? Electricity? Was coursing through every limb of his body.

Magnus's eye lids felt extremely heavy but he managed to strain them open the slightest bit to where he saw flashes of green currents erupting overhead.

"Eli! For God's sake do something!" Magnus heard Clary scream.

"I'm trying, but this is a really bad wound! His whole body was almost severed in half. I'm having to grow back his bones and veins and all that jazz so if you would please shut up!"

"You're the High Warlock of Manhattan! You're supposed to be able to handle this kind of stuff! Whatever, just hurry his heart rate is slowing down."

Magnus lowered his eyes, since his head felt like a boulder, and saw that he was lying on one of the medical beds in the infirmary, at the Institute. Eli, Magnus's old friend and the High Warlock of Manhattan, was hovering over his stomach, chanting something in the dreaded language, Chthonian. Green waves and sparks we're flowing through his fingertips, and sinking into Magnus's skin causing tremendous amounts of pain.

"I'm going to have to use every last ounce I have left to heal the last of his wounds." Eli proclaimed to Clary as his eyes rolled back into his head and he continued chanting.

Magnus reached over and grabbed Clary's hand to let her know that he was awake. Right when Magnus touched her, Clary jerked around with wide eyes but they instantly relaxed when she saw he was okay.

"Hey…" Clary tried to say in a soothing voice. "You're gonna be okay. Eli's taking good care of you."

Magnus felt his mind slowly starting to slip until he remembered the dream he just had moments ago.

"Cla- Clary." Magnus managed to get out. "Wh-, Where…."

"What Magnus?" Clary returned Magnus's grip on her hand and knelt down beside him.

"Si- Simm… Isabelle?" Magnus stuttered uncontrollably.

Clary's eyes grew dark and her whole face grew slack. Magnus could see the unshed tears forming behind her eyes as she tried to say something to him without being stopped by the lump forming in her throat.

"They… We uh…" Clary inhaled sharply and tried to force herself to say something else, "Magnus we don't think they made it…"

Clary dropped her head and he body began convulsing with uncontrollable sobs. Magnus felt his own tears start to well up inside him when all of a sudden Eli's chanting became furious and loud.

Magnus looked up and saw an eerie glow of green surrounding Eli and himself. Eli's whole body was shaking and his sleek silver and blonde hair was spiked up as high as it could go from all the energy welling inside him. Magnus watched as another wave of energy started forming at Eli's fingertips; this one was much deeper in color and electricity.

Eli threw his head back and expelled the last of his energy into Magnus's body. Magnus let out the most blood-curdling scream anyone had ever heard. The pain and energy was too much for Magnus. Just when he thought his heart would stop from the amount waves coursing through his body, the room went quiet and his mind fell into a dark, black, abyss.

"Do you think we should go check on him?" Clary asked.

Alec, Jace and Clary were all sitting around the kitchen table discussing last night's previous events. They don't remember much, but what they do remember was tragic. One of the demons went crashing into the biggest pillar holding up the place and once that broke the whole place started rumbling and threatening to come down.

Clary remembers running with Simon trying to get everyone out of the place when she saw Magnus sitting in the corner with something, or someone clutched to his chest. She remembered calling Magnus's name but no answer came. She grabbed Simon by the wrist and dragged him over to Magnus to see why he wasn't responding. After calling his name again and moving up to stand right beside him she saw what was wrong. The slender and beautiful face of Isabelle was cradled in the nook of Magnus's elbow. Her skin was a sickly pale and a set of two fresh fang marks occupied the side of her neck. She remembered her knees becoming weak and becoming extremely light headed. Robert had come running up behind her and Simon screaming something about the building collapsing. She couldn't really comprehend what was going on at the moment since one of her best girl friends was lying lifeless in a warlock's arms. She remembered Simon taking Isabelle from Magnus's arms and walking over to look out the window. Robert had grabbed a hold of Magnus and started dragging him towards the exit. Clary couldn't remember anything to well except that her legs had a mind of their own and all of a sudden she realized she was following Robert. Once they got to the back staircase there was a big boom and cracking noise and Clary looked up to see the roof caving in. She remembered looking across the room and saw Simon still standing at the window when the roof came crashing down. She tried screaming his name but felt Robert behind her pulling her down the stairs. Robert, her and Magnus had just made it out of the building when the rest of the floors came crashing down.

