Kyoukatsu (Blackmail)

AN: Ehehehe... (shifty eyes) I shoooould be working on other fics... but this bitch has been on my mind for a whiiile. xD;;; Oh well :3 This is, obviously, my first DC fic D: So I hope it's okay! But eh. I have about... tenish chapters of this all typed out? About that :3;;;

Beta: Daisuke Kazamatsuri


Anyways! 8D Let's get reading, shall we?

Disclaimer: I would LOVE to own Kaito! ^^ And yet I don't D: I only own this idear and what not.

Prologue: Revealed

Secrets: kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged; a mystery.

Everyone has at least one secret that they want never to get out. Some secrets are bigger than others, sure, but they're secrets nonetheless. Secrets can vary from taking a few dollars from your sister without her knowing, to lying about being single, to… I don't know, being afraid of fish or something silly like that.

Depending on the situation, a secret being revealed might not cause the end of the world as you know it. Your sister finds out you stole a few dollars from her? She makes you pay her back, with slight interest. Your girlfriend finds out your married? You're suddenly single. Your childhood friend finds out you're terrified of fish? …Ahem. I believe you get the idea.

However, it is also very true that if a secret is made public, it might just turn your whole world upside down. Your boss finds out you never finished high school, ruining your career, the bank finds out everyone of your checks have bounced, you loose all your money… that damn fish on the river side scaring you half to death.

If one were to have a large and powerful secret, it's only natural that, if said secret were reveled, it would have a large and powerful backlash. The same can be said of small secrets with small backlashes.

Hmm, I wonder what the consequence would be if my secret became public knowledge?

Nah. Not gonna happen anytime soon. No need to worry about that right now.

Those are thoughts reserved for a more dire situation. Which, if luck holds out, will never happen.

A faint laugh echoed throughout the confined walls of the vault, the only other sound in the room a quiet clicking of metal against metal. Police sirens rang in the distance, causing the laughter to increase slightly in volume. Nakamori-keibu still couldn't tell the difference between Kid and a dummy after all this time.

"You'd think he'd learn by now." The Phantom Thief said, finally getting the lock on the display case open, freeing bright blue gem. "I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks, even if the trick is as old as the dog. Oh well. Makes my job all the easier." A sigh escaped his lips as he snatched the blue gem up, pocketing it instantly. "But where is the fun in that?"

"Bored with your games already, Kid?" a voice said from behind the white clad thief. The slight frown gracing Kaito's lips turned into a wide grin as he turned around to his near mirror image. "Or does the Task Force no longer meet your expectations?" the other boy asked, a smirk identical to Kaito's on his face. Kaito's grin could only widen as he held out his arms in a grand motion, not affected at all at being caught in the act. The thief expected nothing less from Kudo Shinichi.

"Ah, Tantei-kun! Right on time! I see you were able to decipher my riddle, as usual?" Kaito replied, still holding his arms out to the side. "Tell me, how quickly were you able to figure out my message? Was it too easy? Too difficult? Tell me so that I am able to make the games more enjoyable!" the Thief declared, a glint of mischief in his eyes at his own words.

"Heh." Shinichi let out a slight chuckle, closing his eyes for a moment before his gaze was quickly returned to the Phantom Thief. "Neither. It was exactly what I would expect from the Great Kaitou Kid." These words caused Kaito's smirk to turn into a prideful smile.

"Why thank you, Tantei-kun!" Kaito exclaimed, bowing towards the other before quickly standing up straight once more. "A magician always loves to get feedback from his audience! Admittedly, I am slightly disappointed that the riddle was, as you so kindly put it, 'expected'. I guess I'm going to have to try harder to catch you off guard, eh, Tantei-kun?" the thief declared with a wink, causing a faint blush to appear on Shinichi's cheeks.

"Are you going to hand over the gem, Kid, or are we going to continue on with your game?" Shinichi asked, quickly regaining his composure. That mischievous smirk once again appeared on Kaito's lips, a glint appearing in his eyes as well.

"Why quit now when we've only just gotten to the best part!" Kaito said excitement clear in his voice. There was no way he would stop the heist now, even if he knew if this gem was not Pandora. Shinichi was the only one that could give Kaito a challenge anymore, give his heists a little more spark. If there was a way to prolong his heists when Shinichi was there, he would go out of his way to do it. Games were never fun if everything went according to plan. "What good is a game if there is no challenge at the end, Tantei-kun?"

"I was hoping you would say something like that, Kid." Shinichi replied, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"Then, let the games commence!" The thief announced confetti and streamers suddenly popped open in front of Shinichi. The detective covered his face from the colorful paper, flinching to keep it out of his eyes. Party favors from hidden contraptions? Typical Kaitou Kid. Shinichi quickly pulled his arm down, only to discover the thief was gone. He quickly looked around, trying to figure out where Kaito had gone, his blue eyes scanning over the room for any trap doors, seeing as how he was standing in the middle of the only entrance to the room.

"There!" Shinichi said, seeing a slight flutter of movement towards the back of the room. The detective's legs quickly took him to the spot, where Shinichi instantly saw that there was a window in the room, cleverly hidden from view by a sheet the same color as the walls. Shinichi yanked the sheet away, the window open wide enough for a person to squeeze through. The brunette stuck his head out the window, noticing that there was a fire escape right under the small opening. This was, without a doubt, where the Phantom Thief had gone.

