POV? - Someone in Merlotte's

I'm sitting in Merlotte's for the third time this week waiting for something interesting to happen in this boring, podunk town. There's a little extra excitement tonight because the Bon Temps High School football team won their big play-off game. Not surprising though, it's oddly tense and rowdy in the bar, which happens whether we win or lose. For some reason though, when we win people seem even more eager to fight. As a matter of fact, the last time BTHS won a divisional game Kevin and Kenya came into Merlotte's four times in one night to break up fights.

Tonight seems to be headed in the same direction. The guys nearest the TV, for example, keep making the waitresses change the channels because they can't stop arguing about sports. They fluctuate between football, some basketball game, and NASCAR. Typical redneck sports fans. Every night is exactly the same in this backwater town. Maybe I should move to Shreveport or something. Nothing interesting ever happens here!

The night takes on a slightly more colorful tone when Sookie walks past me towards the loud, redneck idiots. It strikes me that she looks abnormally anxious to leave. She usually seems happy to be here, but she keeps looking at her watch like she has a date or something. 'Maybe she has some vamp waiting at home to suck her dry,' I think to myself. She's so weird. I can't imagine being bitten like that, let alone liking it. Everyone says she's crazy though, so maybe that's why she only dates vamps. She really does seem nuts sometimes. Just look at her odd expression.

She's pretty and all, but every time she gets close to people she makes strange faces. A few minutes ago, she dropped off a plate of food to the sports nuts table and one of the guys grabbed her arm. 'Big deal,' I think, 'She's a waitress. What's she expect?' With the way she carried on, you'd think the guy burned her or something. She seemed so insulted when she pulled her arm away. 'Maybe because he's warm and fangless, she didn't enjoy the attention.'

This time, one of the guys stands up when she brings them another plate of wings and pulls her in for a big kiss. He must not be too familiar with the area because everyone around here knows that it's dangerous to touch her. I mean she has nice tits and all, but she really is truly strange. Not to mention the odd, menacing company she keeps. If not that moody Vampire Bill that lives near the old cemetery, the huge, intimidating blonde from Shreveport would sooner rip someone's head off than ask questions when it comes to her.

I don't know what all of these strange characters see in her anyway. A little while ago, she was seeing another giant man who I was told was some kind of cage fighter. I also heard that the big, blonde vampire killed him. I wouldn't be surprised even a little bit. Lots of people seem to die when they spend time around her.

If the sports fan knew any better, he'd steer very clear of Crazy Sookie Stackhouse, the trouble magnet. No sooner did the man grab her ass and knock her and an entire tray of drinks over, did the big blonde rush through the front door with the force of a hurricane to stand between the waitress and the drunk. Even though I haven't done anything to make him angry, I am scared to death.

Somehow and for some reason, even with his fangs bared, he kisses her passionately. Man, she is so weird! Why isn't she scared he'll rip her lips off with those things? They look sharp and dangerous. But she seems calmed by him.

'Hell,' I think, 'At least something interesting is happening in this boring place.' The vampire says while glaring at the drunk fool from the corner of his eye, "I was waiting at your house for your shift to end when I felt your fear. I flew right over, but clearly I was not fast enough." Just like I'd thought, she had an appointment to donate blood, but not to the Red Cross. How can he feel her from miles away anyway? She's so weird! Wait, did he just say he flew here? He sure must drive fast to get here so quickly after the man knocked her down, unless he meant literally fly. I thought flying vamps were just made-up stories.

Sam has the drunk guy held by the scruff of the neck. 'Man, Sam's sure strong for a little guy.' He starts forcing the drunk towards the door saying something about how he's going to drive him home himself so he knows the trouble-maker doesn't drive drunk or fall victim to a Viking's revenge, while eyeing the tall vampire. Is this guy really a fucking Viking! Holy Shit! He is so fucking old.

The vamp's fangs get even longer, if that's possible, when Sookie shows him the cut on her arm. The gash looks deep and he looks hungry. At this moment, I'm scared of him and scared for her, but she looks perfectly content. She's so weird!

If I had even a paper cut in front of an undead bloodsucker, I'd be scared shitless. But she looks relieved he's there and she has a gushing wound. To the vamp's credit, I would have expected him to go nuts at the sight of blood and although he looks a little wide-eyed at the injury, he's still very much in control.