They were met on the sidewalk by most of Raphael's clan, and everyone from the Institute. She remembered someone screaming Magnus's and looking down at him to see that his body was almost cut completely in half. He was still alive but his life was fading fast. Alec decided to call Magnus's friend Eli, the High Warlock of Manhattan. He met him at one of Magnus's parties and he seemed as if he was the only one who could help.

Clary vaguely remembered everyone scrambling to get into the cars and taking off to the Institute.

Eli met everyone at the Institute and he got to work on Magnus. After he used all his power on Magnus and fixed him up he vowed he would return later. While Magnus was healing Robert decided to tell everyone about the deal with Simon and Isabelle. That ended up becoming a big crying and mourning fest. It seemed as if it went on for hours until finally everyone regained their composure. The group went their separate ways and that was how Jace, Alec and she ended up in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I suppose so. He should be waking up anytime now." Alec finally spoke up.

Jace nodded his head in agreement and stood up from the table. Clary did the same and made her way towards the kitchen doors. The infirmary was at the back of the Institute so it took a while to get there.

Once they reached the infirmary doors Alec and Jace stopped on either side of them. They motioned for Clary to go in first. Clary gave a big sigh and pushed them open. She turned to the left and made her way towards the bed they had put Magnus in.

When she approached Magnus's bed Clary realized that it was empty. She looked around and spotted Magnus standing near one of the big glass windows. Clary glanced at Jace and Alec and nodded for them to stay where they were.

As she made her way over to him she saw his reflection in the glass. His face was stained with tears and there was a big scar running across his abdomen. His black, leather, skinny jeans hung low on his hips and she didn't see any sign of his blood stained shirt.

Clary stopped mere inches from Magnus's back. She gently placed a hand on his bare shoulder and exhaled a deep breath.

"Magnus, are you alright?" Clary asked with as much sympathy that she could muster.

Magnus didn't answer. He just continued to stare out the window. This time Clary moved to stand beside him so she could get a better look at him.

"Come on Magnus. Talk to me." Clary tried again.

Magnus inhaled a sharp and shaky breath that rattled his whole body.

"I didn't protect her Clary." Magnus barley whispered.

Magnus didn't turn to look at Clary. He just continued to stare at something outside. Clary knew who he was talking about but couldn't bring herself to say anything about her.

"Magnus…" Clary wheezed, "You know that wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyo-"

Clary was cut off by Magnus slamming his fist against the glass.

"YES IT WAS CLARY!" Magnus yelled so loud Alec and Jace started to get up and move towards them.

Clary ushered them to sit back down and that she was alright. Magnus placed his hand against the glass and laid his forehead on his shoulder.

"Clary…" Magnus began, "You don't understand. The one thing in my life worth living for is gone. I'm lost without her and I don't know if I can go on without her."

Magnus looked up and stared out the window again. Clary could tell he was blinking back tears and putting up a mask to hide his emotions. He dropped his hand from the glass and hung it down his side again.

"Magnus I-"

"DON'T… Clary…" Magnus clenched his eyes shut tight before opening them again. "I don't need your sympathy."

Magnus turned around, without even glancing at Clary, and started making his way towards the infirmary doors. He snapped his fingers and a plain, white, v-neck, t-shirt appeared on his body.

"Magnus!" Clary screamed. "You're still healing! Where are you going?"

Magnus kept on making long strides towards the doors not even bothering to glance back at her. "I'm not staying here Clary. Not for you and not for anyone. The only person that was worth seeing in this hell hole is dead. I have nothing else to live for."

Clary caught up with Magnus and grabbed his forearm, trying to stop him. "Magnus please. Don't do this." Clary begged.

Magnus barley glanced over his shoulder at Clary before jerking his arm away and storming door.

"Magnus!" Clary yelled. She let out a huff and started to follow him when she felt a hand catch her wrist. Clary turned around and was met by a pair of piercing gold eyes.

"Let him go Clary, he needs to be alone." Jace said with the utmost sincerity it almost made Clary want to break down in tears for treating Magnus that way. Jace saw the look in Clary's eyes and felt a small pang of grief. He quickly pulled her into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head. He felt her arms wrap around his torso and return the hug. Jace moved his hands in smooth circles on Clary's back trying to comfort her.

