This spawned from no sleep and rap music. Did I also mention that I LOVE America/Romano? Yeah, that's another reason. I felt that this had to be done since this pairing is so underrepresented; Hetalia crack couples are the best!

Disclaimer-I do not own Hetalia: Axis Powers, but if I did...

Right Thru Me

1) Introduction-Romano watches as his boss talks to the Englishman from across the ocean. Spain suddenly reaches down and picks him up, putting him at eye level with England's arms. A curious pair of blue eyes meets his gaze.

"Romano, this is America. He's England's newest colony."

2) Love-America didn't know why his chest tightened whenever Romano addressed him. Whenever those hazel eyes would meet his gaze, heat would rise to his face and make him turn away. Whenever he heard that voice speak his name, shivers ran up and down his spine. His very presence had the power to make America feel more at ease wherever he was, no matter the situation.

Maybe this is love.

3) Light-America's seemingly perpetual bright mood always lifted the darker edge off of Romano's mood. No matter what he said, he actually enjoyed America's quirks and habits; in measured doses though. It was like if he was feeling down, America would swoop in and cheer him up in an instant, making him the light of Romano's dull life.

4) Dark-Romano's mood could sometimes be called a buzz kill, in America's opinion. On the other hand, the Italian's dark mood balanced out America's happiness. Whenever the blonde became overly excited about something, Romano would always be there to keep him in line and providing the darkness that he needed.

5) Solace-Romano never understood why America would watch these scary movies when he's obviously afraid of them. Right now he lies in bed with his arms around his lover, trying to soothe the frightened blonde in his arms to some kind of sleep. The arms around the Italian's waist would tighten at every sound and a whimper would escape America's mouth. The blonde buried his face deep into Romano's chest, listening to the calming heartbeat. Romano placed a kiss on top of the soft blonde hair and became the comfort America needed until he fell asleep.

6) Break-America and Italy finish their work for the day, exchanging papers for the other's signature. Once they were finished they both stood up from their desks and walked out of the meeting room into the conjoining room. Romano sat in the room by himself, hunched over his own desk, scribbling away at some paperwork. America and Italy exchanged glances and walked over to the older Italy. Veneziano pulls his brother from his seat and pushes him over to the door. America comes up next to Romano, leaning in to give his cheek a kiss and interlocking their hands together.

7) Heaven-This moment felt too surreal. The way their bodies molded together, the way they laid together with their noses inches apart, the way russet eyes gazed into azure orbs; it felt just right. Moments like these are few to none in their busy lifestyles as nations. That's why they take these moments in slow strides, enjoying every moment they have together. Savoring the feather light kisses, the fleeting touches over sensitive skin, the sweet whispers into waiting ears and the beaming love from willing hearts.

8) Innocence- Romano knew that America was a few years younger than him and his brother; this fact has been brought up many times in casual conversation. From his regular behavior, Romano always thought that America played up well to the 'dumb blonde' stereotypes. What he figured out was that America wasn't being stupid, he was just too new to the truth of the world. There are some things that he hasn't been exposed to yet and for now, Romano wants to keep it that way.

9) Drive-America watches his lover sleep. He watches Romano slide deeper into his siesta and roll himself into a better position on the couch. As he watches his sleeping beauty, he lets his mind wander. What is Romano's passion in life? What is the motivation that keeps him going in life? Besides the welfare of his people and his brother, what does he live for? He closes his eyes for a moment to mull over the question. A pair of arms wrap themselves around his neck and his blue eyes meet the answer to his question.

10) Breathe-These feelings were overwhelming to Romano. He hadn't had anyone else besides his brother and Spain show so much affection towards him. He was so used to being in the shadow of his younger brother's perfection that he didn't know how to handle these new feelings for someone outside his small circle of family. America's attention felt so warm and soft and real; sometimes it felt like it was too much for Romano to handle. When those clear blue eyes met his and those strong hands interlaced their fingers, he knew that America's prescence helped him breathe easier.