AN: Lately I've been in a zombie mood. I love the Left 4 Dead games and reading World War Z were probably what made me want to write a Naruto zombie fic. I don't know if it's been done, if it has I haven't read them. As ya'll know, zombie stories have a lot of angst, a lot of death, and so many terrible things, but they can also have humor like Zombieland and Shawn of the Dead. I want to say the story is a bit in between. Originally the plot was going for a Left 4 Dead 2 fic that dealt with Nick's and Ellis' relationship as they battle their way through a zombie infested America. Now it will be a SasuNaru zombie fic so yes there will be yaoi.

Important Notes:

-The story will not take place in Japan. I don't know much of Japan's geography and I feel more comfortable setting the story in America as originally planned. Of course stories of other survivors in different continents will be written as news for Naruto's group.

-The characters' ages (at least the Rookie 9's ages) are between 17-22. Everyone else like Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Itachi, etc (the rest of the adults) are the ages that Kishimoto originally wrote them in Part 1 of the series.

-Government programs mentioned are all fictional. Military mentioned from America and other countries will be fictional.

-The zombie pandemic will be explained as an infection of some sorts. Don't expect my explanation to be all sciency…. D:

Summary: Regular life is broken for two unlucky strangers who meet under horrible circumstance with the help of comrades along the way, Naruto and Sasuke battle through a zombie infested America together. Unknown to them, the plot is thicker than they think. Yaoi

Warnings: Death, Violence, Language, Yaoi, multiple pairings, Lemons, Gore

Disclaimers: I don't own Naruto or the characters. It's a sad fact I wake up to every morning.

Chapter 1-

The Beginning of the End

The beginning of Z day….

Dallas, Texas

The afternoons were chilly now as October replaced the summer heat wave Texas tortured its inhabitants with. Despite the drop in blazing temperatures, few lingered the streets as school called back all the children and teens and adults were at work. Naruto lay sprawled on his couch just staring at the TV, watching nothing in particular. He was insanely bored. Since the neighborhood kids were missing and his friends were at school, Naruto had no one to shoot some hoops with. His parents were out with both cars they had leaving the options of going to a mall or movie theater out of the question. He sighed heavily flipping the channel again. Crap TV….you get over a hundred channels and you get shitty shows.

Finally giving up all hope on the television, Naruto got up finding some snack of some sort to at least keep him distracted even for a few minutes. He had skipped school that day. Why? He felt like it. Now the classroom sounded better than absolute boredom at home. What good was it to skip school without a car? Fuck it, it was Senior year, he needed a break once in a while from tests, the teachers, and college talk. A tune from one of today's popular artist rang out. "Oh crap," Naruto cursed when he saw his father's name flashing on his cell phone screen.

"Hey Dad," Naruto said casually. He practically could see Minato grimace with disappointment on the other end of the line.

"Naruto, I know you are a teenage boy who thinks the world revolves around him but did you have skip school…again? Your mother is very upset as we speak. Occasionally has become usually and at this rate your Principal will either expel you or your credits*won't count for graduation," Minato said his voice soft yet kept a stern edge to scold his son. Naruto sighed heavily nodding to himself aware his father was right but at this moment graduation was the last thing on his mind.

"I know, I know but test after test each day is tiring. I'll go back now if you want, take the bus or something," Naruto said a bit annoyed with himself that he sounded like a whiny brat. On the other end he could hear murmuring or the sounds of telephones ringing. His father must be at work already.

"No, stay home, I heard there seems to be some kind of problem downtown. Tomorrow, though, you are going to school. No exceptions. Be grateful your mother asked me to call you because she is dealing with a client at work. Take care son," Minato said finally in defeat. The line went dead after that. His father must have been busy too judging from the hushed voices in the background. Naruto truly caused everyone trouble but he was a rebellious teenager and his parents were lenient to some extent.

