Title: Family of Honor

Summary: Arizona's family comes to the hospital for a visit.

Disclaimer: Would I be writing here if I actually owned them? Not mine, sadly never will be.

Note: So, when I found out that Veteran's Day fell on a Thursday this year, the thought struck me... that would be the PERFECT episode in which to introduce Arizona's family! Especially the family that I have created for them. This does not in anyway fall in line with my Muddy Buddy series, as you will quickly discover.

"Alright, Torres is here, that's everyone." Owen Hunt calls everyone's attention in the ambulance bay outside the ER of the hospital. "We've got several ambulances coming in and we're going to need all hands on deck. A limo was hit by a semi. The driver of the semi is going to Seattle Presbyterian; we're getting the family he hit. Eight adults, one child; most of the injuries, I'm told are scrapes and cuts that may need sutures, but we're giving each of them a full work-up, Drs. Grey, they're yours. One of the adults took the brunt of the accident, paramedics say it looks like he broke most, if not all, bones on his right side… Torres, he's yours. Another looks to have a brain bleed, Shepherd, she's yours." Hunt consults his notes before continuing on. "Another had a tender abdomen, Bailey, that's yours; she's also got some minor burns, Sloan, take a look at them quickly. Another has second degree burns that paramedics say cover 40% of his body along with several shrapnel wounds. I'll take him, Sloan, come see me when you're done with Bailey. Then there's a broken arm – Torres, pick a resident," Callie points out Avery, who nods acknowledgement.

"Final adult had minor cuts, she was on the opposite end of the car, along with the child. Has Doctor Robbins been reached yet?" The nurse he's speaking to shakes her head no, prompting Owen to look to Callie.

"She's got family in town, normally when that happens, she turns her phone off."

"I'll take the kid," Alex speaks up. Owen nods his head, knowing that the young resident is being groomed for peds by Arizona.

"Her father reports she's got a heart condition, Christina, you're with Karev. Teddy, I need you to help me keep everything organized, go where you're needed." Everyone nods acceptance as the first ambulance pulls up. Owen opens the door and Callie rushes forward as she realizes this patient is hers. She quickly realizes that he'll need surgery, but still sends an intern off to order films.

The ambulances arrive one after the other and each doctor takes their patient off to a room to run tests and treat until only Karev and Christina are left. The sight of the ambulance pulling into the bay has Alex moving forward. Both doctors stop suddenly at the sight that greets them when the doors are opened.

"Dr. Robbins?"

"Hey guys," she accepts the hand offered by Alex while climbing down from the vehicle, her other arm clutched tightly around the child she's carrying. Once out, she releases Alex's hand, moving to sooth the child while following Alex into the ER and into an empty exam room. The girl refuses to relinquish her hold on Arizona's neck at first, but after a few soothing words, she releases her hold, but keeps close, burying herself into the blonde's side, clutching the too big jacket around her tiny body. At Arizona's warning glare, Alex takes a seat in front of the child, speaking softly.

"Hey, I'm Alex. That's a cool jacket," Arizona smiles at his attempt at soothing the child. "Are all those medals yours?" The jacket is a blue dress coat from a military uniform, but that's all Alex can identify.

"Mommy's," she speaks so softly, Alex has to strain to hear her, but he does hear her.

"Wow! Looks like your mom is a real hero," he slips on some gloves, reaching for his stethoscope, waiting until she relaxes before making any moves.

"She doesn't think so."

"Really? Okay. Why is this medal out of place?" He points to the gold medal hanging on the blue ribbon that's pinned to the lapel of the jacket.

"'Cause she just got it today."

"Okay, cool," once again, Arizona smiles, clearly Alex is running out of small talk to use to relax her and she steps in.

"Sarah, sweetie, why don't you take the jacket off so Alex can make sure that you aren't hurt anywhere," Sarah complies, handing Arizona the jacket once she's out. Christina quickly notices the cuts on the young girl's left arm, neck and face and goes to get a suture kit and something to clean the cuts with while Alex gives the girl a quick exam.

"Well, it looks like you're okay," he looks up and sees Arizona looking at him with a hand over her heart, questioning how Sarah's heart sounded. He nods quickly, letting her know that Sarah's heart sounded okay. "We're gonna get all the cuts cleaned and stitched up now, okay?" At Sarah's nod, he looks to his boss, quickly checking her over. Christina comes in with a tray and a couple suture kits, not knowing if the blond needed any. While Alex takes care of Sarah, Christina looks over Arizona.

"Are you okay?" She's shocked at the uncharacteristic caring tone coming from the young resident but quickly schools her features.

"Yeah, I'm good, Christina, thanks."