"Its okay Clary, he'll be back in time."

Magnus snapped his fingers and paid the cab driver the cost of his ride before hastily getting out of the cab. Once he opened the door a rush of wind hit him at full force. It caused him to stumble back a little but then he accepted its cool embrace just like in his dream. Magnus had been thinking a lot about his dream and what it could have meant. Was it a subconscious state? Or was it just his imagination roaming wild. He didn't understand it.

Magnus snapped out of his thoughts and started to make his way up the huge hill that was towering in front of him. He didn't exactly know how he knew where he was, it was almost as if his senses and memory had taken over.

As he started his long trek up the hill his mind roamed back over to his dream. He couldn't help but notice how calm and peaceful everything had been, or how it seemed as the world had stopped. Yes, those were all incredible but nothing could compare to the person who was now haunting his world and memories. The pain that shot through him when his mind flashbacked to seeing her in her last moments of life was unbearable. The look in her eyes and the small meek smile that plastered her face made him want to double over right there and then and cry until he died. His life without her was unbearable. Magnus tried to picture his life without her in it but he couldn't see himself having a future. He felt as if each day would become worse and worse and the pain and loss of Isabelle would become so great that….

Magnus was snapped out of his thoughts again when he felt the incline of the hill stop and the ground leveled out. Magnus walked over to the edge of the hill and sat down. He gazed out at the setting sun against the New York skyline.

Magnus remembered Isabelle taking him up here not too long ago. He missed Isabelle so much and he needed every ounce of her he could get, even if it was only memories. Magnus decided coming up here would be the best way to embrace the feelings since this was the place she had shown him and opened up her heart to him at.

Magnus gently ran a hand through his hair and hugged his knees close to his chest. He inhaled a shuttering breath as he ran his hand across the grass beside him. That night when he and Isabelle came up here was still so fresh in his mind that it was becoming hard to breath. Who would have thought a warlock over 800 years old would be brought down to nothing by a mere shadowhunter.

This was the lowest of the low for Magnus. He had never been brought down to such a low level before in his whole life. Then again no one he has ever known had the same affect on him like Isabelle had. She had loved him for who he was. She didn't care that he was the all mighty and powerful, High Warlock of Brooklyn. No. She accepted his indifference from the rest of the world. He wasn't like any normal guy. Sure he loved to wear make-up, and colorful clothes. He loved to be the outcast, the standout; he loved to be the center of attention of everything. But the sad thing was that no one took the time to get to know Magnus on a deep and emotional level like Isabelle had. Everyone else looked at him and instantly made false accusations. Magnus could remember how many times he had been listed under gay stereotypes or being weird, but with Isabelle it was different. She didn't care about what everyone else thought. At first Magnus thought she only gave him a second glance because he resembled her huge celebrity crush Adam Lambert, but no. It was much more than that.

Looking out onto the red and pink painted sky as the sun set against the backdrop of New York Magnus realized how much he loved Isabelle. Magnus thought about his previous relationships and how he thought he knew what love was but he was wrong. Isabelle Lightwood was the one who taught Magnus what love was, and how to love. Love wasn't about one night stands or just being able to have someone to run to when you needed something. No. Love was about someone always being there for you. It was about looking at someone at their worst of times and still thinking they're the most beautiful thing in the world. It was about understanding each other on a deep emotional level. It was about being able to tell each other anything in the world without being judged. It was about going through hard times but still being able to come out on top in the end. Love was infinite. Love was pure. Love was the deepest and most emotional level anyone could experience with someone and Isabelle made him feel that when no one else could.

Sure Magnus hadn't been in a relationship with Isabelle for a long time but that didn't matter. What mattered was the way Isabelle made him feel in such a short amount of time. It was amazing. It was indescribable. It was unforgettable….

Magnus buried his face into his knees and it wasn't until then that he realized his face was soaking wet. Magnus licked his lips and tasted the salty liquid of tears. He hadn't realized he had been crying but when he did it just made him cry harder. Tears were coming out in rivers down his face and soaking the knees of his pants. His body started convulsing in uncontrollable sobs. His life was falling to pieces and the one person in the world he could talk to was dead.

