Message from the author: You'll need to read my first fanfic, "Comatose" in order to know who some of the characters are, how they're related to the survivors, and how they got where they are at the beginning of this story. Thanks for reading,
-Dr. Thrav
"Bill? Is that you?" Zoey was walking down a corridor, painted white. She saw a puff of smoke floating at the end of it, and a man wearing green. Was it Bill?
He had his back turned to her. She walked up behind him.
"Bill?" She reached for his shoulder.
He turned around, his face was decomposing, and there was blood dripping from his mouth.
"And that's when I woke up, in a cold sweat." She finished telling Ellis. She'd been wanting to talk about it, but didn't feel comfortable telling anyone else.
"Yeah, I know how that goes." Ellis looked away from her, his eyes becoming glassy. "I used to have similar dreams… about Rachael."
They were silent after that. Zoey, thinking of Bill, Ellis thinking of Rachael.
"I feel so bad… All I did was bitch at him the whole day we traveled here. We argued, the whole way to the bridge, and then…" Her voice broke. "And then… he sacrificed himself. What if he did it.. Because he thought I didn't want him around anymore?" Zoey started to cry.
"No, that's not like the Bill I've heard about. Bill sacrificed himself because he loved you, he wanted you guys to be safe." Ellis put his arm around her. "How long have you been having these dreams?"
"Since I got here. Long before you woke up. And…" She stopped. She wasn't ready to tell him about the dreams she'd been having about him.
"And what?" Ellis asked.
"I can't sleep. Not well. Every time I close my eyes, I see him. I have some horrible nightmare, about Bill… or someone else… and, it's unbearable." Zoey laid her head on his shoulder, and cried as he held her.
It'd been 11 months since the infection died off. The weather was getting cooler, and nobody liked it. The city was thriving, the debris was nearly cleared, and the population had grown. The life of the community no longer rested on Zoey and her friends.
Currency had just become usable again, and an airport nearby had just opened up. It seemed that the infection hadn't spread to the east, and Ellis was thinking a vacation is just what Zoey, and everyone else, needed. So, he took some money from his stash (that he had gotten by going Gordon Freeman on one of Nick's slot machines) and bought 8 tickets to London. In two weeks, the eight of them would be in the air on a plane to London. None of them anticipated flying right into another nightmare…