"You've got some blood on your arm, is it yours?" She twists her arm around, trying to look for the blood Christina mentioned. As soon as she spots the cut the blood is flowing from, the pain of the cut hits her.

"Ah, yeah, looks like it." Christina moves around to the opposite side of the bed to get a closer look.

"That looks pretty bad, want me to get Sloan?"

"You saying you can't handle a few sutures, Yang?"

"I can, I'm saying that's a bad cut and I might leave a scar."

"It's fine, just do your best."

"Okay, let me go get you a top to wear over it once I'm done." While Christina is off getting her things, Arizona holds Sarah's hand while Alex numbs the areas for sutures. Watching the young resident, she's a little thankful for his previous interest in plastics. His attention to the cuts and the sutures are precise; any scarring she'll have will be nearly invisible. Alex is placing the last bandage over the last cut when Christina returns, handing her the scrub top to cover herself with while she helps the attending out of her dress. Alex averts his gaze and moves to get up, but is stopped by a hand on his arm. Looking down, he sees Sarah gazing up at him.

"Can you go check on my mommy and daddy?" She gives him a soft, pleading smile, revealing a single dimple in her left cheek. In that moment, he takes a quick second to take in the child he just worked on. There's something oddly familiar about her that he overlooked when she first came in. Her hair is a dark brown – nearly black – that makes her pale skin look paler and her green eyes seem brighter. He suddenly remembers something from a college psychology course on perception and finally gets the lesson, despite it being nearly a decade after taking the course, but he quickly returns his attention to the young girl.

"Sure thing." Sarah grins brightly at him, revealing a dimple in her opposite cheek and Alex is taken aback, looking between the young girl and his boss, who takes pity on him and diverts the attention of the young girl.

"Sarah, sweetie, he can't check on them if you don't let go of his arm."

"Right, Auntie Zona," that pauses the two doctors in the room. Christina and Alex exchange quick glances, realizing that the rest of the people brought in are Arizona's family.

"Hey, Alex," he turns to see Teddy approaching him, Lexie not far behind.

"Hey, everything looks good in there. The kid just had a couple scratches. Most were superficial, I stitched up the ones that weren't."


"Hey," Lexie approaches them. "So, our patients want to know how everyone else is doing. They seem pretty anxious, and I think letting them know that everyone is okay might calm them down."

"Especially the mom," Bailey approaches. "She's got a ruptured spleen that needs to come out and she won't go into surgery until she finds out how her kid and husband are doing."

"I just checked in on her husband," Teddy enters in, "Mark is looking over his burns, they look bad."

"What about the others?"

"Everything okay here?" Owen approaches the group, shedding his trauma covering as he approaches the group.

"Yeah, it just seems like every member of the family wants to know how the others are doing," Teddy answers him. Owen looks to each person for their answers.

"Kid's fine," Alex comments, "and Christina is stitching up her aunt right now."

"The two youngest look good, one was complaining of a head ache, but his neuro exam was fine, but Shepherd told us to get a CT scan to be sure." Lexie updates Owen.

"Well, if they're okay, I've got to get the mom into surgery," Bailey walks off, leaving Teddy to update Owen.

"Mom had a ruptured spleen, her husband is getting taken care of by Mark now, Callie sent her father up to surgery, and Derek just went in, it looks like the mom had a frontal lobe bleed that was putting pressure on her left optic nerve. I was just about to check up on Avery and his patient."

"He looks okay," Avery approaches, looking at some x-rays, handing them off to Owen when he asks for them. "Clean break to both bones in the forearm, I'm about to set the arm and wrap it up. He was asking about everyone else in his family though."

"Close knit group here," Teddy comments. "His parents are in surgery, as is his sister, but his brother-in-law, sisters, brother and niece are going to be fine."

"There's one more thing," Alex speaks up, looking between everyone. "The family… it's Arizona's."

"Okay, that doesn't change anything," Owen remains calm after a moment's hesitation. "Was Arizona in the car?" He suddenly realizes that they hadn't been able to reach the peds surgeon and is worried.

"She's fine, Christina is stitching her up now." His comment is reinforced as Arizona exits the room behind him.

"Hey, guys. How's everyone else doing?"

"Fine," Owen doesn't say more, despite her silent pleads. "You know that we can't say anymore."

"Yes, you can, Owen. I'm family, it's allowed," Alex takes pity on his boss, answering her pleadings.

"They're going to be fine. But your parents are on their way into surgery, along with your sister."

Oh yeah, I haven't actually finished this fic yet, but I REALLY wanted to get it up before the 11/11 episode. So be patient with me, I'll get it all up eventually. And if there's anything that ya'll would like to see happen in this fic, let me know and I'll do my best to oblige!