Golden Horizon Chapter 24
A/N: It's been a while since I've wrote. Good to be back. This chapter isn't the best, but I think it's a great filler and more importantly a great starter to the second half of GH. As always, mistakes are mine.
Tamaki/Kyoya progression: Just read.
Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC.
Kyoya whined as he pushed his weary eyes deeper into the soft pillow. The pain was starting to set in again and he desperately wanted to cry out. His stomach was sore, the pain starting to eat away at the dull and dry skin. The medication the doctor gave had provided much relief and for an instant Kyoya felt weightless but uneasily settled.
Even in his sleep his body knew everything wasn't okay. His head did too, but the weight of the antibiotic was setting in on his weak and ever-dwindling body that he welcomed the sedated lull. He welcomed the calming and quiet atmosphere of the Souh estate.
It still didn't make thing seem better than what they were. He was still struggling to eat, to sleep, and more importantly breathe.
His body felt like it was giving out and all that he had to do what just ..let go. But he couldn't, He wouldn't, not for what the Souh family have done for him thus far.
He could never leave Tamaki alone. No matter how much that tiny voice in the back of his mind told him "You are worthless. You give no relief wherever you go." Kyoya still felt like he had to try for Tamaki.
He loved the blonde after all. He could never deny this statement no matter how much his heart wanted to spill out his body, or his eyes overfill with tears that he couldn't have the blonde not because of some inherent deformity but because Tamaki truly didn't deserve such trash in his life.
He appreciated the soft voice and sweet gestures of the boy. Even with every soft kiss or gentle embrace, Kyoya struggled to not snap at himself and the emotions welling up in his chest. To allow this sweet man to hold him, talk to him, and coexist next to him.
He was still bed-bound but Tamaki never made it an issue. The blonde was practically inseparable from him. Almost like he knew if he left Kyoya alone to his own devices… the familiar black tunnel the brunette tried in vain to ignore would suck him in.
If Tamaki could find it in his heart to be there for him, why couldn't he try to for Tamaki?
He had to. He needed to be the person Tamaki deserves.
And still, the blonde didn't tell the boy he had loved him, or had they really talked about any of the changing dynamics between the two.
But it was obvious. Something had changed and if Kyoya was as honest with himself as he wished to be, he could see the blonde loved him.
No matter how much he wanted to deny this. Tamaki did in fact loved him.
And it frustrated the raven-haired boy to no avail, despite being so utterly unattractive, crying, emotionally damaged... the blonde could still love him.
But what would Tamaki expect from Kyoya? Would he expect the boy to be emotionally available? What if Tamaki wanted Kyoya to offer himself the same way he had to Eiji?
And Kyoya swiftly chided himself for being so stupid to think that Tamaki could act in the same manner as Eiji...or worse Eiji's father, Tayuki, Hagoshi, -Kyoya sprang up.
His chest was heaving, and he felt warm all over...but why was he shaking? Why was this happening to him again? He let his mind wander again and again, and now the terribly weight of his memories were keeping him awake. The pain had long dulled but now his body felt like it was running on empty.
The soup he had eaten long ago was creeping up his throat. Groaning Kyoya threw his legs over the bed and hurried to run to the bathroom.
He refused to throw up on the floor because he couldn't move fast enough. Kyoya whimpered as his feet hit the soft floor, a lush carpet underneath his feet provided unexpected comfort.
He heard footsteps hesitantly push through the door.
Tamaki. Tamaki's violet eyes that never seemed to dim took in his appearance and worry shined bright in those eyes.
"Are you alright?" The blonde walked to him carefully sitting on the side of the bed ready to sit the boy back into the soft sheets.
Kyoya's jaw clenched as he felt the vomit rise closer. Hurriedly, he grabbed the trash can next to him- god was he a mess- and vomited.
Tamaki backed away instantly, unaware the boy's nausea was this bad. He tried to move towards the boy and comfort him, quietly forcing himself to ignore the awful smell.
It wasn't like Kyoya could help it regardless.
"It's okay, Kyoya." He rubbed a hand over the boy's hunched back, tenderly rubbing at the taunt muscles. The boy continued to retch and Kyoya could only pray that this would be the last time he had to this.
It was embarrassing losing control like this. He was already weak and fevered. Humiliation pulled in the pit of his stomach.
"Did the medication wear off? I think you're due for another dose. I've asked Kani-san to bring the medication when you are due. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, Kyoya."
Kyoya stilled, breathing as the bile seemed to have come to a still. The nausea relented and now he felt .. tired. Still in pain, but too tired to want to move. He fell into the blonde's arms.
He mumbled, "It's okay. You can go Tamaki. I'll be fine."
"I don't want to leave you alone to deal with this yourself. Not when you've had to before. Kyoya, I have to tell you something. I=" Tamaki was interrupted by a firm knock on the door
The blonde wanted to groan at the interruption. Here he was about to confess something that's taken years and now an interruption. Tamaki cleared his throat, it couldn't be helped regardless. He sighed and spoke, "Come in."
"Souh-san? I have the medication for Ootori-san. Is there anything else you may need from me?" Kani quietly set the tray of medication, water, and tissues down on the dresser and bowed.
"Thank you, Kani-san. That is all." The woman bowed again and exited the room quietly.
Kyoya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt sick once more.
"Kyoya. Can I tell you something?"
"Yes, Tamaki." Kyoya took a deep breath as his eyes grazed over Tamaki's appearance, enjoying the soothing lull of the boy's voice.
"I love you."
Kyoya keened and threw up again in the waste basket.