Naruto went back to being a couch potato, switching the channel to the local news channel. Like always there was a story about a murder, a car accident, busted drug dealers, or immigration issues. "Reports of bitten victims are increasing. These strange incidents are growing rapidly in the US alone. Scientists and doctors say it may be rabies but until now, the cause remains unsure. CDC*claims the chances of infection are growing to become an epidemic and are asking bitten victims to call their number or contact the local hospitals for assistance. Symptoms include swollen eyes, aggressiveness, prone to violence, and loss of control…." Naruto switched the channel again. If people were being bitten, shouldn't animal control do something about it? People nowadays never think.

"Judgment day has come!" yelled a woman on the TV. Yeah and I'm the Dali Lama, Naruto thought a grin forming on his face. People were getting worked up for nothing. What's a couple of cases with bitten victims? So far nothing bad from what Naruto heard but somehow he had an unsettling feeling about it. Less than a few weeks had passed since news reached Texas about people getting bit by an unknown animal or so the news claimed an animal was the cause of this infection.

He switched the channel again – might as well watch cartoons than listen to people debate about the infection. Suddenly the alarms started ringing. The alarms used for tornado warnings echoed from house to house. They were probably testing the alarms as a routine but Naruto was aware that alarms weren't scheduled to test during the fall season. His cell was ringing again. Inuzuka Kiba, his best friend was calling him. Kiba was at his home, not too far from his, since he had two days of detention remaining and his mother prohibited him leaving the house during this time as part of his punishment.

"Hey dude, the alarms are ringing," Kiba said excitedly and stating the obvious. The poor sod must have been bored to death as well if he found emergency alarms exciting.

"No shit Sherlock. Kiba, don't tell me you are getting paranoid," Naruto teased. Kiba mumbled something that sounded like "fucking blond dumbass".

"Me, scared? Yeah right," Kiba replied snorting. "I was thinking this gives me an excuse to go over then we can play video games." Leave it to Kiba to go against his grounding. His mother knew her son ignored her punishment and by this point, Mrs. Inuzuka wouldn't be the least surprised.

"Fine, but don't go off blaming me," Naruto said grinning. On the other end, Kiba responded with a "Whatever", before hanging up. Naruto wouldn't dare admit that Kiba's company may ease the unsettling feeling that came over him. He felt slightly nervous just waiting for Kiba to arrive at his door. Ten minutes passed, the alarms still blaring, and Kiba was nowhere in his line of sight as Naruto peeked out the window. The streets were empty, well nowadays there were less neighbors to bother as some recently moved out without a particular reason. Half an hour passed and still no signs of Kiba anywhere near his block. What the hell is he doing? Maybe Akamaru needed to take care of doggy business. He was about to close the window blinds when he saw a figure running down the street.

Naruto quickly rushed out the front door and into his porch. No doubt it was Kiba carrying Akamaru. One of the fastest in their class, Kiba was a few feet away from him in seconds. The boy was out of breath and Akamaru whimpered. "What took you so long?" Naruto asked.

"In-Inside….let's talk inside." There was something about the manner in which Kiba said those words that chilled Naruto to the core. Or was his friend playing a prank on him? No, even Akamaru appeared shaken up by whatever happened out there. Strangely, there were no people running to their cars or even sign of life. Only the sirens echoed tauntingly. Kiba collapsed on the couch and Akamaru licked his face as some form of consolation.

"Look Kiba, I hate pranks like these! Tell me what the fuck is going on!" Naruto demanded and he could hardly help to plead for some form of answer.

"So-Someone…tried to break…into my house," Kiba explained in broken sentences. Now that was news. Their neighborhood had a low crime rate and anyone would be insane trespassing on the Inuzuka's property as they owned trained dogs. One bite could turn nasty. "Hana went out with some friends and she took her dog but the rest were outside in the yard. When I heard a crash in the kitchen, I was freaked out when Akamaru began to whine and the other dogs were nowhere in sight. Were they killed? I don't know….I don't know…shit." Kiba ran his hand through his hair in some form of frustration. Naruto didn't scare easily but Kiba was serious – he would never joke about his dogs that way.

"Did you call the police?" Naruto asked trying to maintain calm but his voice betrayed him. Kiba sighed shaking his head.