Sam is close enough to me that I hear him mumble, "Sook, you need to have that tended to, just make sure he take care of you discreetly. Use my office or go out back or something, away from the customers so nobody sees." Sam glances around and I shift my eyes so he doesn't suspect that I'm listening. Me and everyone else in Merlotte's. She agrees, but I'm surprised that Sam isn't insisting she go to the hospital. It's pretty obvious she needs stitches to close that gash.

Sam gets cut off from giving his instructions when the drunk fool says, "I had no idea that she was a nasty fangbanging whore. I wouldn't have bothered wasting my time on trash like that." Sam rushes the man away before the seething, growling vamp tears him apart, but not before walking him accidentally on purpose into the bar counter and the door jam. Everyone knows Sam has a thing for Sookie. I know that Sookie technically is because she does fuck vamps, but she really doesn't look like a typical fangbanger. She's blonde and pretty and looks virginally innocent.

When Sam leaves, the bar gets instantly rowdier. You know what they say about how mice will play when the cat's away. Arlene immediately starts rabble-rousing about vampires being to blame for all tonight's problems. Weird that the guy wasn't even here when the whole incident started to begin with, but I'd bet Arlene is too dumb to notice anyway.

The vamp growls at the red headed bitch and she wisely retreats. She must be even more stupid than I thought to even get in his face at all. I mean he's huge and scary by human standards, but I've seen other vamps dip and bow their heads to him like he's royalty or something. I know for a fact that I've heard people address him as Sheriff. I wonder if he some kind of vamp cop or something?

I remember this one time a vamp nobody knew stopped in for a bottle of that synthetic stuff and got real close to Sookie. He smelled her, actually smelled her like she was some sort of irresistible confection. He licked his lips like he was fixing to bite her right in the middle of the bar. Trouble magnet that she is! She barely batted an eye, though, as if stuff like that happens to her everyday. I remember perfectly every word she said when she responded because the whole thing was just about as strange as she is.

She bravely or stupidly eyed him with a chastising look and said, "You shouldn't even think of doing that if you place any value on your undead life. I know that you can tell I am claimed already, but you need to know that I am blood bonded and pledged to the Northman. You better leave Area 5 before he finds out that you've got no regard for the rules." I may not understand even half of what she said, but that bloodsucker surely took her seriously. The scary vamp immediately retracted his fangs and backed away from her, apologizing for the infraction and begging, actually begging her to pardon his rudeness. 'Yeah, he must be notorious among vamps because they wouldn't apologize to a human for nothing.'

She suggests that they go outside instead of Sam's office because she doesn't have the keys, so the bad ass vamp picks her up effortlessly and carries her bridal style out the side door that leads to the employee parking lot. When the door shuts behind them, Arlene takes the opportunity to say some loud shit about all vamps being minions of the devil. "I can prove it y'all. You can see for yourselves that he's an evil demon and she's his dirty whore." Arlene turns the TV near the table of rednecks from the football game to a closed circuit channel of a security feed to the employee lot.

There's no audio, but despite the dim lights you can easily see the waitress and the vampire sitting on the patio furniture in front of Sam's trailer. People start complaining that Sam is doing secret surveillance around the bar and that being an invasion of privacy. I guess some of these folks are worried about what they do in the parking lot that they don't want anyone to see. Things are finally starting to get interesting around here for a change. Arlene says dismissively, "Calm down y'all! Sam just put this in after all of those break-ins last week. He doesn't even know I know about this yet. Just watch and you'll see how disgusting they are together." Arlene looks evil and giddy, like she's getting away with the perfect crime.

Outside, the vamp is licking Sookie's wounded arm like a kid with a giant lollipop. Nasty. Yet I can't look away, just like when you're driving past a bad accident that you know is going to be gruesome, but too shocking and exciting to miss out on. The bar is almost completely silent as I'm sure that most people here share my sentiment and have never seen something like this before.

Sookie looks happy as he salivates on her arm, lapping at her like she's a blood flavored ice cream cone. Ew! She looks completely turned on by this though. She starts running the fingers of her free hand through his long blonde hair and she appears to be moaning. He's being so sweet and gentle that I almost forget how disgusting what they're doing actually is.

Her wound is suddenly completely gone, but she doesn't look so good, kind of pale and weak. His fangs are glistening in the moonlight when he finishes the work on her arm and licks his lips suggestively. Then he licks her lips and I'm sure she can taste her own blood. Ew! She's so weird.