That was when his mind actually wrapped around the thought. Isabelle was dead. Magnus had been playing off the idea and he didn't want his mind to believe it was true. But now, at this moment in time when he had never been so alone and he had time to think, that was when it truly hit him. Isabelle was dead and she wasn't coming back.

Magnus's body started to shake viciously as more uncontrollable sobs and wails escaped his body. What was he going to do with the rest of his life? He couldn't go on living like this for the rest of eternity. He could tell everyday would be worse and worse without her, and he couldn't live like that for all of eternity.

This had to end now. He had to be with her.

Magnus lifted his head off his knees and wiped his tears away with the back of his hands. He carefully stood up and tried to regain his balance. Once he was sure he could stand up without falling over he snapped his fingers and the book of white appeared in his hands. He flipped through the pages with grace and elegance. He had read this book over hundred times and the page he was looking for was at the very end, since it was an ending spell.

He never thought he would have to use this spell but in this situation he can't imagine doing anything else with his life. He quickly flipped to the back of the book and ran an acrylic purple fingernail across the words. It was the ending spell. This spell would cause any immortal creature's life to come to an end. This spell was usually used for warlocks who were suffering or were tired of living. But usually those warlocks were over thousands and thousands of years old. Way older than Magnus currently was. This spell was hardly ever used since no one knew exactly where warlocks ended up after death. But Magnus couldn't take living without Isabelle. He had to take his self out of the misery and the pain, and this was the only way to do it.

The setting sun was just enough light to where Magnus could read the special writing. He didn't care about letting anyone else know what he was going to do. He only cared about one person, and that one person wasn't here anymore. The Lightwoods and Clary might miss him a little but he didn't care enough about their opinions. They would try and stop him and he couldn't let that happen. He needed to do this now.

Magnus turned and face the skyline of New York. A single stray tear slipped down the side of his cheek before he regained his composure. He straightened his back and braced his self for his approaching death.

Magnus studied the text for another brief moment before closing his eyes and tilting his head towards the sky. He started chanting in the famous warlock language and felt his body staring to become hot and fiery. The energy that was pulsing through him was an incredible feeling but he knew in a few moments all he would feel would be pain.

He clenched his fists and continued his chanting. The fire feeling inside him was becoming greater now and unusually comforting. A loud roaring noise filled his ears but he thought as if he heard someone.

"Magnus…" He thought a small voice called to him. It was so quiet and soft that he thought it was just his imagination.

He continued chanting when he heard his name being called again somewhere behind him.

"Magnus." The voice was more subtle now. It was louder and seemed to be closer.

Magnus pushed the thought away and thought it was just Clary or one of the Lightwoods. They couldn't stop him now. He had to end this. Magnus continued his chanting and tried to ignore all other thoughts. The fire was growing immensely and he felt as if his body was just about to burst when he heard the same voice yelling at him.

"Magnus Bane! You better answer me when I'm talking to you!" The voice was demanding but yet soothing at the same time. But he knew that voice. He would have known it from miles away. He could never forget it.

Magnus suddenly stopped chanting and tilted his head back down. He kept his eyes closed but turned around in the direction of the voice.

"Magnus…" She called to him. "Open your eyes."

"No." Magnus said firmly.

"No?" She asked in question.

"Yes, no. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up. I don't want to open my eyes and you not be there." Magnus said trying to stifle back a sob.

There was a long moment of silence and Magnus thought that it was just a hallucination. That his mind was playing tricks on him. But then she spoke again.

"Magnus I'm here. I came back for you…" She tried to manage in a calm soothing voice.

Magnus shook his head and tried to shake away the emotions coursing through him. "No… no…. You can't… You can't…. YOU'RE DEAD!" Magnus's last words came out as a shout.

Another long moment of silence followed until she spoke up again.

"Yes, I died. But I came back for you. Magnus this is real, just open your eyes." Magnus could hear the desperation behind her words.

"I-… I can't." Magnus managed to wheeze.