"Dude, I heard moaning coming from the kitchen. Who the fuck sticks around to face the intruder with no weapons nearby? Not me, I want to live," Kiba said chuckling nervously. As much as Kiba liked to spar with Naruto, it was for sport not for hurting others unless need be and Kiba wasn't one to run away even from an intruder. "Yes, I called the police, I may have flunked once but I'm not stupid. They placed me on hold and that's when I saw him. Looked like he was ready to die so I ran out of the house and called Hana and Mom…both of them wouldn't answer so fuck it, I finally came here."

"The news is getting to you Kiba. I'll call my Dad so he can clear this up," Naruto said smiling. His father's work wasn't high status but he had many connections to law enforcement. The call went through but the phone went unanswered, by the fifth time, Naruto groaned in desperation his father refused to pick up or was busy. He dialed his mother but she too, wouldn't answer the phone. Kiba was now sitting on the couch flipping through the channels his body relaxed but from the sharp reactions; Naruto knew his friend still had his adrenaline coursing through his body.

"They won't answer. 'Call us when there's an emergency!' Seriously what's the point if they don't pick up? We'll have to wait until Dad gets home," Naruto said taking his place on the couch. There wasn't much they could do for the burglar situation but wait for Minato to arrive home. The boys tried to distract themselves from thinking of the break-in, of how lucky Kiba was to have not been chased by the burglar, or of the infection the TV spoke about often. Each suggested new ideas of passing the time from video games to racing Akamaru around the house. They hadn't notice night fall or the fact it was way past the time their parents came home from work. There was no text back from Hana or anyone they knew for that matter.

"Dad's never late…if he is he calls and Mom does too," Naruto said checking his phone again in hopes of a flashing missed call or incoming text awaited him. Kiba lived with both his older sister and mother but his family too left messages if one was going somewhere. Heck, not even their friends at school sent them a text message or called them about what they missed in school. The school didn't even call to announce Naruto's absence and even the alarms had stopped ringing a few minutes ago.

"Let's just chill, they're grown adults," Kiba finally replied taking out a deck of cards from Naruto's drawer. He agreed with Kiba. Maybe they were over thinking and worrying too much. Neither of them knew when they left from the living room to Naruto's room, they were exhausted from waiting, from worrying, and they allowed sleep to claim them with Akamaru sleeping nearby.

Naruto, even to this day, can't recall what or who woke him up. Perhaps it had been the alarms blaring again, Akamaru's barking, the sound of screams, windows breaking, or maybe his intuition woke him. He sat up startled by the sudden yank from his strange dream to an even stranger reality. Kiba groaned and whined for Akamaru to be quiet and rolled over on his stomach. Sleep still clung to Naruto as he slipped out of his bed reaching for his phone. No missed calls. Shit. He suddenly stood frozen as he realized the sounds he woke to. "Kiba!" He shouted shaking his friend awake.

"Five more minutes," Kiba growled burying his head into the pillow. Akamaru saw the reluctance in his master's behavior and in one command from Naruto, he bit Kiba's leg. "What the!" Kiba yelled fully awake now messaging his leg.

"You need to look at this," Naruto said his voice low now. Kiba got up slowly joining Naruto at the window wishing this was a dream. The streets were scattered with personal belongings, with blood, people were screaming nearby, alarms blared, and not one police man was in sight.

"Shit… Turn on the news," Kiba explained in broken sentences. Naruto wanted to argue he'd had about enough of bullshit spewing from the national news but he decided against it. He scrambled for the remote to his own TV in his room. Cartoons suddenly became downtown Dallas, a burning downtown Dallas. Cars were stuck in traffic, people were running in the streets screaming, and that was only the beginning of the chaotic scene.

The news anchor spoke in a frantic tone. "Buildings are on total lockdown until the source of infection is cleared. Downtown is now a zone of Quarantine, police are saying no one is to leave without a thorough search and tests from doctors. People are in great panic to rush home to loved ones as the infection spreads throughout the city. As unbelievable as this may sound but people are claiming those infected by being bitten are rising from the dead."