Sticking one leg out the window and onto the fire escape, Shinichi was soon taking off after the white clad thief, hoping that his legs were fast enough to catch the other teen.

Luckily for the detective, the room where the gem had been kept was towards the top of the building, so Shinichi didn't have to climb much higher before reaching the roof. Once on the roof, Shinichi quickly glanced around the area, looking for the Kaitou.

It was only a few seconds before Shinichi's eyes landed on his rival. Kid was on the other side of the roof, his silk cape blowing in the wind behind him. Kaito had not yet noticed Shinichi, holding up the newly stolen gem to the moonlight. After standing like that for a few moments, Kaito let out a sigh and once more pocketed the gem, a slight look of disappointment on his face.

"Not shiny enough for you, Kid?" Shinichi said with a smirk as he made his way over to the Kaitou. The thief turned around, mirroring the others smirk with one of his own.

"Not exactly, Tantei-kun." Kaito replied his poker face back in place, but his eyes still showing slight disappointment. What he was disappointed about, however, Shinichi didn't know. Maybe that his heist was over far too soon for the thief's liking? Possibly, but Shinichi was convinced there was another reason.

Before Kaito could say anymore, loud banging echoed throughout the building, causing both teens to jump slightly. After a few more bangs, Nakamori's voice rang out clear as day. The Task Force must have finally realized that Kaito was back at the designated spot, whereas the Kaitou they were following was nothing more than a dummy.

"It looks like your time is up, Kaitou Kid." Shinichi said a slight sadness in his tone. He rather enjoyed Kid's heists. They were exciting, to say the least. Kaito tipped his hat slightly towards Shinichi, a sad smirk on his lips.

"That it is, Tantei-kun." Kaito replied. "But do not fret! For there shall be another show for us to take part in soon enough!" And before Shinichi could form a sentence, Kaito jumped off the building, still looking at the detective.

Shinichi sprinted towards the edge of the roof, knowing full well that Kaito would be fine. The thief usually ended a heist with jumping off of something. Looking down slightly, before looking up towards the moon, Shinichi saw the white clad figure of his rival/friend flying off on his hang glider.

Right at that moment, Nakamori and his men burst through the roof door, letting out cries of displeasure as they watched Kaito fly away, Shinichi watching as well.

"Damn that thief! I'll catch him next time! I swear it!" Nakamori shouted towards the moon, his face full of determination. A smile made its way onto Shinichi's lips as he heard the older man yell out.

He had been saying that for a while, after all. And Kid was still free as a bird.

Kuroba Kaito let out a sigh as he made his way up towards his home, cracking his neck slightly as he did. That heist had ended far too quickly for his liking, and thus, he had been left with a little extra energy. To blow off some steam, he'd decided to go out for a quick walk and enjoy the clear night, full moon still high in the sky. The thief put his hands behind his head, looking up at the cloud free sky.

Another heist, another meeting with Kudo Shinichi. At the thought of the other teen, an affectionate smile made its way onto his lips. The detective always made the heists that more exciting. No one else was able to keep up with his riddles, his tricks, his mysterious words. But Shinichi was able to keep up with every little trick and riddle, was able to keep up with Kaito. No one had been able to do that since Kaito first took the position of Kaitou Kid.

Kaito was so lost in his thoughts of Shinichi and future heists, that he failed to notice that the lights in his house, which he knew he left on so he didn't crash into anything on his return home, were now off. This would be no concern, if not for Kaito's mother being off on some trip again, leaving Kaito all alone.

"I'm hom-" Kaito started his routine self welcome upon entering his house, but cut himself off when he finally noticed all the lights off. He glanced around the house, slowly and quietly shutting the door. The thief let his eyes adjust to the darkness before walking forward a little more. After taking two or so steps into his house, Kaito noticed that the only light on in the house was the kitchen light. Creating no noise, Kaito made his way over to the kitchen, slowly peering inside the room.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the kitchen. Kaito let out a quiet sigh, relaxing his guard ever so slightly. As he ventured further into the kitchen, something on the table caught his eye. The thief made his way over and noticed that there was a note on it. He picked it up, his eyes skimming over the words, his face paling as he finished reading.

"We know who you are, Kaitou Kid. We'll be in touch, real soon. Count on it.

-The Black Organization."

Hmm, I wonder what the consequence would be if my secret became public knowledge?

Nah. Not gonna happen anytime soon. No need to worry about that right now.

Those are thoughts reserved for a more dire situation. Which, if luck holds out, will never happen.

Never say never, as they say.

Angel: Well? :3 Like it? Hate it? Want me to kill it with fire? O_O (Please not that last one!) Anyways, I would love to hear what you all have to say about this! ^^ Review? Please? :3 It makes me a happy writer and motivates me to write more~ (That and my damned beta who'll kill me if I don't write ^^;;; )

Anyways! XD Like I said at the start, I have a lot already written out :3 But instead of posting all at once I've decided to post... eh? Once every two weeks? ;D So I'll see you all in two Sundays! Sound fair? Good 83

Review please!