Magnus heard the soft crunching of grass as footsteps started coming towards him. Magnus still wouldn't open his eyes as the footsteps stopped mere inches from him. He felt the warm breath of peppermints and vanilla blow across the side of his neck. This made Magnus shiver and almost made him fall to his knees but he kept his ground. Magnus inhaled the scent that became so familiar to his senses over the past week and found it rather soothing to his aching heart.

Suddenly Magnus felt a small and delicate hand touch the side of his cheek and this made his breath hitch. He leaned into the touch just as the voice spoke again.

"Please Magnus. Look at me. I'm here."

The raw emotion in her pleads were just too much and Magnus opened his eyes to be met with piercing blue ones. There, inches in front of him, was the love of his life. Isabelle Lightwood. Her same unruly black hair was down and cascaded all around her. She had on a red dress that nearly mirrored the one she was wearing in his dream. Her skin however seemed to be a lot paler and porcelain looking. The sight of Isabelle caused Magnus's body to shiver all over and his breaths to become ragged and sharp.

"Isabelle-" Magnus gasped as her touch sent shivers throughout his body and the feeling of her cold hands. A stray tear fell from his lids as he looked down at her.

"Shhh…. Magnus its okay." Isabelle pleaded as she felt Magnus put his had over top of hers.

"Izzy… B- But How? How are you here? I saw you! I felt you! You were dead!"

Isabelle hung her head low before looking up at him once more. Those yellow, cat like eyes of his always got to her. It was if they were looking straight into her soul. Isabelle inhaled a deep breath and chuckled a little.

"Well…" Isabelle paused. "Let's just say… I'm not a shadowhunter anymore." She felt unshed tears start to form up in the back of her eyes.

Magnus was dumbstruck. He didn't understand what she was talking about. Was she a mundane now? Did they strip her of her marks? What happened to her? That was when he saw it. Her lips were parted ever so slightly and a small smile graced her face but it was just enough to where Magnus could see the tips of pearl white incisors lying across her bottom lip.

"Isabelle!" Magnus gasped. "You're a…. You're a uh…." Magnus was at a loss for words.

"A vampire?" Isabelle finished for him. "Yeah I know. Simon changed me. He leapt out the window right when the building was coming down. He said he saw that the vampire had drained all my blood, so technically all I had to do was be put in the ground and I would be born again as this." Isabelle gracefully swept a hand up and down the length of her body. "Simon said he knew no one, including himself, could bear me being dead and so he wanted me to be able to live again. He apologized to me and said he was so sorry about turning me without asking first but he said he wasn't thinking. He just knew he had to get me somewhere quick before it was too late."

A few stray tears fell from her cheeks as she shut her eyes. Magnus gently placed his hand on her cheek and swept away the falling tears with his thumb. Isabelle cupped her hand around his and leaned into his touch.

"Magnus…" Isabelle said as she opened her eyes. "I had to find you. The others don't know anything yet. I haven't even gone by to see them. I just needed to find you and I had a feeling this is where you would be. Magnus you don't understand how scared I am right now. I'm immortal now. I'll never age and I can't do this alone." A sob escaped her throat as she threw herself at Magnus and wrapped her arms around his stomach.

Magnus immediately embraced her and wrapped his arms around her back. He rubbed his hands soothingly all along her back and laid his chin on top of her head. He let her cry against his chest until he felt her body stop shaking and her breathing became regular again.

"Isabelle Lightwood, you're not alone. You'll never have to be alone ever again. I promise I'll always be here for you. Do you understand? I love you so much. I'm never letting you out of my arms. I couldn't stand to lose you again." Magnus cooed into the top of her hair. "There's only one question you have to answer Isabelle…."

Isabelle pulled away slightly and looked up into the smiling face of her warlock.

"Can you handle being with me for eternity?" Magnus asked with a small smirk playing at his lips.

Isabelle returned his smile and threw herself at him once again, lacing her arms around his neck.

"Always Magnus. Always."

Magnus crushed his lips to Isabelle's in a need of desperation and longing. They kissed and hung onto each other for dear life. It was if they let go of one another they would disappear. But no, they didn't care. The hurt and misery they both went through could only be cured by each other. The sun went down and they didn't break apart, but Magnus couldn't have been happier. He didn't care about anything in the world right now other than the girl in his arms. This moment, right here, was what Magnus cared about. The love of his life was with him and safe, and she always would be.