Naruto nearly dropped the remote. Rising from the dead? Were these news anchors high! You would expect this from a cheap horror film but real life? The camera angled changed to another street where police were rushing out of their cars shooting at withering people. A fire engulfed a building as people rushed out of there with fear clear in their eyes. "Zombies? Their stupid excuse is zombies? Someone really needs to stop watching Night of the Living Dead.

"Naruto…" Kiba began but he was cut off by Naruto continuing his rant.

"This infection has gone too far! Call it rabies for heaven's sake but zombies…really!" Naruto was scared. He knew Kiba was aware of this. To suddenly come to this, an outbreak driving downtown Dallas to absolute chaos, he found it comical how it resembled a horror film. At the moment he played the star role of the main character that chose to deny such existence. Zombies didn't exist no matter how much of a horror enthusiast he was.

"Naruto! Fuck man! Look at the fucking TV and tell me if that thing chasing people is a human! Huh!" Kiba yelled beginning to lose his cool. A scene of a sickly man with sunken eye sockets, gray skin, intestines hanging out, his arms outstretched trying to grasp anything breathing, and his bloodcurdling moans were anything an infected person should look like. Those clouded eyes weren't the indication the man was dead…god…his body suffered fatal wounds yet he kept moving even when police shot him down, he still moved with no pain or agony expressed in his eyes.

"Christ…" Now it wasn't just one moaning man reaching for the crowd, but many more others with the same gray dull skin. The fear reflecting off of the eyes of people were the only indication this was no joke.

"The man who broke in…he looked like them…one of those things could have gotten me. What are we supposed to do now?" Kiba's home faced downtown and you could make out the buildings from his home but Naruto lived between houses that blocked his view of the city. How could he possibly know what to do? Shit like this isn't supposed to happen.

"Our parents are still out there Kiba," Naruto said quickly snatching his phone from the table. Fear overwhelmed him, his heart racing knowing his father worked in downtown and his mother worked as a school teacher in another neighborhood. They were beyond his reach.

"I know but if those things are already attacking downtown, I mean the person trying to break in could have been one of them. We need to get the fuck out of here Naruto! We need to find our parents or a safe place to meet them." Logical thinking was thrown out the window. Family came first to both of them and if they had to travel infested streets with lurking infected, then so be it. Naruto quickly dialed his father's number hoping he'd found some kind of safety. "The number you have dialed is out of service." No! Out of service?

"We can't go to downtown," Naruto said in defeat. Determination, if he had any at that moment, only would allow them to travel so far. Neither of them knew what to do than rely on the cheesy zombie films they've seen for entertainment. Who know how much of the myth applied to reality…and killing…they never thought about that either. Their parents were trapped in buildings probably crawling with those monsters and here they were standing dumbfounded in a secured home.

"Why not? Anything is possible Naruto! You can't just give up on me man!" Kiba retorted no longer hiding the fact he was frightened beyond belief or the fact he wished nothing more than to see his mother and sister.

"I know that! Downtown is a war zone right now, walking there is suicide! We need to stay here and come up with a plan of some sort. Find weapons and reinforce the house is our main priority," Naruto yelled back his own fear drawing out his quick temper. Desperate brown eyes glanced from the window to Naruto.

"Sorry…yeah you're right. I'm just…you know." Naruto nodded in understanding. Their family's safety filled them with more fears than zombies breaking in to the house. They changed into comfortable clothing, jeans and t-shirts also wearing sneakers in case they needed to run.

"There's a bookcase in the living room we can move to block the windows," Naruto said hurrying downstairs knowing what precious time they had before the infected came knocking at his door was limited or even over in seconds. Both teens rushed back to the living room, cooperating to push the bookcase against two windows facing the front yard. Akamaru barked towards the kitchen. 'Fuck the back door!' Naruto dashed to the kitchen hearing banging from outside. "Shit! Kiba, go down to the basement and find anything we can use as weapons!" The dining chairs may buy them time to think of a plan and without a second thought; Naruto pushed the wooden chair against the doorknob of the backdoor. Can zombies use doors? He'd rather not find out. Kiba appeared again pale holding a baseball bat he found and a steel pipe Minato promised he'd get rid of soon.