Her head falls back exposing her neck as he licks his way from her collarbone to her ear, like he might bite at any second. But he doesn't. Instead, he bites into his own wrist and puts it to her mouth. Yuck! Everyone in the bar lets out a collective groan as she latches on for a few moments. Every pull from his wrist has her looking stronger and him more aroused. They are suddenly so lost in lust that they are pawing at each other wildly. He undresses both of them so quickly that if you blinked you would have missed it.

'Wow, Sookie really does have awesome tits and a hot ass. Holy shit, the vamp is hung like a horse! Oh my God! I've never seen a dick that big even in a porno. Ever!' She eyes him hungrily as she dips her head between his legs. Even with her head bobbing and his hands tangled in her hair, you can still see a large portion of his impressive manhood.

She is working him expertly with her mouth and both hands simultaneously when he suddenly turns her upside down so her center is pressed to his mouth. Now that is a 69! He starts licking between her legs in a way that is only possible with vampires I suppose, on account of them not having to breathe and everything.

'Well that was fast,' I decide as she comes quickly with his ministrations. She must be having an incredible orgasm because her body is having beautiful, mesmerizing convulsions. At that same moment, she lets go of his manhood to cry out in pleasure and he bites into the side of her smooth, tan thigh. She immediately latches back onto his tree trunk of an erection and he explodes into her mouth. She doesn't break the seal on him to waste a single drop of what looked to be a very forceful release, judging by the way his body jerked so violently.

Apparently, this session is far from over as he moves her from the Kama Sutra-like pose and places her down gently. As soon as her feet hit the ground though, he suddenly spins her around and enters her abruptly with his still fully engorged penis. How's he ready again so quickly? That sure is impressive.

He fucks her roughly from behind and places his hands firmly on her breasts to pull her back into an almost standing position. He pumps into her with reckless abandon and she looks like she's coming undone again. 'Man, I wish she liked a man with a pulse because after this I'm convinced that Sookie Stackhouse must be the fuck of a lifetime.'

The bar watches on in stunned silence as they change positions and climax together multiple times. Occasionally someone says something like, "Oh shit!", "Whoa", or "That's so hot". He bites her each time they finish together, but somehow her bite marks magically disappear when he kisses them. I always wondered why she never has any vamp marks on her. I always figured they were biting her where people couldn't see the evidence. I guess I was right again, half right at least.

Finally, they appear to be finished. For now at least, judging by his perma-boner, it's more by choice rather than necessity. Now, it makes sense that she takes so much time off of work. She must stay up for marathon sex with this guy so much that she's too tired to come in.

They walk back into the once bustling bar only to find a deafening silence and every eye in the place on them. Sookie glances in the direction of the earlier scuffle to find the chairs still all over turned and broken glass and blood everywhere when she sees what is on the TV. The view of the employee parking lot. Arlene comments as Sookie looks at the vamp for support, "Geez Sook, I know you're desperate for a man, but these demons are bad for your health. One of these days he's going to kill you with that thing in his pants or those things in his mouth. Everyone in town always says how sweet and innocent you are, but I've always known the truth. You are nothing but a cheap whore and now everyone in town will know it too."

Every eye in the room is on them and when the vamp makes a frightening, frustrated growling noise, I just can't seem to look away even though I really want to. Once my eyes meet his gaze, I can see how truly beautiful they are. I feel captivated by him all of a sudden. I'm completely enchanted as I feel an overwhelming tingle sweep over my entire body, right down to my soul. As I stare at him, I realize that I really hadn't noticed feeling this way about him before, but now I would happily do anything he asks. I want nothing more than to please him. Then he spoke in a wonderful, melodious toneā€¦ I don't know what the man said, but tonight was the most boring night at Merlotte's ever. Just a bunch rednecks watching sports and talking too loud. Nothing interesting ever happens in Bon Temps!

P.S. - Just wanted to add, just in case it wasn't clear, but the person who's point of view the story was told in got glamoured at the end. This is my first ever published fanfic and although I'm happy with the outcome, I would appreciate any advice/constructive criticism for a new writer trying to organize a lot of ideas. BTW if anyone can tell me how to find info on these weekly contests that everyone is always participating in, I would love to know where to find them as a collection or whatever. Thanks for any help! Love all the great comments! Thanks!