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"Seto! Come on!" Joey barked as he attempted to yank the covers off of his boyfriend, "I did what you said now you have to hold up your end of the deal."

"Joey, I'm tired. I have a half dozen meetings tomorrow and I don't want to be losing anymore sleep because you want to mess around." Seto snapped as he gripped the sheets tighter.

"All you have to do it roll over and spread em. It's not like you do much else anyway." Joey muttered as he refused to give up, "It's only going to add up in the end if you keep putting it off."

Joey finally was able to pull the sheets away from his boyfriend as pushed him on to his back, "Why do you wear so much to bed?" Joey asked as he straddled Seto started unbuttoning his pj top, "Things like this are a waste of time."

"Joey!" Seto shouted, "I said no." Seto pushed Joey off and wrapped himself in the sheets again. Joey sat beside him and pouted.

"Do you have so kinda kink that there has to be the possibility of being caught in the act or something?"


"We have sex all the time at your place and Mokuba's right across the hall. Even when my dad's sleeping out on the couch you're always ready to go. But when ever we're completely alone you get all selfish."


"Yeah! Selfish."

Seto sat up and glared at Joey. Normally when they had a fight the guest at the particular home would leave. This wasn't something Joey liked happening at all. The last time they fought was about this exact issue and Seto stormed out. He'd followed all the way down to the ground floor of his apartement building and in the process they got the attention of all the other tenants. And to make matters worse Joey had forgotten he had ran out in nothing but his underwear.

"I'm not the one being selfish here Joey." Seto told him as to sat up right, "Yes, I prefer to have someone else around when we have sex. Because do you remember the safety word we decided?"

"It's it like God save the Queen or something?"

"Good you remember. So tell me something Joey almost every single time we've had sex what do I SAY when you're starting to hurt me?"

Joey stared blankly at him and shrugged his shoulders

"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!" Seto shouted and hit Joey upside his head, "You could have killed me last night if your dad hadn't started banging on the door!"

"Why don't you tell me these things!"

"Joey, you go on the offensive everytime I attempt to talk to you about your performance! You had a fit when I told you to buy the right size condoms, for once."

"Cuz you make it seem like I'm as big as a pencil when you say shit like that and you said it in front of Mokuba!"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about you lack of self-confidence." Seto said as he went over to his overnight bag and pulled out his street clothes.

"So you're leaving."

"Only way I'm going to get anything sleep tonight." He said as he took his nightshirt off.

Joey bit his lip as he watched Seto undress, "Come on Seto don't be like that. I promise I'll be gentler."

Seto stopped and looked at Joey, "Gentler? That's not ahhh!" Joey tackled Seto to the floor, "Joey! What the hell!"

"Come on Seto! Let me show you what I can do!"

"NO! GET OFF ME!" Seto shouted as he forced Joey off him and quickly got dressed to leave, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye." Joey said as he stared hornily at his closed bedroom door, "Where's that lotion."