"I can hear them outside! They are scratching at the small windows," Kiba said panicking that they were already outnumbered. Forget reinforcing the house, they had to leave and fast. The problem was where would they go? Naruto decided it was best to worry about that later.

"Bat or pipe take your pick Kiba." Hardly believing he even considered using a weapon against another human being or something that been human was, Kiba chose the pipe his hands trembling. Naruto gripped the bat tightly in his hands swinging it a few times to test his swing. He'd been a baseball star once but those days were long and gone. "Go upstairs and grab my backpack we'll be using it for carrying our resources," Naruto ordered already looking through the shelves in search of canned food and non perishable food they could use later. Who knew how long they might need to travel to reach a sanctuary. Kiba came back with the backpack leaving a spiral, their cell phones, a few pens, and their Ipods inside.

"Waters…waters…" Naruto muttered his mind racing as he tried to recall where his mother placed the pack of water bottles. He found them behind the table and took the only ones that were left. Kiba packed away the canned food, he searched for cereal they could use to eat. There was no dog food for Akamaru but they'd manage by feeding him some of their own. A health kit…he was sure his mother had one in the bathroom. Kiba wasted no time retrieving a first aid kit from the bathroom along with some antiseptics and some pain killers. Clothes! The backpack was still sort of light and packing too much clothes would slow them down.

"Borrow some of mine," Naruto explained as they went back upstairs to his room dumping an extra pair of clothes. Clothes they could easily move around with. He also packed two jackets for each of them as the nights grew chilly. There was nothing else they could use as weapons in his house but Naruto wrote a note to his parents in his messy handwriting that they had to leave the house and that he was with Kiba. A window broke, a door creaked, and moans filled the house. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Naruto took one last glance at his home, before opening the window from his room and letting Kiba (with Akamaru clinging to his shirt) go out first. As he was setting the first foot out on the roof, a rattling sound made him turn his head. They were already trying to gain entrance inside his room. He quickly got out and closed the window shut setting the mixed emotions of being terrorized out of his own house aside.

"What now?" Kiba asked.

"We jump on the roofs," Naruto replied simply. The roofs weren't more than a few feet apart but they were dangerous as they were slanted and losing footing sent you tumbling down with a sprained ankle or head concussion. Kiba gave him a bewildered look but there were no other options. The streets were crawling with limping figures of infected. Naruto found them horrifying as they swarmed into his front door, the ghastly moans filling the air contributing to the sense of appending doom.

"I'll jump first." Naruto walked carefully towards the edge pretending he was playing a game. If he fell, game over. Don't look down. His eyes lingered into the neighbor's yard, the dull grey figures scraping the door their arms reaching for anything living and breathing. He took in a deep breath before taking a few step backwards then running at full speed with the bat in his hand launching his body off the roof into another. His stomach collided with the raspy material of the next roof but he couldn't help but laugh at how scared he was knowing his life was at stake. Kiba followed his steps but his landing almost sent him toppling off of the roof.

"Shit…that was…shit," Kiba said attempting to find the words appropriate for his adrenaline rush.

"I know but we need to move now!" Naruto screamed when he turned to reveal a sight of zombies that finally succeeded breaking into his room and out the window. One at a time they jumped from roof to roof as the infected followed from below their wounded hands outstretched upwards as if saying they were ready for them to fall. Each roof they passed they heard the haunting moans, the shrieks coming from their neighbors, and the sounds of gunfire. Families were being invaded and they couldn't help. The further they traveled the more the terror unveiled as there were no roofs left to jump on for safety only the streets below.

"Oh god!" Kiba cursed as he regained his balance on the last roof. Naruto would see the hands reaching from below, the zombies trying to find a way to climb, a way to reach their prey. The ones who had broken into his room were now on his roof but toppled over as they could not jump. The relief spread hoping with the small time they had could be used to think of a way to safety.

