Junjo Romantica/Terrorist/Egoist [a little junjo in halloween terror.]

A stalker has been appearing all around the news. Everyone has a reason to worry. The man has killed and raped before. But that was 5 years ago. Why again now? what is this man's motives? The Junjo characters face dangers, from being shot at, to being killers themselves? Character death(s?).

A STALKING HORROR. -inspired by a dream. for a friend.

Chapter One: Stalker in Town.

"So professor Miyagi, how is Shinobu doing? I let him live near you is my understanding. I thought I'd be a great compromise, knowing he's under the watchful eye of a great man!" Exclaimed the dean as he patted Miyagi on the back.

"R-right. He's doing fine. He's very excited. Though I drop by in case he ever needs anything," muttered Miyagi sheepishly as he raised the coffee pot and poured some into his mug. The two were in the lunch room of the school, on a Saturday morning. Miyagi had come in to work on grading papers and looking over some essays. Another professor came in now, holding a newspaper. The two turned to him, he seemed in distraught.

"You guys! Have you heard on the news? The neighborhood has become dangerous!" Exclaimed the man as he handed the dean a newspaper. The dean and Miyagi read it, it must be of some importance the way the man seemed worried.

Man seen trying to lure women in car

Police have been receiving reports of a strange middle-aged man forcibly pulling women from ages 13-28 into his vehicle and sexually assaulting them on a particular street near M University. The reports started to pour in about a week ago and have mounted up to 19 cases so far. Apparently, he reclines against car, and stares into the crowd, when he catches someone in sight, he immediately gets in the driver's seat, yanks open the car door and pulls women inside. No weapons on him have been confirmed. The farthest he's ever gone was fondling women, some have told us. None have been raped. Police also suspect he stalks some till they arrive in the particular street, which is covered by thick leaved trees, making it the ideal place to attack some might say. He is of about in his late 30s or early 40s, with black, short, spiky hair and drives a dark blue vehicle. No suspects have been confirmed.

"So what?" Says Miyagi. He returns back to fixing his coffee. The other two stare into him surprised.

"But Miyagi, this is serious! This man could-"

"All those women have to worry about is having some guy accompany them or be in a small crowd to make this guy less likely to make a move. Besides, he hasn't used a weapon, even safer! That solves your problem. No need to make a huge deal about it," said Miyagi putting it in cold logic. The other two just stood there.

"Well I have to go check on some papers. See you two later." He walked off into the hallway.

"Dammit! Stupid guy," mumbled Miyagi to himself as he slumped his head on his desk, taking a pause from correcting his papers. He couldn't get that predator out of his mind.

Why am I worrying about this guy? I have nothing to worry about; I have no daughter or girlfriend.

Then he realized something and face palmed himself.

Dammit! I should hear my own advice! The very girls that are going to be freaking about that predator are going to probably use Shinobu as the 'guy' to accompany them to make them feel safe!

"Society sucks," he said as he turned to look at the clock on the wall. 3:57.

Well its almost time to pick him up. Better get everything packed.

Miyagi started to slide things into his leather briefcase and folders, when his door slammed open. An angry assistant stomped inside and angrily sat on the couches in the center of the room, crossing his arms with cross written all over his face. Miyagi smiled to himself, seeing a potential stress-reliever.

"So Kamijo, what happened this time?" Smiled Miyagi turning to Hiroki. Hiroki growled a little, turning his angry face to the opposite side.

"I take it you've heard about that damn predator?" He grumbled.

"Let me guess, your boyfriend is worried about you becoming a potential victim?" He laughed a little.

"NO! He's encouraging me to help any of the female students to walk by the damn street. Its right in front of the freaking campus! I'm sure a police officer should do that! I would think he'd worry about me and not some sniveling bi-!"

"Woah woah Kamijo! Calm yourself!" Said Miyagi as he stood behind Hiroki and started rubbing his shoulders as a poor excuse to relieve the red-head's building anger.

"It's just that-! It's just that . . . ."

Oh boy, I know what's going on. He's upset the guy never thought of Kamijo possibly being victimized or something. I mean, the criminal is only stalking girls so far, but I guess in a dark sense its kind of romantic to have someone worry about your safety, even if you're a guy.

"I know I'm loyal and everything, but did he ever consider that maybe I might . . . . you know . . ?" Mumbled Hiroki embarrassed as his face grew red.

"Well, maybe he did, but he thought, because you're so tough and such a pain, you wouldn't have a problem fending off the guy and plus you're so loyal, your loyal-ness would fuel you from being raped or anything!

" Miyagi said trying to cheer up Hiroki.

" . . . . ," Hiroki didn't say anything.

"Maybe he knew I wouldn't let you go outside by yourself cause I'm such a great friend!" Miyagi exclaimed in a panic seeing Hiroki wasn't saying anything.

"Heh, he must have thought so," said Hiroki smiling to himself, the anger disappearing from his face.

Kid you owe me one! Said Miyagi to himself as he patted Hiroki on the back now.

"That's my Kamijo! C'mon, you're done in the classroom right? Let's go for a quick bite to eat if you're not busy! Or if you are, I'll drive you home!" Laughed Miyagi as Hiroki got up.

"Sure, let me just get my things from the other room," said Hiroki as he walked out of the room. Miyagi sighed satisfied by his good deed. As he waited for Hiroki to return, he sat on the couch in the middle of the room. He looked around and saw the TV remote right next to him.

Won't hurt to watch a little news I guess. Plus if they mention any of that predator crap, there's no way anything serious can happen!

Miyagi pointed the remote at a small television on top of a desk, surrounded by mountains of paperwork and books and clicked it on. Immediately, he saw the image of the school from a sky-view of a helicopter. He sat up shocked, at the bottom of the screen read 'Campus shoot-out'. Before he had time to yell for Kamijo to come see, a male reporter's voice came up.

"We've confirmed. About 10 minutes ago, M University was the sight of a shoot-out. Apparently today is a day-off for students, only teachers and department came today. A young girl walking by the campus was about to be pulled into a mysterious dark-blue vehicle, the very same one described to belong to the campus stalker, when a young man then tried confronting the attacker. The young woman then claims, at just the touch of the would-be male victim, the stalker pulled out a gun and shot at him, wounding him horribly on the right arm and right side of his waist. The stalker then ran off, his car being covered in blood. The girl immediately called the police and ambulance. Officers have yet to catch the man. Ambulances are already on the scene and-"

Miyagi then heard something hard fall on the floor in the other room. He slowly walked into the hallway and peaked thru the small window in the door that came between him and Hiroki. Inside he saw Hiroki staring shocked and scared at a tall man, wearing a big black coat and white scarf pointing something at him; a gun. On the floor, what had been dropped was a cell phone. For some reason, Hiroki was crying, but not because of the danger that stared him right in the face, but what he was probably told on the phone.

"L-let me go. I h-have to go to the hospital. I have to go the hospital! You asshole! Y-you shot him! Y-you monster! YOU SHOT NOWAKI!" Screamed Hiroki crying. The stranger removed the safety on the gun quickly.

"KAMIJO!" Yelled Miyagi as he busted into the room at full force.

a/n: Hiroki rules! :D
