Hi Everyone! Ok, so this is my First Mighty Ducks FanFiction..but I think you'll like it. Truly meant for NoseDive Fans, Like me!! When WildWing pushes NoseDive away and then foolishly gets himself compromised, its "Baby Bro" to the Rescue! But what happens when things go terribly wrong???

Never Say Forever.

Chapter 1: I've Said Too Much

WildWing's bellow went unheard as the grotesque creature, a less than pleasant combination of Scorpion, bull, and raging man, continued to advance on the scrambling NoseDive. His little brother had been injured, and, chained to the wall as he was, WildWing couldn't help him.

NoseDive was stumbling backward, clutching his side as he continued firing his puck launcher in desperation. Abruptly, the gun uttered a hollow click, the sound repeating as Dive continued squeezing the trigger. As realization sparked fear in the young duck's eyes, he threw the launcher aside, his back suddenly coming in contact with the underground room's brick wall. It was soft, the material eaten by the mold covering it from its years beneath the Earth's surface.
NoseDive glances about him furtively, then to his bound Older sibling, the memories of the last week flashing in his mind.

~~Four Days Ago, Mighty Ducks HQ~~

"But Wiiiiiiiiiiing!" NoseDive was using his most wheedling tone, jogging to keep up with his big brother as he strode towards one of the duck cycles. He finally darted ahead of him, bracing his feet to bar WildWing's Path.

"I said -No,- Dive," The Mighty Ducks' leader was getting irritated. Couldn't NoseDive see he was doing this for his own good?! Of course he couldn't...NoseDive thought his big bro was invincible. WildWing's expression softened slightly, "I told you, I just need some time to myself. No big deal. I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone."

But the look in NoseDive's eyes told him he was wrong. That knowing his brother was leaving him behind hurt him deeply. WildWing looked away, reminding himself exactly why he was doing this.

'..Think, Wing. Look how hard it is on him when you take a short vacation. How -much- harder would that be if you were killed in battle?? Would he even survive it, as dependent on your as he is now??...' Traitorous to the end, another part of his mind spoke up, '..And what about you? You need him just as much, and he could die anyday. You're doing this because you think you can spare yourself pain if he leaves. Fool! If he dies...you'll follow...'

WildWing's beak tightened, roughly pushing away those thoughts. Oh yes, this time away will be beneficial to them both.
He slammed his duffel bag onto the back of the bike with more force than he had intended, earning a surprised glance from his brother. NoseDive started to speak again


"I said no, Dive."

"But you never leave me behind! Not ME!"

That short outburst had WildWing's gaze darting back to his sibling's, the dejection etched plainly on Dive's face. He sighed, suddenly ashamed.

"NoseDive...Bro...just go with this...I'm..I'm doing it for your own good." He chanced another look to his younger brother.

Confusion was writ plainly upon the blonde duck's features, trying to justify his brother's actions. He started to say something, but closed his beak when WildWing swung his leg over the Duckcycle. He kept his voice carefully even, not turning to face Dive.

"I'll be in touch..."

"Wait!" NoseDive's cry resembled that of a lost child's, its helplessness lost in the roar of the engine as WildWing kicked the cycle to life and sped from the Hanger.

~~Present Day; Underground Prison~~

NoseDive blinked, brought jarringly back to the present as the monstrosity before him slammed a fist into the wall next to his head. 'Quick instincts to the rescue,' Dive thought ruefully.

Glancing over the wall seeping wetness through the back of his uniform, the blonde duck spotted a rusted chain hanging from a bolt, already partially dislodged by the creature's well aimed blow.

It was a simple thing to rip the links from the crumbling brick and swing it at the monster.

The chain hit the beast in the face, the rusted links tangling in his horns . It let loose a roar that sent chills through WildWing, who had little choice except to stand and watch. It shook its great head, only managing to wrap the chain tighter. NoseDive was suddenly seized with a purpose, watching the mutated creation wrestle with its bindings. He gripped the chain, red rust staining his feathers as he jerked it hard, causing the monster to stumble forward, head forced down.

WildWing watched, agape, as his little brother quickly looped the chain around the beast's neck, determination set in his features as he held on. When has his 'baby bro' become so skilled? Had he always been that way, and Wing had failed to notice? He shook his head, returning his attention to the battle.

Regaining his balance, the creature reared back, literally ripping NoseDive from his feet. nonetheless, Dive's plan was working. He was slowly choking the Scorpion-Bull Man. He regained his footing, ignoring the pain flaring in his side and leaning his weight into strangling the monstrosity, finally quipping, "The Bigger they are..."

He was cut short. Enraged and panicked, the monster flung himself at the only thing it could blame for his current state: NoseDive. The young avian was clobbered, his shoulder catching the brunt of the attack and nearly forcing him into unconsciousness. He clung to the chain, stalwartly holding on when the flailing of the beast again lifted him into the air.

The creature emitted a lolling bellow, its mind slowly slipping into darkness. Desperate, it made a final effort for victory. The scorpion tail which curved over the thing's head darted forward, and so distracted was NoseDive with holding on, he did not realize its attack until the poisonous point had driven itself home into the young duck's back. The monster fell, and with a choked cry, NoseDive's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He, too, fell.

**In Suspense yet?? GOOD! Muwahahahaha! ok ok, I swear I'll continue soon. no really...I swear! In the mean time, Send Flamers, praise, and anything in between!!**