With Perry the Platypus under his control and now the little alien friend of Phineas and Ferb Meap also at his command it looks like Heinz may have won finally. But there is hope both Peter the Panda and now Pinky the Chihuahua are battling for the sake of the Tri-State Area!
"Finally all my careful planning and scheming are coming to fruition!" Heinz Doofenshmirtz says happily to himself.
"Don't underestimate my nemesis though" Poofenplotz chirps in pointing out the battle is still far from over.
As Meap begins to shoot dark rainbow bursts from his mouth all around the now almost destroyed lab trying to hit Peter the Panda who has managed to avoid all of the attempts.
At that same moment Perry the Platypus is locked in hand to hand combat with Pinky the Chihuahua neither side showing any signs of letting up.
All that Phineas and his friends can do is hide and look on in fear and amazement as the battle rages on.
"Oh this is pointless they are too evenly matched!" Baljeet says breaking the silence of his friends.
"Now now don't get stressed hey how about a hug?" Buford says motioning a hug towards Baljeet.
"Not right now thanks, maybe later!" Baljeet says uncomfortably.
"Phineas I am kind of scared this place is starting to fall apart" Isabella says worryingly.
"Wait that's it Isabella I know what we can do!" Phineas says excitedly.
Everyone turns to look at Phineas as he starts to whisper his plan.
As Pinky lands a punch sending Perry spiralling backwards he then hears Isabella call to him and dashes towards his owner. Hearing a quick rundown of the plan he then goes to re-engage Perry in the fight hiding something under his fedora as he does so.
As Doofenshmirtz and Poofenplotz observe the carnage from the safety of their force field they chat to one another.
"You know this is still taking too long" Heinz says to Poofenplotz
"Why don't you make the field less unfair to the good guys?" Poofenplotz says evilly
"Oh you mean zap another one with my inator?" Heinz says questioningly
"That is correct and I know just the agent to hit" Poofenplotz says grinning menacingly.
"Oh who? Tell me I am no good at guessing games you see back in Gimmelshump…" Heinz says about to reveal an emotionally scarring back-story.
"No time for flashbacks zap Pinky the Chihuahua now!" Poofenplots shouts at Heinz.
"Ok already rude much?" Heinz says as he takes aim at Pinky the Chihuahua and then presses the button which in turn emits a bright laser beam heading directly for the little dog agent.
Seeing this Pinky manages to push Perry to the side and grabs a shard of a broken mirror and holds it in front of him so the beam bounces off the mirror straight into the Platypus agent.
"Oh no! I zapped Perry the Platypus instead!?" Heinz says worry now evident in his voice.
"I told you not to be so greedy" Poofenplotz says sarcastically to him.
"Oh no this is all your fault if you hadn't made me zap your nemesis then I wouldn't of hit Perry the Platypus!" Doofenshmirtz scolds Poofenplotz.
"Grrrrk" is all Perry can say
"Arf arf" from Pinky
And a cold glare from Peter.
"We still have the little alien thing though and you still can't get to us hahahaha" Doofenshmirtz taunts the agents.
As he says this Phineas appears and walks towards the agents.
"Oh no now your adding a little boy to your team I am so scared!" Heinz says mockingly.
"Hey Ferb I know what we did today we invented a force field disrupter and saved the tri-state area" Phineas says happily as he hands the device to Perry.
"Uh-oh…not good" Is all Doofenshmirtz can say as Perry presses the button which lowers his force field and leaves him and his evil-inator wide open to attack from the enemy agents.
As soon as the force field dissipates Poofenplotz makes a run for it leaving Heinz to face the music alone.
Within mere minutes the agents are setting upon Doofenshmirtz. Perry lands a kick to his stomach which winds him, then Peter delivers an uppercut that sends him spiralling back and then Pinky finishes the job by using a low sweep to knock him off his feet.
Once Heinz is down on the ground Perry charges up the Evil-inator and fires it at Meap which turns him back to Normal and then presses a button which sets the countdown to self destruct.
Motioning for everyone to move and the kids having freed Candace they quickly leave the area before the detonation occurs.
As he stands up and looks at his Evil-Inator the only thing Doofenshmirtz can say is
"CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!" As soon as he finishes this sentence the inator self destructs in his face.
Back at OWCA HQ
"We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for saving the day" Monogram says to his agents, Meap and all the children.
"Oh no worries we were happy to help and it is so cool to know that Perry is a secret agent!" Phineas says happily.
"Don't forget Pinky too!" Isabella chimes in.
"And Meap!" Ferb adds his usual small sentence.
"What about the Kung fu Panda?" Baljeet says making sure no one forgets him
"Oh so nice to see everyone happy and pleased with themselves how about a hug now?" Buford says cheerfully.
"Please tell me we will get the real Buford back?" Baljeet asks anyone who would listen.
"Don't worry young man when we wipe the events from your minds it will counteract the effects of the Evil-inator" Monogram says sadly.
"Wait wipes the events from our minds?" Phineas says shocked
"Well yes we can't have you knowing about the agency or knowing your pets are agents either don't worry we did this before remember!" Monogram says encouragingly
"Actually Sir they won't remember last time either as we sort of wiped their minds again remember?" Carl says correcting his boss.
"Oh right….well anyways you can enjoy the next five minutes after that well only thing you will remember from this day is well nothing" Monogram says quickly.
"What will happen to that evil scientist?" Phineas asks worriedly
"You leave him to us and Agent P!" Monogram says in response
"Mr Monogram you said that we wouldn't remember anything from today?" Isabella asks quickly
"Erm yes that is correct in about 10 seconds" Monogram answers her back
"Good" Isabella says as she leans towards Phineas and kisses him quickly
"Wow Isabella!?" Phineas says just as the device activates and their memories are erased.
"Déjà vu sir?" Carl says just after the ray fires.
"Ok we have about an hour to get these kids back home safely before the effects wear off when they wake up it will all be like a dream to them" Monogram says as he motions for Carl and his Agents to get the young heroes back home.
"Oh and Agent P, you have some amazing young owners" Monogram says grinning towards the Platypus agent.
An Hour later
"Hey Boys have you been sleeping out here all the time I was away?" Comes the familiar voice of Linda Fletcher their Mom.
"Yeah I guess we have, funny thing is I don't remember ever falling asleep do you Ferb?" Phineas says while yawning
Ferb just shrugs his shoulders
"Well come inside it will be time for dinner soon and you boys need to wash up before you get any food." Linda says calmly as she walks towards the house.
As the boys head towards the house also a familiar little platypus follows close behind them
"Oh there you are Perry" is the last thing Phineas says as he walks inside with his brother Ferb.