"Where do we go?" Kiba asked looking around for a clear path of some sort. Naruto wasn't the brightest in the world but he always had an answer even if the answer made no sense. He didn't have an answer. There were no relatives he could call for help or cars to use.

"I don't know…I don't know Kiba." He hoped whatever they both decided, led to survival. Once he woke to this nightmare, the moment he realized his life hanged by a thread, Naruto saw to it that he would survive. No, he, Kiba, and Akamaru will survive.

Denver, Colorado

Sasuke Uchiha found mornings a depressing matter to be avoided. He disliked waking up in the wee hours of the morning to attend the University. Going to classes were meaningless, he already found himself ahead of most of the other students. Lately the population of his class began to decrease as the news blared with news of a growing epidemic within the United States. Sasuke hardly heeded warnings from fellow classmates who were packing up from their dorms leaving to their families spreading stupid rumors of those infected died and rose from the dead. He was a college student not some naïve teenager who poisoned the minds of other classmates of childish things like zombies. Halloween may be around the corner but pranks were of little amusement to him. There were a few cases of infection in Denver and his local area but the victims were bitten, as far as other information, the press released no news of "zombies".

Sasuke had to chuckle at the mere word. Silly. Few students roamed the hallways whispering the latest campus gossip of who slept with who. Even Sasuke was well informed of petty affairs between his peers but he ignored the girls giggling when he walked into the cafeteria for some breakfast. His campus was large with about six buildings all for dorms. He inhabited the east dorms which were the closest to the campus classrooms. Deciding on a simple breakfast he paid for his coffee and pancakes, taking an empty seat in front of the TV people were starting to crowd around once the channel was switched to the local news.

"Oh my god," a girl gasped her hands now pressed against her mouth in horror. The guys tensed or embraced girls who were for some reason were on the verge of tears. Sasuke shook his head wondering what on Earth led them to react so dramatically. A newscaster frantically relayed information when she was interrupted by the President.

"My fellow Americans, the issue of the infection can no longer go ignored. I swore to never lie to the citizens of this country and I keep my word even now. The infection is spread through bites of the host instantly killing the victim, yes that alone is a problem our scientists wish to know the solution and cure to, but the disturbing part is…" The President paused trying to recollect himself. "Those bitten arise again from the dead. They become violent without reason…." Sasuke scoffed no longer able to handle this bullshit. Congress must be high on something for believing the shit people spread about zombies.

The screen was split with the President speaking and scenes of different cities and states burning, people running in fear, and massive chaos as figures followed them closely behind, their hands reaching for the crowds. They were humans chasing humans or it seemed so at first glance until Sasuke noticed the chasers had sunken eyes, their eyes clouded, hair falling out, bruised and wounded, missing an arm, bullet holes here and there, skin grey, and moans erupting from their dried lips. 'What the fuck…' Sasuke hadn't noticed he'd dropped his knife on the floor and now stood up his eyes focused on the television like the rest of those who were inside the cafeteria. More horrific scenes unraveled as a whole town burned to the ground and those creatures kept walking or crawling even when a man shot them enough to over kill a person.

Some of the crowd around the TV snorted or shook their heads thinking their government a joke over a serious matter. Sasuke looked down at his breakfast, he lost his appetite. A few girls were trembling in fear unsure of how to react to the news. Was it a Halloween joke gone wrong? Either that or it was a biological terror spreading through the States and infecting people with ridiculous ideas like zombies. He wanted out. Sasuke slipped past the crowd his mind set to skip class that day. With all the mayhem going on and people scared as they were on 9/11. Sasuke found this as a rare opportunity to skip class (as if they had anything important to cover).

His dorm was upstairs but the thought of sitting in his chair with his laptop as his only entertainment seemed boring at the time and maybe his lazy roommate might be there sleeping the afternoon away. Sasuke decided against staying inside even if the weather was cool. Some students were getting into their cars or on their cell phones frantically trying to get in contact with relatives hoping to get a clearer picture of what was going on. Were the buses running? They weren't, as one passed flashing "Out of Service". He groaned as he didn't own a car.

Sasuke walked towards the next building of dorms wanting to take a shortcut to the main office. He wanted answers on or at least what the Professors were suggesting. Nothing would be solved if he panicked. Minutes later he found himself in the heart of the campus, in a nice walkway as students were running and speaking in frantic tones but none knew what to do. He kept walking keeping to himself not wanting to involve himself with anyone else. He was distracted in deep thought he bumped into a professor, but not just any professor.

"In a hurry, Sasuke?" The uninterested tone was a dead giveaway and those teasing eyes could only belong to Professor Hatake.

"Not really," Sasuke replied back noticing his teacher wasn't wearing his school attire then again Kakashi was never one to follow the rules. Kakashi smiled, grabbing him by the hand already pulling him away from a group of students rushing to class.

"Good, let's take a nice walk." It wasn't a request or offer leaving Sasuke with no escape. He couldn't say he disliked or liked Kakashi but he was probably the only student who Kakashi found worth his while. The only factor odd or strange was how Kakashi, even though he kept his secret smile plastered on his face, there was an urgency radiating from the grip of Sasuke's arm. He was dragged without a single complaint all the way to his dorm once again.

"You call this a walk?" Sasuke asked messaging his hand once Kakashi released him.

"We used both legs and crossed half the campus, yes, it was a nice walk. More importantly, has Itachi called you at all or your parents?" Were they talking about the weather? Kakashi sure made it seem unimportant the way he calmly asked but Sasuke knew Kakashi never mentioned Itachi unless he meant to prove or point something out. And his parents…well they were in Japan so with different time zones and such, Sasuke hardly talked to them.

"They haven't. Itachi is busy on a business trip in Dallas," Sasuke answered shrugging his shoulders. Really he worried more about his tomato plant upstairs than his family. He transferred to study abroad in America as did Itachi but now and then he would return to Japan. Kakashi's smile disappeared, a grim face now lost in thought until he sighed. "Is there something wrong? You can't possibly believe the shit spewing from the President?"

"Sasuke, there is a fine line between government lies and actual warnings. Have you noticed how planes have stopped flying as frequently? The Denver airport is in shambles with this massive panic. The increase in this so called rabies infection has caused panic but Denver has only a few cases. I would suggest meeting Itachi in Dallas as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling about all of this," Kakashi said rubbing his temples. Sasuke expected Kakashi to agree with him about all the silliness, about how the President made himself a fool in front of the entire country, and how this all seemed surreal. He was surprised Itachi was included in the equation.

"Why? I'm staying in Colorado, Itachi doesn't need my help," Sasuke replied wanting now nothing more than slip under his covers and sleep away this chaos.

"Itachi called me a few weeks ago to bring you to Dallas in case anything happened. I was skeptical of course, thinking he was having a brother complex, but Itachi never asks or does anything without reason. We should go now before the high ways fill up," Kakashi said his voice cool, stern, and for once, Sasuke felt inferior to the man. Everything was wrong. The way Kakashi frowned, his voice, his clothes, his eyes, and stepping beyond the boundaries of teacher and student. Itachi and Kakashi were good friends even if Kakashi was older than Itachi, he never went against Itachi's word.

"Fine," Sasuke finally said crossing his arms. "But, you don't actually believe the zombie nonsense?" Kakashi chuckled.

"Sasuke, there are a lot of things I don't believe in."

-*Credits – American high schools use credits or points taken from each course of each semester that you must accumulate up to a certain number in order to graduate. If you fail the semester of one class, the points don't count. If you have so many absences, the points may not count either.

*CDC – Center of Disease Control

* Rec room – Recreation room. Kind of like a living room in dorms but with entertainment (tvs, pool tables, couches, etc) for students.

AN: Fast paced, I know and this is only the beginning. Yes, this is SasuNaru and yes the two will meet soon. The rest of the characters will tie in together later. It does seem like it would take zombies a while to break in a home, but Naruto's home and neighborhood is close to a highly infected area. Btw, this is no beta-ed so you'll see a few mistakes which of course are all me. Comments? :)